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Attraverso gli antichi inventari e i manoscritti ancora oggi conservati si delineano i due più antichi strati della biblioteca capitolare di Pistoia e una rilevante innovazione nel canone di testi e autori fra XII e XIII secolo
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      Latin PaleographyCodicology of medieval manuscriptsHistory of PistoiaHistory of Medieval Books and Libraries
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      Manuscript StudiesMount Athos StudiesByzantine Paleography and codicologyCodicology of medieval manuscripts
Con una premessa di Luigi G. G. Ricci. Il volume traccia un importante quadro della circolazione del libro nella Sardegna dei secoli VI-XVI. Il repertorio censisce e studia oltre seicento notizie di possesso e/o fruizione di libri,... more
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      Medieval HistoryEarly Modern HistoryHistory of the BookMedieval Studies
In the early fifteenth century, a commentary on the Rule of St. Benedict was written by Martin of Vyšehrad, a monk from the abbey of Ostrov in Central Bohemia, for the Benedictine nun Elizabeth of Waldstein, called Elžka, living in St.... more
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      Benedictine nunsMedieval MonasticismLate Medieval LibrariesMedieval Books
Following Gérard Genette’s brief comments in Seuils, this article seeks to shed new light on the place of the author’s name within the medieval paratext. It does so by using original data collected in 41 inventories of medieval... more
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      Medieval French LiteratureAuthorship AttributionParatextAuthoriality and Authorship
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      Library ScienceManuscripts and Early Printed BooksRare Books and ManuscriptsManuscript Studies
Violet Moller's The Map of Knowledge: How Classical Ideas Were Lost and Found: A History in Seven Cities is a history of ideas study that examines the efforts of Muslim, Christian, Jewish, and Humanist scholars to understand ancient Greek... more
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      History of the BookHistory of ScienceIslamic StudiesAl-Andalus
Nicholas Yaeger (Book Arts Web and Bonefolder Extras) reviews The Medieval Girdle Book.
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      History of Reading and WritingMedieval BooksMedieval BookbindingProduction of Girdle Books
// Вестник сектора древнерусского искусства / отв. ред. А.Л. Баталов. №2. 2020. С. 112–128. ISSN 2658-543X The article describes the now-lost minuscule codex, three fragments of which are kept in the collections of Paris and Moscow. The... more
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      Manuscript StudiesByzantine StudiesByzantine Paleography and codicologyGreek manuscripts
The article is devoted to the role of quotations as a tool to measure the impact of humanism on the example of letters of Piotr Wolfram – a Polish lawyer educated in Italy, participant of the Council of Constance, and ambitious official... more
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      RhetoricRenaissance HumanismManuscript StudiesPetrarch
The Stiftsbibliothek St. Gallen possesses a rich collection of Carolingian, Romanesque and Gothic bindings. Whereas the Carolingian and the Gothic bindings have been studied by J.A. Szirmai and by myself, the less numerous Romanesque... more
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      Medieval HistoryMaterial Culture StudiesHistory of the BookRare Books and Manuscripts
I libri elencati nel più antico inventario provano che il convento di San Domenico, a Bologna, fu sede di un 'studium' in grado di offrire una preparazione in campo teologico e filosofico di alto livello ed ebbe maestri che seppero... more
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      Medieval ManuscriptsDominican OrderHistory of Medieval Books and Libraries
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      Manuscript StudiesMount Athos StudiesByzantine Paleography and codicologyCodicology of medieval manuscripts
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      PaintingIllumination (Manuscripts, Books)Medieval ArtAustrian History
Investigation into the spiritual, religious and cultural dimension of Abbot Aligerno's personality through the identification and study of the manuscripts he acquired for the Montecassino library.
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      Medieval Latin LiteratureMonastic StudiesMedieval Intellectual HistoryMedieval Culture
Communication invitée au colloque Richard de Fournival et les sciences au XIIIe siècle, Paris, 15-16 octobre 2015, org. Joëlle DUCOS – Christopher LUCKEN
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      Manuscripts (Medieval Studies)Medieval manuscripts & early printed books; history of libraries; visual arts & digital mediaHistory of Medieval PhilosophyRichard de Fournival
Estudi centrat en l'àmbit local de la problemàtica del llibre i de les biblioteques en una comarca valenciana (la Vall d'Albaida, específicament la vila de Bocairent) gràcies a la documentació notarial conservada sobre la biblioteca de... more
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      Late Medieval LibrariesMedieval Librarieshistory of medieval and Humanistics LibrariesHistoria Local Del País Valenciano
Despite the crucial role of Augustine’s De ciuitate Dei in shaping Christian identity and its influence on Western culture, we are still far from understanding the paths of its medieval transmission and dissemination. This paper aims to... more
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      Textual CriticismCarolingian StudiesAugustine of HippoCodicology of medieval manuscripts