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THIS IS YOUR CUE: TIME TO TAKE ACTION Call upon the community or general public, parents and youths, mental health professionals, physicians and nurses, educators, Facebook and other internet social media, religious groups, athletes,... more
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      Creative WritingEntrepreneurshipMarketingRobotics
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      Science EducationHigher EducationGifted EducationGiftedness
This qualitative study investigated the lived experiences of highly sensitive persons (HSPs) to better understand the way they experience careers. Sensory processing sensitivity (SPS) is the underlying personality trait and is present in... more
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      SociologyPersonality PsychologySocial PsychologyDevelopmental Psychology
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      Gifted education (Gifted Education)Gifted EducationGiftednessPsychology of Intelligence and Giftedness, Creativity Development, Cross-Cultural Psychology, Cross-Cultural Education
According to the objectives of the paper, the evaluation was checked together with the participants in semi-structured interviews. Two assessments were given to the students: the strategic talent management and the innovation potential... more
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      Creative WritingCritical TheoryEntrepreneurshipPsychological Assessment
The popular notion of creativity in schools is that of the creative art student or the creative writer, yet creativity can be utilised as a particular way of thinking with regards to producing information and learning at school which can... more
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    •   12  
      CreativityCurriculum DesignContemporary ArtCurriculum Development
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      GiftednessCounselingSchool CounselingPsychology of Intelligence and Giftedness, Creativity Development, Cross-Cultural Psychology, Cross-Cultural Education
Creative is an important trait in improving all aspects of our lives; yet, because it cannot be easily quantified, it is given too little attention in our schools. Creativity is a form of problem solving that relies on being able to... more
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      Creative WritingCreativity studiesCreativity--Knowledge Invention & DiscoveryModels of Creativity & of Creative Processes
The chapter offers a comparison of an Orthodox and a Roman Catholic approach to the foundations of sacramental theology. With each theologian the author analyses an underlying epistemology, a type of relational and symbolic understanding... more
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      ChristianityTheologyLiturgical StudiesCatholic Studies
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      School Guidance and CounselingGiftednessSchool CounselingPsychology of Intelligence and Giftedness, Creativity Development, Cross-Cultural Psychology, Cross-Cultural Education
‘Gifted and talented’ has become the official way of referring to high-achieving, able school pupils. The author questions the validity and appropriateness of this label and calls for a more sophisticated and inclusive framework.... more
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      PsychologyPositive PsychologyTeaching and LearningSocial Sciences
There is a widespread opinion that gifted children – as well as gifted adults – have an over-sensitive, fragile, even vulnerable personality. This opinion is to be found both in the case study literature of gifted and creative people in... more
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      PsychologyClinical PsychologyCognitive PsychologyPersonality Psychology
The Behavioral Characteristics of Kindergarten Gifted Children in Saudi Arabia: Construction and Validation of a Scale 315 Usama M. A. Ibrahim and Abdullah M. Aljughaiman This study aims to: (a) develop a scale of behavioral... more
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      GiftednessGifted and Talented EducationGifted ChildrenKindergarten
This paper is the result of a literature study in 2015 and 2016 concerning suicide among gifted and the status quo of suicide research. The literature on suicide among the gifted is overviewed, in depth with regard to: • the occurrence of... more
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The use of questionnaires to evaluate educational initiatives is widespread, but often problematic. This paper examines four aspects of an evaluation survey carried out with very able pupils attending out-of-school classes: ethics,... more
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      Program EvaluationEthicsEducationSocial Research Methods and Methodology
This paper addresses the issue of identification of gifted and talented children, discusses the two commonly used procedures for identification, namely, screening and nomination, and illustrates the author’s personal experiences regarding... more
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      Gifted education (Gifted Education)Gifted EducationGiftednessPsychology of Intelligence and Giftedness, Creativity Development, Cross-Cultural Psychology, Cross-Cultural Education
Introduction Regarding teachers of the gifted: 1. Is it recommended, or is it better for gifted students, that their teachers should be gifted individuals? 2. Should teachers of gifted students be especially talented regarding all aspects... more
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      Teacher EducationGifted education (Gifted Education)Gifted EducationGiftedness
Abstract: Among non-gifted adolescents school-related problems might include school pressure, such as lack of learning motivation, concentration problems, lack of interest, or just laziness. The nongifted might prefer to do fun things,... more
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      Child and adolescent mental healthGifted EducationAdolescence (Psychology)Adolescent Education (Education)
Adolescence is a period in everybody's life that is usually referred to as " time that everybody must go through " or " parents' hell ". Transition between childhood and adulthood is indeed of great importance in everybody's life, but it... more
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      PsychologyClinical PsychologyCognitive PsychologyPersonality Psychology
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      Educational PsychologyGifted EducationGiftednessGifted and Talented Education
The aim of the study was to explore the effect of enrichment programs on the academic achievement of gifted and talented students. The sample of the study consisted of (30) gifted and talented students studying at Al-Kourah Pioneer Center... more
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      Gifted EducationGiftednessPsychology of Intelligence and Giftedness, Creativity Development, Cross-Cultural Psychology, Cross-Cultural EducationGifted and Talented Education
We examine recent research across countries and cultures in regard to the issues related to the formation of gifted and talented education perspectives, policies, and practices. Many modern cultures and subcultures have developed formal... more
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      Education PolicyGifted education (Gifted Education)Development EducationGifted Education
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      Gifted EducationGiftednessNeural Basis of Cognitive PlasticityGifted and Talented Education
In this article, we begin with a short discussion of teaching and learning models, then describe what we believe is an exciting new model that can be used effectively in the teaching of gifted students. The main focus of this article is... more
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      GiftednessGifted and Talented EducationTeaching Gifted and Talented Students
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    •   277  
      Creative WritingCritical TheoryNeurosciencePsychology
This paper presents findings from two separate research projects conducted between 2012 and 2015, which together examined the experiences of 19 twice exceptional children. The first study used a mixed methods approach with eleven students... more
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      NarrativeNarrative MethodsGifted education (Gifted Education)Twice Exceptional Students and Education
Gifted students who also have learning disabilities (G/LD) are often overlooked when students are assessed either for giftedness or specific learning disabilities. The cognitive and non-cognitive characteristics of these G/LD students are... more
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      EmotionSelf and IdentityMotivation (Psychology)Twice Exceptional Students and Education
The gifted students are nurtured in Turkey through the gifted centers called Bilim ve Sanat Merkezi. However, some expectations and exam-centered education system cause gifted students to be overlooked in terms of social emotional needs... more
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      EducationEmotional intelligenceEmotional LiteracyGifted Education
Schools and families are supporting this age group with emotional and psychological knowledge.
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      HistoryPsychologySocial PsychologyNursing
Se distinguen los tipos de crecimiento en el hombre principalmente el orgánico, el de la esencia humana y el del acto de ser personal. Se propone la esperanza y el don como lógica del cre- cimiento del ser personal y a Dios como... more
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      AnthropologyPhilosophical AnthropologyPersonhoodPersonhood as Relational
Toplumların ihtiyacı olan nitelikli ve yetenekli bireyler, potansiyellerini kullanmada gösterdikleri performansla hem toplumun yetişmiş insan ihtiyacını karşılamakta hem de yeteneklerine üstünlük niteliği kazandırmaktadırlar. Yeteneğe... more
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      IntelligenceGiftednessModelsHistorical process
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      Gifted EducationGiftednessGifted and Talented Education
The lack of a unified definition of giftedness leads researchers to use very different operationalizations when selecting a sample of gifted individuals for use in research. We found 74 empirical articles from 21 journals that... more
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      Gifted EducationGiftednessIdentification of GiftednessConceptions of giftedness
Among non-gifted adolescents school-related problems might include school pressure, such as lack of learning motivation, concentration problems, lack of interest, or just laziness. The non-gifted might prefer to do fun things, such as... more
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      Child and adolescent mental healthAdolescent LiteracyGifted education (Gifted Education)Gift Giving (Economic Anthropology)
Behind the Mask- How educators can delve more deeply into the complexities of profoundly gifted students
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      EducationTeacher EducationGifted EducationEd Leadership - learning leading and teaching futures
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    • Giftedness
The purpose of this analytical review was to investigate the uses of the TASC model to teach gifted students and develop their creativity. The researcher decided to select studies of the TASC model, which were not used by Maker,... more
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      Curriculum DesignGifted EducationGiftednessCurriculum and Instruction
This chapter describes two inclusive, multi-level learning strategies: learning contracts and agendas
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      Teaching and LearningEducationTeaching English as a Second LanguageSpecial Education
There are no universal definitions of giftedness. As well, there are many misconceptions about what is meant by the terms, " gifted " or " gifted and talented ". This article seeks provide a broader understanding of what giftedness is or... more
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      EducationTeacher EducationLearning and TeachingReading
Many gifted children are “double labeled”, namely in addition of being gifted they are also learning disabled and/or suffer from emotional, social or behavioral problems. This article will present the difficulties gifted children with a... more
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      Gifted EducationGiftednessLearning DisabilitiesGifted and Talented Education
Claude Bruaire a intitulé «Ontodologie» un chapitre de son livre L’être et l’esprit: «Nous proposons ce vocable, seul adéquat pour conjuguer les mots grecs signifiant l’être et le don» (EE 51). Nous pouvons nous demander si la création... more
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      Human EnhancementGiftednessGratitudeMichael Sandel
In deze keynote voor professionals uit onderwijs en jeugdzorg wordt aandacht besteed aan de volgende punten: 1. Voorbeelden: cognitief hoogbegaafde leerlingen 2. Begrip hoogbegaafd; leerpsychologische kenmerken 3. Leerlingverschillen... more
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      Curriculum DesignCurriculum TheoryOptimization techniquesGifted Education
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      Project Risk ManagementStrategic PlanningGiftednessSouvenirs
Formal gifted education started in 1973 when the Israeli Ministry of Education opened the first two classes for the gifted, functioning 6 days a week: a grade 3 class in Tel Aviv and a grade 4 class in Haifa, as well as the first... more
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      Gifted EducationGiftednessIsraelGifted and Talented
The term "special education" is used, in most cases, for the education of children with learning disabilities, emotional problems, behavioral difficulties, severe physical limitations, or difficulties related to low cognitive abilities.... more
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      ADHD (Psychology)Gifted EducationGiftednessDysgraphia
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      Twice Exceptional Students and EducationGiftedness
Research literature dealing with the issue of " who seeks help for gifted children and adolescents who have emotional psychological, educational and familial problem " is very meager. The main reasons for this situation are: a. Seeking... more
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      Counseling PsychologyPsychotherapy and CounselingParent InvolvementGifted Education
This article will examine the potential connection between giftedness and suicidal attempts or death thoughts among children. At the first stage I will present the findings from the research literature about concepts of death and suicide... more
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      GiftednessPsychology of Intelligence and Giftedness, Creativity Development, Cross-Cultural Psychology, Cross-Cultural EducationGifted StudentsPsychology of Giftedness and Intelligence