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This article presents the history of the Latvian disjunctive conjunction jeb ‘or’ and analyzes its relationship with OLith. jeib ‘if’. Jeb as a disjunctive conjunction is a result of strictly Latvian development and originates from the... more
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      Historical LinguisticsHistorical SyntaxConnectivesConditionals
En el capítulo se analizan los aspectos diacrónicos más relevantes de las llamadas oraciones subordinadas concesivas, a partir de un marco teórico que establece la función de las concesivas como mecanismo de gestión de la... more
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      Historical SyntaxConcessive ClausesSemantic typology of concessive relations
Холодилова М. А. Условные и уступительные предложения в ингерманландском финском // Acta Linguistica Petropolitana. Труды Института лингвистических исследований РАН VIII, 1, 2012. С. 341–370.
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      ConditionalsFinnish LanguageIngrian FinnishConcessive Clauses
It is well known that Judeo-Spanish has been formed and has developed outside the Iberian Peninsula in the so-called Sephardic diaspora. It was disconnected from the evolution of peninsular Spanish for several centuries and was beyond the... more
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      Language contactJudeo-Spanish (Ladino) languageConcessive ClausesConcessive Conditionals
Since the beginning of the Sephardic diaspora in the Ottoman Empire, Judeo-Spanish has been in contact with different languages, both romance and others. The lexical borrowings from these languages are a characteristic element of... more
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      Language contactLanguages in ContactLadino (Judeo-Spanish) Language and LiteratureConcessive Clauses
Le proposizioni concessive occupano un posto particolare rispetto ad altre frasi avverbiali, in quanto comportano una maggiore elaborazione logica: non a caso appaiono tardi nel corso dell'apprendimento linguistico, sono poco adoperate... more
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      SyntaxConcessive Knowledge AttributionsConcessionConcessive Clauses
This contribution presents a comparative, corpus-based study of three concessive subordinators from English, German and Spanish, i.e., 'although', 'obwohl' and 'aunque'. It investigates differences in the distribution of these operators... more
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      PragmaticsSemanticsCorpus LinguisticsConcession
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      MorphologyImperativesConditional ClausesConcessive Clauses
Language, Cognition and Logic, Viewed from the Polysemy of a Japanese Formal Noun tokoro (location) The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate an approach to language as it relates to cognition and thought processes by looking into the... more
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      PragmaticsCognitive SemanticsConditionalsLexical Semantics
This paper gives complete guidelines for authors submitting papers for the AIRCC Journals. A sliding puzzle is a combination puzzle where a player slides pieces along specific routes on a board to reach a certain end configuration. In... more
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      Automated Reasoning (Computer Science)Automated reasoningModulationRelative Clauses
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      SemanticsSyntaxMorphologyTense and Aspect Systems
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      PragmaticsConditionalsScalar ImplicaturesConcessive Clauses
2007 « Continuity and discontinuity in discourse. Notes on yet and still. » in CELLE, A. et HUART, R. (ed.) Connectives as Discourse Landmarks John Benjamins. (177-194) yet and still each have three clearly differentiated uses relating... more
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      EnunciationTemporality and aspectualityTheory of the Predicative and Enunciative OperationConcessive Clauses
1998 « Notes on Wh- ever Concessive Constructions (Whatever they are) », Anglophonia, 4. Toulouse : Presses Universitaires du Mirail. (7-31) This paper aims to study the paradigm of concessive constructions involving WH -EVER markers.... more
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      Syntax-Semantics InterfaceTheory of the Predicative and Enunciative OperationSyntax and semanticsRectification
El tema del presente estudio es la expresión de la condicionalidad y de la concesividad en judeoespañol moderno escrito (1880-1930). En la primera parte, se expone el contexto histórico-político y sociocultural que permitió la formación... more
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      SyntaxConditionalsLanguage contactJudeo-Spanish (Ladino) language
Se lo studio della sintassi può apparire ai non appassionati arida materia, il presente volume è volto a sfatare questa communis opinio. Vi sono raccolti sette saggi che mettono in luce svariati aspetti della frase complessa: dalla... more
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      SyntaxCoordinationOld ItalianOld Italian Texts
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      Historical LinguisticsCatalan LanguageConcessive Clauses
1997 « An Enunciative Study of the Rectifying Concessive Constructions : Not that, Except and Only », Anglophonia, 2. Toulouse : Presses Universitaires du Mirail. (107-128) The concessive signification can be constructed by an... more
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      EnunciationTheory of the Predicative and Enunciative OperationRectificationConcessive Clauses
This article offers a diachronic view on the conditional and concessive clauses in Judeo-Spanish. The main research material is a corpus of Sephardic texts published in the Eastern Mediterranean between 1880 and 1930. The paper describes... more
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      SyntaxConditionalsJudeo-Spanish (Ladino) languageConcessive Clauses
This paper provides a basic description of the formal and functional features of the concessive conditional clauses marked by -təri in Marathi and by -temo in Japanese through a contrastive analysis. The major findings of the study are as... more
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      JapaneseLinguistic TypologyMarathi LanguageConcessive Clauses
In what follows I propose to study various combinations of the marker ALTHOUGH with the auxiliary DO in affirmative forms as illustrated by (1) below, for example: (1) ALTHOUGH an unhappy liaison with Rodin consumed much of her attention... more
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      EnunciationConcessive Clauses
O objetivo deste trabalho é investigar como a relação retórica de concessão é expressa por meio de orações hipotáticas adverbiais concessivas em um corpus constituído por elocuções formais (aulas) e entrevistas. A perspectiva teórica... more
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      Clause combiningRSTRhetorical Structure TheoryConcessive Clauses