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Published in: P. RANCE, ‘Finding the Right Words: a Letter to the Emperor (Laur. Plut. 55.4, f. 197v) – Books, Education and Rhetoric in a Late Byzantine Household [with Corrigenda to Prosopographisches Lexikon der Palaiologenzeit]’,... more
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      Byzantine StudiesGreek PalaeographyByzantine Paleography and codicologyGreek manuscripts
Published in: P. RANCE, ‘Finding the Right Words: a Letter to the Emperor (Laur. Plut. 55.4, f. 197v) – Books, Education and Rhetoric in a Late Byzantine Household [with Corrigenda to Prosopographisches Lexikon der Palaiologenzeit]’,... more
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      Byzantine LiteratureByzantine StudiesGreek PalaeographyByzantine Paleography and codicology
This paper examines annotations inscribed in three manuscripts by Demetrios Laskaris Leontares (1418 – post-1475), an aristocrat whose possession or use of a dozen codices is documented. Palaeographic and historical criteria place all... more
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      Greek LanguageByzantine LiteratureByzantine StudiesLate Byzantine history
One of the better-known episodes in the life of John Tzetzes is his complaint that during a period of poverty in the 1130s he had been forced to sell off his books until only two remained in his possession – a copy of Plutarch’s Lives and... more
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      Byzantine LiteratureHistory of ScienceAncient ScienceByzantine Studies
INDICE: La Sapienza bizantina. Il contributo della Storia dell’arte (1896-1970) - Antonio Iacobini Le missioni di studio in Oriente e il Centro di Documentazione di Storia dell’Arte Bizantina (1966-2006) - Andrea Paribeni Il... more
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      PhilologyByzantine LiteratureItaly (History)Byzantine Studies
An in-depth study of MSS Vat. gr. 704, Oxon. Bodl. Barocci 48 and some other later manuscripts, such as MS Vat. gr. 1444, provides a new reconstruction for both the authorial composition of the Solutiones quaestionum and the De numero... more
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      Byzantine StudiesClassical philologyGreek PalaeographyByzantine Paleography and codicology
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      Digital HumanitiesSocial NetworksGreek PaleographyGreek Palaeography
Among the preserved Aristophanes’ codices veteres, there is the Madrid, Biblioteca Nacional Mss/4683, an important manuscript for its paleographical and philological value which shows how Aristophanes was read and commented in Byzantium,... more
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      AristophanesCodicologyByzantine StudiesTextual Transmission
Η Ἔκθεσις Κεφαλαίων Παραινετικῶν είναι το μοναδικό κείμενο που μας κληροδότησε η γραφίδα του Αγαπητού Διακόνου. Το έργο αυτό, αποδέκτης του οποίου ήταν ο αυτοκράτωρ Ιουστινιανός Α΄ (527-565), γνώρισε πολύ μεγάλη διάδοση ήδη κατά τους... more
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      Late Antique and Byzantine HistoryLate Antique and Byzantine StudiesByzantine LiteratureReligion and Politics
A fronte dei molti libri che il medioevo greco ha trasmesso sani e salvi, altrettanti si sono persi inesorabilmente. Tra questi due estremi — la salvezza e la distruzione — si pone il degrado cui un libro poteva andare incontro, il quale,... more
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      Byzantine LiteratureCodicologyByzantine StudiesClassical philology
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      PhilologyGreek LiteratureLatin LiteratureLate Latin Literature
This review article is a collective work of five scholars who have written their reviews and/or responses to the twelve chapters of the recently published Cambridge Intellectual History of Byzantium. These reviews discuss such issues as... more
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      Late Antique and Byzantine HistoryLate Antique and Byzantine StudiesByzantine LiteratureOrthodox Theology
Erasmus's 1516 Latin–Greek New Testament edition differed from the Latin Vulgate in several ways. A small number of textual variants with doctrinal implications involved Erasmus in considerable controversy. Medieval Western theologians... more
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      PhilologyNew TestamentRenaissance StudiesRenaissance Humanism
"I versi funebri di Bessarione dedicati a Cleopa Malatesta, consorte di Teodoro II Paleologo, prematuramente deceduta per cause misteriose e sepolta a Mistrà, costituiscono lo spunto per l’analisi di un mistero archeologico solo... more
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      Late Byzantine historyLate Byzantine historyFall of ConstantinopleByzantine philology
"This special issue of Comparative Literature Studies brings together talks, some extensively revised, others virtually unchanged, that were delivered at a conference entitled "What is Philology?" The gathering took place on Saturday,... more
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      Byzantine LiteratureByzantine StudiesByzantine TheologyByzantine philology
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      Medieval PhilosophyLate Antique and Byzantine StudiesAristotleByzantine Studies
Књига представља критички превод Евергетидског типика и садржи уводну студију, упоредни преглед оригиналног старогрчког рашчитаног текста и превода на српски језик, 278 студиозних текстолошких напомена и цитатни индекс. Издање... more
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      EthicsLate Antique and Byzantine HistoryTheologyAsceticism
Barlaam e Ioasaf, la maggiore fiaba agiografica del Medioevo orientale, già erroneamente attribuita a Giovanni Damasceno e qui presentata in prima edizione italiana dall'originale bizantino, trae origine da uno spunto narrativo tra i più... more
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      History of ChristianityByzantine LiteratureHistory of ReligionsByzantine Hagiography
Il presente lavoro prende in considerazione la "terza orazione teologica" di Gregorio Nazianzeno (IV sec.). La ricerca verte sull'analisi di alcuni selezionati passi dell'omelia XXIX e sul commento di specifiche peculiarità... more
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      Greek LiteratureLate Antique and Byzantine StudiesByzantine LiteratureEarly Christianity
This paper investigates a lexical gloss in the final recension of Photios’ Amphilochia (880s), in which the ‘barbarian’ word τῶγα is inserted into excerpts from John Lydos’ De magistratibus (c.550) as an alternative contemporary term for... more
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      Medieval HistoryGreek LanguageByzantine LiteraturePersian Language
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      Historical GeographyByzantine LiteratureByzantine StudiesSigillography
Στην ιστορία της χριστιανικής Γραμματείας ο 14ος αιώνας κατέχει σημαίνουσα θέση, η οποία οφείλεται στον επαναπροσδιορισμό των ερμηνευτικών κριτηρίων προσέγγισης της γραπτής και προφορικής Παράδοσης της Εκκλησίας με σκοπό να απαντηθούν με... more
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      Orthodox TheologyByzantine StudiesByzantine PhilosophyGregory Palamas
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      Humanistic philologyByzantine philology
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      Byzantine StudiesByzantine HistoryByzantine philology
The monograph offers the reader a critical edition of all the post-Byzantine Greek and Slavic acts kept in the Athonite monastery of Kastamonitou (30 documents). Moreover, it publishes the texts of 10 acts of Kastamonitou preserved in the... more
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      Byzantine LiteratureModern Greek literatureRomanian StudiesByzantine Studies
This piece includes the entries 'John Italos', 'Eustratios of Nicaea', 'Nicholas of Methone' for Stephen Gersh's forthcoming 'Interpreting Proclus from Antiquity to the Renaissance'. This is only a draft; please refer to the original... more
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      ClassicsMedieval PhilosophyLate Antique and Byzantine StudiesNeoplatonism and late antique philosophy
Timarion ou Ses infortunes est un dialogue satirique composé au début du XIIe siècle par un lettré byzantin resté anonyme en dépit des efforts de ses éditeurs successifs, depuis C. B. Hase (1813) jusqu’à P. Vlahakos (2001). Sous la forme... more
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      Byzantine LiteratureByzantine StudiesByzantine HistoryByzantine philology
An entry on Barlaam of Calabria in Springer's Encyclopedia of Renaissance Philosophy. Please cite in the original published version.
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      Medieval PhilosophyLate Antique and Byzantine StudiesByzantine LiteratureRenaissance Humanism
Η παρούσα εργασία επιχειρεί να συμβάλει στη μελέτη του ρητορικού έργου του Νικηφόρου Βασιλάκη, ο οποίος υπήρξε ρήτορας του 12ου αιώνα μ.Χ. Συγκεκριμένα, αντικείμενο μελέτης και ανάλυσης υπήρξαν αποκλειστικά οι 27 ηθοποιίες που... more
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      RhetoricByzantine philology
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      Greek LiteratureByzantine LiteratureGreek PhilologyByzantine philology
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    • Byzantine philology
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      Byzantine LiteratureByzantine StudiesByzantine LiturgyByzantine Hagiography
This paper examines a species of Latin technical terms formulated and employed in the late Roman army, some directly attested in Late Latin sources, others witnessed only as transliterations or loanwords in Greek. The cognates sculca... more
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      Ancient HistoryClassicsLatin LiteratureRoman History
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      Byzantine philologyDream InterpretationOnirologiaNicephoros Gregoras
"Alla caduta di Costantinopoli, Anna Notaras, esponente della più aristocratica e ricca famiglia dell'ultima età paleologa travolta dalla conquista turca, riparò in Italia. Si stabilì inizialmente a Roma, sotto la protezione del cardinale... more
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      Late Byzantine historyVeniceFall of ConstantinopleByzantine philology
Théodose, dont nous ne savons rien sinon qu’il était diacre à Constantinople dans les années soixante du Xe siècle, a fait œuvre de poète de cour en composant cette Prise de la Crète en cinq chants. Son sujet, bien documenté, est la... more
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      Byzantine LiteratureByzantine StudiesByzantine PotteryByzantine Poetry
This brief note focuses on the reception of Or. Chald. fr. 88 des Places in Synesius of Cyrene, Michael Psellus and George Gemistus Plethon. I suggest two corrections to a passage of a letter Gemistus Plethon sent to Cardinal Bessarion... more
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      Medieval And Humanistic PhilologyMichael PsellosChaldean OraclesByzantine philology
After the publication of its Syriac version (van Esbroeck, 1995), the Life of Martinianus has been considered for years as an example of Byzantine hagiography whose original text has been better preserved in Syriac translation rather than... more
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      Byzantine HagiographyByzantine philologySyriac Philology
The anomalies of grammar and sense at G. 5.240 ff., which have baffled editors, may possibly be addressed by a modest emendation in line 242, καταβαλόντες becoming καταβαλών την.
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      Textual CriticismByzantine philologySong of Digenis Akritas
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      PhilologyByzantine HistoryAdministration byzantine, Michel Psellos, Historiographie byzantineByzantine philology
ABSTRACT: The continued use of Latin as the official Heeressprache of the East Roman Empire up to the 630s supplies the context for an examination of a text virtually unknown to classical scholarship. Mediceo-Laurentianus graecus LV-4... more
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      Military HistoryStrategy (Military Science)Tactics (Military Science)Greek Literature
This paper examines the number, sources, etymology and chronology of Germanic loanwords in Roman military vocabulary with a view to establishing what these lexical influences can reveal about intercultural contact in this sphere during... more
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      Ancient HistoryMilitary HistoryClassicsLate Latin Literature
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      PhilologyRomance philologyCognitive PhilologyComparative Philology
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      Commentaries: History and TheoryHesiodAncient Greek LiteratureByzantine philology
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      ClassicsMedieval HistoryHagiographyMedieval Studies
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      Byzantine philologyGreek studies in the Renaissance
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      Gender StudiesAngelologyDemonologyByzantine Studies
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      Classical philologyNeoplatonismNeopythagoreanismByzantine philology
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      PhilologyRomance philologyCeltic PhilologyComparative Philology