Environmental Crimes
Recent papers in Environmental Crimes
Initially, this paper will define state-corporate crime as developed by Richard Quinney followed later by a brief discussion of the contributions of Ronald Kramer and Raymond Michalowski. This paper will attempt to use the state-corporate... more
In recent years, environmental crime has emerged as a rising sector of organized criminality and as one of the major challenges to the enforcement of environmental law. The methods adopted by single countries to fight it differ... more
Este estudo examina o tema da cooperação internacional para a preservação do meio ambiente na Lei dos Crimes Ambientais (Lei 9.605/1998) e propõe o seu entendimento à luz das regras do Direito Internacional Público, especialmente sob a... more
El Índice de Impunidad Ambiental (igi-Ambiental) presenta una propuesta metodológica que, retomando ideas desarrolladas en el Índice Global de Impunidad (igi), propone una medición comparativa sobre las acciones, capacidades y... more
From 3 to 7 July 2017 the University of Salerno (Italy) will host the "Jean Monnet Summer School on International and European Environmental Law", organised by the Jean Monnet Chair in European Health, Environmental and Food Safety Law... more
La posesión de animales de manera ilegal es sancionada por las leyes mexicanas e internacionales y juega un papel fundamental en el tema de estudio del Crimen Organizado en el estado de Tamaulipas, México; en este sentido el presente... more
Il contributo ricostruisce preliminarmente le principali questioni problematiche emerse in dottrina e giurisprudenza rispetto al tema della responsabilità da reato degli enti collettivi in relazione agli illeciti penali ambientali. Nella... more
RESUMEN: Partiendo de la estrecha relación entre deforestación y cambio climático, este trabajo tiene como objetivo analizar el marco sancionador derivado de la implementación normativa en los Estados miembros de la UE del artículo 19 del... more
The Right to Environment and Criminal Law between EU and ECHR, 11.11.2019
Website of the Jean Monnet Chair in European Health, Environmental and Food Safety Law (HEALTHY), co-funded by the Erasmus+Programme of the European Union. Chair-holder: prof. Stefania Negri, University of Salerno. The website also... more
This study used the descriptive research method to determine the level of compliance, implementation, enforcement, and problems encountered in the implementation and enforcement of Republic Act No. 9003 in Cavite, Laguna, Batangas, Rizal,... more
This review has been commissioned by the Scottish Sentencing Council to summarise existing academic, legal and statistical work on the sentencing of environmental and wildlife offences. It will inform, support and form a part of the... more
Opposition to the democratic rule of law, control of the territory and capitalist accumulation are some of the most important characteristics of the mafia organizations that have developed in southern Italy. From there, already at the end... more
Nowadays, the first effects of the climate change reflected in droughts or floods that produce the movement of thousands of people of a country to another country or from a continent to another continent in addition to the increase of the... more