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This article surveys scholarly contributions to the study of Catholic devotional practice in the Americas, tracing how historical, sociological, and ethnographic studies have examined the relationship between devotion, gender, and... more
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      Gender StudiesCatholic StudiesMasculinitiesMaterial Culture
Chap. 13. The end of the donor portrait in the Dutch Republic left a gap in the artistic repertoire of spiritual self-imagination. The absence of portraits in ecclesiastical environments, as part of a commemorative cult, has stimulated... more
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      Art HistoryTheologyVisual CultureReformation Studies
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      Medieval Iberian HistoryQueenship (Medieval History)Medieval Crown of AragonCourt Culture
Chapitre 8 de la thèse de doctorat de Bruno Restif, soutenue en décembre 2004 à l'Université Rennes 2 Haute-Bretagne sous la direction d'Alain Croix : La Paroisse, cadre d'application de la Réforme catholique en Haute-Bretagne (diocèses... more
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      IconographyEarly Modern HistoryPaintingCatholic Reform
Newsletter of the Centre of Jaina Studies at SOAS, March 2018, Issue 13
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      JainismPleasureDrama and TheaterDevotion
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      Christian SpiritualityDevotionTheology of Sacred Heart of Jesus
The folio is a depiction of the arma Christi or Weapons of Christ – instruments used during Christ’s Passion. The instruments of the Passion first appear in visual imagery in the ninth century in the Utrecht Psalter (figure 2). In figure... more
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      Middle AgesIlluminationManuscriptDevotion
"Representations", N. 129, Winter 2015. The essay analyzes the project of maintaining the body of V. I. Lenin in the Mausoleum in Moscow for the past ninety years, focusing on the unique biological science that developed around this... more
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      HistoryEuropean HistoryHistory of Science and TechnologyModern History
This essay is an analytical study of Narayan Waman Tilak's life and its impact on Hindu-Christian interactions. Tilak was an Indian Christian from a Brahmin background who advocated Christ-Bhakti (a profound Indianised experience of... more
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      ChristianityHinduismContextual TheologiesAvatars
COMPLETE EDITION De Beenhouwer J., Terracotta Figurines and Devotion in Roman Tongeren, Atuatuca 5, Publications of the Gallo-Roman Museum of Tongeren, Tongeren, 2014.
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      ReligionAncient ReligionTerracotta FigurinesGallia
This paper describes my experience of Chakrapani Ullal. Chakrapani was one of the great master's  of vedic astrology..
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      ReligionHinduismComparative ReligionCultural Studies
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      History of the BookMiniature BooksAvicennaDevotional literature
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      AugustineNicholas of CusaTransfigurationDevotional
Artigo originalmente publicado em Religião & Sociedade, v. 24, n.1, p. 46-64, 2004. O artigo analisa os pedidos feitos a Santo Antônio de Pádua (ou de Lisboa) em um santuário católico da cidade do Rio de Janeiro. A partir de material... more
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      Material ReligionReligion and Popular CultureDevotionAnthropology of Religion
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      AlgebraChemistryInstructional DesignSoutheast Asian Studies
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      XVII centuryPietyFlorenceDevotion
Da oltre mezzo secolo la letteratura scientifica sui quadroni di san Carlo Borromeo, apparato effimero - silloge di ‘storie’ e miracoli carolini - realizzato per il Duomo di Milano, fa costante riferimento alle pionieristiche e... more
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      History of ArtChurch HistoryMilanoVeneranda Biblioteca Ambrosiana
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      Holy WeekDevotional musicEtnomusicologiaEtnomusicología, Músicas del mundo, Músicas indígenas, Perspectivismo y Ontología indígena, Música del Amazonas
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      Art HistoryMaterial Culture StudiesMaterial culture of religionEarly Medieval Archaeology
It is not easy to understand the nature of the guru and understanding the nature of the guru can be bewildering. There is often bewilderment about the guru. One source of the bewilderment is that people think that the guru is an... more
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      Critical TheoryReligionGnosticismBuddhism
"Saint Pantaleon of "Oporto": a paradigm on invention of relics in the late Middle Ages. Nuno Resende Abstract, objective and empirical support: The purpose of our work is to evaluate the importance of the presence, in the city of... more
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Frauhammer Krisztina volt az első hazai néprajzkutató, aki könyvet írt az imádságnak egy fé-lig-meddig rejtett, ám annál elterjedtebb fajtájáról, a kegyhelyeken, templomi vendégköny-vekben hagyott írásokról, melyekben az emberek rövid... more
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      Sociology of ReligionCommunicationAnthropology of PilgrimagePilgrimage
Themes : Choir, architecture and liturgy in the French cathedrals ; History of the Rheims Cathedral ; Gallicanism and liturgy in 18th Century France ; Images and meditation in the 17th century ; Religious painting in Brittany during the... more
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      Visual StudiesIconographyPaintingReligious architecture
Available in open access: https://www.storiapatriagenova.it/BD_vs_contenitore.aspx?Id_Scheda_Bibliografica_Padre=6108&Id_Progetto=0 This article analyses two wills drawn up by Manuele Zaccaria, scion of a powerful family of merchants,... more
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      HistoryHigh Middle AgesLate Middle AgesMedieval History
English alabasters played a seminal role in the artistic development of late medieval and early modern Europe. Carvings made of this lustrous white stone were sold throughout England and abroad, and as a result many survived the... more
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      Material Culture StudiesMedieval EnglandMateriality (Anthropology)Piety (Religion)
Chapitre 5 de la thèse de doctorat de Bruno Restif, soutenue en décembre 2004 à l'Université Rennes 2 Haute-Bretagne sous la direction d'Alain Croix : La Paroisse, cadre d'application de la Réforme catholique en Haute-Bretagne (diocèses... more
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      Catholic ReformHistory of MissionsHistory of the ClergyPredication
Este trabalho reconstitui e interpreta o relacionamento entre o antropólogo Luiz de Castro Faria e o arqueólogo Pe. João Alfredo Rohr, S.J., conforme este é testemunhado pela documentação epistolar, administrativa e fotográfica constante... more
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      Cultural HeritageHistory of ChristianityHistory of ScienceHistory of Social Sciences
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      Latin EpigraphyCultDevotionSkills in Tenpin Boling
La traduction française du dernier livre de Patti Smith, Devotion, est parue en octobre 2018 chez Gallimard. Estimant que l'essentiel n'avait pas été dit, Pascale Mottura expose ici un point de vue différent des - généralement bonnes-... more
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      DevotionTriptyquePatti SmithEugenia
Adnan Oktar (Harun Yahya) Now, at the beginning of the twentyfirst century, Darwin's theory of evolution is rapidly losing its scientific crediHbility. This theory, which materialists embraced at the turn of the 20th century and imposed... more
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      GodAnimalsHarun YahyaDevotion
Since the nineteenth century, Bernhard Plockhorst's Jesus as the Good Shepherd has enjoyed great popularity and is reproduced in a wide variety of media, appearing in American homes, schools, and churches and even Hollywood sets. Jesus as... more
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      Religion and Popular CultureProtest MovementsDevotion
This paper discusses the experiences and challenges of the Legion of Mary (LOM) in the Philippines using descriptive qualitative research in the form of oral interview and text survey methods among the selected Legionaries. LOM is a... more
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      Religious EducationChristian SpiritualityVirgin MaryDevotion
in La memoria di Ambrogio di Milano. Usi politici di una autorità patristica in Italia (secc. V-XVIII), a cura di Patrick BOUCHERON – Stéphane GIOANNI, Roma-Paris 2015 (Collection de l’École Française de Rome, 503; Publications de la... more
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      IconographyHagiographyEarly Modern HistoryChurch History
This Leader's Guide and Bible Study are resources of the Coalition for Christian Outreach (CCO), a parachurch college ministry that calls college students to serve Jesus Christ with their entire lives.
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      TheologyPractical theologySpiritualityChristian Spirituality
The paper analyses the role of pilgrimage sites in Bavaria, Austria, Bohemia, and Hungary in the representation of Emperor Leopold I. This subject illustrates the strong relations between the kingdoms and regions once constituting the... more
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      PilgrimageHabsburg StudiesDevotionSelf Representation
Resumo: Conhecida pela tradição ocidental e pela Igreja como padroeira da música, Santa Cecília é, na verdade, apenas uma mártir cristã. O artigo parte de três representações paulistas de Santa Cecília martirizada executadas pelos... more
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      Art HistoryHistory of SculptureHistory of ArtChurch History
This contribution explores a peculiar kind of annotation in Arabic multiple-text manuscripts. These manuscripts were often compiled as a personal ‘one-volume library’, containing copies and excerpts of a unique selection of texts.... more
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      ReligionSociologyArabicManuscript Studies
La première partie de ce texte explore les transformations subjectives déchaînées par le processus de formation des réductions, plus concrètement, la manière dont le modèle de la personne indigène s’est progressivement déplacé vers le... more
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      Colonial Religion in Latin AmericaEarly modern religion and cultureColonial religionDevotion
Para los doctrineros, la asidua asistencia de los indios a las fiestas patronales, las dedicadas a otros santos y las demás funciones de iglesia, que se celebraban en las iglesias de las parroquias y anejos de los curatos de Atacama,... more
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      EthnohistoryDevotionSan Pedro de Atacama
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      Late Middle AgesHagiographyMedieval IconographyGothic Art
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      Irish HistoryJesuitsGesuitiDevotion
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This essay explores the pedagogy of Dza Patrul Rinpoche (1808–1887), a well-respected Buddhist teacher from Eastern Tibet, by considering examples where Patrul frames his teachings as oratorical performances. Patrul operates under the... more
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      BuddhismPerformancePedagogyTibetan Buddhism
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      Domestic SpaceLate Medieval Religion, Monasticism and DevotionMedieval Devotional CulturePadua
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      PrayerPersonalismCatholic SpiritualityDevotions
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      ReligionMedieval StudiesMedieval Iberian HistoryMedieval Crown of Aragon
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      Local HistoryBaroqueDevotion
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      Visual CultureHistory of the SensesSpanish Colonial PeruWomen and Gender Studies
Séminaire Culture matérielle et pratiques dévotionnelles dans les sociétés chiites
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Cet article interroge la place de la musique et des plaisirs sensibles et intelligibles dans les stratégies pastorales mises en place dans la Rome pré-baroque.
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      Early MusicIntellectual History of the Baroque PeriodEarly Modern CatholicismRoman Catholicism