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      Quantum PhysicsCritical MassUnified Field TheoryAlternative Theories of Gravity
Ellipses are geometric curves with a long-standing history of mystery. The perimeter of ellipses are not accurately determined by the existing formulas, especially when the ellipse is squashed. In this paper, by using the Gauss-Bonnet... more
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      MathematicsNumerical AnalysisDifferential GeometryGeometry
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      Mathematical PhysicsQuantum PhysicsString TheoryDark Energy
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      Algebraic GeometryCategory TheoryPure MathematicsGauss-Bonnet
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      String TheoryUltravioletGauss-BonnetBlack Hole
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      Gauss-BonnetBlack Holeparameter space
We have studied primordial non-Gaussian features from a model of potential driven single field DBI Galileon inflation. We have computed the bispectrum from the three point correlation function considering all possible cross correlation... more
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      Cosmology (Physics)GravitationGeneral RelativityObservational Cosmology
In spray painting applications, it is essential to generate a spray gun trajectory such that the entire surface is completely covered and receives an acceptably uniform layer of paint deposition; we call this the “uniform coverage”... more
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      EngineeringMechanical EngineeringRoboticsComputer Science
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      Quantum PhysicsGeneral RelativityDark EnergyModified Gravity
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      Particle PhysicsDark EnergyModified GravityGauss-Bonnet
We construct a solitonic 3-brane solution in the 5-dimensional Einstein-Hilbert-Gauss-Bonnet theory. This solitonic brane is delta-function like, and has the property that gravity is completely localized on the brane. That is, there are... more
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      Quantum TheoryString TheoryGauss-BonnetGauge theory
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      Field TheoryQuantum PhysicsGeneral RelativityGauss-Bonnet
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      Quantum PhysicsUnified Field TheoryAlternative Theories of GravityGauss-Bonnet
In this paper we investigate the cosmological effects of modified gravity with string curvature corrections added to Einstein-Hilbert action in the presence of a dynamically evolving scalar field coupled to Riemann invariants. The... more
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      Quantum PhysicsDark EnergyHigher Order ThinkingModified Gravity
We recall how the Gauss-Bonnet theorem can be interpreted as a finite dimen- sional index theorem. We describe the construction given in hep-th/0512293 of a function that can be interpreted as a gravitational effective action on a... more
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      High Energy PhysicsMathematical SciencesGauss-BonnetPhysical sciences
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      Quantum PhysicsDark EnergyGauss-BonnetDe Sitter
We extend the covariant analysis of the brane cosmological evolution in order to take into account, apart from a general matter content and an induced-gravity term on the brane, a Gauss-Bonnet term in the bulk. The gravitational effect of... more
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      Quantum PhysicsUnified Field TheoryAlternative Theories of GravityGauss-Bonnet
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      ThermodynamicsBlack HolesHigh Energy PhysicsMathematical Sciences
We examine the effect on cosmological evolution of adding a string motivated Gauss-Bonnet term to the traditional Einstein-Hilbert action for a (1 + 3) + d dimensional Friedman-Robertson- Walker (FRW) metric. By assuming that the... more
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      Quantum CosmologyHigh Energy PhysicsDark EnergyGauss-Bonnet
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      High Energy Density PhysicsDark EnergyCosmologyGauss-Bonnet
In this work we develop the patch formalism, an approach providing a very simple and compact description of braneworld-motivated cosmologies with nonstandard effective Friedmann equations. In particular, the Hubble parameter is assumed to... more
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      Quantum CosmologyHigh Energy PhysicsGauss-BonnetPerturbation Theory
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      ThermodynamicsGauss-BonnetElectromagnetic Field
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      ThermodynamicsMathematical SciencesGauss-BonnetPhysical sciences
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      MathematicsHigh Energy PhysicsDifferential GeometryPure Mathematics
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      Mathematical SciencesGauss-BonnetPhysical sciencesSecond Law of Thermodynamics
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      Protein ScienceHigh Energy PhysicsMathematical SciencesAdS/CFT Correspondence
We look at general brane worlds in six-dimensional Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet gravity. We find the general matching conditions for the brane world, which remarkably give precisely the four-dimensional Einstein equations for the brane, even... more
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      Gauss-BonnetPhysical sciencesCosmological ConstantBrane World
We study the role of the Gauss-Bonnet corrections and two loop higher genus contribution to the gravity action on the Kaluza-Klien modes and their interactions for different bulk fields which enable one to study various phenomenological... more
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      Mathematical PhysicsField TheoryElementary Particle PhysicsGravitation
This thesis is devoted to the study of gravitational theories which can be seen as modifications or generalisations of General Relativity. The motivation for considering such theories, stemming from Cosmology, High Energy Physics and... more
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      PhysicsQuantum GravityGeneral RelativityDark Matter
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      Mathematical PhysicsTheoretical PhysicsString TheorySymplectic geometry
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    • Gauss-Bonnet
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      Observational CosmologyDark EnergyCosmic Microwave BackgroundGauss-Bonnet
We review the recent attempts of unifying inflation with quintessence. It appears natural to join the two ends in the framework of brane world cosmology. The models of quintessential inflation belong to the class of {\it non-oscillatory}... more
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      Quantum CosmologyHigh Energy PhysicsGauss-BonnetBrane World
We study fully backreacting, Gauss-Bonnet (GB) holographic superconductors in 5 bulk spacetime dimensions. We explore the system's dependence on the scalar mass for both positive and negative GB coupling, $\alpha$. We find that when the... more
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      Numerical AnalysisHigh Energy PhysicsMathematical SciencesGauss-Bonnet
A Gauss-Bonnet dark energy model is considered, which is inspired in string/M-theory and takes also into account quantum contributions. Those are introduced from a conformal quantum anomaly. The corresponding solutions for the Hubble... more
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      Mathematical PhysicsQuantum PhysicsDark EnergyInteger quantum hall effect
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      Black HolesHigh Energy PhysicsQuantum VacuumMathematical Sciences
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      Field TheoryQuantum PhysicsString TheoryEarly Universe
It is shown that an action inspired from a BF and Chern–Simons model, based on the AdS4 isometry group SO(3,2), with the inclusion of a Higgs potential term, furnishes the MacDowell–Mansouri–Chamseddine–West action for gravity, with a... more
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      PhysicsGauss-BonnetCosmological ConstantChern Simons Theory
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      Field TheoryPhysicsBlack HolesHigh Energy Physics
Lovelock theory is a natural extension of Einstein theory of gravity to higher dimensions, and it is of great interest in theoretical physics as it describes a wide class of models. In particular, it describes string theory inspired... more
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      PhysicsString TheoryUltravioletGauss-Bonnet
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      Pure MathematicsGauss-BonnetFirst-Order LogicDimensional
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      Quantum CosmologyHigh Energy PhysicsGauss-BonnetSpace Time
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      Mathematical PhysicsQuantum PhysicsGauss-BonnetBlack Hole
In this paper we study the role of the 5D Gauss-Bonnet corrections and two loop higher genus contribution to the gravity action in type IIB string theory inspired low energy supergravity theory in the light of gravidilatonic interactions... more
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      General RelativityString TheoryExtra dimensionsHigh Energy Physics
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      Quantum PhysicsThermodynamicsQuantum Field TheoryGauss-Bonnet
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      Lie AlgebraGeneral RelativitySupergravityModels
For matrix analogues of embedded surfaces we define discrete curvatures and Euler characteristics, and a non-commutative Gauss--Bonnet theorem is shown to follow. We derive simple expressions for the discrete Gauss curvature in terms of... more
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      Mathematical PhysicsHigh Energy PhysicsNon-commutative GeometryQuantum Algebra
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      Quantum PhysicsGauss-BonnetBlack HoleDimensional
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      Quantum CosmologyHigh Energy PhysicsMathematical SciencesGauss-Bonnet
As an application in physics, by the Ashok-Douglas theory, counting the number of flux compactifications of the type IIb string on a Calabi-Yau threefold is related to the integrations of various Chern-Weil forms. We proved that all these... more
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      Algebraic GeometryHigh Energy PhysicsDifferential GeometryGauss-Bonnet