Recent papers in DABIQ
During the onslaught of the Islamic caliphate on Kobanî, Syria, media outlets across the globe broadcast pictures of brave and often unveiled Kurdish women fighting the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIS), a quintessentially male... more
Islamic State publishes regularly a glossy called Dabiq, (until now, June 2015, 9 issues) which contains articles expressing the ideology of the Khalifate. Tilburg University has undertaken a research project focusing on the question of... more
The essay analyzes the character of the myth of the kingdom of the end of times underlining its connection with some of the most recent geopolitical dynamics on a global scale. The timeline that leads from the ancient beliefs to the... more
Negli ultimi anni, l’Italia non è stata colpita da attacchi terroristici di matrice jihadista, né ha sperimentato gli elevati livelli di radicalizzazione di alcuni dei suoi vicini europei. Significativamente, il numero di foreign fighters... more
Quando si parla di Stato Islamico il primo pensiero che salta alla mente riguarda la sua caratteristica di evento dirompente sul palcoscenico mediatico globale, che evoca una serie di emozioni intensamente negative, come la violenza, la... more
Objective: This article analyzes how the Islamic State (IS) employs Organization Impression Management in the imagery it displays in its official outreach magazine, Dabiq. Methods: We employ a quantitative content analysis of all 1,317... more
El presente estudio analiza la construcción y de la representación del califato como Estado por parte del Estado Islámico. Para ello, se ha utilizado la revista Dabiq al completo. En el análisis se establecerá la forma en la que ISIS se... more
Wprowadzenie do książki "Słowa w cieniu mieczy. Dabiq i narracja Państwa Islamskiego", Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego, Wrocław, 2020. http://www.wuwr.com.pl/products/2105.html An Introduction to the book "Words in the Shadow of... more
Are Islamists truly representing Islam’s nature? Or are they, in the end, hijacking Islam? Does Islam foster violence more than any other religion in the world? There are several narratives around these debates which had their peak during... more
This article investigates how the infamous terrorist organization Islamic State (ISIS) uses branding and political marketing as means to increase their intangible value and assets in order to influence their tangible (operational)... more
RESUMO: O presente artigo investiga a consolidação do Estado Islâmico na revista Dabiq publicada pelo grupo entre 2014 e 2016. Partimos da expressão Califado Virtualpara analisar, em três movimentos, como a... more
This chapter examines the narratives of radical Islamists and other extremely violent groups. In particular, the focus is on groups that rely, partially or exclusively, on terrorism to achieve their political ends. Terrorism can be seen... more
Interpreting the iconoclasm of the so-called Islamic State (IS) in Iraq and Syria through the lens of simulacra and the theory of Baudrillard, this essay examines video & first-hand testimonies in IS's publication Dabiq to understand the... more
Tento článek se zabývá analýzou časopisu Dabiq. Tento časopis je vydáván Islámským státem v Iráku a v Sýrii a slouží pro džihádistickou propagandu v anglickém jazyce. V předkládané práci je využita obsahová analýza. Zkoumány jsou... more
Over the last few years, Italy has occupied a relatively marginal position with respect to the jihadist threat. Nonetheless, the propaganda of the Islamic State mentions Italy and the bordering Vatican with a seemingly disproportionate... more
The Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS) is an Iraq-centred radical Islamic group which was mainly shaped in the body of the terrorist group, Al-Qaeda and then extended to a large region involving Syria. ISIS may be regarded as a... more
O Estado Islâmico, que tem se autoconstruído a partir de uma vertente religiosa radical, adotou desde o princípio o propósito de se verem cumpridas as profecias [1] , tornando real o Armagedão [2]. Os seus combatentes, futuros mártires,... more
Tento článek se zabývá analýzou časopisu Dabiq. Tento časopis je vydáván Islámským státem v Iráku a v Sýrii a slouží pro džihádistickou propagandu v anglickém jazyce. V předkládané práci je využita obsahová analýza. Zkoumány jsou... more
In diesem Beitrag wird nach einer kurzen Darstellung der Entstehung des Islamischen Staates das Propagandamagazin Dabiq betrachtet. Die darin enthaltenen End-zeitvorstellungen werden in den Kontext apokalyptischer Vorstellungen in... more
Cet article vise à montrer comment les pouvoirs musulmans omeyyade et abbasside s’approprièrent ce nouveau territoire frontalier, en insistant sur les représentations de Dābiq dans l’historiographie arabo-musulmane. Au temps des premiers... more
(EN) The lecture features the use of apocalyptic ideology and symbolism in the propaganda of the Islamic State: the ancient myth of the "Kingdom of the End of Times" is analyzed and proposed as reading key for the most recent geopolitical... more