Historia Augusta
Recent papers in Historia Augusta
The replacement of the Sassanians was a turning point in the imperial geostrategic policies. Thus, the change in the Romans' viewpoint of the Eastern superpower soon manifested itself in the very first works of contemporary historiography... more
First published in Buzzle on 16th August 2006 Republished on the same day here: http://sudaneseonline.com/en2/publish/Articles_and_Analysies_12/Sudan_s_Beja_Blemmyes_and_their_Right_to_Freedom_a_929.shtml Republished on 23rd August 2006... more
the reception of an ancient consolatory "sententia" ("sciebem me genuisse mortalem") in the "Vita Gallieni" (17, 1) of "Historia Augusta" (and related textual problems)
La Historia Augusta, única en la Antigüedad como producto literario dadas sus características excepcionales, ha sido definida como una fuente escrita de poca o nula confianza, desde el punto de vista histórico, por estar repleta de... more
Zenobia van Palmyra is een bekende figuur in de literatuur en kunsten van Europa en Arabië. Het beeld dat deze bronnen schetsen van de derde-eeuwse vorstin is zonder uitzondering kleurrijk, maar allesbehalve uniform. Het jaar 2008... more
Resumen En el presente trabajo se observará un gran debate de diferentes historiadores sobre el Imperio Romano de Occidente, en el mismo emergerán el pensamiento antiguo y profano, la irrupción del cristianismo y el impacto que produjo al... more
The New Classical Scholarship: The New Forensic Study Of History (Roman Piso, 11-25-2016, edited & updated 03-22-2017) [Note: To fully understand this, it is recommended that other related papers be read as well, as this is a complex... more
From the first century a.d. to the late third there existed a group of soldiers known as the frumentarii. Centralized in the late first century, they became an increasingly important force throughout the second century until Diocletian... more
Julius Calpurnius Piso, a son of Arrius Piso, was the author of The Revelation. He was married to Hadrian's sister and was father-in-law of Tacitus' son. He wanted his grandson to become emperor after Hadrian, and was killed by Hadrian in... more
Julius Calpurnius Piso, a son of Arrius Piso, was the author of The Revelation. He was married to Hadrian's sister and was father-in-law of Tacitus' son. He wanted his grandson to become emperor after Hadrian, and was killed by Hadrian in... more
This paper examines two divergent traditions in Roman historiography about the sexual relationships of the emperor Caracalla. The first is that he had an affair with his mother, Julia Domna; the second is that he became impotent and... more
See my other papers, articles, essays and books and related material. Current book: 'Piso Christ' (available on Amazon). See the work of all other researchers & scholars who have concluded a Roman origin for the creation of... more
Italica: Hadrian's homeland and hometown_2002_with an addenda Italica: Heimat und Heimatstadt von Hadrian_2002_mit Zusätzen Italica: patrie et ville natale d'Hadrien_2002_avec des addenda RESUMEN.- Desde el siglo XVI los... more
Paper on the work of Sir Ronald Syme with regards to the Historia Augusta (HA), with particular attention to bogus or alias names and authorship of the HA. Also, a comparison between his work and that of Abelard Reuchlin and myself, as... more
Este segundo volume inclui as biografias de Pertinaz, Dídio Juliano, Septímio Severo, Pescénio Nigro, Clódio Albino, Caracala, Geta, Macrino, Diadúmeno e Heliogábalo. Assim, levando em conta a acessão de Pertinaz ao trono imperial e a... more
This article considers the Historia Augusta's claim to be written by six fictional authors from the Tetrarchic-Constantinian era, and how it can be read from a reader-oriented perspective. Rather than seeing the authorial fiction as... more
ABSTRACT - Contrary to the julio-claudian, flavian or severan dynasties, there is no agreement among the scholars of Ancient History on how to name and group the roman emperors from the second century A.D. "The Antonines", "The Good... more
Paper details the descent of King Charlemagne from Lucius Calpurnius Piso, whose daughter had married Julius Caesar. This is one of many of my papers that together prove that Western kings & emperors knew their own royal ancestry going... more
L'étude de la liste de consulaires exécutés sur ordre de Commode dans l'Histoire Auguste, Vie de Commode, 7, 4-7, conduit à identifier un réseau sénatorial alliant Italiens et personnes ou familles d'origine asiatique This paper is a... more
The life of Aurelian in the Historia Augusta includes the expression Orientale imperium, which is very rare in classical and late antique Latin texts, with as few as nine/ten occurrences, mostly in the sixth century and none earlier than... more
The portrayal of Zenobia of Palmyra in the Historia Augusta must be regarded with suspicion as a faithful representation of historical events. When considered as a narrative, however, this episode becomes a discourse on the correlation of... more
Abstract: Standard narratives of the overthrow of the emperor Elagabalus in 222 tend to see the event as an anomaly, caused especially by his aggressive and unpopular promotion of the Syrian god Elagabal. This view is not properly... more
Do you remember when you thought that you would never know just who many of the people that you heard about in history really were? Well, now that is about to come to an end. The reason why? Because ancient history was an "inside job"-as... more
No one other than royals were able to write and publish their works in ancient times. And no one but royals were being written about. Thus, it was a "closed" or controlled environment. That also means that there is a means in which to... more
Dans son essai sur l'Histoire Auguste, Marguerite Yourcenar, délaissant la question de l'attribution de l'œuvre, pratique une lecture critique au nom de l'esthétique et de la vérité historique tout en établissant des passerelles entre le... more
There is no work in late antiquity that is the subject of as much dispute as "Historia Augusta", presenting biographies of Roman Emperors from Hadrian to Numerian. Those disputes result from the content of the collection, which brings a... more
This paper presents a new manuscript of part of the Historia Augusta from Erlangen, which vindicates a more than century-old hypothesis by E. Patzig: that the 1489 Venice edition of the work is textually valuable. On this basis, and... more
According to the author of the Historia Augusta, Severus Alexander placed in his lararium maius the images of Apollonius of Tyana, Christ, Abraham and Orpheus alongside the deified Roman emperors and the maiorum effigies, in the context... more
The Suda, a 10th-century Byzantine encyclopedia based on many sources now lost to us, identified the philosophers Sextus Empiricus and Sextus of Chaeronea (nephew of Plutarch, and teacher of Marcus Aurelius) as being the same person -- an... more
Palabras clave: emperador Probo, Historia Augusta, Antigüedad Tardía, ejército romano, siglo III. Resumen: Este trabajo tratará sobre un fragmento de la biografía del emperador Probo en la Historia Augusta, en el que se refiere al... more
This paper sets out to elaborate on the persistence of the republican ideal in imperial Rome through the lens of historiography. The investigation – which is meant to be part of a wider workplan – is divided in two parts. Firstly, it... more
La Storiografia tardoantica. Bilanci e prospettive è un volume che racco- glie contributi di molti studiosi il cui impegno verte principalmente, ma non solo, su tematiche storiografiche concernenti la tarda antichità. I di- versi... more
In der Historia Augusta, einer spätantiken Sammlung römischer Kaiserbiographien, finden sich in drei Viten von Kaisern des 3. Jh.s n. Chr. Erwähnungen von gallischen Druidinnen (Alex. Sev. 60,6; Aurel. 44,3–5; Car. 14,1 – 15,5). Diese... more