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      Treatment OutcomeClinical Drug DevelopmentRisk assessmentHungary
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      MedicineInfection ControlInfectious DiseaseMicrobial genetic and drug resistance
Spinal cord stimulation (SCS) is an effective method of relieving chronic intractable pain, and one of its key indications is failed back surgery syndrome (FBSS). The objective of the current study was to evaluate the cost effectiveness... more
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      Treatment OutcomeDecision TreesElectromagnetic RadiationNew Economic Models
Deep vein thromboses (DVTs) cause significant morbidity and mortality in the general population. Oral anticoagulation therapy may reduce thrombus propagation but does not cause clot lysis and therefore does not prevent postthrombotic... more
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      Evidence Based MedicineQuality of lifeTreatment OutcomeRisk assessment
We review behavioral- and neuroeconomic research that identifies temporal discounting as an important component in the development and maintenance of drug addiction. First we review behavioral economic research that explains and documents... more
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      Brain ImagingDecision MakingAddictionBehavior
Objective: The objective of this report is to describe a cost-effective strategy for management of constipation in nursing home residents with dementia.
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      DementiaProspective studiesConstipationNursing Homes
Introduction: Over-consumption of antibiotics has led to increased bacterial resistance and higher prevalence of hospital -acquired infections, resulting in rising treatment costs and prolonged length of hospital stay. The purpose of the... more
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      Complementary and Alternative MedicineGreeceLength of StayClinical Sciences
Objectives: To compare data on statin utilisation and costs across Europe from routine administrative databases with those from a commercial source. Methods: Observational study in European Union member states and Norway. Comparison of... more
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      PharmacoepidemiologyEuropean UnionEuropeData Collection
Previous research has shown that pharmacoeconomic (PE) data are considered important but may not be optimally utilized by decision makers. No research has compared the effectiveness of different types of PE models. The purpose of this... more
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      Decision MakingHealth PolicyPharmaceutical EconomicsModel development
Hereditary angioedema (HAE) is a rare autosomal dominant disorder characterized by recurrent acute attacks of swelling of the larynx, abdomen, and periphery.
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      ImmunologyDermatologyEmergency Medical ServicesAllergy
Across European countries, differences exist in biosimilar policies, leading to variations in uptake of biosimilars and divergences in savings all over Europe. The aim of this article is to provide an overview of different initiatives and... more
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      MultidisciplinaryEuropePLoS oneDrug Costs
Objective: To examine resource consumption and the direct costs of treating glaucoma at different disease severity levels.
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      ArchivesHealth Services ResearchResource useHuman Resources for Health
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      AccessibilityTreatmentDeveloping CountriesBrazil
To estimate the economic consequences of the current Brazilian government policy for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) treatment and how much the country would save if treatment with immediate-release methylphenidate... more
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      BrazilHealth PolicyAdolescentChild
T h i s s t u d y e s t i m a t e d t h e v a l u e o f c o n t r a c e p t i v e s , t h ro u g h a r a n d o md i g i t -d i a l e d s u rv e y o f w i l l i n g n e s s t o p a y f o r h e a l t h i n s u r a n c e c o v e r a g e o f... more
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      Social SupportHealth insuranceAdolescentIncome
Background: Trypanosomosis, via causing anaemia, emaciation, production loss and death, is arguably the most important constraint to livestock development in Sub-Saharan countries, including Ethiopia and its impact in Baro-Akobo and Gojeb... more
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      MicrobiologyEthiopiaAnimal HusbandryCattle
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      Primary Health CareHospital PharmacyHospitalizationClinical
to the editor: Osterberg and Blaschke (Aug. 4 issue) 1 discuss interventions that can be used to improve adherence to medication regimens. However, I am surprised that they do not include interventions by pharmacists among the... more
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Several cases of expensive drugs designed for large patient populations (e.g. sofosbuvir) have raised a complex question in terms of drug pricing. Even assuming value-based pricing, the treatment with these drugs of all eligible patients... more
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      MedicineItalyNew Economic ModelsMonoclonal Antibodies
AAIM is the largest academically focused specialty organization representing departments of internal medicine at medical schools and teaching hospitals in the United States and Canada. As a consortium of five organizations, AAIM... more
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      Educational MeasurementCurriculumMedical StudentsComputer Assisted Instruction
Background: Autism is characterized by a clinical triad of symptoms that affect social, language, and behavioral domains. Aggression and self-injury may be associated symptoms of autism and can result in significant harm to those affected... more
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      Bipolar DisorderAdolescentMental RetardationChild
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      AustraliaEpilepsyTreatment OutcomeHealth Services Research
Purpose To investigate the attitudes of senior anaesthetists toward issues of anaesthesia drug cost control, utilization, and education, and to determine patterns of drug use of common clinical scenarios. Methods A questionnaire mailed to... more
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      Clinical SciencesAnestheticsDrug CostsDrug Utilization
The price and availability of medicines are key components in determining access to effective treatment. Data on prices and availability of common medicines in public and private sector in different States of India are scarce. Hence,... more
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      Public sectorIndiaPrivate SectorDrug Costs
Background: Psychological treatments for dementia are widely used in the UK and internationally, but only rarely have they been standardised, adequately evaluated or systematically implemented. There is increasing recognition that... more
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      CommunicationResearch DesignCommunity-Based Mental Health ServicesDementia
The socio-economic impact of cystic echinococcosis (CE), caused by Echinococcus granulosus, is reviewed with special reference to the following topics: consequences in man and livestock, costs and benefits of control programmes and... more
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      Social ChangeArgentinaAnimal HusbandrySpain
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      Needs AssessmentNorth CarolinaDrug CostsPharmacists
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      Public HealthComparative StudyLinear modelsComorbidity
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      Information SystemsSurvival AnalysisTreatment OutcomeResearch
Problem During the 1990s, the Sudan began several initiatives to establish new medicine-financing mechanisms as part of the health reform process. Initial seed stocks were provided to each hospital. Unfortunately these facility-based... more
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      Program EvaluationHealth CareDeveloping CountriesQualitative Research
Background: State of the art sedation concepts on intensive care units (ICU) favor propofol for a time period of up to 72 h and midazolam for long-term sedation. However, intravenous sedation is associated with complications such as... more
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      Research DesignTreatment OutcomeGermanyProspective studies
Objective: This article models the cost-effectiveness, from a societal viewpoint, of a dental caries prevention program using salt fluoridation for children 12 years of age, compared with non-intervention (or status quo) in Arequipa,... more
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      DentistryPublic Health DentistryPeruTreatment Outcome
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      International DevelopmentEvidence Based MedicineClinical TrialMedication Adherence
To assess the incremental cost and cost-effectiveness of continuous and discontinuous regimens of bevacizumab (Avastin) and ranibizumab (Lucentis) for neovascular age-related macular degeneration (nAMD) from a UK National Health Service... more
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      Visual acuityMacular DegenerationRegression AnalysisAged
Public procurement is generally an important sector of the economy and, in most countries, is controlled by the introduction of regulatory and policy mechanisms. In the Greek healthcare sector, recent legislation redefined centralized... more
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      Health PolicyBiomedical TechnologyGreeceEconomic Recession
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      Treatment OutcomeProspective studiesFollow-up studiesLength of Stay
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      PerceptionPublic HealthHealth PolicyMedicine
Abstracts study of 100 adult asthmatics. RESULTS: The table reports outcomes over a 10-year period. Results were driven by the impact of ICS on quality of life, rather than on mortality. Findings were stable over most input data ranges.... more
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      EconomicsSpanishClinical TrialDecision Analysis
Background. e Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is a highly prevalent, chronic condition. Because of its very problematic nature BPD is expected to be associated with substantial societal costs, although this has never been... more
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      Health EconomicsPsychotherapyBorderline Personality DisorderSuicide
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      AustraliaApplied EconomicsFederal GovernmentUnited States
薄形化導光板射出壓縮成型之研究 國立高雄應用科技大學 模具工程系 黃俊欽*、馮旭彬 摘要 導光板(LGP)是背光模組(backlight)中引導 LED 的點光源成為平面光源的重 要零組件。其光學特性主要取決於表面微米級的微結構設計,利用表面的微結構 破除光線在導光板內部的全反射現象,使光線由導光板的出光面射出,提供顯示 器面板所需的足夠光源。為了降低背光模組的厚度,導光板將朝薄型化發展,而 其微結構設計及精密成形將更加困難。本文以 2.2 吋、厚度... more
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      Health EconomicsApplied EconomicsPrice ElasticityDeveloped Countries
Mucopolysaccharidosis type I (MPS I) is a rare lysosomal storage disorder treated with bone marrow transplantation or enzyme replacement therapy with laronidase, a high-cost orphan drug. Laronidase was approved by the US Food and Drug... more
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      Applied EthicsMedical EthicsBrazilHealth Policy
PURPOSE: Electronic medical record systems improve the quality of patient care and decrease medical errors, but their financial effects have not been as well documented. The purpose of this study was to estimate the net financial benefit... more
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      BioinformaticsPrimary CarePrimary Health CareLife Sciences
Excessive sun exposure is known to be the leading cause of skin cancer. The direct cellular damage inflicted by the ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun results in premature aging, DNA damage, and mutations that ultimately lead to skin... more
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      CaliforniaDrug CostsCost of IllnessSunlight
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The World Health Organization is a specialized agency of the United Nations with primary responsibility for international health matters and public health. Through this Organization, which was created in 1948, the health professions of... more
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      Research DesignResearchPatient ComplianceDrug Costs
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      Drug PolicyCost effectivenessPharmacotherapyPatient Care
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      Health EducationQuality of Mental Health CareBrazilPeru
Close Window. Close Window. Thank you for choosing to subscribe to the eTOC for Therapeutic Drug Monitoring. Enter your Email address: Wolters Kluwer Health may email you for journal alerts and information, but is committed ...
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      Analytical ChemistryTherapeutic drug monitoringCost effectivenessSystematic review