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Part of the book "1861/1961: un secolo di circuitazione teatrale in Italia. Attori, compagnie, piazze" (edited by Leonardo Spinelli), the paper aims to reconstruct the national touring of Florentine ensembles led by Andrea Niccòli at the... more
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      Italian TheatreTheatre DialectHistory and Theory of the TheatreItalian actors
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Bala, S. (2020). Theatre and the risk of fire. Biblioteca Teatrale, 133, 99-111.
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The retrospective view of the Romans Theatre gives rise to the renaissances of it theatrical activities which aim at reviving some imperative attributes exhibited in the Roman theatre for the development of Nigeria today's theatre. One of... more
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    • History and Theory of the Theatre
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      HistoryCultural HistoryCultural StudiesTheatre Studies
Nāṭyaśāstra is one of the most challenging writing in the history of theatre. Not only because its age and complexity, but because the uniqueness of its vision in which the sacred underlies the art of theatre and interferes with it. This... more
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      Theatre and ReligionNatyasastraSacred TheatreHistory and Theory of the Theatre
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Recentul protest al activistei trans Antonella Lerca Duda, în timpul unei reprezentații cu un spectacol jucat la Teatrul Mic din București, a născut în spațiul public o avalanșă de reacții despre modul de reprezentare a unor grupuri... more
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      ActingEthics of RepresentationRomanian theaters
Kristiaan P. Aercke, Gods of Play: Baroque Festive Performances as Rhetorical Discourses. In: New Theatre Quarterly, vol. 13, no. 50 (May 1997), pp. 186-187
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      Baroque Art and LiteratureHistory and Theory of the Theatre
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      Byzantine StudiesJesuit theatre, Baroque theatreReception of ByzantiumHistory and Theory of the Theatre
Polish Theatre Revisited explores nineteenth-century Polish theatre through the lens of theatre audiences. I place special emphasis on the most engaged spectators, known as “theatremaniacs” — from what they wore, to what they bought, to... more
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      Theatre StudiesTheatre HistoryNineteenth Century StudiesPolish History
The Ancient Drama on the Stage of the New Greek Theater: The New Stage (1901–1906) and The Royal Theater (1901–1908) The article treats the dominant trends in the development of modern Greek theater in the late 19th and early 20th... more
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    • History and Theory of the Theatre
This paper provides a discussion of the most recurrent questions concerning visual resources and their use by theatre historians. The author, who has been working for many years on iconological topics ( mainly theatrical portraiture from... more
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      Theatre StudiesTheatre HistoryApplied Drama/TheatreTheatre Theory
Mocno czekoladowy tort Marcello, który na specjalne okazje pojawia się na polskich stołach, powstał jako hołd dla warszawskiej aktorki, Heleny Marcello. Choć nie sposób dziś ustalić oryginalnej receptury tego odświętnego ciasta, w jego... more
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      Theatre StudiesTheatre HistoryNineteenth Century StudiesPolish History
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    • Art
This paper analyses the 1949 and 1954 productions of Othello in the Budapest National Theatre, in order to seek out specific manifestations of the sovietisation of theatre. The performances were directed by Kálmán Nádasdy and Tamás Major,... more
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    • Theatron
The paper on Meyerhold I initially wrote as a lecture for my students. It might not be of interest to advanced theatre folks who know Meyerhold’s work, but it might be beneficial for undergraduate students. The paper explains the... more
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      Theatre StudiesTheatre HistoryDirectingPerformance Studies
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    • Art
Between April and May 1460, the act of a sleek funambulist enchanted Milan during several public celebrations. An account of the facts is provided by Mantuan orator Vincenzo della Scalona, along with two previously unpublished Latin... more
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      Theatre StudiesRenaissance StudiesRenaissance HumanismRenaissance Dance
Esta proposta busca traçar alguns percursos do trabalho da intérprete em teatro, em suas transformações históricas, tecendo relações entre os contextos internacionais diversos, a fim de encaminhar um desenho do quadro brasileiro. Serão... more
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      Feminist TheoryActingHistory and Theory of the Theatre
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V slovenských dejinách nachádzame často osobnosti, ktoré bohatosťou svojho života a diela zasiahli do niekoľkých oblastí spoločenského diania. Práve touto nevšednou mnohostrannosťou si zvyšovali svoj sociálny status v kontexte... more
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      Credit UnionsKomensky Jan AmosCooperatives19th Century (History)
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Artykuł poświęcony jest twórczości Dmitrija Bogosławskiego, białoruskiego dramatopisarza piszącego po rosyjsku. Celem badania jest ustalenie cech światopoglądu białoruskiego aktora, reżysera i autora tekstów dramatycznych na podstawie... more
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      Theatre StudiesTheatre HistoryTheatreTheatre Arts
Το θέατρο είναι άρρηκτα δεμένο με το ανθρώπινο σώμα. Η θεατρική σκηνή κατοικείται από ανθρώπινα σώματα και οι ιστορίες που παρακολουθούμε, ακόμη κι αν αφορούν μη ανθρώπινες οντότητες, παρουσιάζονται μέσω των σωμάτων των ηθοποιών. Στην... more
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      Theatre HistoryDirecting for the stageTheatreTrauma
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      MusicologyMusical TheatreTheatre StudiesScenography
Traduzione, introduzione e note di Valeria De Gregorio Cirillo
Copyright © 2020 Acting Archives
Acting Archives Review, Napoli, Novembre 2020
ISSN: 2039-9766
ISBN: 978-88-940967-6-7
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      French LiteratureGerman LiteratureSpanish LiteratureEnglish Literature
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    • Computer Science
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The scientific journal of the Department of Theatre Studies of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens Parabasis is preparing the publication of volume no. 20 and invites all those interested to contribute to the two issues,... more
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      Theatre StudiesTheatre HistoryDramaTheatre
The text is, a brief reflection on how the new contemporary drama can be put. The analyzed examples come from Polish recent theater.
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      Performing ArtsTheatre StudiesDramaturgyModern Drama
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      Theatre DesignBespoke tailoring
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      Homo sacerPerformans
Darko Gašparović čitavog svog radnog vijeka djeluje i kao praktičar i kao teoretičar, kao povjesničar i kao onaj koji aktivno sudjeluje u gradnji suvremene slike teatra (između ostalog i u svojstvu višegodišnjeg umjetničkog voditelja... more
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A review of Ratan Thiyam's plays.
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      Theatre StudiesTheatre HistoryTheatreTheatre Arts
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      Visual ArtsHistory and Theory of the TheatreGdańskJerzy Krechowicz
The problem of the existence or not of a reality, which outside the dimension of the intelligent subject, that is, the relationship of the subjectivity of conscience and the objectivity of the world, comprises an issue lending itself to a... more
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      TechnologyTheatre StudiesDramaVirtual Reality
El teatro colombiano también se lee Ver las obras de teatro exclusivamente en escena o escoger leerlas, ha sido parte de una discusión que han mantenido algunos dramaturgos y expertos recientemente. Al respecto, el desaparecido maestro de... more
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      Conflicto armado colombianoTeatro PoliticoPolíticas culturales - Lectura
The chapter reveals the influence of the Prague Linguistic Circle's structuralist theories on the debate concerning Czech theatre's new social function in the early 1990s. Drawing on an analysis of writings on the post-1989... more
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      TheatreCrisisPost CommunismDDC
The resonance of "theater in theater" in the national dramaturgy of the '90s of the twentieth century is produced, on the one hand, by revealing in a piece of a theater atmosphere and theatrical perspectives, through... more
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Στην παρούσα εργασία και σε διάλογο με το γενικότερο ερευνητικό ενδιαφέρον, θα επιχειρηθεί μια εξέταση του κοινωνικοπολιτικού πλαισίου της Μήδειας και του τρόπου που η έμφυλη ταυτότητά της επηρεάζει τη θέση και δραστηριότητά της μέσα σε... more
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      Gender StudiesTheatre StudiesDramaGreek Theatre
ISABELLA MOLINARI A Sienese in Rome: Girolamo Gigli and the Accademia dei Desiosi in an Unpublished Manuscript from the Fondo Lanciani at Palazzo Venezia The essay discusses an unpublished work found in the Manuscripts section of... more
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I artikkelen diskuteres 8 anmeldelser av Det Norske Teatrets produksjon Edda i 2017. Artikkelen er utviklet kollektivt, på grunnlag av en felles interesse for myter og fortellinger, forankret i forskergruppen «Mytologi, eventyr og... more
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      Computer ScienceMythologyPedagogyNorwegian
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      Commedia dell'arteContemporary Italian TheatreTheatre HistoriographyHistory and Theory of the Theatre
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      Cultural HistoryPhysicsAnthropology of Festivals