Demonology in early Christianity
Recent papers in Demonology in early Christianity
Much scholarship has recently been done on the Satanology (Satan-concept) of New Testament books or writers. This study attends to the Satanology of early "non-canonical" Christian writings, which have been comparatively under-researched.... more
Christianity is not the only sphere in which demonology exists, it never truly has been.
Lupta Credinciosului - Un studiu neterminat despre Demonologie Aşa cum scrie şi în Cuvântul DOMNULUI Dumnezeu, în Sfintele Scripturi, oamenii s-au confruntat încă de la începutul creaţiei cu Satana. Acest vrăşmaş se împotriveşte lucrării... more
This collection of essays originates from the 2014 Evil in Second Temple Judaism and Early Christianity conference hosted by the Centre for the Social-Scientific Study of the Bible at St Mary's University, Twickenham. Featuring an... more
This article responds to a previous study in the same journal by Jonathan Burke, who argues “that certain texts among the Apostolic Fathers corpus exhibit a significant marginalization of Satan and demons.” Burke regards this as evidence... more
There was no intrinsic reason for angels to survive in early Christian thought: Their mediatorial role was played by Christ; they were also not needed as opponents of demons and demonic magic, as Christ filled that role too. They were,... more
6 Mentioned in four tractates (Niddah 24b, Baba Bathra 73a, Šabbat 151b, ‛Erubin 100b) as a long-haired winged being. In midrashic tradition Lilit was Adam's first wife. He gendered with her the šēdim who bring plagues and afflictions on... more
A detailed discussion is presented highlighting the most common characteristic of the reptilians and their hybrid cohorts. It is elucidated that the negative aliens are highly, violent, warring, separatist, disconnected, narcissistic,... more
This study aims to systematize St. Basil the Great's view of the evil and set it into the larger framework covering similar concerns within the field of religious studies. The permanent reference to the broader scope of this research... more
This article tries to identify and analyse the demonological elements contained in the text" On the Belly-Myther" of St. Eustathius of Antioch. St. Eustathius demonology is primarily based on Bible and is developed mainly as a consequence... more
A discussion of the iconography of Satan, devils and demoniacs in Santa Maria Antiqua, Sacra Parallela, Books of Job, Heavenly Ladder, Physiologus once in Smyrna, Prudentius' Psychomachia, Chludov Psalter. Summary: No comprehensive... more
In the 1690s, a series of enthusiastic episodes rocked Pietist circles. Scholars have often pointed to Pietism's "heart religion" to explain these events. This essay demonstrates, however, that such experiences belonged to an older,... more
In Mark chapter 5 we read the unusual story of an exorcism by Jesus. In every exorcism Jesus had done he had simply exorcised the demons out of someone. There was never a case of the demon being exorcised out of someone and into something... more
review of 'Philosophical Approaches to Demonology' edited by Benjamin McCraw and Robert Arp
In this article, the passages about demon-possession in John (7:20; 8:44, 48; 10:19-21) are considered from an anthropological perspective. Scholars often interpret these passages by referring to Johannine theology. Yet, the... more
The oldest known record of the word δαίμων (daimon) appears in the first book of Homer's Iliad. In verse 222, when the poet says that Athena "returned to Olympus to the palace of aegis-bearing Zeus, to join the company of the other gods"... more
The figure of Socrates features prominently in the works of earliest Christian authors and their attempts to negotiate a viable relation between pagan intellectual tradition and the exigencies of a newly founded religion. The analysis of... more
The identification of deviant burials as those of ‘vampires’ is a feature of excavated skeletons from sites across Eastern, Central and Southern Europe as well as the Balkans. Based on a close reading of historic and folkloric sources... more
Na passagem de tempo de conversão dos pagãos pelos cristãos, ocorreram modificações muito importantes nas estruturas de pensamento e na mundividência medievais. O que se pretende demonstrar neste estudo é como as figuras dos deuses pagãos... more
With three Missionary Journeys, St. Paul has provided to spread of Christianity in Asia Minor and in Europe. In Second Missionary Journey, St. Paul crossed to Troad from Mysia, and sailed with a ship to Macedonia. Due to lack of data
This paper is a study on the controversial title question that draws on the biblical examples of Judas, Ananias, and Peter. For the Patheos version, visit
Salvation is often thought to be an all-or-nothing matter: you are either saved or damned. Paul the Apostle, John of Patmos, Hermas, the Sethians, and the Valentinians did not think this way. For them, there were multiple levels of... more
In the late thirteenth century, Ida of Louvain scandalized her community. The daughter of a prosperous wine merchant, Ida already had refused marriage and become a recluse in a small cell within her parents' home. One day, however, it... more
Does God test His people? Nicholas Ellis examines the interplay between theological conviction and biblical hermeneutic, starting from the Epistle of James, and opening into a wide-ranging study of ancient convictions and hermeneutics in... more
Since the dawn of human civilization, mankind has attempted to rationalize its primeval fear of the unseen by creating order out of chaos and by categorizing its understanding of the concept of this unseen world. And together we will... more
David Cielontko, "On the Origin of the Archdemon Beelzebul/Beelzebub," Biblica 102/1 (2021), s. 68–77.
Studiul de față își propune să sistematizeze concepția Sf. Vasile cel Mare asupra răului și să o încadreze în ansamblul preocupărilor de profil din cadrul istoriei și filozofiei religiilor. Trimiterea permanentă la cadrul mai larg al... more
A consideration of the political symbology of Mark's redaction of two set-piece demon miracles - the Synagogue Man and the Gaderene demoniac.
"Clement of Alexandria (c.150–215 CE) is one of the most significant theologians of the second-century, and his work is still the subject of intense academic debate. This book provides a new perspective on Clement’s thought, through a... more
Падшие ангелы vs черти народной демонологии 11 не дух ли, не огнь ли. Слыши же и Давида вопиюща, и рекоуща, творяи аггелы своя, духы и слоугы своа огнь палящь. Да елико огньное естьство творя, разоумныя и бестелесныя духы» [Баранкова,... more
Представления об экзорцизме в католической традиции XIII−XV века (на основе материалов доминиканского и францисканского орденов) The movement of any science is carried out in accordance with the logic of development and the challenges of... more
An introduction to exousiology, a subcategory of demonology that studies how structures of human existence become corrupt. Draws on the work of Walter Wink and others, and argues against Paul as a demythologizer in his use of "powers and... more
address the subject of biblical demonology by dialoguing with two widespread interpretative approaches: demythologising and conflict theology. Their primary aim is to critique the latter, a position associated with conservative... more
Summary of dissertation on Psalm 91 en the reality of spirits and demons in ancient near east.
Current scholarship typically treats the wilderness temptation account as a visionary experience, symbolic description, or dramatization, identifying it as haggadic midrash rather than historical narrative. Absence of Old and New... more
The Testament of Solomon is a Greek text that tells the story of Solomon's point of view in the construction of the first temple. Receiving a ring with a seal, by the archangel Michael, he linked demons, including Orias, to this ring... more
The question of whether one can be truly African and truly Christian has been a subject of concern for both missiologists and African Christians for some decades now. This concern emerged from the recognition that some of the early... more
The Marcosian ‘redemption’ afterlife practice, described by Irenaeus (Haer. 1.21.5; see also, 1.13.6), exhibits striking similarities with the Bacchic Gold Tablets. This article exploits this largely neglected comparative opportunity to... more