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Italy has recently introduced a GAAR in its tax system. While the wording of the clause is not original, considering the experience the other countries might have about it, it is the context in which the provision shall operate that arose... more
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      TaxationTax PlanningTax AvoidanceInternational and European Tax Law
In 2012, public opinion focussed on what has been called 'aggressive tax planning of multinational enterprises'. Since then, the G20 and OECD developed the Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS) Action Plan – a phenomenon that has... more
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      European UnionOECDTax EvasionG20 - G8 - G7
La circolare n. 27 del 18.12.2018 costituisce l'occasione, per Assonime, di commentare brevemente la nozione di «abuso del diritto» domestica, in relazione a quella contenuta nella Direttiva n. 2016/1164 (cd. ATAD 1): ne emergono, accanto... more
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      Tax LawInternational TaxationDiritto TributarioTax Avoidance
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    • GAARS
This article compares the features and attributes of the post 2013 Australian General Anti-Avoidance rule (GAAR) under a common law jurisdiction and the 2015 General Anti-abuse rule in Italy under a civil law jurisdiction. These selected... more
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      Tax LawTaxationTax AvoidanceGAARS
Este artículo analiza la posibilidad de que la declaración de conflicto en la aplicación de la norma conlleve una sanción en algunos casos, tal y como propone el anteproyecto de ley de reforma de la Ley General Tributaria (LGT). Estudia... more
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      Tax LawTax AvoidanceGAARS
There is no universal legal or academic definition of avoidance. It is either defined negatively or combined with terms such as ‘impermissible’ or ‘unacceptable’. In order to circumvent this conceptual dilemma but, at the same time, to... more
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      Tax LawInternational Tax LawTaxationInternational Taxation
Mergers and acquisitions of Croatian target companies may involve significant tax risks for domestic and foreign acquirers. Over the recent years, Croatian tax authorities have started to vigorously assess the economic substance of the... more
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      Mergers & AcquisitionsTaxationBusiness TaxationCorporate Income Taxation
U ovom se radu, uzimajući u obzir više ciljeva porezne politike, analizira pristup izbjegavanju poreza u Hrvatskoj te ukazuje na njegove postojeće nedostatke. Ističe se kako Hrvatska tek treba razviti koherentan normativni okvir za... more
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      Tax LawInternational Tax LawGAARS
The article summarises the views on the interrelation of GAARs and tax treaties, abstracts defining criteria for the feasibility of GAAR as an anti-abuse instrument in tax treaty situations and applies these to the situation (legislation... more
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      International Tax LawInternational TaxationDouble Taxation Treaty, Interpretations of Double Taxation TreatiesGAARS
Domestic responses against international tax avoidance have sharply increased in the latest years worldwide (in this sense, DAC 6-type rules are worth mentioning). In this contest, GAAR shopping by competent authorities and tax... more
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      ArgentinaGAARSOECD MLI
Poland has had a GAAR in force since 15 of July 2016. In substantive terms, the conditions for ignoring an arrangement (i.e. ignoring the effectiveness of a transaction or series of transactions) in Poland are similar to solutions that... more
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      European LawTax LawGeneral Anti Avoidance RuleTax Avoidance
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    • GAARS
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      GAARSTreaty ShoppingSAARstreaty PPT and LoB
Argentine report on Subject 1, IFA Seul Congress-2018
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      SaarGAARSMlitax law interpretation
The paper takes a tax policy perspective in analysing the approach to tax avoidance in Croatia and expounding its existing shortcomings. It is argued that Croatia is yet to develop a coherent legislative framework suitable for curbing tax... more
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      Tax LawInternational Tax LawTax AvoidanceGAARS
Introduction. 1. Differences between OECD and emerging countries' tax systems. 2. The challenges and constraints to promote effective reforms and to counter noncompliance in emerging countries. 3. Is tax avoidance a problem that calls for... more
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      Tax LawInternational Tax LawTaxationInternational Taxation
The paper takes a tax policy perspective in analysing the approach to tax avoidance in Croatia and expounding its existing shortcomings. It is argued that Croatia is yet to develop a coherent legislative framework suitable for curbing tax... more
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      Tax LawTaxationTax AvoidanceGAARS
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      Tax reformGAARS
RESUMEN La Ley N° 20.780/2014 introdujo en Chile la regulación de normas generales antielusivas: el abuso de las formas jurídicas y la simulación. Sin embargo, esta última figura no tiene una naturaleza elusiva, sino evasiva. Su actual... more
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      GAARSSimulación tributariaIniciativa exclusiva del SII
O presente artigo busca analisar a compatibilidade da norma geral antielisiva introduzida pela Diretiva que estabelece regras contra as práticas de elisão fiscal que tenham incidência direta no funcionamento do mercado interno com a... more
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      International Tax LawInternational TaxationGAARSATAD
El presente trabajo pretende contribuir a una mejor comprensión de las normas generales antielusivas en Chile, y sostiene que tanto el abuso de las formas jurídicas como la simulación-al igual que en España-son figuras objetivas, esto es,... more
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      GAARSAdministrative Penalties
Artykuł stanowi głos w dyskusji dotyczącej właściwego rozumienia „sprzeczności [korzyści podatkowej] z przedmiotem lub celem ustawy podatkowej lub jej przepisu” – przesłanki definicyjnej dla unikania opodatkowania, któremu przeciwdziała... more
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      TaxationTax AvoidanceGAARS
This national report represents a chapter in a post-conference book which investigates the various understandings of and approaches towards tax avoidance in 39 countries (IBFD 2016). "The national reports focus on the requirements for... more
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      Tax LawTax AvoidanceGAARS
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      Early Medieval ArchaeologyEarly Medieval HistoryIrelandHIstory of Sport
Celem artykułu jest zbadanie, z punktu widzenia wzorców oceny konstytucyjnej wypracowanych w orzecznictwie Trybunału Konstytucyjnego, przepisu przejściowego zawartego w art. 7 ustawy z 13.05.2016 r. o zmianie ustawy - Ordynacja podatkowa... more
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      Tax AvoidanceGAARS
Las normas generales antielusión chilenas buscan privar de efectos tributarios a aquellas planificaciones tributarias calificadas como abusivas o simuladas por un tribunal. Estas, presentan interesantes características en materia de... more
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      GAARSprescripción tributaria
Ustawą z 13.5.2016 r. o zmianie ustawy – Ordynacja podatkowa oraz niektórych innych ustaw wprowadzono do polskiego systemu prawnego klauzulę ogólną przeciwko unikaniu opodatkowania. Została ona ujęta w nowo tworzonym Dziale IIIa ustawy z... more
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      Tax AvoidanceGAARS