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This is an extraordinary opportunity to deepen your divine and intimate relationship with God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit and by enrolling in this program, you are taking a crucial step in fulfilling the commands... more
This is an extraordinary opportunity to deepen your divine and intimate relationship with God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit  and by enrolling in this program, you are taking a crucial step in fulfilling the commands laid out in Second Peter’s letter.

Over the course of this comprehensive curriculum, you will learn how to be equipped with the knowledge and spiritual tools necessary to grow in your faith and become a true disciple of Christ with the ability to disciple others building the Kingdom of God one soul at a time!
As you embark on this transformative journey you will find your love and faith strengthen in your connection with the Almighty and empower yourself to live a life that glorifies the entire Kingdom of God. Discipleship is a journey of transformation, and at Discipleship Mountain Ministries we are committed to guiding you every step of the way. Our course is more than just a curriculum; it's a remarkable gift backed by the unwavering support and expertise of our ministry leaders and our Triune God guiding us all along the Narrow Way.
A short study into the lost reflection gift of humanity from a Christian stand point.
As we reflect on this verse, we are encouraged to embrace an all-encompassing love that flows from the depths of our being and fully engages our emotions, spiritual essence, and physical strength. This kind of love requires an unwavering... more
As we reflect on this verse, we are encouraged to embrace an all-encompassing love that flows from the depths of our being and fully engages our emotions, spiritual essence, and physical strength. This kind of love requires an unwavering commitment and a willingness to surrender ourselves fully to the will of God. It is a love that transcends mere words and actions, penetrating the core of our being and shaping our thoughts, desires, and priorities.

To love the Lord with all our hearts means --------
Corinth was also a hub of religious diversity throughout history. The worship of traditional gods and goddesses from Greek and Roman religions flourished here. Local deities and heroes were revered alongside these ancient pantheons.... more
Corinth was also a hub of religious diversity throughout history. The worship of traditional gods and goddesses from Greek and Roman religions flourished here. Local deities and heroes were revered alongside these ancient pantheons. Furthermore, Corinth's cosmopolitan nature extended even further eastward, welcoming divinities such as Isis and Serapis from Egyptian mythology.

Corinth, a city also known for its wickedness, had a pagan temple dedicated to Aphrodite, the Greek goddess of sex and love. Shockingly, one thousand women engaged in prostitution and contributed their earnings to the temple treasury as a form of worship. The reputation of Corinth was so notorious that being called "a Corinthian" was considered an insult due to the association with sinful behavior.
Paul's writings provide a unique perspective on Jesus that complements the teachings found in the Gospels. While the Gospels give us a glimpse of Jesus in his earthly ministry, his death, resurrection, and promises of his glorious return,... more
Paul's writings provide a unique perspective on Jesus that complements the teachings found in the Gospels. While the Gospels give us a glimpse of Jesus in his earthly ministry, his death, resurrection, and promises of his glorious return, it is through Paul's writings that we encounter the exalted Christ.

Through God's revelation to Paul, we can see Jesus as more than just a historical figure, A good teacher, or a prophet! Paul's writings emphasize Jesus' preexistence and his eternal nature as the Son of God. We come to understand that Jesus has been with the Father from before the beginning and is highly exalted.

By delving into Paul's writings, we gain a deeper understanding of Christ's divine nature and his role in salvation. It is through Paul's teachings that we can fully appreciate the significance of Jesus' sacrifice and grasp the magnitude of God's love for humanity.

In the New Covenant, Apostle Paul played a significant role in addressing the challenges faced by the growing church. His writings, accounting for approximately 25% of the word count, have been widely quoted and discussed. However, it is unfortunate that his teachings are often met with rejection and even hatred from some individuals within religious circles.

Paul's teachings may not align with society's evolving standards of scriptural compromise, rebellion, and sin acceptance, which always leads to a repulsive reaction of scriptural truths. Nevertheless, it is important to recognize the value and importance of his contributions to Christian literature and the valid truths taught to him by Jesus Himself and delving into Paul's writings gives us insights into the mind and heart of God himself, teaching us the unique perspectives on authentic Christian faith and how to navigate the complexities of our modern world.
Unlike the other Apostles who had physically seen and met Jesus during His earthly ministry, Paul's encounters with Jesus took place after His death, burial, resurrection, and ascension to the right-hand side of Abba His Father - a truly... more
Unlike the other Apostles who had physically seen and met Jesus during His earthly ministry, Paul's encounters with Jesus took place after His death, burial, resurrection, and ascension to the right-hand side of Abba His Father - a truly remarkable and unparalleled experience in human Christian history.

Paul's transition into Christianity stands out as one of the most extraordinary stories recorded in The New Testament, only second to Jesus. Despite not having witnessed Jesus in the flesh like his fellow Apostles, Paul encountered Jesus multiple times according to scripture, unlike any other of the 12 Apostles, teaching us further that our narrow way walks are personalized and not as generic as some may teach.

Each of these personalized encounters shaped Paul’s faith and empowered him to become one of Christianity's most influential figures in our New Covenant and the second most controversial. And like Jesus, Paul was both accepted by few and rejected by many!
Research Interests:
Welcome to this captivating lesson, where we embark on a mesmerizing journey through the Fifth Book of the Old Testament, exploring the profound dance between Godly wisdom, love, and grace. As we delve into the pages of this sacred text,... more
Welcome to this captivating lesson, where we embark on a mesmerizing journey through the Fifth Book of the Old Testament, exploring the profound dance between Godly wisdom, love, and grace. As we delve into the pages of this sacred text, we will witness the intricate tapestry of Abba Father's binding covenant with His anointed.

Within these verses, we will encounter themes that resonate deeply within our souls - love, grace, law, faith, truth, hope, peace, and salvation. Through this exploration, we will gain insights into how these elements intertwine to guide us toward a life of holiness and right living.

Let us allow ourselves to be captivated by the divine wisdom contained within these pages as it illuminates our path and reveals the profound connection between God's love and His unending grace. Together, let us embrace this dance with open hearts and minds as we seek a deeper understanding of our purpose in His grand design.

As we delve ever deeper into this sacred text, our hearts will be filled with awe and wonder, witnessing a tapestry woven with oaths, fidelity, and obedience. It is a testament to the promise of God's blessings and prosperity, not solely defined by material wealth but Kingdom wealth.

Throughout this spiritual odyssey, we encounter profound themes such as love, grace, law, and holiness.

We witness the unwavering devotion to God and His commandments as exemplified by Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit guides us in our quest for right living and offers us faith, truth, hope, love, peace, and ultimately salvation.

As we navigate through these verses filled with timeless wisdom and divine teachings, let us be inspired to embrace the profound lessons they hold. May our hearts be open to receive the blessings that come from aligning ourselves with God's will. Let us cherish this opportunity to explore the depths of scripture and grow in our understanding of His infinite love for humanity.

This captivating story invites us to embark on a journey that highlights the profound connection between God and His chosen people. It emphasizes the significance of fidelity and obedience to God's teachings, showcasing how these virtues pave the way for divine favor and blessings.
It can be challenging to heal from the pain caused by someone we love or trust. The process of moving on requires time and understanding. While it is essential to acknowledge that Jesus can help us overcome this hurt, it is also necessary... more
It can be challenging to heal from the pain caused by someone we love or trust. The process of moving on requires time and understanding. While it is essential to acknowledge that Jesus can help us overcome this hurt, it is also necessary to recognize that healing is often a progressive journey rather than an instant fix.

Avoiding pain may seem like a tempting approach, but it doesn't truly address the underlying emotions and wounds. Instead, we must allow ourselves the necessary time and space to process our feelings and experiences. By understanding that Jesus is the ultimate healer of our hurts, we can find comfort in knowing there is hope for restoration and renewal.

It's important to remember that healing looks different for everyone, and it may take longer for some individuals compared to others.

Patience, self-reflection, and seeking support from loved ones can all play a vital role in this transformative process, but nothing compares to what the word of God does say.
The call to seek the Lord with all our entire being challenges us to prioritize our relationship with Him above all else. It encourages us to align our thoughts, actions, and desires with His will. This deep level of commitment opens... more
The call to seek the Lord with all our entire being challenges us to prioritize our relationship with Him above all else. It encourages us to align our thoughts, actions, and desires with His will. This deep level of commitment opens doors to divine guidance, wisdom, and blessings beyond measure.

Unwavering faith is not merely a passive belief  of denial to the impulse to act to place sole confidence in God as the provider of your well-being. However, it sounds good and very spiritual in nature; unwavering faith also requires action on our part!

Biblical faith is not about passive belief alone or even following one's heart. It is a faith of our responsibility of developing our faith and growing our faith . It is an active choice that propels us forward in our spiritual growth. It empowers us to overcome obstacles, face adversity head-on, and embrace God's plan for our lives. Through unwavering faith, we tap into a wellspring of strength that enables transformation on both personal and collective levels.

Hope and enthusiasm fill our hearts as we embark on the journey to seek the Lord's presence, knowing that He promises to be found by those who earnestly seek Him. In the midst of a world filled with distractions and challenges, this invitation to seek God's face serves as a reminder to prioritize what truly matters in life.

David's words offer encouragement and assurance, reminding us that our Creator desires an intimate relationship with us. The promise that "If you seek Him, He will be found " assures us that the Lord is always ready to reveal Himself to those who wholeheartedly pursue Him.
The imagery of a fallen tree's hidden shoots breaking through the ground symbolizes the ability to persevere even in the harshest conditions. It is a testament to the deep roots that have been firmly planted over time, providing... more
The imagery of a fallen tree's hidden shoots breaking through the ground symbolizes the ability to persevere even in the harshest conditions. It is a testament to the deep roots that have been firmly planted over time, providing sustenance and stability.

The mention of Job 14:7-9 further reinforces this message of hope and renewal. In these verses, we are reminded that even if the visible signs of life seem to fade away, at the mere scent of water, new growth emerges. This speaks to the power of faith and how it can rejuvenate our spirits when we feel weary or discouraged.

In times of doubt or despair, let us take solace in knowing that just as a fallen tree can flourish again with nourishment, so too can our faith be revitalized by seeking spiritual sustenance. May this passage serve as a reminder that no matter how challenging our circumstances may be, there is always hope for renewal and growth in the driest of soils.
One of the most extraordinary gifts God has entrusted us with is our sight. With our eyes, we have the incredible ability to see the world around us, encompassing the beauty of nature, the diverse faces of humanity, and the countless... more
One of the most extraordinary gifts God has entrusted us with is our sight. With our eyes, we have the incredible ability to see the world around us, encompassing the beauty of nature, the diverse faces of humanity, and the countless wonders that surround us.

However, this gift goes beyond mere observation; it permits us to look upon others with love and compassion. Our eyes enable us to truly see those around us - their struggles, their triumphs, and their joys. Through the lens of love, we can extend a caring hand, offer a listening ear, and be a source of light to those in need.

Be happy with those who are happy, and weep with those who weep.
God has blessed us with these incredible organs that allow us to hear the world. Our ears bring us melodies that stir the soul, the tender whispers of loved ones, and the cries of those seeking solace.

When we open our ears, we actively listen to others, lending them our undivided attention and validating their experiences. This gift of hearing amplifies our empathy, enabling us to understand the pain, joy, and hopes that reside within each individual.

Our mouths provide us with a powerful tool - the ability to articulate thoughts and express ourselves. But this gift extends beyond mere communication; it grants us the ability to speak life into the hearts of others.

With our words, we can encourage, uplift, and inspire. By choosing to speak with kindness, respect, and empathy, we have the opportunity to be conduits of God's love and grace, bringing healing and hope to those who are hurting.
Research Interests:
Let us remember that just as the writers of the New Covenant were instruments used by God, we, too, have been entrusted with a specific purpose. As we navigate through life's journey, may we strive to honor our calling and bring glory to... more
Let us remember that just as the writers of the New Covenant were instruments used by God, we, too, have been entrusted with a specific purpose. As we navigate through life's journey, may we strive to honor our calling and bring glory to Him through our actions and endeavors and finding our vision; purpose starts with spiritual hunger.

By acknowledging and embracing our spiritual hunger, we open ourselves to a deeper understanding of our purpose and connection with God.
This hunger manifests itself as a longing for something greater than ourselves, a yearning for spiritual nourishment and fulfillment.

It is an inherent part of our nature, reminding us that there is something beyond the material world. Embracing and exploring this hunger allows us to tap into our spiritual potential, paving the way for a clearer vision of our purpose.
When we think of Christian Discipleship, we often envision institutional forms such as Bible schools, seminaries, or Sunday school classes and Church services. However, these are just the visible manifestations of a much deeper and... more
When we think of Christian Discipleship, we often envision institutional forms such as Bible schools, seminaries, or Sunday school classes and Church services. However, these are just the visible manifestations of a much deeper and broader concept.

To truly understand Christian Discipleship, we must go beyond these outward forms and delve into the heart of its purpose and mission. In the journey of discipling others, we fully immerse ourselves in their struggles and challenges. This requires us to empathize and understand their situation, standing with them in the depths of their difficulties.

Discipling someone involves more than just offering advice or guidance. It requires a deep level of commitment and sacrifice. We must be willing to go down the hole with them, providing unconditional love and support as they navigate their hardships.

As we walk alongside them, teaching and loving patiently, we create an environment where growth can flourish. Our willingness to sacrifice our own comfort allows them to gain strength and resilience.

However, true discipleship goes beyond simply helping someone climb out of the pit. It involves empowering them to reach back into that same pit and lift us out when we find ourselves in need. This reciprocal relationship fosters a sense of mutual support and gratitude.
As we strive to avoid making the practice of sin and instead embrace a life of holiness, we experience a profound shift in our relationship with God. We no longer live under the weight of fear but instead, find peace with Him as an... more
As we strive to avoid making the practice of sin and instead embrace a life of holiness, we experience a profound shift in our relationship with God. We no longer live under the weight of fear but instead, find peace with Him as an objective reality.

This peace is not merely a fleeting emotion but is rooted in the promise that Christians will be glorified and perfected on the last day. It is a hope that fills our hearts with joy, knowing that our ultimate destiny is to be united with God in perfect harmony.
Paul urges the Corinthians to embrace the virtue of generosity. He passionately argues that God delights in those who give cheerfully, emphasizing the profound impact their generosity can have on both individuals and communities. By... more
Paul urges the Corinthians to embrace the virtue of generosity. He passionately argues that God delights in those who give cheerfully, emphasizing the profound impact their generosity can have on both individuals and communities.

By encouraging the Corinthians to give generously, Paul highlights that their acts of kindness would not only meet the needs of those in Jerusalem but also serve as a powerful expression of gratitude towards God. This act of giving would foster unity among Jewish and Gentile believers, transcending cultural boundaries and strengthening their bond as a community.

Paul's words resonate with an unwavering sense of awe and reverence for the transformative power of generosity. As we delve into this section, we witness how it beautifully intertwines faith, gratitude, and unity, inspiring us to embrace a spirit of cheerful giving in our own lives.
The profound teachings of the New Covenant Apostles were thought-shaping teachers who possessed a remarkable ability to ask questions that would ignite introspection and lead individuals to realize truths they may have never considered... more
The profound teachings of the New Covenant Apostles were thought-shaping teachers who possessed a remarkable ability to ask questions that would ignite introspection and lead individuals to realize truths they may have never considered before. In fact, the Bible itself can be seen as a powerful tool for thought shaping.

“Be careful how you think; your life is shaped by your thoughts .”
As King Solomon wisely proclaimed, "Be careful how you think; your thoughts shape your life."

This statement holds immense significance, reminding us of our thoughts' tremendous power in shaping our lives for either good or bad outcomes. It serves as a gentle yet impactful warning to approach our thoughts with caution and mindfulness.

The teachings of the bible encourage us to harness this power within ourselves. By cultivating positive and constructive thoughts, we can pave the way for a life filled with goodness and fulfillment. Conversely, negative or destructive thoughts can lead us down a path of despair and unhappiness.

Your thoughts hold the power to shape your world!
The prophet Hosea's words echo through time, resonating with the same power today as they did in the past. "Their heart is divided; now shall they be found faulty ." These words pierce through the soul, urging us to reflect on our own... more
The prophet Hosea's words echo through time, resonating with the same power today as they did in the past. "Their heart is divided; now shall they be found faulty ." These words pierce through the soul, urging us to reflect on our own lives and question to whom we have truly given our hearts.

In a world filled with distractions and competing priorities, it is easy to become disconnected and divided from God deep within us. We may find ourselves living a lifestyle that contradicts the values we proclaim with our mouths as Christians. Like Judas, we can become estranged from our true selves as Christians, torn between irreconcilable desires and conflicting choices in total conflict with the word of God.

But let us pause for a moment of introspection. Let us ask ourselves: To whom have we truly given our hearts? Are we living authentically, aligning our actions with our beliefs? Or are we allowing ourselves to be swayed by external influences, leading us down a path of disconnection and alienation from God?
Who can compare to you, O people saved by the Lord? Your journey is filled with streaks of joy, like rays of sunlight heralding a new day. Your riches extend beyond the vast sea, and your city stands firm with unshakable foundations on... more
Who can compare to you, O people saved by the Lord? Your journey is filled with streaks of joy, like rays of sunlight heralding a new day. Your riches extend beyond the vast sea, and your city stands firm with unshakable foundations on the other side of the river. The spirit-world sends gleams of glory to cheer your hearts and propel you forward on your path.

Truly, it is said of you that you are blessed and chosen by God. You are part of His divine family, undergoing a transformation day by day as you are molded back into His image. And for what purpose? To lead others to experience God's eternal love through your actions and deeds, and even through the power of your words. How awe-inspiring it is to witness such devotion and dedication!
In this battlefield where love and hate collide, it is not uncommon to feel as though your reserves of love have been depleted. But do not be deceived by the cunning whispers of Satan, for he seeks to undermine your true power. You are... more
In this battlefield where love and hate collide, it is not uncommon to feel as though your reserves of love have been depleted. But do not be deceived by the cunning whispers of Satan, for he seeks to undermine your true power. You are far more powerful than you realize.

So, rise up, dear ones, with hearts ablaze with the fire of divine love. Let your actions speak louder than any words spoken in malice or hatred. Embrace the truth that you are vessels of God's boundless love , capable of spreading light even in the darkest corners .

As we march forward together in this battle for love, let us remember that our strength lies not in our own might but in surrendering ourselves to Christ Jesus. It is through Him that we find renewed purpose and unwavering resolve .
When we talk about the power of God, we are not confined to any specific religious belief or denomination. It goes beyond the boundaries set by human-made institutions and traditions. This power is something extraordinary, something that... more
When we talk about the power of God, we are not confined to any specific religious belief or denomination. It goes beyond the boundaries set by human-made institutions and traditions. This power is something extraordinary, something that defies our limited understanding.

Imagine a force so immense, so all-encompassing, that it surpasses any religious doctrine or dogma. It is a power that exists within each and every one of us, waiting to be tapped into.

This divine power is not limited to a select few; it is accessible to all who seek it. It does not discriminate based on race, gender, or social status. It is an equalizer that unites humanity under its awe-inspiring influence.
So what exactly is this power?
Staying down is a lack of love for God and His Holy word! David the King; a man after God’s own heart tells us about a fool who does the same foolish things repeatedly, like a dog returning to its vomit is a warning against people who... more
Staying down is a lack of love for God and His Holy word! David the King; a man after God’s own heart tells us about a fool who does the same foolish things repeatedly, like a dog returning to its vomit is a warning against people who think they are wise when they are not as found in Proverbs 26:11!

The Apostle Peter warns us of a people who reject Jesus Christ and then try to lead others astray. Peter is referring to people who come into contact with Christians, but then return to the sinfulness of the world as found in 2 Peter 2:22 and our beloved Apostle Paul brings this home when he said:
The profound statement about God and our Lord Jesus found in the book of Hebrews commonly known as the "Do Not Grow Weary" discourse, the writer delves into the proof of our Lord's love through discipline and chastisement. Let us focus... more
The profound statement about God and our Lord Jesus found in the book of Hebrews commonly known as the "Do Not Grow Weary" discourse, the writer delves into the proof of our Lord's love through discipline and chastisement.

Let us focus on the opening verses 1-3, where a prior exposition of faithfulness among the people of God sets the stage for what is to come. The writer cites Proverbs 3:11-12, highlighting the Fatherly discipline that is an expression of love.

As we delve deeper into this passage, we encounter verses 7-11, which further emphasize the Father's discipline. It is through these moments of correction and guidance that we can truly understand His love for us.
The intertwining themes of faithfulness, discipline, and love in this section leave us in awe of God's profound ways. Let us explore further and uncover the depths of wisdom contained within these verses.
The topic of prayer is truly marvelous and mysterious. The idea of communicating with the Creator of the universe may seem ludicrous, presumptuous, and even intimidating. However, we are fortunate that the Bible provides valuable insights... more
The topic of prayer is truly marvelous and mysterious. The idea of communicating with the Creator of the universe may seem ludicrous, presumptuous, and even intimidating. However, we are fortunate that the Bible provides valuable insights into prayer's how's and why’s.

One might wonder why God would want to engage in conversation with us. After all, we are mere mortals in comparison to His divine nature. Yet, it is clear that God not only desires but invites us to talk with Him.

In our quest for understanding, we can turn to Scripture for answers. The Bible serves as a guidebook, offering guidelines for approaching prayer and communicating with God. It emphasizes the importance of faith and provides us with a framework for our conversations with Him.

No matter how small our faith may be, it does not matter. God's invitation to talk with Him extends to everyone, regardless of the size or strength of their faith. He welcomes our prayers and offers guidance on how we can deepen our connection with Him through this extraordinary act of communication. So, let us take comfort in knowing that as we explore the wonders of prayer, we can find solace in Scripture's teachings.
It is not the Protestants or the Baptists or other Christian denominations in the United States, such as the Roman Catholics, Latter-day Saints, Orthodox Christians, Oriental Orthodox Christians, or Jehovah's Witnesses!
As I gazed upon the bittersweet scene of the loss of Marvin, I couldn't help but be captivated by the enchantment that Wilber brought to our wilderness outback. His presence, like an ethereal apparition, served as a poignant reminder of... more
As I gazed upon the bittersweet scene of the loss of Marvin, I couldn't help but be captivated by the enchantment that Wilber brought to our wilderness outback. His presence, like an ethereal apparition, served as a poignant reminder of the interconnectivity between all living beings. Marvin's sacrifice became a profound symbol of the circle of life. It was a stark reminder that in nature's intricate tapestry, one being's loss could pave the way for another's survival. The delicate balance between birth and death, growth, and decay, was beautifully exemplified in this moment.
In this sacred passage, we are reminded of the blessedness that comes from aligning our lives with the will of God. It speaks of a path that veers away from wickedness, sin, and mockery, and instead finds solace in the law of the Lord.... more
In this sacred passage, we are reminded of the blessedness that comes from aligning our lives with the will of God. It speaks of a path that veers away from wickedness, sin, and mockery, and instead finds solace in the law of the Lord.

And for us today, this spells out the simplest way to capture God's heart, and that's as simple as trusting Him enough that His written word is all the truth you will ever need. That's your time away place where He can communicate with you on His level and not our limited religious ways!

We are talking about the awe-inspiring level of communication with God, where God conversed intimately with individuals such as Adam and Eve in the paradise of Eden. Can you imagine the profound connection they must have experienced?
Indeed, through these enchanting encounters, we are reminded of our place within this vast universe – where even a tiny writing spider can bring immense delight and serve as a gentle reminder of the wonders surrounding us each day. In... more
Indeed, through these enchanting encounters, we are reminded of our place within this vast universe – where even a tiny writing spider can bring immense delight and serve as a gentle reminder of the wonders surrounding us each day.

In the midst of our busy lives, it is easy to overlook the profound impact that even the simplest of things can have on us. But if we take a moment to pause, to still the voices in our heads, we may find that there is beauty and meaning in every breath we take .

Consider Marvin's web, delicately woven by a writing spider friend. It serves as a powerful metaphor for our own lives. Just like the grasshopper trapped in the web, we, too, can feel entangled by the choices and circumstances surrounding us.
It is truly mind-boggling to contemplate the idea that there exists a book, penned by none other than God Himself, that chronicles every aspect of our lives. This divine record, meticulously mapped out before our very existence,... more
It is truly mind-boggling to contemplate the idea that there exists a book, penned by none other than God Himself, that chronicles every aspect of our lives. This divine record, meticulously mapped out before our very existence, encompasses not only the triumphs and joys but also the inevitable bumps, bruises, and even wrecks caused by our own flawed choices.

In this awe-inspiring narrative of life, we may find ourselves straying from the intended course. Yet, amidst the detours and wrong turns we encounter along the way, there is a glimmer of hope that should never be extinguished. We need not be condemned or disheartened by our mistakes; instead, genuine repentance has the power to set us back on track.

The sheer magnitude of this realization leaves us in awe of God's infinite wisdom and love for us. So let us embrace this truth with humility and determination as we navigate through life's unpredictable journey.
The Ten Commandments possess a remarkable quality that sets them apart from other biblical laws and commandments. They are written in a way that allows for varying interpretations, serving as a concise summary of fundamental principles.... more
The Ten Commandments possess a remarkable quality that sets them apart from other biblical laws and commandments. They are written in a way that allows for varying interpretations, serving as a concise summary of fundamental principles. Unlike explicit and detailed rules, the Commandments provide guiding principles that can be applied universally, adapting to changing circumstances.

One intriguing aspect of the Ten Commandments is their lack of specified punishments for their violation. This absence leaves room for individual reflection and personal accountability. It emphasizes the importance of understanding the intent behind each commandment rather than focusing solely on external actions.
The writers of the New Covenant were vessels through which this divine vision casting was made possible. Their words continue to resonate with timeless truths and serve as a guide for us today. Through their writings, we can learn how to... more
The writers of the New Covenant were vessels through which this divine vision casting was made possible. Their words continue to resonate with timeless truths and serve as a guide for us today. Through their writings, we can learn how to align our hearts and minds with God's will, allowing His vision for our lives to unfold.

This partnership with God opens up endless possibilities for creativity and innovation. It invites us to dream big, think outside the box, and bring forth ideas that have never been imagined. As we surrender ourselves to this divine guidance, we become conduits for transformation - not only in our own lives but also in the lives of those around us.

Just think about it - when we align our hearts and minds with God's purpose for us, something genuinely awe-inspiring happens. We become vessels through which His divine vision can manifest in this world. We become conduits of His boundless love, infinite wisdom, and mighty power. And as we surrender ourselves to His loving guidance, He empowers us to cast visions that have an eternal impact.
Able to supply one's own or its own needs without external assistance leaves out God! For almost 6 decades now I have walked before God; meeting a God of my youth, being such a fearful one; The God of my early manhood was a no limit... more
Able to supply one's own or its own needs without external assistance leaves out God!

For almost 6 decades now I have walked before God; meeting a God of my
youth, being such a fearful one; The God of my early manhood was a no limit charge card; But, the God of my fall from grace is ever abounding in
love and faithfulness; So compassionate and gracious toward me dressing
me in a robe of mercy as He walked with me in the darkest season of my
life as my Federal prison wilderness world did unfold the layers of His
Research Interests:
A Day Of Faithfulness Created By God Through One Man
Research Interests:
Strive for peace with everyone, and for the holiness without which no one will see the Lord As I ponder this my Lord and the depth of this wonderful life-giving set of words I'm finding a call to practical holiness for all in the body... more
Strive for peace with everyone, and for the holiness without which no one will see the Lord

As I ponder this my Lord and the depth of this wonderful life-giving set of words I'm finding a call to practical holiness for all in the body of Christ; a call that falls short today as I am seeing many professing Christians who live such unholy lives as they attack such thoughts like this as being nothing more than judgmental.

Yet, we have some words that strike much concern in my heart Father God; words that Jesus spoke and words that Paul spoke saying:
Research Interests:
We are called upon by the Lord to contend earnestly for the faith (Jude 3). That does not necessarily involve being contentious; but it involves avoiding compromise, standing forth for what we believe, standing forth for the truth of... more
We are called upon by the Lord to contend earnestly for the faith (Jude
3). That does not necessarily involve being contentious; but it involves
avoiding compromise, standing forth for what we believe, standing forth for the truth of God–without welching at any particular moment. Thus we are bound to meet, at various points and on various levels, people with whom we disagree.
Research Interests:
Call me crazy, but I talk to Jesus every day, every morning, every afternoon, and yes every evening and why would I not; He is the lover of my soul and as the lover of my soul He likes talking to me and so it is crazy or not I am sharing... more
Call me crazy, but I talk to Jesus every day, every morning, every afternoon, and yes every evening and why would I not; He is the lover of my soul and as the lover of my soul He likes talking to me and so it is crazy or not I am
sharing my interview of Jesus with you.
Research Interests:
In my lifetime I have come face to face with many who have said they loved me and most in truth were just half-hearted in their love for me. A few have regretted they did not go all in with love heart, soul, and mind; but most have given... more
In my lifetime I have come face to face with many who have said they loved me and most in truth were just half-hearted in their love for me. A few have regretted they did not go all in with love heart, soul, and mind; but most have given this no thought at all as they move on leaving behind them much brokenness without a care or thought as they give and take love as if it has no meaning.
Research Interests:
I like reading 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 this way: God is patient, God is kind. God does not envy, God does not boast, God is not proud. God is not rude, God is not self-seeking, God is not easily angered, and God keeps no record of wrongs.... more
I like reading 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 this way:

God is patient, God is kind. God does not envy, God does not boast, God is not proud. God is not rude, God is not self-seeking, God is not easily angered, and God keeps no record of wrongs.  God does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. God always protects, God always trusts, God always hopes, God always perseveres.

So why do we come to God fearful of His anger as if He is keeping a record of every wrong we do after accepting Christ as Lord over our lives?

Let's see,
Research Interests:
Hebraikos; (heb-rah-ee-kos'), a Hebrew word that refers to “Hebrews” and so let us take our journey keeping this thought in mind that God's expression of the love for you and I is found by, in, and through Jesus the Christ; a love that... more
Hebraikos; (heb-rah-ee-kos'), a Hebrew word that refers to “Hebrews” and so let us take our journey keeping this thought in mind that God's expression of the love for you and I is found by, in, and through Jesus the Christ; a love that brings us into intimacy of worshiping God to the fullest; a love, a love story that does say to you and I:

Having become by so much better than the angels, as the name which is his heritage is nobler than theirs. To which of the angels did God say at any time, you are my Son, this day I have given you being? Or, I will be his Father, and he will be my Son?
Research Interests:
Plant your roots in Christ and let him be the foundation for your life. Be strong in your faith, just as you were taught. And be grateful. Don’t let anyone fool you by using senseless arguments. These arguments may sound wise, but they... more
Plant your roots in Christ and let him be the foundation for your life. Be strong in your faith, just as you were taught. And be grateful.  Don’t let anyone fool you by using senseless arguments. These arguments may sound wise, but they are only human teachings. They come from the powers of this world and not from Christ.  God lives fully in Christ.

Powerful words taken from Colossians 2:7-9 found in what is called the “Contemporary English Version (CEV)” of the bible and with that I wish to share with you a very real personal story; a story that may be your own story.

I have a dear friend who has allowed sin to drive a wedge between them
and God; One who professed many words of love for God and yet their
love was limited (of the flesh); for true love is found in the words of
Christ Jesus when He did say:
Research Interests:
They love to talk about the Christian game; as a matter of fact they talk a good game and yet you will always find them as one who excessively criticizes others in the faith; like modern-day Pharisees with out stretched finger always... more
They love to talk about the Christian game; as a matter of fact they talk a good game and yet you will always find them as one who excessively criticizes others in the faith; like modern-day Pharisees with out stretched finger always finding fault in others while failing to excel or even attempt to walk the walk of faith themselves.
Research Interests:
Elijah was a prophet active in Israel in the middle of the ninth century BC. His primary work was to combat Baal worship and restore the worship of the true God of Israel. Like Moses, who stood against the false gods of Egypt and the... more
Elijah was a prophet active in Israel in the middle of the ninth century
BC. His primary work was to combat Baal worship and restore the
worship of the true God of Israel.

Like Moses, who stood against the false gods of Egypt and the
oppression of Pharaoh, Elijah was a prophet who stood against the
worship of Baal at great risk to himself.

To do so meant defying Ahab and Jezebel, Israel's royal couple, and trusting God to take care of him when his life was threatened by famine and violence.

Though Elijah was not the only true prophet left in Israel, he appears to have thought he was, perhaps because the rest of the prophets were silent and in hiding.

Exhausted after his battle with the false prophets of Baal and his narrow
escape from Queen Jezebel, he became so despondent that he prayed God would take his life. Instead, the Lord sent an angel to strengthen him.

Elijah was a miracle-working prophet, whose powerful prayer life and
whose persistence in speaking God's word helped preserve the faith of God's people during a time of religious persecution.

Amazing is the man as we view 1 Kings chapters 17-19
Research Interests:
Requires You To Follow according to John 15:1-8; we are told a story about Jesus that is way on the mark about “Truth In Discipleship”
Research Interests:
Talking to God can uncover some amazing things
Research Interests:
The meaning of life is not to be discovered only after death in some hidden, mysterious realm; on the contrary, it can be found by eating the succulent fruit of the Tree of Life and by living in the here and now as fully and creatively as... more
The meaning of life is not to be discovered only after death in some hidden, mysterious realm; on the contrary, it can be found by eating the succulent fruit of the Tree of Life and by living in the here and now as fully and creatively as we can. Paul Kurtz
Research Interests:
There's a part of you-the born-again part, your spirit-that's dead to sin. That's why it bothers you now when you sin. The 'wilderness' part of you-your soul-is your unrenewed mind, out-of-control emotions, and stubborn will. Joyce Meyer... more
There's a part of you-the born-again part, your spirit-that's dead to sin. That's why it bothers you now when you sin. The 'wilderness' part of you-your soul-is your unrenewed mind, out-of-control emotions, and stubborn will. Joyce Meyer What a lovely path we have taken as we entered through the gates of chapter 2 of our journey in the garden of God's love learning in verses 1 and 2 about our advocate full of love and mercy for each of us whom humbly accept this gift of being born again; dying to sin and being born again into the righteousness of Christ Jesus and now we get to walk down the path of evidence of what being born again is all about; the very proof of who we have become by, in, and through Jesus Christ.
Research Interests:
"The person who waits upon moods is impoverished. If the painter only wanted to paint when in the mood for it, he would not get very far. In religion, as in art and science, along with the times of high excitement, there are times of... more
"The person who waits upon moods is impoverished. If the painter only wanted to paint when in the mood for it, he would not get very far. In religion, as in art and science, along with the times of high excitement, there are times of sober work and practice. We must practice our communion with God, otherwise we will not find the right tone, the right word, the right language, when God surprises us with his presence." Dietrich Bonhoeffer A powerful message of truth birth out of the scriptures of God from the heart of an amazing saint who was also touched by the writings of John and so let of take a look at what amazing paths we have taken so far in 1 st John as we walked together from God eternal in us to uncovering deeper relationships with God and fellow believer's to Justification of sin is not the nature of being born again and now in lesson 4 of our journey in the garden of God's born again miracle we now walk down the lovely path of chapter 2 from verses 1-2 learning of our advocate full of love and mercy for each of us whom humbly accept this gift of salvation; dying to sin and being born again into the righteousness of Christ Jesus through the Love of Abba Father; a term that speaks of the most intimate of names for God being Daddy so let us now consider the words of John. I write this, dear children, to guide you out of sin. But if anyone does sin, we have a Priest-Friend in the presence of the Father: Jesus Christ, righteous Jesus. When he served as a sacrifice for our sins, he solved the sin problem for good—not only ours, but the whole world's (1 st John 2:1-2). The beloved John is unfolding for us the beauty of our communion with God and what can steal away this freedom being the irreligious path of sin offered by religious man and a world alike blinding us to the ministerial love that abounds in the freedom that Jesus offers mankind. This communion with Christ is the acceptance of His continual intercession on our behalf till time ends and eternity begins protecting us by His death and the power of His Resurrection holding us in the loving arms of His salvation; that God then does not impute to us our sins, this comes to us, because he has regard to Christ as intercessor.
Research Interests:
Charles Spurgeon said that " Any kind of faith in Christ which does not change your life is the faith of devils, and will take you where devils are, but will never take you to heaven. " It does us no eternal good to base our eternal... more
Charles Spurgeon said that " Any kind of faith in Christ which does not change your life is the faith of devils, and will take you where devils are, but will never take you to heaven. " It does us no eternal good to base our eternal security on anything short of true conversion. It's a costly mistake that we will spend eternity paying for! And John; the beloved of God is taking us into the depth of the meaning " Justification of sin is not the nature of being born again. " Before you and I continue our walk together allow me to recap our previous walk in God's Garden of Love as in lesson one we tasted of " Christ Attribute; As, Eternal In You And I! " walking through 1 st John chapter 1 verses 1 and 2 and in our 2 nd session we walked hand in hand through verses 3 through 7 uncovering the depth of a deeper relationship between the body of Christ and that of God and us and now in our 3 rd session John; the one whom Christ loves is now taking us into the depth or should I say the very foundation of what being born again is all about. We often use 1 John 1:8-10 out of context as a justification of sin nature and as a whipping post against those that teach sin free lives by, in, and through Christ who purges us of all sins. If we say that we have no sin, we are false to ourselves and there is nothing true in us. If we say openly that we have done wrong, he is upright and true to his word, giving us forgiveness of sins and making us clean from all evil. If we say that we have no sin, we make him false and his word is not in us. John is having to deal with false teachers in his writing of this letter saying to you and I " If we claim to have fellowship with him and yet walk in the darkness, we lie and do not live out the truth. If we claim we have not sinned, we make him out to be a liar and his word is not in us (1 John 1:6 and 1:10). "
Research Interests:
In our last session we talked about “Christ Attribute; Is Eternal In You And I!” walking through 1st John chapter 1 verses 1 and 2 and in this 2nd session we will be paying a visit to verses 3 through 7 uncovering the depth of a deeper... more
In our last session we talked about “Christ Attribute; Is Eternal In You And I!” walking through 1st John chapter 1 verses 1 and 2 and in this 2nd session we will be paying a visit to verses 3 through 7 uncovering the depth of a deeper relationship between the body of Christ and that of God and us.

We again get to walk with God in the cool of the evening in the garden of God; the garden of His love teaching us more about this born again experience offered to all who come to the cross of Christ as we now discover the born again truth in the fellowship of the Spirit, of God, and fellow man; in the mercy of God's love.

We proclaim to you what we have seen and heard, so that you also may have fellowship with us. And our fellowship is with the Father and with his Son, Jesus Christ. We write this to make our joy complete.
Research Interests:
Christ Attribute; Is Eternal In You And I! With this thought in mind let us feast a little more on 1 st John " That which was from the first, which has come to our ears, and which we have seen with our eyes, looking on it and touching it... more
Christ Attribute; Is Eternal In You And I! With this thought in mind let us feast a little more on 1 st John " That which was from the first, which has come to our ears, and which we have seen with our eyes, looking on it and touching it with our hands, about the Word of life (And the life was made clear to us, and we have seen it and are witnessing to it and giving you word of that eternal life which was with the Father and was seen by us); 1 John 1:1-2 " Oh, the reality of Jesus and to deny His essence in our life in a lifestyle of love is a demonstration of ones lack of genuine salvation.
Research Interests:

And 117 more

Deep, symbolic thought bleeding from my pen. Poetry by John M Sheehan.
I do not need much to inspire me to write, from the words I share on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, or Academia. It can be just a thought, something from scripture, from nature, from a News headline or that of something my wife may have... more
I do not need much to inspire me to write, from the words I share on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, or Academia. It can be just a thought, something from scripture, from nature, from a News headline or that of something my wife may have just said.

Those words form at times a poem or story and other times a book is birth or just words attached to a photo for a Pinteres share, and at times a sermon or teaching lesson is birth producing a video that touches the hearts and soul of mankind worldwide.

Words have to become flesh before they can become ink for others to see
Let us be awestruck by the magnitude of this message and strive to embody it in our daily lives. The profound realization that my most important identity lies not in who I am, what I have, or what I look like but in being loved by God... more
Let us be awestruck by the magnitude of this message and strive to embody it in our daily lives.

The profound realization that my most important identity lies not in who I am, what I have, or what I look like but in being loved by God through Jesus, the Son of God, fills me with awe and wonder. It is a truth that ignites a sense of purpose and belonging.

To be loved by God is an extraordinary gift that surpasses any earthly validation or recognition. It is a love that knows no bounds, extending beyond our flaws and imperfections.
I understand how some may be turned off with my book title that speaks of making Love to God, and in some ways, I could allow myself to understand such a worldly religious point of view; that is until I see God from a perspective of mercy... more
I understand how some may be turned off with my book title that speaks of making Love to God, and in some ways, I could allow myself to understand such a worldly religious point of view; that is until I see God from a perspective of mercy and grace from a shadow of the cross of Christ and through the lens of the Holy Spirit.

From this perspective church what will be uncovered through this book is a seed that at conception was planted in our hearts, mind, and soul is a desire of making love to God and God making love to us and not in the sense of human intercourse but one of the spirit, mind, and soul.

We are speaking of something sacred with God and completely counter to what the church teaches, and our culture presents as the spiritual experience of lovemaking.

Making love to God is not about a physical type of love that many of us operate in because love for God is pure, it is eternal, and it is a love that surrenders all to God.

If you have found yourself with only a halfhearted love, I have good news for you. God has the answer for you; He has a solution, and He promised you and I a fantastic gift if we only accept His promises by faith, and God said it like this;

Rid yourselves of all the offenses you have committed, and get a new heart and a new spirit.
Why will you die, my anointed ones?
For I take no pleasure in the death of anyone, declares the Sovereign Lord. Repent and live!
And I will give them an undivided heart and put a new spirit in them; I will remove from them their heart of stone and give them a heart of flesh.
Then they will follow my decrees and be careful to keep my laws. They will be my people, and I will be their God.
But as for those whose hearts are devoted to their vile images and detestable idols, I will bring down on their own heads what they have done, declares the Sovereign Lord!

What a promise found hidden in the book of Ezekiel as we combine chapter 18verses 31-32 with chapter 11 verses 19-20! A guarantee that will turn you from the walking dead to the born-again child of God.

Paul's description of Christ's love character teaches us how we should also behave because love, as Christ loves, is a matter of behavior and not solely a matter of feelings; such is the character of true Christian love.
Research Interests:
Since the dawn of human civilization, mankind has attempted to rationalize its primeval fear of the unseen by creating order out of chaos and by categorizing its understanding of the concept of this unseen world. And together we will... more
Since the dawn of human civilization, mankind has attempted to rationalize its primeval fear of the unseen by creating order out of chaos and by categorizing its understanding of the concept of this unseen world. And together we will uncover the underworld's darkness that goes unseen by the almost eight billion men, women, and children upon this spear that God placed perfectly in the universe among the trillions of stars, planets, and galaxies called earth.

We will also talk about the study of demonology and how important it is for a complete rounded Christian lifestyle, and for its ability to help us in missions and evangelism and dive into the time of the ancient ones who warned us of demons who began to mount increasingly malicious intentions for our destruction leading us to become a people of a gospel having no power, no power to change, no power to convict and no power to deliver and yet we claim to believe but how can we believe in what we do not know.
This book is a story of beginnings, of the past, present, and future of one woman and one man. Shaylee and Davon's lives would intersect over repeatedly, being fifteen years apart and yet never truly apart as they both vowed to make the... more
This book is a story of beginnings, of the past, present, and future of one woman and one man.

Shaylee and Davon's lives would intersect over repeatedly, being fifteen years apart and yet never truly apart as they both vowed to make the world a better place.

Shaylee and Davon would give life through Hope and Love to a lost and dying world, moving them even closer to the truth as God's strength is made perfect in weakness!

Shaylee and Davon would come together at the edge of time, as evil angelic beings would place dangerous illusions before them trying to stop what God has ordained.

Real or fictional, the mystery is yours to decide!