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The institution of feasting in the Bronze Age Aegean, as in much of the world, has been the subject of considerable recent scholarship, with a broad consensus that feasts provided a locus for the negotiation and performance of... more
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      Classical ArchaeologyAegean Bronze Age (Bronze Age Archaeology)History of CuisineAegean Prehistory (Archaeology)
On the south coast of British Columbia in shíshálh traditional territory, an ancient burial ground (DjRw-14) contains the remains of richly decorated individuals dated to the Charles culture (4000-3500 B.P.). In addition to other grave... more
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyAnthropologyPublic Archaeology
Prvi maj praznujemo v spomin na krvave proteste leta 1886 v Chicagu, ko so delavci protestirali za osemurni delavnik in ostale delavske pravice. Prvi maj je tekom desetletij postal praznik dela v večini držav, med državami, ki ga ne... more
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      Yugoslavia (History)FeastingLjubljanaWorkers
The book introduces the reader to the time, place and participants of the tsar’s feasts, talks about ware, table setting, food and drink, reveals the subtleties of ceremonial and etiquette, indicates the changes that have occurred in this... more
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      Early Modern HistoryFood History17th-Century StudiesRussian History
It is generally accepted that the earliest livestock and pottery were brought to the southern tip of Africa by Khoi-speaking herders from northern Botswana around 2000 years ago. The archaeological remains of that age, however, show no... more
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      HistoryArchaeologyNeolithic ArchaeologySouthern Africa
My recent article offered a model by which to better classify feasts by distinguishing between archaeological correlates of group size and sociopolitical competition. Applying this model to remains from a precontact mound site, I... more
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      Feasting and FastingRitual FeastingFeastingArchaeology and Feasting
Life as a feast. Interpretation of cultural codes. 2007.
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      Gender StudiesHistorical AnthropologyVisual AnthropologyYouth Studies
This two-part essay treats a wide range of texts and images related to commensality. My overarching interest is how feasting functions within the political calculus of ancient Western Asian rulers as one of the most popular means to... more
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This paper reviews, in the light of recent archaeological discoveries made since the early 2000s, the notion of Gallic symposion and the nature of commensal practices in communities from the Late Iron Age. It leads to a halftone... more
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      European HistoryArchaeologyClassicsCeltic Studies
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      Classical ArchaeologyFunerary ArchaeologyEthnicityHistory of Ancient Macedonia
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      EthnoarchaeologyAnthropology of FoodConsumption and Material CultureFeasting and Fasting
Did Greeks and non-Greeks banquet together in the first half of the first millennium BCE, and if so, how does this mode of cultural contact explain the evidence of cultural exchange between Greece and the Near East? Following suggestions... more
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      Diplomatic HistoryInternational RelationsHomerInternational Relations Theory
Feasting equipment, copper‐alloy cauldrons and flesh‐hooks, are a distinctive feature of the later Atlantic Bronze Age suggesting elements of a shared ideology whose ultimate origin may lie in the eastern Mediterranean. The easterly... more
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      European HistoryEuropean StudiesArchaeologyClassical Archaeology
1. Conflicto y resolucion: Integración narrativa en los ciclos
instrumentales de Beethoven
2. La fiesta de todos y de ninguno: Beethoven, Novena sinfonía
Publicada en Revista Argentina de Musicología 3-4 (2002-2003), págs. 139-80.
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      Narrative and MusicLudwig van BeethovenFeastingBeethoven, Beethoven Symphony No. 9
The present article draws upon archaeological data in order to elucidate aspects of Neopalatial social banqueting practices. The use of communal feasts, part of the Pre and Protopalatial tradition, is investigated as a marked political... more
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      Minoan ArchaeologyMinoan CivilisationRitual FeastingFeasting
This study focuses on the paniyiria held on the Greek island of Ikaria, in a historical depth that was defined by the archival material, brought to the forefront in the course of a long-term field research; the 17th century. Its... more
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      CommonsGift ExchangeCommunity Events and FestivalsGift economy
The authors show that the principal correlates of feasting in Viking Age Iceland were beef and barley, while feasting itself is here the primary instrument of social action. Documentary references, ethnographic analogies, archaeological... more
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      Environmental ArchaeologyViking Age ArchaeologyPolitical EconomicsViking Age Scandinavia
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      ArchaeobotanyPalynologyMediterraneanOlive Oil
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      ArchaeologyPottery (Archaeology)Hospitality ManagementSocial Organisation (Archaeology)
La presentazione riassume il pensiero pedagogico di don Bosco circa i seguenti temi: l'allegria in quanto mezzo diagnostico e pedagogico; gioia e le sue espressioni pedagogiche nelle feste, nel teatro, nella musica, e nelle escursioni;... more
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      History of EducationReligious EducationYouth MinistryHappiness and Well Being
For complete article, please contact author
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      Mesopotamian ArchaeologyEarly Dynastic SumerEarly Dynastic MesopotamiaFeasting
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      RitualsArchaeology of MusicFeastingAlpine Region
Although the largest Classic Maya political capitals are frequently assumed to have served as key nodes in long-distance trade networks, empirical data supporting this contention are surprisingly limited. This study was designed to... more
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      Political EconomyObsidianClassic Maya (Archaeology)Maya Archaeology
Five Linear A tablets, which were found in the so-called “Villa Reale” at Haghia Triada and dated to the LM IB period, are analyzed and compared to Linear B records of equipment and agricultural commodities intended for feasting, in order... more
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      Aegean Bronze Age (Bronze Age Archaeology)Aegean ArchaeologyMinoan ArchaeologyLinear A
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      Late NeolithicBritainStonehengeFeasting
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      ViolencePower (social)Polish HistoryConflict
Drinking and feasting are well known practices in Crete from the Early Bronze Age, but they become more intensive in the Protopalatial period, reaching their peak in the Neopalatial era. In the paper archaeological data are reviewed in... more
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      Anthropology Of ConsumptionMinoan ArchaeologyMM III potteryRitual Feasting
The 12th century BCE Mediterranean was characterized by the collapse of palace-based societies. The material culture of post-palatial Crete was composed by local and non-local elements. Crete and its Mediterranean neighbors can be... more
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      SemioticsArchitectureCypriot ArchaeologyIdentity (Culture)
Chapter from "Man Tovà -- L'interculturalità in scena", pages 126-155
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      Renaissance StudiesRenaissanceRenaissance FerraraFeasting and Fasting
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      ArchaeologyEthnoarchaeologyArchaeology of Beer and Cereal FermentationAndes
Text structure of Linear B tablets PY Un 2, 6, 47, 138, 718, and 853 (banqueting lists), and the products and quantities recorded on them are presented and compared with Linear A tablets HT 23, 30, 38, 114, and 121 (miscellaneous records)... more
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      Aegean ArchaeologyAegean ScriptsLinear AMinoan and Mycenaean economy and administration
This thesis presents the results of the zooarchaeological analysis of a mound-flank midden from the Smith Creek site. The inhabitants of this site belonged to the Coles Creek culture (AD 700 to 1200), which existed during the transition... more
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      ArchaeologyZooarchaeologyFaunal AnalysisMoundbuilding
This paper looks at the classic polychrome vessels associated with the imperial Inca state in terms of their functional significance and considers the role of these objects in the broader context of elite identity and empire building. The... more
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      Inca ArchaeologyFeasting
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      Cultural HistoryArchaeologyNeolithic ArchaeologySouthern Africa
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      ArchaeologySouthern AfricaNeolithicCeramics
On 8 December 2017, Prof.Dr. Jeroen Stumpel gave his valedictory lecture at Utrecht University. To thank and honour him a Festschrift was prepared. The project in which I am participating under his supervision treats the illusionism, esp.... more
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      Art HistoryRenaissance StudiesRenaissanceRenaissance Art
Feasting and commensality formed the backbone of social life in the polis, the most characteristic and enduring form of political organization in the ancient Greek world. Exploring a wide array of commensal practices, Feasting and Polis... more
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      ArchaeologyGreek EpigraphyAncient Greek HistoryInstitutions
Herodotus attributed much significance to the subjects of food and foodways. With the possible exception of death-related rituals, foodways are the only genre of custom that Herodotus covers in substantial detail for every society which... more
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      ClassicsEthnographyIdentity (Culture)Food History
Feast or rave? A study of the feast with Josef Pieper What is a feast? It seems that when asking this question, one encounters the same difficulty as St Augustine when he was asked to define what time was: “If no one asks me, I know what... more
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      Feasts and FestivalsRave CultureFeasting and FastingRitual Feasting
This article contributes to an ongoing critical examination of feasting by developing a classification scheme that emphasizes the variable contexts in which feasts have occurred. Many recent archaeological and ethnographic accounts have... more
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      Foodways (Anthropology)Mississippian Societies (Archaeology)Woodland ArchaeologyFeasting and Fasting
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      ArchaeologyAnthropologyAegean ArchaeologyMemory
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      ArchaeologyArchaeology of Beer and Cereal FermentationAndesBeer
As feasting becomes a popular topic of archaeological investigation, definitions and guidelines for identifying it in the archaeological record proliferate. This paper presents a classificatory scheme that simplifies these definitions by... more
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      Archaeology of foodRitual FeastingFeasting
The article deals with pottery from the Bronze Age in the valley of Mälaren. Pottery is here taken as a major source for understanding material culture and its overlying ideology. The so called Lausitzbowls are in this article not seen as... more
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      Bronze Age Europe (Archaeology)Late Bronze Age archaeologyPottery studiesRitual Feasting
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      Native American StudiesArchaeobotanyIdentity (Culture)Southeastern Archaeology (Archaeology in North America)
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      Social EntrepreneurshipRitual FeastingFeastsFeasting
This paper presents evidence for feasting in the late Iron Age I Philistine culture from a circumscribed locale in Area A at the site of Tell es-Safi/Gath. The remains are characterized by architectural features, installations and rubbish... more
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      Levantine ArchaeologyCypriot ArchaeologyIdentity (Culture)Aegean Prehistory (Archaeology)
The contents of a small trash pit discovered in the recent excavations in Hellenistic Philoteria (Tel Bet Yerah/Khirbet el-Kerak) offer a unique opportunity to study the components of what appears to have been a single festive meal.... more
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      Near Eastern ArchaeologyZooarchaeologyFoodways (Anthropology)Hellenistic Roman and Byzantine Archaeology in the Land of Israel