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      SpiritualityChristian SpiritualityFrancis of AssisiGiles of Assisi
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      Servant LeadershipFranciscan SpiritualityFrancis of AssisiSecular Franciscans and JPIC
On 28 May last year the title of Emeritus Professor was conferred to Professor Leonhard Lehmann, when his didactic activity at our Franciscan Istitute of Spirituality came to a close. In that circumstance prof. Lehmann presented an... more
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      Franciscan StudiesFranciscan SpiritualityFrancis of Assisi
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      TheologyPractical theologySpiritualityPrayer
"Religious practices in late medieval Kotor included charitable acts of donating clothes to the poor as a form of imitatio Christi. The model of charity for the faithful to follow was set in the vitae of widely-favoured saints such as Sts... more
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      Catherine of SienaFrancis of AssisiMedieval Devotional Culture
In questo momento assai delicato della nostra storia e del nostro presente, aggravato da una difficile crisi economico-finanziaria, non è fuori luogo il ricorso al paradigma etico-economico e socio-politico della Scuola francescana. Esso... more
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      Franciscan StudiesReligious congregations and monastic ordersMonasticismHistory of Monasticism
The remarkableness and sanctity of Francis of Assisi is not an indication that he was immune to the same human fragility that we share. This is borne out if we refuse to settle for the piles of modern-day biography and go directly to the... more
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      HagiographySaints' CultsFranciscan StudiesChristian Spirituality
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      Christian SpiritualityFranciscan SpiritualityFrancis of AssisiLuigi Giussani
Sejarah singkat mengenai kehidupan Santo Fransiskus dari Assisi
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      Medieval HistoryFranciscan StudiesFrancis of Assisi
Ein auf die Minderbrüder beschränkter Entwurf basierend auf "Die frühe Ordenskleidung der Franziskaner und Dominikaner" mit neueren Überlegungen. Was trugen die frühen Minderbrüder - und warum? Beantwortet mit Quellenarbeit, der... more
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      History of CostumeFranciscan StudiesMendicant OrdersFrancis of Assisi
This study examined how aesthetic leadership behaviors may indicate leaders’ level of personal inner cohesion. The hypothesis asserted that leaders who were exposed to prolonged/profound trauma and did not work through this trauma may... more
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      AestheticsSelf and IdentityTrauma StudiesSelf Care
A Franciscan historian comes to learn of an ancient manuscript being auctioned off in the United States; it seems like the plot of a mystery novel. Indeed , this is the premise needed to comprehend the origin of the publication. The... more
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      Medieval HistoryHagiographyMedieval Church HistoryFranciscan Studies
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      Art HistoryFrancis of AssisiStoria Dell'Arte MedievaleSTORIA DELL'ARTE
This article focuses on the figures of Francis of Assisi and Ramon Llull, both of whom are representative of the Late Mediaeval world. The intention is to point out, albeit not to present exhaustively, the main lines of thought and action... more
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      Ramon LlullFrancis of Assisi
Francesco d'Assisi scrittore?
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      Franciscan StudiesMendicant OrdersFrancis of Assisi
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      Art HistoryFranciscan StudiesHistory of ArtMedieval Art
Il Vangelo ha donato a Francesco di Assisi una fondamentale buona notizia che ha dato una forma evangelica alla sua esistenza: Dio in Gesù si è fatto nostro Padre donandoci suo Figlio come fratello, così da farci suoi figli. Questa... more
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    • Francis of Assisi
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      ReligionArt HistoryMedieval HistoryHagiography
Vivimos en una época cínica, como denuncia Peter Sloterdjik, y profundamente ideologizada con no-ideologías, como señala Slavoj Žižek. Una manera de atacar estos problemas es volviendo a la Razón desfachatada y burlona, a la crítica... more
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      Franciscan StudiesFranciscan SpiritualityCynicism (Ancient Greek Philosophy)Francis of Assisi
Antonianum, 85 (2010), p. 165-168
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      HagiographyFranciscan StudiesBonaventureFranciscan Spirituality
Il piccolo biglietto conservato ancora a Spoleto e scritto di proprio pugno da frate Francesco a frate Leone costituisce senza ombra di dubbio uno dei testi più preziosi e belli della storia del francescanesimo. In esso è giunto fi no a... more
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      Medieval LiteratureFranciscan StudiesChristian SpiritualityFrancis of Assisi
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      Medieval HistoryHagiographyMedieval StudiesCult of Saints
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      TheologyDeathDeath StudiesPhilosophical Theology
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      Catholic TheologyFranciscan StudiesHistory of Roman CatholicismThomas Merton
Publilshed as "Discernment with a Little Help from Francis and Clare" in Horizon: Journal of the National Religious Vocation Conference Vol 34 (Fall 2008).
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      Spiritual FormationFranciscan StudiesChristian SpiritualityFranciscan Spirituality
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      Medieval LiteratureSpiritualityMedieval Latin LiteratureMysticism
Full text available for download here: https://www.degruyter.com/document/doi/10.1515/9783110685008/html For generations, early Franciscan thought has been widely regarded as unoriginal: a mere attempt to systematize the longstanding... more
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      Medieval PhilosophyMedieval HistoryHistory of ReligionMedieval Studies
Riassunto: L'autore prende in esame alcune recenti biografie di Francesco d' Assisi (in specifico i volumi di Augustine Thompson, Chiara Mercuri e Alfonso Marini) e un volume di Barbara Frale dedicato agli anni giovanili e all'attività... more
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      Medieval HistoryHagiographyMedieval StudiesMedieval Church History
A report of Francis of Assisi foretelling a non-canonically elected pope is circulating online in English translation. The translation is of a text edited by Luke Wadding in 1623. With the advances of Franciscan studies over the last... more
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      Medieval HistoryPapacy (Medieval Church History)Eschatology and ApocalypticismFranciscan Studies
Full text available for download here: https://www.degruyter.com/document/doi/10.1515/9783110684834/html The thirteenth century was a dynamic period in intellectual history which witnessed the establishment of the first universities,... more
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      PhilosophyTheologyMedieval English LiteratureFrancis Bacon
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      Francis of AssisiMedieval LiturgyFranciscan Sources
Forthcoming, December 2022, Cambridge University Press
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      Intellectual HistoryPsychologyPhilosophyPhilosophy of Mind
A comparative study of the two different Catholic religious orders in reference to the Rules of their founders.
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesEarly Medieval HistoryCatholic Theology
This article explores the encounter between Francis of Assisi and the Ayyūbid sultan al-Malik al-Kāmil, an event that many proponents of Muslim-Christian dialogue – including Pope Francis – have invoked as a sign of hope for... more
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      Ayyubid historyFranciscan StudiesInterreligious DialogueChristian-Muslim Dialogue
This book investigates how humility, in both theory and practice, has been perceived, conceived, described, and prescribed – by whom and for whom – from the multiple perspectives of intellectual and cultural histories, historical... more
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      Medieval PhilosophyMedieval StudiesRenaissance StudiesMedieval Latin Literature
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      EcologyHans JonasFilosofíaFrancis of Assisi
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      CrusadesAyyubid historyFranciscan StudiesSufism
Commento al testo del cantico di Francesco
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      Medieval LiteratureMedieval StudiesFranciscan StudiesFrancis of Assisi
Life-Writing The academic study of charisma has long been where Max Weber put it: in the areas of religious experience, political leadership, and social interaction. Looming behind these domains, where living people embody charisma and... more
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      Medieval LiteratureHagiographyMedieval Latin LiteratureFranciscan Studies
Full text available for download here: https://www.degruyter.com/document/doi/10.1515/9783110684827/html?lang=en The legacy of late medieval Franciscan thought is uncontested: for generations, the influence of late-13th and 14th... more
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      PhilosophyTheologyMedieval StudiesFranciscan Studies
The evangelical preaching by Francis of Assisi had a political relevance, because he strongly promoted peace and blamed fights.
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      Religion and PoliticsPeace MovementsFrancis of Assisi
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      Franciscan StudiesFrancis of AssisiFrancesco d'Assisi
Who should be poor? How poor should they be? And why? These are the questions I wish to address in this essay. They are questions that have been asked throughout the entire history of God's people. They were given special attention during... more
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      Monastic StudiesVoluntary SimplicityFrancis of AssisiNew Monasticism
The author studies the prophet’s image employed in the Middle Ages vis-à-vis the person of St Francis of Assisi. The research begins with a perusal of the main hagiographic legends of the 13th century, singling out the episodes in... more
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      HagiographyMedieval StudiesPreachingStigmatization
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      LiturgyManuscripts (Medieval Studies)Francis of AssisiMedieval Liturgy
Con l'enciclica Laudato si', papa Francesco pone l'umanità di fronte alla necessità di compiere un serio cammino di conversione ecologica integrale. Non solo le istituzioni - nazionali e sovranazionali - vengono chiamate ad affrontare e... more
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      ChristianityMedieval HistoryHistory of ChristianityCatholic Social Teaching
This article looks at the British theological movement Radical Orthodoxy and Franciscanism, two schools of thought that have historically been pinned against each other. Here a constructive dialogue of reconciliation is proposed between... more
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      Radical Orthodoxy (Theology)Franciscan StudiesBonaventureJohn Milbank