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This paper discusses the most controversial subject of sex within a spiritual setting, as the holy yoke presented itself among fertility cults of ancient pagan cultures. It presents a fine treatment of the subject with findings rarely... more
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      Biblical StudiesNew Testament and Christian OriginsHistory of ProstitutionAncient Greece (History)
In this educational lesson plan, students will learn about a recent environmental struggle in Greece to prevent diseases caused by the water from affecting the population of a small village in the 19th-20th centuries. The conflict... more
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      Water qualityWater resourcesCorinthAncient Greece
The much shorter Archaiologikon Deltion for the single year of 2005 invariably offers far fewer reports on the work of the Archaeological Service than the four-year volume with which we were presented last year. This, in itself, is no bad... more
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      ArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyLandscape ArchaeologyFunerary Archaeology
A large assemblage of Byzantine glazed pottery from ancient Corinth, Greece was analysed by a multi-technique analytical approach in order to determine the production technology. The samples cover a long time period (10th-14th c. CE) and... more
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      CorinthCeramic Glaze TechnologyByzantine Glazed WaresSEM/EDS Analysis
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      Greek ArchaeologyCorinthRoman imperial cult
“Knowledge Puffs Up, but Love Builds Up” (1 Cor 8,1b) Paul’s Rule of Community Life According to 1 Cor 8,1 – 11,1 Summary: The present paper focuses on the problem of eidōlothyta in 1 Cor 8:1 – 11:1. The author starts with a brief study... more
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      SociologyRhetoricTheologyNew Testament
Amphiaraos-Krater: vol. 1, 1996, 609. Arkesilas-Maler: vol. 2, 1997, 8. Astarita-Krater: vol. 2, 1997, 117. Caeretaner Hydrien: vol. 2, 1997, 907 f. Chalkidische Vasenmalerei:: vol. 2, 1997, 1088 f. Chares (5): vol. 2, 1997,... more
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      ArchaeologyGreek VasesCorinthAthens
Resenha acadêmica. MACHADO, Jonas. O Misticismo Apocalíptico do Apóstolo Paulo: um Novo Olhar nas Cartas aos Coríntios na Perspectiva da Experiência Religiosa. São Paulo: Paulus, 2015. 294 pp. ISBN: 978-85-349-3089-5.
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      ApocalypticismEschatology and ApocalypticismApocalypticism In LiteratureApocalyptic Eschatology
Im Zentrum steht die Neuerwerbung des "Bacchanale" von Lovis Corinth, das hinsichtlich seiner spezifischen Antikenreption und im Kontext weiterer Werke des Künstlers sowie des einige Jahre älteren Arnold Böcklin betrachtet wird.... more
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      Art HistoryClassical Reception StudiesCorinthArnold Böcklin
A review of Bradley Bitner's monograph with SNTSMS for Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society
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      Biblical StudiesCorinthBiblical Studies, Pauline Epistles, First and Second Corinthians1 Corinthians
Η Μελέτη, περ. Β΄, 3 (2006), 281-314 (in Greek).
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      Modern Greek HistoryCorinthCorinthiaGreek press
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      Early ChristianityFunerary ArchaeologyLate AntiquityDeath and Burial (Archaeology)
The present article offers a concise comparison between the Vatican Council’s and Saint Paul’s teaching on marriage. Starting with the constitutions Gaudium et spes and Lumen gentium, the author demonstrates the council’s personalist... more
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      TheologyFamily studiesNew TestamentEarly Christianity
Η παρούσα μονογραφία, καρπός εικοσαετούς επιτόπιας έρευνας, φιλοδοξεί ν’ αναδείξει –μέσα από την πολιτισμική χαρτογράφηση περιοχών της Ελλάδας– όψεις και αναπαραστάσεις της μουσικής και του χορού ως διαδικασίες, που οδηγούν σε... more
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      EthnomusicologyCultural Heritage ManagementUrbanizationCorinth
In this article are presented ancient texts in English translation from the book of Pausanias the geographer Corinth which are related with Hekate. The places are Corinth, Argolis and Aegina.
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      History of ReligionAncient ReligionGoddess SpiritualityAncient Greek Religion
From the very initial versions of the saga of the Argonauts, the figure of Medea-bearer of superior knowledge expressed in her exceptional intellect-seems to be just as much of a cultural hero as Jason. Actually, Medea was a mythical... more
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      Classical ArchaeologyGreek LiteratureHistory of ReligionSocial and Cultural Anthropology
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      AnthropologyLanguages and LinguisticsTheologyNew Testament
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      CorinthRoman SculptureRoman Portraiture
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      New TestamentPauline LiteratureApostle Paul and the Pauline LettersPauline Theology
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      CiceroPhoenician Punic ArchaeologyCorinthCarthage (History)
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      Late Antique and Byzantine StudiesBioarchaeologyDeath StudiesPaleopathology
Although archaeoichthyological studies from the Aegean Sea are increasing, the discovery of zooarchaeological remains linked to processed fish from the Classical and Roman Antiquity remains scarce. The earliest faunal material hitherto... more
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      ArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyZooarchaeologyFish Remains (Zooarchaeology)
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      Pottery (Archaeology)RegionalismRoman PotteryRoman Economy
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      Late Antique ArchaeologyLate AntiquityCorinthAthens
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      Medieval StudiesEarly Medieval HistoryMedieval ArchaeologyByzantine Studies
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      New TestamentApostle Paul and the Pauline LettersBibleShame
Analisi del VII Inno Omerico in rapporto con le tradizioni locali corinzie; il ruolo dei tirreni, la vicinanza al mito di Arione e il forte peso rivestito dal culto di Dioniso a Corinto alla fine del VII secolo fanno pensare che l'Inno fu... more
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      CorinthHomeric HymnsArionLocal Traditions
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      Hellenistic HistoryEarly ChristianityEmperor JulianPhilostratus
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesMedieval ArchaeologyByzantine Studies
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      ArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyPottery (Archaeology)Ceramics (Ceramics)
During his second apostolic tour, Apostle St. Paul passed from Troas to Neapolis of Eastern Macedonia. This fact was crucial for the subsequent historical course and culture, not only of Greece, but also of Europe. From Neapolis, Paul... more
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      Greek EpicCorinthGreek Epic CycleEarly Greek epic
Despite popular contemporary interpretations that attempt to disassociate head coverings from Paul’s letter, a proper exegetical examination and historical analysis will reveal that Paul was particularly concerned about women wearing a... more
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      TheologyNew TestamentHistorical TheologyPractical theology
Description: An unparalleled assemblage of Archaic black-figure painted pinakes (plaques) was uncovered near Penteskouphia, a village west of ancient Corinth, over a century ago. The pinakes—represented by over 1,200 fragments—and their... more
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      Ceramic TechnologyCorinthAncient GreecePottery kilns
The research traces the history of the activities of the tyrants and of the major aristocratic families of Athens on the international level, from the end of the VII to the early V century B.C. Examined are both the private sphere, thus... more
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      International RelationsAchaemenid PersiaCorinthArchaic Greece
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      Tourism StudiesMedieval LiteratureMedieval HistoryRenaissance Studies
ΑΝΤΙΚΗΝΣΩΡ. Τιμητικός Τόμος Σπύρου Ν. Τρωιάνου για τα ογδοηκοστά γενέθλιά του, Συντακτική επιτροπή Βασιλική Λεονταρίτου, Καλλιόπη (Κέλλυ) Α. Μπουρδάρα, Ελευθερία Σπ. Παπαγιάννη / ANTECESSOR. Festschrift für Spyros N. Troianos N. zum 80.... more
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      Jewish HistoryByzantine HistoryCorinthPeloponnese in the Middle Ages
Given the closure of universities, research centers and libraries for Covid 19, I decided to upload the complete pdf of the articles even if the publishing house had asked not to do it (or at least, to wait a few years). But we are in an... more
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      Ancient HistoryArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyClassics
This article focuses on the exegesis of two words in 1 Corinthians 6:9- malakoi and arsenkoitai. Often translated as "homosexual" in English versions of the Bible [such as the New International Version], I argue that the terms would be... more
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      ChristianityQueer StudiesEthicsGreek Literature
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      CorinthCoroplastic StudiesMyrinaTanagra Figurines
The paper reflects on the relationship between the respective oligarchies of Corinth and Argos and proposes a theory to explain the events that connected the two cities between 392 and 386 BC. The analysis, including the lead up to and... more
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      DemocracyAncient Greece (History)CorinthOligarchy
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      Late Antique and Byzantine StudiesMedieval StudiesMedieval ArchaeologyByzantine Studies
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      Greek PotteryArchaeology of Mediterranean TradeCorinthPottery technology and function
Πρωτοσέλιδα του καταλόγου έκθεσης «Μνήμη και εντύπωμα» (Τεγέα, 8 Ιουνίου 2022 – 30 Ιουνίου 2023).
Front pages of the exhibition catalogue ‘Memory and Impression’ (Tegea, 8 June 2022 – 30 June 2023).
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      NumismaticsGreek ColonisationMemory StudiesCollective Memory
Δημοσίευση κεραμικής της μεσοβυζαντινής περιόδου από το οικόπεδο Γ. Κουτσούγερα (ανασκαφή 25ης ΕΒΑ) και σχολιασμός.
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      Byzantine StudiesByzantine ArchaeologyByzantine PotteryCorinth
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      Mycenaean era archaeologyCorinthMycenaean potteryMycenaean period
This is an unpublished master's thesis in Turkish language at the Dokuz Eylül University, submitted by Samet İkibeş in 2020 and focuses on Corinthian helmets from Mainland Greece between the eighth and fifth centuries B.C. The Corinthian... more
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      Military HistoryArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyClassics
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      Roman HistorySpartaHellenistic and Roman Asia MinorCorinth