History of Arabic Philosophy
Recent papers in History of Arabic Philosophy
The idea of the Suspended Man in Space or Suspended man in the air is also known with titles of Flying Man or Floating Man and Into Thin Air. Avicenna introduces this idea in The Book of Healing, and Remarks and Admonitions (Pointers and... more
This article presents Al-Kindi as the first Arab intercultural curriculum theorizer, rather than the first Arab philosopher as often argued. He envisioned an intercultural and interdisciplinary curriculum within the Arabic intellectual... more
This paper focuses on Avicenna's account of memory, its major problems and its sources. In the appendix, an entire English translation of Nafs, IV, 1 is provided.
Ce livre constitue la première étude du rôle de la génération dans les systèmes philosophiques d’Aristote et d’Averroès (1126-1198). En s’appuyant sur de nombreux textes traduits du grec, de l’arabe et du latin, l’auteur propose une... more
There is little doubt that in modern Islamic philosophy, Sayyid Muḥammad Ḥusayn Ṭabāṭabāʾī (d. 1981) stands out as the most important and influential philosopher and exegete in the twentieth century. In the realm of the rational sciences,... more
This article explores the manner by which Classical Arabic sounds emerged. It makes the claim that sounds came to be standardized through a process of selection based on prestige. It also claims that the sounds of the Hijaz region were... more
As in the rest of the Šifāʾ, the De Caelo et Mundo is neither a commentary on nor a paraphrase of Aristotle’s De Caelo. Although Aristotle remains one of Avicenna’s primary interlocutors, the Stagirite’s text is deeply transformed in its... more
المركز: مجلّة الدراسات العربيّة بريل – مركز أبو ظبي للغة العربيّة الأمل في الأدبيّ العربيّ الأمل موضوعةٌ (ثيمة) بارزة في آداب حضارات العالم، وهي تحضر بقوّةٍ في التراث العربيّ، شعره ونثره، وفي الأدب العربيّ الحديث. ومع ذلك، فإنّ عدد... more
One Arab thinker whose significant influence on Aquinas’ philosophical and theological thought has been largely neglected in scholarship is Mansūr Ibn Sarjūn, better known in the West by his religious name, John of Damascus or John... more
The volume on Argumentation and Arabic Philosphy of language edited by S.Rahman and Walter Young just appeared as open access here https://journals.openedition.org/methodos/8605?lang=en It contains really great contributions... more
The definition of the relation between expressions (alfāẓ) and meanings (maʿānī) has played a pivotal role in determining the subject-matter of logic all along the so-called “classical period” of Arabic philosophy. This paper focuses on... more
This book offers for the first time a comprehensive study of the reception and reworking of the Peripatetic theory of the soul in the Kitāb al-Nafs (Book of the Soul) by Avicenna (d. 1037). This study seeks to frame Avicenna’s science of... more
Springs and rivers, oceans and storms, ships and helmsmen, sailors, coasts and ports, shipwrecked people and spectators on the shore have always the writings of philosophers, sometimes in their dimension of natural phenomena, often as... more
This study aims to reconsider the impact of the Rasāʾil Iḫwān al-Ṣafāʾ on the Rutbat al-ḥakīm (The Rank of the Sage) and the Ġāyat al-ḥakīm (The Aim of the Sage). Exclusively concerned with textual evidence taken from the three works and... more
Both Averroes and Maimonides are concerned with the relationship between philosophy and religion, between reason and faith. Both examine the exoteric and esoteric teachings of scripture and the role of allegory in sacred texts, share the... more
The Shi’ah Institute in London arranged the publication of an English translation of one of the most popular Iranian textbooks of the Avicennan tradition of metaphysics in Islam. First printed in Persian in 1956, Mahdī Ḥaʾirī Yazdī’s... more
RESUMO En el presente trabajo se propone que, en la noética de la Ciudad ideal de Al-Farabi, que está contenida entre los capítulos XX a XXIII, se plantea una teoría sobre el deseo que, lo concibe como un medio y separado de los hombres,... more
Kemālpāşāzāde Aḥmed Efendī (d. 940/1534) who is one of the most distinguished and prolific scholars and philosophers of the Ottoman era presented systematic criticisms towards some earlier foundational texts under the titles of “Tağyīr... more
Bu makale İbn Sînâ'nın "ikinci makuller" görüşünün kendinden önce süregelen dil-mantık tartışmasına bir cevap olarak geliştirildiğini göstermeyi amaçlamaktadır. İbn Sînâ'nın yaşadığı asırdan bir asır önce Bağdat felsefe okulunu kuran... more
For Avicenna, happiness in the afterlife is twofold: on the one hand, it consists, as it does in this life, of the perception of bodily pleasure (this is also how revealed Law explains it); on the other, it is intellectual and involves... more
International Graduate Workshop on Arabic Philosophy «Falsafa between φιλοσοφία and philosophia» - Pisa, 6-7 October 2017
Of the more than two-hundred articles of the Parisian Condemnation of 1277, one contains an arresting reference to a camel that is killed by a magician by means of sight alone through the power of the Evil Eye. While it is difficult to... more
Rivista di storia della filosofia, 2/73 (2018), 295-310
Dissertation Abstract and Contents Page
An Instagram interview by Majid Bakhshi, 10 June 2020, 6:30 PM CEST
@FODASUN, Foundation of Dialogue and Solidarity of United Nations, Iran
@FODASUN, Foundation of Dialogue and Solidarity of United Nations, Iran
Humans and Nature – 5th FINO Graduate Conference in History of Philosophy, North-Western Italian Philosophy Consortium , Pavia 17-18 September 2018
J’ai montré dans cet article que c’est sur une lecture qualitative de la physique aristotélicienne, dans laquelle le mélange joue un rôle crucial, qu’Averroès reconstruit la doctrine de l’accroissement proposée en DGC I 5 et nie... more
I have three objectives to achieve in this brief paper. The first and most relevant objective for the theme of this volume is to add another name to the already very distinguished roster of medieval Jewish physicians and/or medical... more
In this essay I present and explicate the epistemological, ontological, aitiological, and theological dimensions of Avicenna’s doctrine of truth in his Metaphysics of the Healing. I begin with the way Avicenna’s doctrine of truth is... more
Parigi del XIII secolo: immaginiamo la scrivania di uno studente di filosofia. Sul suo tavolo troveremo, in traduzione latina, testi provenienti da gran parte del mondo conosciuto: opere di Aristotele scritte ad Atene, trasferite in Asia... more
The first and most relevant objective for the theme of this volume is to add another name to the already very distinguished roster of medieval Jewish physicians and/or medical writers.The other two objectives do not concern the history of... more
Reseña en eHumanista/IVITRA, vol. 20, 2021, páginas 211-213 de: Gracia López Anguita, ed. Ibn ‘Arabī y su época. Sevilla: Universidad de Sevilla/Ayuntamiento de Almonaster la Real, 2018. 227 pp. Col. “Estudios Árabo-Islámicos de... more