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      ReligionChristianityHistoryAncient History
We owe to Karl Barth's masterful treatment of the doctrine of reconciliation in the fourth volume of the Church Dogmatics a sketch that is at once beautifully clear and remarkably comprehensive. It is not without shortcomings, however.... more
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      IrenaeusChristologyThe Letter to the HebrewsThe Atonement
Les conditions de possibilité d'une christologie critique et contextuelle.
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      ContextualismHistory of Church CouncilsPastoral TheologyIdeology Critique
Il confronto tra il cristianesimo e le altre religioni oggi necessita di essere compreso e riconfigurato nel contesto della pluralità delle tradizioni religiose. Il pluralismo incide sulle culture e sulle società coinvolgendo il modo di... more
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      Missiology and Mission TheologyChristologySoteriologyComparative Theology
In the early 1990s, a previously-neglected text, entitled Laterculus Malalianus, was attributed by Jane Stevenson to the hand of Theodore of Tarsus (archbishop of Canterbury, 668–690). The text is a well-spring of Christological concerns.... more
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      New TestamentBiblical TheologyGreekSoteriology
This section will be in my next book.
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      EcclesiologySacramentologyMissional EcclesiologyChurch planting
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      TheologyHistorical TheologyPractical theologySystematic Theology
John's Logos-hymn reflect a response to the Johannine narrative, functioning with other Christological hymns to pose a Jewish challenge to Empire and its divine-Caesar cult. It is added to the final edition of John as an experientially... more
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      ReligionPhilosophy Of ReligionTheologyNew Testament
Il Vaticano I è stato qualificato come il concilio del primato, mentre il Vaticano II, come quello dell'episcopato 1. Se teniamo conto di queste consi-derazioni, come possiamo parlare allora di ricezione o di continuità fra i due concili?... more
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      EcclesiologySecond Vatican CouncilTeologiaEcclesiastical History
This part examines the issue of constructing Chineseness in ministry in Singapore. The issue of bilingual services will be explored using three Christian churches as examples. This part will conclude with the author’s recommendations and... more
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      ChristianityTheologyChinese ReligionsTheological Ethics
This paper will look at some of the strengths and weaknesses of church planting models and will assess several different popular church planting models that have been used in many different contexts. Also, emphasis will be placed on what... more
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      ChristianityTheologyChristian EducationMissiology
[This book is due out in English in mid-2015] Συστάσεις για το βιβλίο: Η διατριβή αυτή είναι σημαντική και μία αξιόλογη προσφορά στο θέμα τού διαλόγου μεταξύ "Ορθοδόξων και Ρωμαιοκαθολικών", σε σχέση με την Εκκλησία, τα Μυστήρια και... more
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      Orthodox TheologyEcumenical TheologyEcclesiologySecond Vatican Council
Introduction/Rationale. Every January we find thousands of people men and women, some on barefoot brave the crowds to be able to touch the image of the Black Nazarene or popularly called the Nazareno in Quiapo. These people come from all... more
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      TheologyEcclesiology & Christology
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      TheologyMissiologyLeadershipMissiology and Mission Theology
The indigenous Norwegian denomination The Christian Church2 (or Smith’s Friends, as they are known to outsiders) was founded by a noncommissioned officer in the Norwegian Navy, Johan Oscar Smith (1871-1943). By 1996 this unique... more
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      ReligionReligious EthicsBiblical StudiesPopular Culture and Religious Studies
The Fathers of the Church were acquainted and influenced by both Jewish exegesis and Greek philosophy; the doctrine of the λόγος ἐνδιάθετος (inner) and προφοροκός (exteriorised) was one of those influences. Stoic in its genesis, it dealt... more
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      New TestamentEarly ChristianityChristologyPhilo of Alexandria
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      Jewish - Christian RelationsEcclesiologyEastern Orthodox Liturgical TheologyOrthodox Ecclesiology
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      PatristicsOrthodox TheologyChristologyChristian Apologetics
In questo lavoro si sono analizzate quelle opere di Carl Schmitt dei primi anni Venti (Teologia politica e Cattolicesimo romano e forma politica) in cui centrale è la riflessione sulla teologia politica e sulla secolarizzazione. Le... more
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      ChristianityPolitical PhilosophyTheologyHistory of Christianity
This paper argues that, when the mother of Jesus tells her Son that "they have no wine" in the Cana wedding narrative, she is implicitly describing all the subsequent characters we will encounter in the Fourth Gospel, all of whom are in... more
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      ChristianityNew TestamentChristian MysticismEarly Christianity
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      ReligionChristianityHistoryLate Antique and Byzantine Studies
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      Ecumenical EcclesiologyEcclesiology & Christology
Rereading the Church/World relation in the light of a matured Ecclesiology, this paper aims to overcome an extrinsicist reading of the Conciliar document and takes up the metaphor of the "heart" to illuminate the relation.
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      EcclesiologyDualismEcclesiology, ecumenism, history of the Second Vatican Council.Ecclesiology & Christology
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      GnosticismHistoryAncient HistoryClassical Archaeology
1. mgr lic. Łukasz Rzepka Chrystologia oddalonych. Performatywność Wcielonego Słowa 2. dr Michał Zborowski Jakie poznanie Syna przynoszą kerygmatyczne formuły „za nas” i „dla nas” (por. Rz 4,25)? 3. mgr lic. Agnieszka Katarzyńska... more
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      Systematic TheologyJ. R. R. TolkienPopular Culture and Religious StudiesCatholic Theology
Culture plays a large role in the missional movement. One of the driving forces for many churches within the missional movement consists of the APEST culture Alan Hirsch discussed in his books. The acronym APEST represents to what... more
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      Biblical StudiesCultureCulture StudiesEvangelical Ecclesiology
This work deals with a fundamental theme for New Testament theology: the eschatological temple in its double reality. It is fundamental for New Testament theology because it is one of the axes that gives cohesion to the set of documents... more
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      Ancient HistoryEarly ChristianityJewish HistoryGospels
Introduction to New Book
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      Tridentine CatholicismOrthodox TheologyRussian Orthodox ChurchCatholic Theology
The dead ends in which communitarianism has ended up call for a renewed emphasis to be placed upon universal ties. In order to understand Christian universality in its original form, stemming from Pentecost, the present article follows... more
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      AugustineEcclesiologyAugustine of HippoChurch
This Master's thesis explores Wisdom Christology, the association of Jesus Christ and the mysterious and neglected biblical figure of Woman Wisdom. Because the descriptions of her bear a striking resemblance to the portrayal of Jesus... more
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      Feminist TheologyBiblical Wisdom literatureFeminist ChristologyEcclesiology & Christology
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      New TestamentSystematic TheologyEcclesiologyKoine Greek language
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      Sociology of ReligionReligious PluralismEcclesiologyEcumenical Ecclesiology
A late twentieth-century movement within Christianity, the Emerging (or Emergent) Church has been hard to pin down in terms of specific doctrines and teachings. This thesis is an attempt to analyse the Emerging Church Movement from the... more
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      MissiologyEmerging ChurchThe Emerging Church and Radical OrthodoxyThe Emerging Church and Weak Theology
With this edition, we begin a series on Asian theological issues—an intentionally generic approach that allows the authors themselves to define what these issues are.
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      Pentecostal TheologyEcclesiologyPentecostalismEvangelical Ecclesiology
Christianity hinges on the doctrine of the Resurrection. It is such a central tenet that if you take it away, there is no Christianity. In the Resurrection lies the whole salvific value of the Jesus story. But could Jesus die? Did Jesus... more
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      ReligionChristianityComparative ReligionSociology of Religion
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Western theologies usually approach salvation through the juridical lenses of justification during conversion and moral improvement during sanctification. This paper seeks to examine the Eastern Orthodox view of theosis or deification and... more
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      MysticismPneumatologyTheosisEcclesiology & Christology
There is too little study of Cyril of Jerusalem’s notion of the ecclesiological identity of baptismal candidates. I found that his use of familial terminology was not simply limited to that of the Biblical and Patristic models, i.e.,... more
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      Patristics and Late AntiquityChristian InitiationCyril of JerusalemEastern Orthodox Theology
У питању је докторска дисертација (у скраћеном облику) коју је кандидат бранио 2010.г. Тему дисерације представљају боголовски увиди двојице њемачких теолога 20.в. у поређењу са патристичком и савременом православном теологијом. Нарочито... more
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      Eschatology and ApocalypticismChristologyEschatologyJürgen Moltmann
Perché il fenomeno ludico può essere un vero e proprio "trattato" di teologia? Cosa ha a che fare il gioco con la teologia? Apparentemente sembra esserci una distanza, se non addirittura, date certe idee, un abisso tra gioco e teologia.... more
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      Game TheoryPhilosophy Of ReligionTheologySystematic Theology
“Leo the Great and Hans Urs von Balthasar on the Eucharist,” Saint Anselm Journal 10.2 (2015): 18-33. In his homilies and letters, Leo the Great displays an understanding of the Eucharist that is organically connected to his views on the... more
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Sejatinya sebuah gereja harus memiliki ajaran, dogma, tata Gereja, eklesilogi yang sejenis atau sealiran. Karena gereja yang di dalamnya terdapat bermacam ajaran dan sistem pemerintahan Gerejanya bisa saja akan membingungkan. Timbul... more
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      Missional EcclesiologyEcclesiastical HistoryEcclesiology & Christology
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      PatristicsNew TestamentHistory of ChristianityEarly Christianity
In this chapter, I respond to Hooker's address to the contemporary Church by performing what he bids us to do - to shift our focus from the general to the particular. Shifting to a more constructive register, this chapter reflects upon... more
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      Practical theologyVirtue EthicsEcclesiologyEcumenical Ecclesiology
Since Reimarus certain Christologies have made formal and methodological distinctions between the historical Jesus and the Christ of faith, premises that became points of departure for the “Jesus Quest” and theologies of religious... more
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      EcclesiologySecond Vatican CouncilRoman Catholic EcclesiologyRoman Catholic Theology
The richness of the writings of the New Testament lies both is their unity as well as in their diversity. This article endeavors to “befriend” the theologies of both John and Paul. Despite many obvious differences, there are a number of... more
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      ConvergenceApostle Paul and the Pauline LettersSoteriologyGospel of John
The important NT theme of union with Christ has inspired numerous studies by Pauline scholars in the twentieth century following the pioneering work of Adolf Deissmann. Yet only recently have scholars begun to address the potential... more
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      New TestamentCatholic EpistlesNew Testament StudiesEcclesiology & Christology
This paper aims to show the dualism that results from reading paragraph 36 outside of the context and Christocentric anthropology of paragraph 22 of Gaudium et Spes, Vatican II's document on the the Church-World relation. It proposes, by... more
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      AnthropologyChristologyEcclesiologyChurch History
Збирка изабраних студија из широке и захтевне области упоредног богословља, под називом Да не буде раздора у Телу, намењена је свим читаоцима који желе да се ближе упознају са неким од најважнијих аспеката деликатног односаправославне и... more
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      Comparative TheologyTheology of SacramentsEcclesiology & Christology