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in: K.-H. Leven & N. Metzger (eds.) Brill's Encyclopedia of Medicine in the Greco-Roman World (forthcoming)
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      ClassicsAncient MedicineHistory of mentality (Classics)Magic and Divination in the Ancient World
Una inscripción profiláctica contra el granizo (ae 1939, 136): análisis lingüístico y nUevas lectUras Resumen El propósito del presente trabajo no es sino el de releer y editar una compleja inscripción tardoantigua (AE 1939, 136)... more
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      Ancient HistoryMagicLatin EpigraphyMediterranean and North Africa
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      ArtDemonologyEuropean Witch TrialsWitchcraft (Anthropology Of Religion)
Review of the most comprehensive collection of Roman curse tablets in Latin (most of them), with discussion of examples especially from Britain. SÁNCHEZ NATALÍAS, CELIA (2022). Sylloge of Defixiones from the Roman West. A Comprehensive... more
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      Latin PalaeographyReligion and Popular CultureVulgar LatinRoman Magic
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They came to tl1e other side of the sea, to the country of the Gerasenes. And when he had come out of the boat, there met him out of the tombs a man with an unclean spirit (pneu1nnti akatl1arto) who lived among the tombs; and no one could... more
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      ReligionPhilosophyLinguisticsJudaic Studies
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The objective of the defixiones, according to the author, was sometimes the real elimination of the enemy, that is, the death.
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      Near Eastern ArchaeologyAnthropologyAncient Greek HistoryArchaeology of Ritual and Magic
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    • DDC
Próby związane z walką duchową o wyzwolenie człowieka spod wpływu demona Autor podejmuje refleksję teologiczną na temat doświadczenia egzorcystów i osób opętanych przez diabła w odniesieniu do pokus i prób, jakie niesie ze sobą modlitwa... more
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    • Philosophy
Ce travail a comme sujet l'analyse de six tablettes de défixions découvertes dans la ville de Rome. Ces documents sont particulièrement intéressants pour leur apparat iconographique et pour le panthéon qu'elles présentent. Dans le... more
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      Ancient Egyptian ReligionLate AntiquityAncient myth and religionAncient Egyptian Magic
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This study explores the concept of magic in ancient Egypt, examining its role in society and religion. Through an analysis of historical texts, artifacts, and archaeological evidence, the study reveals how magic was intertwined with... more
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      EgyptologyTheologyQuantum TheoryBiblical Theology
A rare aquamarine hexagonal prism, of unknown provenance, preserves on its six faces portions of apparent magical words and names, ending with a legible prayer in Greek, "Holy Power, help me!" A closer examination of the formulas shows... more
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      AramaicHermeneuticsMagicSilk Road Studies
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    • Demonology in early Christianity
An unpublished curse tablet in the Musée Bargoin depicts a horse head demon, which is also attested in DTAud 155A, 167, and 248. The images on the first two items were published by R. Wünsch, and I discovered the drawing of DTAud 248 in... more
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      ArtDemonRepresentation Politics
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Statuette magiche da Sovana. Nel 1908 a Sovana, all'interno di una tomba a pianta rettangolare con banchine del VI secolo a.C., furono ritrovate due statuette di piombo che erano state poste in un angolo della cella su una banchina. Le... more
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      HumanitiesTEses De Doutoramento
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      Greek EpigraphyAncient Greek HistoryAncient magicBlack Sea ancient history and archaeology
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      Ancient HistoryRoman ReligionMagicAncient Rome
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    • Tabel-Timpuri-Verbale-Engleza
A kora újkor társadalmainak mentalitása, világképe, hiedelemrendszere: 1. Források feltárása, nyilvántartása és kiadása: Boszorkányperek dokumentumainak feltárása erdélyi, valamint felvidéki és magyarországi városokban: Összesen mintegy... more
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      ClassicsMagicLatin EpigraphyCurse Tablets
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      Roman ReligionArchaeology of Roman ReligionReligions of the Roman EmpireAncient magic
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      Ancient HistoryCultural StudiesArtSyria
Questa tesi, contiene: Storia della possessione Nascita Evoluzione storica e scientifica Elementi psicologici Elementi psicologici scientifici Casi clinici Biblioteca Conclusione *NB si precisa che qualsiasi documento venga utilizzato... more
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      SpiritismPeoplepossessionepossessione demoniaca
La battaglia per i posseduti di Geel Non è intellettualmente giusto e storiograficamente non scientifico giudicare situazioni, interpretazioni del passato con standard contemporanei, con una visione contemporanea. Quando facciamo cosi, il... more
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    • Demonic Possession
La possessione demoniaca come crisi religiosa La chiesa ha insistito nel considerare il possesso come una crisi religiosa. Sempre più teologi stanno nuovamente difendendo quella posizione. Concordo, con riserva. L'ideologia di fondo... more
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    • Demonic Possession
Besides the other sources that Goethe used when creating his Faust, in his private texts the author mentions his admiration for Le Diable Boiteux by Alain-René Le Sage. An eighteenth century French translation of El diablo cojeulo by... more
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Tra i 20.003 esemplari del deposito di moneta divisionale in bronzo, verosimilmente chiuso alla fine del 5 secolo a. C., recuperato sotto la pavimentazione della Sinagoga di Cafarnao, un esemplare, il n. 3766, con foro per la sospensione,... more
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      HistoryArtHistorical Studies
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To date, thirteen curse tablets from the area of modern Spain have been published that can (roughly) be dated prior to the Augustan period, which is early in comparison to other similar texts in the Latin West. The two earliest examples... more
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      Ancient HistoryMagicAncient myth and religion
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      Ancient HistoryMagicAncient myth and religion
En esta breve ponencia analizaremos un elemento propio de la nigromancia o goetia en época romana: las tablillas de maldición o tabellae defixionum. En primer lugar, mostraremos como esta práctica romana hunde sus raíces en Oriente,... more
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      EroticismMagic and the Occult (Anthropology Of Religion)OrientalismAncient Rome
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      Magic and Divination in the Ancient WorldAncient magicGreek Magical PapyriMasaryk University
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    • Psychology
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    • Psychology
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The notion that psyche can mean "vagina" in magical and other texts can be shown to be unfounded: the passages in question become clearer and more informative if understood in light of traditional ideas about the soul and... more
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    • History
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    • Ancient Judaism
Reseña de Emilio Suárez de la Torre, Eros mágico: Recetas eróticas mágicas del mundo antiguo, Zaragoza, Prensas de la Universidad de Zaragoza, 2021, 346 páginas, ISBN 978-84-1340-277-2
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Many aspects of the r e l a t i o n s among medicine and r e l i g i o u s ideas i n lat e a n t i q u i t y remain to be explored from a fresh perspective, p a r t i c u l a r l y regarding those ideas classed as s o c a l l e d... more
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    • History
Edición de los textos A y B de Faustus. Edición no publicada.
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      Christopher MarloweDoctor Faustus Christopher Marlowe