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An analysis of suicide bombers in current conflicts has implications and consequences. This paper explores Islamic doctrine and terrorist narratives to understand the evolution of martyrdom in the service of defensive jihad.
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      Political Extremism/Radicalism/PopulismRadicalizationIslamic StudiesDoctrine of God
Thanks largely to the Kremlin’s information war, Ukraine’s ultranationalists have become global media stars of a sort, depicted in Western and other reports as key players in Ukraine’s third major political upheaval in less than a... more
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      Antisemitism (Prejudice)Post-Soviet RegimesFascismNeo-Fascism
The massacre of almost 50 Maidan protesters on February 20, 2014 was a turning point in Ukrainian politics and a tipping point in the conflict between the West and Russia over Ukraine. This mass killing of the protesters and the mass... more
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      SociologyCriminologyPolitical SociologyEastern European Studies
This paper presents an initial assessment of the results of a four month research project studying the Ultras 1 groups in BiH. This research contributed to the Bosnia & Herzegovina Resilience Initiative (BHRI) Programme (implemented by... more
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      Football (soccer)ViolenceBalkan StudiesRace and Ethnicity
The article is devoted to the investigation of methods of countering the spread of extremism and terrorism in the Internet in the European Union and the Russian Federation. The study was carried out on the basis of an analysis of the... more
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      TerrorismExtremismCitizen participationMethod
The article largely based on field research presents an analysis of the branches of Islam in contemporary Russia (North Caucasus region) and its influence on ethnically diverse society (on the example of Republic of Dagestan). In this... more
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      Russian PoliticsIslamic StudiesNorth CaucasusRussia
In the vast literature on terrorism the choice of weapons has received relatively limited attention, despite the importance and visibility of this topic. Building on the literature on innovation in terrorism, the article first proposes a... more
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      Social SciencesTerrorismPolitical Violence and TerrorismRadicalization
Čoraz častejšie sa terčom extrémistických skupín, populistických vyjadrení politikov a cirkvi stávajú príslušníci neheterosexuálnych menšín ako jednoduchý nástroj získavania politického kapitálu a vplyvu. V predloženom príspevku... more
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The questionnaire VEAS allows to evaluate a probability of accepting radical ideology as well a probability of violent behavior against some social groups. The questionnaire can be applied for diagnose of the personal dispositions... more
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      Political Extremism/Radicalism/PopulismTerrorism, Religious ExtremismExtremismRight Wing Extremism, Nationalism and Fascism in Past and Present
Violent extremism has become the global concern especially after the beginning of 21st Century. Therefore, understanding the various aspects of violent extremism particularly multifaceted communication strategies which will be fit to... more
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      CommunicationTerrorismPolitical Violence and TerrorismPakistan
The disruption and devastation created by the COVID-19 pandemic worldwide, be it in terms of loss of human life, economic uncertainties, health crisis or unemployment, is unprecedented. The impact of COVID-19 can be experienced in all... more
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      Digital MediaSocial MediaThe InternetExtremism
Мартинович, В.А. К проблеме определения понятия "религиозный экстремизм" // Журнал БГУ. Социология. – 2018. - №3. - С. 74-82.
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      TerrorismReligious ExtremismSectarianismReligious Fundamentalism
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      Political Extremism/Radicalism/PopulismRadicalizationReligious ExtremismExtremism
This book explores the moral psychology of devotion. In the first part of the book, I provide I analysis of devotion; an examination of its motivational role; and an explanation of its connection to a distinctive form of valuing, in which... more
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      EthicsPhilosophy of AgencyMoral PsychologyTerrorism
This joint report by the Institute for Strategic Dialogue (ISD) and the Combating Terrorism Center (CTC) at West Point offers a preliminary survey and analysis of one of the largest known online repositories of Islamic State materials in... more
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      ReligionSociologyTerrorismInternational Terrorism
Sayyid Quṭb è oggigiorno considerato come una delle figure simbolo del radicalismo contemporaneo. A questo proposito vogliamo brevemente indagarne il pensiero evidenziandone l’evoluzione. Gli eventi che Quṭb si trovò a vivere in prima... more
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      Islamic StudiesIslamMuslim-Christian RelationInterreligious Dialogue
Our understanding of the risk assessment of terrorist and extremist prisoners is in its infancy, yet this is clearly a critical issue. How can one tell if a prisoner is still dangerous or not? What are valid measures to assess risk and... more
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      Forensic PsychologyCriminal JusticeTerrorismPolitical Violence and Terrorism
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      American HistoryCriminologyAmerican StudiesTerrorism
Terrorism, radicalization and violent extremism dominate sociological, political and cultural concerns in today's polarized social and political world. However, the role of governments and issues relating to state terrorism and the... more
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      SociologyInternational TerrorismReligion and PoliticsPolitical Violence and Terrorism
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      Russian StudiesChinese StudiesSinologyChina
The questionnaire YES allows to evaluate a probability of accepting radical ideology as well a probability of violent behavior against some social groups. Conceptually, this technique is based on the psychological characteristics of... more
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      ViolencePolitical Violence and TerrorismPolitical Extremism/Radicalism/PopulismStereotypes and Prejudice
This paper discusses the growth of the populist radical right as a concrete example of the scenario where liberal democratic ideas are losing support in broadly liberal democratic societies. Our goal is to enrich John Rawls’s influential... more
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      Political PhilosophyPolitical TheoryLiberalismPolitical Extremism/Radicalism/Populism
Terrorism poses a serious threat to security of any region and South Asia has become one of the most dangerous regions of world due to terrorist activities. Since the inception of SAARC in 1985, concerns over terrorism have been showed... more
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      TerrorismInternational TerrorismSouth Asian StudiesSouth Asia
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      American HistoryAmerican PoliticsTerrorismRace and Racism
This provides an overview of the 1.5M ERC Starting Grant on the Epistemology and Ethics of fundamentalism that was recently awarded to me. I aim to carry out the research from 2020 to 2025 in the Philosophy Department (Faculty of... more
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      TerrorismInternational TerrorismHistory of FundamentalismPolitical Violence and Terrorism
In electoral terms, party-political ultranationalism has been unusually weak in post-Soviet Ukraine. In spite of their increased public visibility and rising nationalist sentiments within Ukraine’s population, the three major forces—the... more
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      Neo-FascismUkrainian StudiesPolitical Extremism/Radicalism/PopulismNationalism
The purpose of this chapter is to consider the question of whether respect for persons requires toleration of the expression of any extremist political or religious viewpoint within public discourse. The starting point of my discussion is... more
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      Hate SpeechFreedom Of ExpressionLibertarianismLibertarianism (Philosophy)
The madrasa and extremism interrelationship is a twenty-first-century discourse. It grabbed international limelight after terrorists struck United States on September 11, 2001, in one of the most audacious attacks ever leaving around 3000... more
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      TerrorismInternational TerrorismIndian studiesSouth Asian Studies
The article describes approaches to diagnosing the propensity to the violent extremism. As diagnostic categories, it is suggested to use dispositions reflecting a nonspecific tendency for extremist behavior and, depending on the... more
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      Political Extremism/Radicalism/PopulismCounter terrorismExtremismRadicalism
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      ReligionNew Religious MovementsComparative ReligionSociology
Riddled with spies, decimated by drones, plagued by infighting, Al-Qa'ida in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) looks like yesterday's problem. It is not. This brief paper outlines AQAP's external and internal challenges, then explains why the... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesTerrorismMiddle East StudiesIslamic Studies
During the “migration crisis” Serbia has been a transit country. However, several thousands of migrants and refugees remained “stuck” in the Western Balkans after the closure of the Balkan Route, and issues related to their potential... more
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      MigrationPolitical Extremism/Radicalism/PopulismExtremismRight-Wing Extremism
In any state, not all information is made public, as information flows that circulate in society are frequently regulated by censorship. Control can be established over the mass media, print and oral expression of view. Censorship may... more
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      Media StudiesCensorshipTerrorismPolitical Theory
The advent of digital technology gives rise to a world within our very own screens. Many often think that these worlds are entirely different from their everyday lives. However many often blur the line between reality and the internet.... more
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      Internet StudiesSilk RoadInternet & SocietyAnonymity
Resistance to girls’ education in Pakistan has long been an intractable problem; the lowest enrolment figures are in Pashtun areas. This study focused on Pashtun men’s perceptions of girls’ education. Pashtun men of diverse backgrounds... more
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      Women and Gender Issues in IslamGender and DevelopmentWomen and CulturePakistan Studies
William Shawcross review of the counter-terrorism Prevent strategy is conducted to a backdrop of terrorist attacks, and accusations Prevent is 'racist.' But Shawcross has been tasked to provide tough answers to hard questions.
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      Critical TheoryTerrorismSecurityFascism
Stressing that the pronoun "I" picks out one and only one person in the world (i.e., me), I argue against Hunt (and other like-minded Rand commentators) that the supposed "hard case" of destructive people who do not care for their own... more
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      ReligionComparative ReligionCriminologyPolitical Sociology
تحاول هذه المقالة البحث في مشكلة الغلوِّ والتطرُّف، لا في مظاهرها ونتائجها، وإنَّما بالبحث في جذورها الأولى، من خلال العودة إلى المدرسة الأولى التي تنشأ فيها معارفُ المرء، وميولاتُه ورغباته، وعواطفه؛ وهي الأسرة. ثمَّ هي محاولةٌ لمطارحة... more
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    • Extremism
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      Comparative PoliticsTypologyRace and RacismContemporary History
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      American HistoryCriminologyAmerican StudiesTerrorism
L’élection présidentielle du 22 avril 2007 et le scrutin législatif qui l’a suivie ont été une terrible désillusion pour Jean-Marie Le Pen et le Front national (FN). Après avoir dominé l’agenda politique et médiatique durant les années... more
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      Political SociologyPolitical BehaviorFrench HistoryPolitical Parties
Many have pointed out families to play a crucial role, both as a risk and protective factor, in radicalization leading to violence phenomena. Over the past few years, researchers and practitioners have recognized the importance of... more
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      TerrorismPolitical Violence and TerrorismPolitical Extremism/Radicalism/PopulismFamily
Dissertation an der Universität Leiden. Betreuer: Alex P. Schmid und Edwin Bakker. Radikalismus und Extremismus werden zwar oft verwendet, doch sehen sie sich als Konzepte bzw. Begriffe beide der Kritik ausgesetzt; dies hat nicht... more
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      SecuritySecurity StudiesPolitical Violence and TerrorismPolitical Extremism/Radicalism/Populism
ISBN 9783967760293 • Als Teil des "Jahrbuch Innere Führung 2021/22" erläutern die Autoren wie bedeutend Initiativen im Kontext der Landes- und Bündnisverteidigung sind, warum dabei der Einsatz gegen Extremismus in den Streitkräften... more
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      NATOSecurity StudiesPolitical Extremism/Radicalism/PopulismSocial Media
Der Autor gehörte bis Mitte 2020 zu den Verantwortlichen für Social Media in der Bundeswehr. In die Kritik geriet er, als das NDR-Magazin Panorama im Juli 2020 über seine Social-Media-Aktivitäten eine anscheinende Nähe zu rechtsradikalen... more
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      JournalismDigital JournalismPolitical Extremism/Radicalism/PopulismLeft Wing Extremism
Studiul de față încearcă să prezinte câteva din problemele cu care se confruntă Europa – în speță Europa de Est- precum xenofobia, rasismul și anti-semitismul, atitudini care alimentează o creștere a forței partidelor de extremă dreapta.... more
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Depuis un quart de siècle, plusieurs partis d’extrême droite ou de la droite populiste ont opéré une percée dans leur système politique national : le Front national en France, le FPÖ en Autriche, le parti du progrès en Norvège et au... more
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      Political SociologyEuropean StudiesComparative PoliticsEuropean integration
Collective statement by experts on Ukrainian nationalism on the role of far right groups in Ukraine’s protest movement, and a warning about the Russian imperialism-serving effects of some supposedly anti-fascist media reports from Kyiv
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      Information WarfareFascismNeo-FascismUkrainian Studies
This paper analyzes the role of far right in the Ukrainian politics during the “Euromaidan” and the war in Donbas. The issue of the involvement of Ukrainian far right organizations in the “Euromaidan” and the war in Donbas have... more
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      SociologyPolitical SociologyEastern European StudiesCriminal Justice