Ramon Llull
Recent papers in Ramon Llull
The article deals with Rhetoric in Antiquity and the Middle Ages from the perspective of eleven philosophers – Plato and Aristotle, Cicero, Seneca and Quintilian, Rhetoric to Herenium (by unknown author), Augustine, Martianus Capella and... more
The Majorcan mystic and philosopher Ramon Llull (c. 1232-c. 1315) is best known for his Art, a universal method of combinatory reasoning supposedly permitting comprehension of all fields of knowledge. Llull's Arbre de Ciència or Tree of... more
La memòria de Ramon Llull està impresa en el paisatge, en la toponímia i en una part del patrimoni artístic que es forjà a Mallorca durant segles. Miramar constituí un dels llocs fonamentals d’inspiració i treball del beat entre 1276 i... more
This article focuses on the figures of Francis of Assisi and Ramon Llull, both of whom are representative of the Late Mediaeval world. The intention is to point out, albeit not to present exhaustively, the main lines of thought and action... more
The stylistic way of the brevity was a mainstream in the Middle Ages (above all in the twelfth century), and it will play a fundamental role in developing the art of memory during the Renaissance. Under this topic, Lull creates... more
L’article ofereix una visió de conjunt del corpus de poesia lul·liana, des d'una perspectiva cronològica i formal. Situant cada text en el seu context de composició i en relació amb la seva tradició literària, és possible observar una... more
Article on es demostra que la reforma social proposada per Ramon Llull al "Romanç d'Evast e Blaquerna" no és utòpica, en tant que és una aplicació pràctica de la teoria de les dues intencions formulada a l'anterior "Llibre d'intenció".
Brief exposition of the importance of Music in Western aesthetic thought. From Plato, and later, in the Middle Ages, San Isidore of Seville, Guido of Arezzo and Ramon Llull, all thinkers who did meditations on the importance of the... more
A brief examination of the 14th century missionary Ramon Llull's Great Art as a visionary prototype for today's machine learning and globally integrated digital technologies.
- by Ricardo da Costa
- Ramon Llull, Early modern history Ukraine, Chronicle Theatrum Europaeum, The military religious orders of the Middle Ages : the Hospitallers, the Templars, the Teutonic knights, and others, The military religious orders of the Middle Ages : the Hospitallers, the Templars, the Teutonic knights, and others, Templars
This book proposes a journey, or rather a walk, in time, space and also in some regions of the mind. It is first, indeed, to explore some activities of the mind seeming at first glance to have no connection with each other, but between... more
This contribution reconstructs the history of volvelle in movable books; books created for a wide range of different purposes (teaching, mnemonics, play, divining, etc.) including mechanical or paratextual devices demanding or soliciting... more
La fondazione del Miramar rappresenta un punto di contatto tra Ramon Llull e l’esperienza minoritica, soprattutto in merito alla predicazione agli infedeli. Anche tra le opere del maiorchino in particolare il Llibbre qui és contra... more
Academic Memorial presented on April 26, 2017 to a Special Commission to progress to the last level of academic career in Brazil (Professor Titular), with the narrative (textual and imagery) of my intellectual trajectory, from the... more
Ramon Llull (1232-1315/16) és un dels autors medievals més innovadors pel que fa al reciclatge de gèneres, formes i motius de la tradició. Els seus objectius missioners i la voluntat de fer arribar el seu missatge a públics ben diferents... more
The Cantigas de Santa María is a cultural landmark in medieval Spain. This magnific work of the thirteenth century is composed of 420 praises and narratives of miracles of the Virgin Mary and written in galician-portuguese language.... more
The aim of this paper is to call attention to Ramon Llull’s Cent noms de Déu, or The One Hundred Names of God, and its unique place in the history of medieval Christian-Muslim polemics. Llull (1232-1315) was a writer, logician,... more
This contribution reconstructs the history of movable books, books created for a wide range of different purposes (teaching, mnemonics, play, divining, etc.) including mechanical or paratextual devices demanding or soliciting the... more
“Where is Tripoli? Where is Acre? Where are the churches of the Christians who used to be there? Where are the saints’ relics, the devout men and women praising the Lord as ‘morning stars’? Where is the multitude of Christian peoples that... more
Вводится понятие "литературный фрактал" и рассматриваются литературные тексты, которые, в том или ином смысле, обладают фрактальной природой. - Опубликовано в электронном журнале "Textonly", 16, №2, 2006.
Presentando le sue proposte per una riforma generale e culturale di fronte al Concilio riunitosi a Vienne nel 1311, Raimondo Lullo non trascuro di considerare 1'arte medica: Scientia medicinae valde est absconsa. Ex quo sequitur, quod... more
يعتقد الكثير في الغرب، وكذلك في الشرق، وأقصد بهما الغرب الحضاري والشرق الحضاري، أن التوالي الزماني في الوحي عبر العصور والأنبياء يأتي بأقدمية الأفكار والعقائد المتواجدة في الديانات المتبقية من ذلك الوحي بما فيه الدين الإسلامي. وعلى ذلك... more
The Catholic Church celebrated two important centennials in 2016: on the one hand the 800th recurrence of the papal approbation of the Dominican Order, and on the other hand the remembrance of the 700th anniversary of the death of the... more
The Romanç d'Evast e Blaquerna is assumed to have been written between 1276 and 1283, and the name of the protagonist already appears in the last chapter of the Doc-trina pueril, written between 1274 and 1276. This article explores the... more