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The Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) is the result of a convergence of multiple Chinese domestic drivers and external developments. It holds significant potential to contribute to greater connectivity and stability in participating states,... more
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      China's foreign policyUzbekistanMyanmarBelarus
Slavs in the Making takes a fresh look at archaeological evidence from parts of Slavic-speaking Europe north of the Lower Danube, including the present-day territories of the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, Belarus, Ukraine, and... more
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      Czech HistorySociolinguisticsMigrationEarly Medieval Archaeology
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      Political ScienceBelarus
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      Eastern European historySecond World WarMediaBorderland Studies
Авсюк А.А. Сравнительная характеристика индустриальных парков в Беларуси и Китае /А.А. Авсюк // Новые горизонты: cборник материалов Белорусско-Китайского молодежного инновационного форума / БНТУ. – Минск, 2017. - T. 2. С.33-35.... more
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      Eastern EuropeChinaBelarusIndustrial Parks
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      Gender StudiesJewish StudiesSoviet HistoryHistory and Memory
Belarus at Sea

(review of Альгерд Бахарэвіч. 2020.  Апошняя кніга пана А. Менск: Янушкевіч / Alhierd Bacharevič. 2020. Apošniaja kniha pana A. [Mr A.’s Last Book]. Miensk: Januškievič, 500pp, ISBN 9789857210541, 9788090735927)
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      Cultural StudiesEuropean StudiesDystopian LiteratureLiterature
The ‘Eastern Partnership Youth Policy Analytic Report’ (EYPAR) was prepared between September and December 2015, following a request by the European Commission (DG NEAR) to provide a study on youth policy developments in the... more
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      Eastern PartnershipGeorgiaAzerbaijanArmenia
«Угнанное детство»: методология научного поиска Сбор и изучение воспоминаний малолетних жертв нацистской истребительной политики на Северо-западе СССР был начат более года назад. В феврале 2011 г. исследовательская группа, собранная... more
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      Oral historySecond World WarPhotography (Visual Studies)Baltic States
Авсюк А.А. Китайский выездной туризм: потенциал Беларуси, направления и меры поддержки / А. А. Авсюк // Природное и историко-культурное наследие Восточной Европы как объект социально-географических исследований: материалы Международной... more
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      ChinaFarm TourismChinese outbound tourismBelarus
The Freedom of the Press ranking recently published by Freedom House has found Belarus’ media environment to be Europe’s most restrictive. The ranking placed Belarus as 192nd out of 199 countries and territories within the “worst of the... more
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      Comparative PoliticsBelarusian StudiesPolitical SciencePolitics of Belarus
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      Slavic LanguagesBorder StudiesBelarusian StudiesPost-colonial Studies (Belarusian Studies)
The chapter examines the contractual relations between the EU and Belarus as they stand today and the future possibilities given the rocky history of relations. The main international agreement between the parties is still a legacy... more
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      International LawEuropean UnionBelarus
The E40 notably may lead to the revitalization of a centuries-old transcontinental transportation/trade corridor, connecting two important European seas and more deeply integrating Ukraine (and Belarus) into the EU’s infrastructural and... more
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      Political Geography and GeopoliticsEuropean StudiesEuropean integrationGeopolitics
During moments of nationwide mass mobilization, what distinguishes the towns and cities that rise in the first week from those that do not see protest? Taking the case of nationwide protests in Belarus in August 2020, this study employs... more
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      Social NetworksProtestPolitics of BelarusProtest Movements
The USSR ceased to exist 28 years ago, and there are generations of young people who were born after the dissolution. Mobility opportunities are now abundant and easily available to them. Yet the Soviet past still shapes the post-Soviet... more
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      Cultural MemoryPost-SocialismMoldovaStudent Mobility
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Purpose The purpose of this paper is to comprehensively explore marketing issues for foreign industrial companies of large, small and medium size entering emerging markets (EMs), particularly transition economies in Eastern Europe. The... more
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      BusinessManagementMarketingBusiness Administration
Guest editor of a special issue of the Journal of Soviet and Post-Soviet Politics and Society 2(1) (2016), ‘Gender, Nationalism, and Citizenship in Anti-Authoritarian Protests in Belarus, Russia, and Ukraine’.... more
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      Russian StudiesGender StudiesBelarusian StudiesGender and Sexuality
Belarus, as one of the least reformed post-Soviet countries, needs a large-scale privatization. Two attempts of privatization (1990-1996 and 2007-2013) failed, market reforms were stopped and reversed by Nomenklatura and President... more
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      EconomicsDevelopment EconomicsBelarusian StudiesHistory of the USSR
The article covers the issue of Belarusian social advertising. This media segment is divided into three groups (1) social advertising regulated by the governmental order and public announcement strategy; (2) social advertising that is... more
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      Human EcologyBelarusian StudiesAdvertisingAdvertising And Social Culture
...В этом контексте интересна новая книга “Национальность – беларус”, написанная доктором истории из Белостока Олегом Латышонком, одним из лидеров беларусского исторического общества. Автор пытается ответить на вопрос “Откуда пошла... more
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      Eastern European StudiesBelarusian StudiesБеларусазнаўстваБеларусь
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      Belarusian StudiesNationalismNationalism And State BuildingInterwar Period History
Jakub Grygar je sociolog a antropolog a v sou časnosti působí na Institutu sociologických studií Fakulty sociálních věd Univerzity Karlovy. Dříve se věnoval sociálnímu vyloučení a nyní se zabývá migrací, antropologií hranic a sociální... more
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      MigrationInternational MigrationMigration StudiesPoland
В издательстве УП «ИВЦ Минфина» вышла коллективная монография специалистов Агентства стратегического и экономического развития и Республиканского союза туристической индустрии «Белорусский туризм в условиях глобальной эпидемиологической... more
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      Belarusian StudiesBelarus
Боны.Рогачевская городская управа.1918 год
Рогачевский городской банк
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      Russian HistoryБеларусьRussian Civil WarBelarusian History
В книге предлагается философский анализ происхождения и структуры политики, учитывающий её экзистенциальное значе- ние и ведущий к понятию «политическая жизнь». При этом «по- литическая жизнь» рассматривается прежде всего через привязку к... more
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      PhilosophyPolitical PhilosophyJan PatockaHannah Arendt
Фотографии Белорусского отдельного батальона Литовской армии (1920-1923 гг.)
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      Military HistoryBelarusian StudiesInterwar Period HistoryLithuanian History
The construction materials used in Mir Castle
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      BelarusBuilding MaterialsChemical AnalysisCastle
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      Jewish StudiesBelarusian StudiesBelarusSoviet Jewry
У артыкуле аналізуюцца асноўныя прынцыпы і інструменты этнічнай ідэнтыфікацыі і катэгарызацыі беларусаў і літоўцаў у ХІХ ст. Метадалагічным падмуркам даследавання сталі палажэнні тэарэтыкаў канструктывісцкага напрамку вывучэння феномена... more
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      EthnographyEthnologyCategorizationIdentity and Identification
Work of P. A. Rudling about national movement in Belarus in the end of imperial time of Russian history, problems with lithuanian and polish vision of belarussians and activity of nationalists in the USSR about creation of national state... more
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      HistoryNationalismNational IdentityBelarus
This article is based on research of political participation practices of Belarusian political and social activists who employed Internet platforms such as social networks or websites in their campaigns. With the proliferation of the... more
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      Belarusian StudiesPolitical communicationSocial ActivismSocial Media
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Статья посвящена рассмотрению содержания периодической печати, издававшейся на оккупированных нацистами в годы Великой Отечественной войны  на оккупированных территориях. Фашистские захватчики в пропагандистских целях активно... more
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      HistoryOccupation and Resistance in WW2Nazi GermanyPapers
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      Belarusian StudiesBelarusian HistoryPolish Interwar HistoryBelarus
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      EnergyOil RefiningRussiaBelarus
У артыкуле аналізуецца роля гарадоў як асяродкаў беларускага нацыянальнага руху ў міжваеннай Заходняй Беларусі. Нягледзячы на тое, што беларусы складалі меншасць сярод гарадскога насельніцтва, беларускі кампанент у той ці іншай ступені... more
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      Belarusian StudiesUrban StudiesInterwar Period HistoryBelarusian History
Access to environmental information in Belarus. Exercising and defending the right.
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      CourtsEnvironmental Law and Human RightsBelarusAarhus Convention
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      Anthropology of FoodPolandBelarusBorderland
The publication presents key youth policy developments in Eastern Partnership countries and in the Russian Federation. It also focuses on challenges that young people and youth organisations from the region face, and presents selected... more
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      Political ScienceEuropean UnionYouth Civic EngagementGeorgia
I made ​​changes to the description of kinship compared with the previous article published in 2006.
I describe concepts of "svaje", "svajaki," "radn'a" that are close in meaning to the concepts of relatives, family in English.
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      Sociology of FamiliesKinship (Anthropology)FamilyAnthropology of Kinship
This article describes the history of the icon of the Virgin Mary from Fashchevka / Faščaŭka village (Shklov district, Mogilev region, Belarus) ◆◆◆ У гэтым артыкуле выкладзена гісторыя абраза Панны Марыі з Фашчаўкі (Шклоўскі раён,... more
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      HistoryArt HistoryHistory of ReligionBelarusian Studies
Исследование основано на систематическом мониторинге материалов русскоязычной веб-страницы Sputnik Беларусь в 2019 году, который включал в себя около 5000 новостных публикаций на общественно-политическую и международную тематику, около... more
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      Media StudiesBelarusian StudiesPropagandaRussian media
У манаграфіі здзейснена навуковая рэканструкцыя панарамы музычнай культуры Беларусі да ХХ стагоддзя, прадстаўленай як эпахальна-стылявы працэс. Выданне адрасавана знаўцам і аматарам гісторыі айчыннай культуры, студэнтам вышэйшых... more
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      MusicologyHistory of musicBelarus
Означивание национальной идентичности – процесс сложный и неоднозначный. Он может включать институализацию определенной версии национальной истории, культуры, языка, территории, а также чувства национальной принадлежности своих граждан. В... more
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      Belarusian StudiesБеларусазнаўстваБеларусьнационализм
В книге предлагается целый спектр определений понятия европе- изации: от «европеизации политики» и «европеизации сверху и снизу» до европеизации социальных практик, знания и повседневной куль- туры. Все эти стратегии помещаются авторами в... more
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      Belarusian StudiesPolitics of BelarusBelarus