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      San Pedro de AtacamaArchaeology of Atacama DesertAtacamenian Culture
In his preface to the 1867 German edition of Das Kapital, Karl Marx famously warned that things like value, capital, profit, rent, and tax cannot be discovered with the aid of a microscope and chemical analysis, hinting to the distinct... more
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      WaterWater resourcesPhilosophy Of LawStandards
Este proyecto trazó un camino de compromisos a fin de aunar esfuerzos desde diversos campos y disciplinas, para buscar, rescatar, registrar y poner en valor los conocimientos vernáculos y científicos en torno a la observación del Cielo... more
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      San Pedro de AtacamaAstronomía Cultural
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      Historical ArchaeologySan Pedro de Atacama
Este artículo analiza los efectos del colonialismo sobre las maneras en que las poblaciones subalternizadas plantean relaciones de alteridad con sus ancestros y con los vestigios arqueológicos de sus entornos. Desde una perspectiva que... more
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      Bolivian studiesArqueología históricaIdentidadAntropología cultural
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      TiwanakuAnthropology of ShamanismAnthropology of HallucinogensChamanismo
El presente artículo observa las dinámicas sociales y los efectos que produce el turismo en la comunidad de San Pedro de Atacama, Chile. ¿Cómo se construye, se apropia y valora el patrimonio en función del turismo? ¿Cómo se muestra y... more
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      TurismoTurismo RuralPatrimonioSan Pedro de Atacama
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      ShamanismEntheogensAnthropology of ShamanismChamanismo
El estudio de la tecnología, estilo, iconografía y algunos datos del contexto de los textiles hallados en un entierro colectivo en una cueva en la localidad de Pulacayo (este del salar de Uyuni, Depto. de Potosí, Bolivia) lleva a vincular... more
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      EthnographySan Pedro de Atacama
Considering the textiles from archaeological settlements and cemeteries located from cero m.a.s.l. to 3,200 m.a.s.l. we build a synthesis of the development of textiles in the Atacamenian region (northern Chile, South Central Andes), from... more
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      Material Culture StudiesArchaeological textilesArchaeological textiles and clothingAtacama Desert
Un documento fechado en 1674 y referido a una campaña de extirpación de ídolos llevada a cabo en Atacama (Lasana, Caspana y Ayquina), parece dar cuenta de la sobrevivencia en contexto colonial de ciertos instrumentos del culto religioso... more
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      HallucinogensAtacama DesertSan Pedro de AtacamaLoa river
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      Andean ArchaeologyChilean and Andean ArchaeologyTiwanakuArqueología Andina
The life-histories of gold artefacts can provide rich insight into technology and culture, but so far the potential of this research approach has not been exploited in the south central Andes. Here we present the analysis of 34 gold and... more
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      ArchaeologyMetallurgyTiwanakuportable XRF (PXRF) in Archaeology and Museum Science
Pre-Hispanic Andean textiles constitute the longest continuous textile record in the world, their structure and design being one of the most significant markers of group identity in Andean populations. Since the Late Formative Period (ca.... more
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      TextilesSocial InteractionProvenance studies of archaeological materialMobility
This paper critically analyses the traditional approaches for explaining the origins and development of Formative Period societies in the San Pedro de Atacama oasis. We evaluate the local formative process in the axes of the oases with... more
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      ChileSettlement archaeologyFormative Andean archaeologySan Pedro de Atacama
1. ¿En qué consiste el ensayo de prueba de los ángeles? Colocar el material en un tambor giratorio junto con 11 bolas de acero o una carga abrasiva, luego tamizar el material y extraer el que queda retenido en el tamiz 1.6 mm. 2. ¿Cuál es... more
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    • San Pedro de Atacama
Studies of archaeological goldwork in the Americas are increasingly revealing a rich variety of context-specific ways in which gold items were produced and valued, but research attention has largely focused on visually striking artefacts.... more
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      Metalwork (Archaeology)Tiwanakuportable XRF (PXRF) in Archaeology and Museum ScienceSan Pedro de Atacama
The present papel' attempts to describe la función propia de numerosos conjuntos the function of the many stone-heap structures found at the Ghatchi site (San Pedro de Pedro de Atacama, Province of Antofagasta), along the hill tops and... more
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      Atacama DesertSan Pedro de AtacamaArchaeology of Atacama Desert
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      portable XRF (PXRF) in Archaeology and Museum ScienceSan Pedro de AtacamaGold Metallurgy
Para los doctrineros, la asidua asistencia de los indios a las fiestas patronales, las dedicadas a otros santos y las demás funciones de iglesia, que se celebraban en las iglesias de las parroquias y anejos de los curatos de Atacama,... more
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      EthnohistoryDevotionSan Pedro de Atacama
The spatiotemporal analysis of mountain worship in the indigenous community of Socaire, Atacama, northern Chile, relates to cultural, geographical, climatic, psychological, and astronomical information gathered from ethno archaeological... more
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      ArchaeologyLandscape ArchaeologyHistory of ChileArchaeoastronomy
The analysis of archaeological ceramics has rapidly evolved over the last decades by the application of new analytical techniques. An emerging analytical proposal to fully characterise archaeological ceramics using automated SEM... more
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      Pottery (Archaeology)Ceramic PetrographyEarly Neolithic pottery technologyArchaeometry, archaeological science, ceramics
A partir del estudio de la textilería de sitios del Período Medio de San Pedro de Atacama se intenta definir el comportamiento que la sociedad local tuvo frente al fenómeno Tiwanaku. Se propone que los nexos con el Estado altiplánico... more
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      TextilesChileTiwanakuArchaeological textiles
Until now, the cultural sequence of San Pedro de Atacama -principally of pottery and cemeteries-, is the most important referent to the archaeological study of Atacama territory. Nevertheless, the researche increase since sixties in the... more
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      ArchitectureTextilesMaterial Culture StudiesChile
This article presents a characterization of polished thinwares found at the site of Coyo Aldea contextualized by recent scholarly advances in the transition between the Formative and Middle Periods (ca. AD 100-700) in San Pedro de... more
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      Ceramic Analysis (Archaeology)Atacama DesertSan Pedro de Atacama
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      ViolenceSan Pedro de AtacamaPaleoepidemiology
Flamingos invert expectations. Often thought of as tropical birds in the United States, all three South American species of Flamingo are found in the high, arid and inhospitable environments of the altiplanos. Native to South America, the... more
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      LithiumFlamingosLithium-Ion BatteryGroundwater characterisation and aquifer modeling
¿Qué pasa con los objetos? Debemos insistir en que, a pesar del impacto que Tiwanaku tuvo en esos tiempos, en la región atacameña no se ha constatado la existencia de objetos híbridos que puedan ser calificados como tiwanaku-atacameño: o... more
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      BioarchaeologyTiwanakuMaterialitiesSan Pedro de Atacama
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      ArchaeologyArchaeological ChemistryMummiesSan Pedro de Atacama
Here we evaluate Bhattacharya et al.’s (2018) recent paper “Whole-genome sequencing of Atacama skeleton shows novel mutations linked with dysplasia” published in Genome Research. In this short report, we examine the hypothesis that the... more
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El yacimiento de Guatin, posee los parametros para el estudio integral de la cultura atacameña, debido a la presencia de multiples factores bioticos y abioticos en una isla de poblacion tipica dentro de la ecologia del borde de la puna.... more
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      San Pedro de AtacamaArchaeology of Atacama DesertAtacamenian Culture
The consumption of plant-derived hallucinogenic substances through smoking and snuffing is a long-standing tradition in the south-central Andes. Chemical and archaeobotanical evidence point to the consumption of nicotine and tryptamine... more
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      NicotineHair AnalysisSan Pedro de AtacamaPsychoactive Alkaloids
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      ArtHallucinogensAtacama DesertSan Pedro de Atacama
Conference: XIX International Conference on Raman Spectroscopy, ICORS 2004At: Gold Coast (Australia)
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      TextilesMummiesPigmentsNorthern Chile
From San Pedro de Atacama, Chile we examine the alleged relationship with Tiwanaku. Our investigation focuses on elaborate and plain textiles with associated ceramics and recent bio-archaeological data that allow us to question this... more
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      TextilesTiwanakuSan Pedro de AtacamaSolcor 3 site
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      TradingAguada cultureSan Pedro de AtacamaInterregional interaction
El Período Formativo ha sido concebido como el momento en que las sociedades “arcaicas” de tradición cazadora recolectora incorporan e implementan estrategias económicas novedosas que permitirán la producción de distintos niveles de... more
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      Formative PeriodSan Pedro de AtacamaEmergent Complexity
We give the results of an archaeological survey of the oases of San Pedro and the Vilama basin. This initial approach to early human settlement in the locality aims to update and give contents to the chronological and cultural sequence of... more
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      Settlement PatternsChileSettlement archaeologyArchaeological survey
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      portable XRF (PXRF) in Archaeology and Museum ScienceSan Pedro de AtacamaGold Metallurgy
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      AnthropologySocial SciencesSocial and Cultural AnthropologyLaw and Society
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      ChileArchaeological surveyFormative PeriodSettlements
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      HistoryBolivian studiesColonialismArqueología histórica
En este trabajo se presenta un analisis iconografico detallado de la estela Ponce y su relacion con el uso de inhalantes visionarios. Primero se examina la posicion y contexto de la escultura dentro del sitio arqueologico. Segundo, los... more
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      ArtTiwanakuAnthropology of ShamanismAnthropology of Hallucinogens
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      Medical AnthropologyAndean studiesSan Pedro de Atacama
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      ArchaeologyMusicologyAndesMusic Archaeology
El material recogido muestra una realidad
un tanto diferente a la conocida hasta hoy dia
en la literatura arqueologica, debido en parte
a lo dicho anteriormente y mucho mas a nuevas exploraciones hechas por  Le Paige
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      ArqueologíaPuna de AtacamaAtacama DesertSan Pedro de Atacama
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      Social InteractionTiwanakuSan Pedro de AtacamaArqueología Arica
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      Human EvolutionPrehistoryAntropologíaSan Pedro de Atacama