Feminist activism
Recent papers in Feminist activism
The philosophical, political, and legal impact of Catharine MacKinnon's groundbreaking work Toward a Feminist Theory of the State (1989) is discussed, specifically the merging of consciousness-rais ...
This article draws upon the insights of 75 Occupy activists from Toronto and across the United States interviewed as part of the 3-year study ‘Social Media in the Hands of Young Citizens’. This article highlights three major roles adopted... more
Murakami, Kiyoshi, 2021, "Zines as Media and Activism, and Feminist Practices: Its Diverse Possibilities Beyond Just Making", Toko Tanaka ed., Girls' Media Studies, Tokyo: Hokuju Suppan, 130-148 (Chapter 9).... more
Comunicación en el Simposio sobre poesía y activismo en América Latina
Radboud Institute for Culture & History| Radboud University Nijmegen — 30/04/2021.
Radboud Institute for Culture & History| Radboud University Nijmegen — 30/04/2021.
„Man kommt sich auf dem Gebiet der Frauenfrage immer wie ein Wiederkäuer vor. Das liegt an der Taktik der Gegner.“ (Hedwig Dohm 1896) Seit sich im 19. Jahrhundert aus kleinen Anfängen eine machtvolle Frauenbewegung entwickelte, kämpfen... more
In Turkey, the data and legal regulations regarding femicide are inadequate. This research suggests that struggle against femicide which adopts an intersectional approach mobilizes women of different identities and backgrounds. This study... more
Conférencière invitée, 19 novembre 2020. Université de Montréal. Séminaire « COM2570 Médias, sexe et genre ». 1) L'émergence en ligne des espaces de contre-pouvoir 2) La formation de contre-pouvoir en ligne ...... 2.1) La narration... more
Cet article s’appuie sur une intervention faite le 20 mai 2015 dans le cadre du séminaire « Les sciences sociales en question : grandes controverses épistémologiques et mé-thodologiques ». Il revient sur une enquête ethnographique... more
04.05.2020 - Gewaltfantasien und Geschlechtsverkehr: Wer Till Lindemann oder Rammstein kennt, weiß dass solche Provokationen bei der Band und ihrem Frontsänger eine Rolle spielt. In dessen Gedicht "Wenn du schläfst" aus seinem neuen Band... more
"Lá em casa manda ela. Mas nela mando eu." A figura do feminino remete-nos frequentemente para a vida no seio familiar, enquanto elemento basilar na sua estruturação e reprodução geracional. Partimos do pressuposto que a diferença de... more
The aim of this article is to present Simone de Beauvoir as a philosopher and a feminist. It is also needed to point out that her activistic approach is strictly correlated with her philosophical attitude. The analysis of chosen texts of... more
Taken from the opening chant spoken by the three witches in William Shakespeare’s Macbeth, the title of this exhibition and its accompanying publication "Fair is foul & foul is fair" provokes the audience to consider that the dramatic... more
This article analyzes "A Rapist in Your Path/Un violador en tu camino," the feminist anthem developed by Chilean women to denounce male violence.
L'America Latina è la matria del movimento globale "Ni Una Menos". Era il 2016 quando, in seguito al brutale stupro e femminicidio della giovanissima Lucia Perez, la proposta dello sciopero delle donne prendeva forma a Buenos Aires,... more
This article engages with concerns in feminist scholarship about a decline of feminist influence in contemporary efforts to prevent, challenge and mitigate the harms of sexual violence. A key focus of these concerns has centred on... more
Based on field research at Gangjeong village of Jeju, South Korea, the author studies faith-based popular resistance against the construction of a naval base through the lens of gender. The paper analyzes the militarized history of... more
Activist Images and the Dissemination of Dissent Tel Aviv University June 2019 The Spectacle of Feminist Activism The title of this paper is drawn from Lisa Tickner’s landmark 1987 study, The Spectacle of Women, which examined the... more
El movimiento de las mujeres indígenas en el interior del movimiento indígena latinoamericano nos ha permitido repensar la aplicación de la ciudadanía neoliberal en contextos de reconocimiento jurídico en los Estados pluriculturales.... more
Povodom destogodišnjice rada Novosadske lezbejske organizacije NLO, odazvala sam se pozivu da napišem nekoliko utisaka vezanih za njihovo postojanje. Ovaj esej je delimično prerađena verzija koja je izašla u obliku filmskog eseja pod... more
This article is based on two observations about game production culture, first that there is a demographic mismatch between those who make games and those who play them [1], and secondly that through their organization, setting, and... more
This article examines activist artist Traci Molloy's use of the arts to radically affect and influence how one university understands, approaches, and educates a campus on issues around sexual assault. Molloy reached out to University... more
This article focuses on the experimental ecocinema of Swedish Sami filmmaker Liselotte Wajstedt, director of Kiruna--Rymdvagen (Space Road) and the sequel in progress, Kiruna-- Ortdrivaren (The Drift Block). Wajstedt's cinematic works... more
Literature & Ecofeminism-Ecofeminist moorings in Globalized India: Literary discourses and Interpretations
This text argues not for representing (in the two senses insightfully and critically delineated by Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak in "Can The Subaltern Speak?") but rather for what Bacchetta calls "re-presencing" or a mode of insertion of... more
Influenced by social identity theory, psychologists have focused primarily on the role of shared identity in leading people to engage in collective action. In this study, we are concerned with the factors that lead individuals who do not... more
The following is me keynote presentation at the 3rd World Congress on Climate Change and Global Warming, Dubai, UAE, October 2017. My aim is to show how legislative processes ostensibly aimed at drafting laws that embody justice and... more
A partir do final da década de 60, nos EUA e Grã-Bretanha, mulheres passaram a colocar em pauta necessária a discussão de gênero, expressando seu protagonismo social e interferindo no próprio conceito de gênero. Esta produção social se dá... more
In this paper, I intend to rethink the specific question of authority and to show how it is narrowly interwoven with both the concepts of action and performativity. Firstly, I examine Arendt’s account of action and its disruptive,... more
This paper discusses the changes in the medial representation of female* homosexuality in the German Democratic Republic (GDR) during the 1980s. This will be done in specific relation to the rise of a lesbian political movement and the... more
Studies of urban neoliberalism have been surprisingly inattentive to gender. Brenda Parker begins to remedy this by looking at the effect of new urbanism, “creative class,” and welfare reform discourses on women in Milwaukee, a... more
Le présent article s'intéresse à l'internationalisation des militantes pour les droits des femmes au Burundi et au Libéria depuis 2003, année de la fin des guerres civiles qui ont respectivement touché ces pays, par l'entremise d'une... more
Historically, much of the mainstream advocacy for reproductive rights, sexual health, biological ethics, abortion demands, and contraception were premised on a belief that science was inherently progressive. It often downplayed the ways... more
This report examines the nature of interaction and engagement between Lebanese citizens’ collectives and the state on gender-specific matters, through the case study of the Family Violence Bill that was passed in 2014. It analyses the... more
In this article I consider the ethical boundaries of intergenerational activism for the feminist researcher conducting research in pre-existing activist networks. Drawing on a decade of involvement with girl-activists at the United... more
The enclosed paper is a submission to the 2017 Annual conference of the Society for Philosophy in the Contemporary World. In this chapter from Eco-Nihilism: The Philosophical Geopolitics of the Climate Change Apocalypse, I’ll argue that... more
This article is proposed as an approach to the problem of relations between social–political commitment, the practice of communication and technologies in the field of network society through a critical discourse analysis of a spe- cific... more