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E.N. Dobrynina, Corpus of Greek Illuminated Manuscripts in Russian Collections, Volume I. Manuscripts of the 9th – 10th cc. at the State Historical Museum. Part 1. Moscow: Scanrus, 2013, 440 pp., 218 ill. (in Russian, with Introduction in... more
E.N. Dobrynina, Corpus of Greek Illuminated Manuscripts in Russian Collections, Volume I. Manuscripts of the 9th – 10th cc. at the State Historical Museum. Part 1. Moscow: Scanrus, 2013, 440 pp., 218 ill. (in Russian, with Introduction in English).
This publication is the first comprehensive description of Greek illuminated manuscripts at the State Historical Museum collection. All descriptions are accompanied by articles with scientific-research content and illustrative material, with reproductions of manuscript decoration and examples of script. The publication is intended for art historians and Byzantine scholars, specialists in the field of Greek palaeography, codicology, textology and liturgistics, and for all those interested in the history of the medieval manuscript book.
Research Interests:
The issue considers the problems of research of the Old Russian, Greek, Latin and other manuscripts, among them are the palaeography, codicology and history of art. Special attention is paid to technical and technological aspects of... more
The issue considers the problems of research of the Old Russian, Greek, Latin and other manuscripts, among them are the palaeography, codicology and history of art. Special attention is paid to technical and technological aspects of medieval manuscripts and methods of its conservation.
ISBN 978-5-6040634-4-4-6
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Новый Завет с Псалтирью: Греческая иллюминированная рукопись из собрания Государственного Исторического музея. Сб. статей / cост. и отв. ред. Э.Н. Добрынина (Исследование и реставрация одного памятника. Вып. 10). М., 2014 (на русск. и... more
Новый Завет с Псалтирью: Греческая иллюминированная рукопись из собрания Государственного Исторического музея. Сб. статей  / cост. и отв. ред. Э.Н. Добрынина (Исследование и реставрация одного памятника. Вып. 10). М., 2014 (на русск. и англ. яз.)
Research Interests:
«Средневековые книжные центры: местные традиции и межрегиональные связи»: Труды международной конференции, Москва, 5–7 сентября 2005 г. / сост. и отв. ред. Э.Н. Добрынина. М., 2009
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Деяния и Послания апостолов: греческая иллюминированная рукопись 1072 г. из собрания Научной библиотеки Московского Университет: сб. статей / ред.-сост. Э.Н. Добрынина (Исследование и реставрация одного памятника. Вып. IV). Москва, 2004... more
Деяния и Послания апостолов: греческая иллюминированная рукопись 1072 г. из собрания Научной библиотеки Московского Университет: сб. статей / ред.-сост. Э.Н. Добрынина (Исследование и реставрация одного памятника. Вып.  IV). Москва, 2004 (на русск. и англ. яз.).
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By I.P. Mokretsova, M.M. Naumova, V.N. Kireyeva, E.N. Dobrynina, B.L. Fonkitch.The book treats the insufficiently explored field of medieval art history and codicology – production of manuscripts in Byzantium, the methods, materials and... more
By I.P. Mokretsova, M.M. Naumova, V.N. Kireyeva, E.N. Dobrynina, B.L. Fonkitch.The book treats the insufficiently explored field of medieval art history and codicology – production of manuscripts in Byzantium, the methods, materials and instruments of Greek illuminators. Suggested information is based on medieval iconographical and documentary data (technological treatises) as well as on the present scarce studies on medieval technological problems, where the Byzantine tradition as a rule is rarely affected; so the principal source of this book became the experience of authors, who participated in the process of treatment of Byzantine manuscripts in the State Research Institute for Restoration in Moscow. An Appendix to the main text of the book is a descriptive catalogue of 22 treated Byzantine manuscripts which includes the results of observation and analysis of each codex.
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Aprakos Gospels from the Dormition Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin. Collected articles (Research on and Restoration of a Masterpiece. Vol. I), ed. by E.N.Dobrynina, Moscow, Grabar Art Conservation Centre, 2002.
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The article presents new data on the history of seven manuscripts from the collection of the Russian Archaeological Institute in Constantinople, received in 1931 by the Library of the Academy of Sciences: RAIK 42, 51, 77, 113, 116, 125,... more
The article presents new data on the history of seven manuscripts from the collection of the Russian Archaeological Institute in Constantinople, received in 1931 by the Library of the Academy of Sciences: RAIK 42, 51, 77, 113, 116, 125, 164. On the basis of Greek sources and the identification of the library’s seal, it is concluded that these manuscripts belonged to the “Ephoria of the schools of Larissa” in 1872 and were subsequently acquired by RAIK members or their unknown intermediaries.
The seals found in RAIK 51 and 113 are previously unknown evidence of their existence in Larissa after the destruction of the library of the Holy Trinity (or St. Dionysius) monastery on Mount Olympus.
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in: Montfaucon: Études de paléographie, de codicologie et de diplomatique, vol. 8, ed. M.V. Bibikov, Moscou 2022, pp. 177–183 (in Russian) The main corpus of texts in the Khludov Psalter consists of two layers: the lower, uncial layer... more
in: Montfaucon: Études de paléographie, de codicologie et de diplomatique, vol. 8, ed. M.V. Bibikov, Moscou 2022, pp. 177–183 (in Russian)

The main corpus of texts in the Khludov Psalter consists of two layers: the lower, uncial layer written in the mid-9th century, and the minuscule layer dated to the mid-14th century. The illustrative complex to which the miniatures, the inscriptions to miniatures and the reference marks belong represents an extensive pictorial commentary to the Psalter from the time of its creation. Information about the second stage of work on commentary to the Psalms has also been preserved in the Khludov Psalter on ff. 2, 11v, 43, 58v and 137v, added in minuscule by the scribe responsible for the upper layer when the uncial text was rewritten.
The following questions are discussed in the paper: 1) to what extent the later scholia correspond to the commentary of the earlier period, i.e. to the miniatures and their inscriptions; 2) which of the numerous interpretations of the Psalms were favoured in the milieu where the Khludov Psalter was rewritten; 3) which parts of the Psalter required explanation for readers of the manuscript, in the opinion of the 14th-century scholiographer. Particular attention is paid to the two commentaries of different periods on Ps. 59:6 (f. 58v): the sources on which the subject of the miniature was based are examined, as well as the shift of semantic emphasis in scholia of the second period.
Research Interests:
A pdf file of the article is available by request. The article presents a handwriting analysis of two Greek patristic miscellanies: the Orations of Gregory the Theologian Mosq. Synod. gr. 62 (Vlad. 145) and Homilies of John Chrysostom... more
A pdf file of the article is available by request.
The article presents a handwriting analysis of two Greek patristic miscellanies: the Orations of Gregory the Theologian Mosq. Synod. gr. 62 (Vlad. 145) and Homilies of John Chrysostom Sinait. gr. 360. It is concluded that the main minuscule text, majuscule titles, headings and running titles in both codices can be ascribed to a single hand (scribe S), and the decoration to a single artist. Scribe S is identified with the scribe responsible for the colophon of 970, as well as the running titles and titles in the miscellany Orations of Basil the Great Par. gr. 497, the main text of which was copied by protospatharios Niketas in the year 966. The artist of the Synodal and Sinai miscellanies also produced the illumination in Par. gr. 497. As a result of this research we established that the three manuscripts are linked to one scriptorium, probably a court workshop, while a date of circa 970 was ascribed to Sinait. gr. 360 and Synod. gr. 62. Based on study of the colophon on f. 321v and the inscription on f. 329v in Par. gr. 497, assumptions were made on the donation to and subsequent presence of this manuscript in the monastery of Great Martyr Saint George, Agios Georgios Oriatos (Rigati) in Morphou, Cyprus.
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A pdf file of the article is available by request. Zusammenfassung: Der Grundbestand der Texte im Chludov Psalter besteht aus zwei Schichten: die untere Unzialschicht, gemacht in der Mitte des 9ten Jhs, und die obere Minuskelschicht,... more
A pdf file of the article is available by request.
Der Grundbestand der Texte im Chludov Psalter besteht aus zwei Schichten: die untere Unzialschicht, gemacht in der Mitte des 9ten Jhs, und die obere Minuskelschicht, datiert von der Mitte des 14ten Jhs. Das Anschauungsmaterial, das Miniaturen, Unterschriften zu diesen Miniaturen und Verweismarken enthält, stellt der umfangreiche Bildkommentar zum Psalter aus der Zeit seiner Schaffung dar. Im Chludov Psalter sind auch die Angaben über die zweite Periode der Kommentierung der Psalmen auf fol. 2, 11v, 43, 58v und 137v erhalten, ausgeführt in Minuskel vom Schreiber der oberen Schicht im Verlaufe der Renovierung des Unzialtextes im 14ten Jh.
In diesem Beitrag werden folgende Fragen erörtert: 1) inwieweit stehen die späteren Scholien in Beziehung zum Kommentar der früheren Periode, d.h. zu den Miniaturen und ihren Unterschriften; 2) welche aus den zahlreichen Psalterdeutungen waren aktuell in jenem Milieu, wo der Chludov Psalter renoviert war; 3) welche Textstellen des Psalters bedurften eine Erläuterung für den Leser der Handschrift nach der Meinung des Scholiengraphen des 14ten Jhs. Eine besondere Aufmerksamkeit ist zwei Kommentaren aus verschiedener Zeit zu Ps. 59: 6-9 (fol. 58v) gewidmet: es werden die Quellen geprüft, worauf das Thema der Miniatur basiert ist, sowie die Verschiebung des semantischen Akzentes in den Scholien der zweiten Periode.
A pdf file of the Essay 5 is available by request.
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// Вестник сектора древнерусского искусства / отв. ред. А.Л. Баталов. №2. 2020. С. 112–128. ISSN 2658-543X The article describes the now-lost minuscule codex, three fragments of which are kept in the collections of Paris and Moscow. The... more
// Вестник сектора древнерусского искусства / отв. ред. А.Л. Баталов. №2. 2020. С. 112–128. ISSN 2658-543X
The article describes the now-lost minuscule codex, three fragments of which are kept in the collections of Paris and Moscow. The handwriting of ‘tipo Anastasio’ and transitional features in decoration allow us to date the partially reconstructed codex to the late 9th – early 10th centuries. So the previously unknown fragment of the ‘Finding of the Holy Cross and nails’ of Menander the Protector, which was identified in Mosq. Syn gr. 73 belongs to the earliest copies of this text.
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A pdf file of the article is available by request. Summary: As it was believed earlier, the diacritical marks in Codex H belong to the upper ink layer, although the period when these were written has not been established. The article... more
A pdf file of the article is available by request.
Summary: As it was believed earlier, the diacritical marks in Codex H belong to the upper ink layer, although the period when these were written has not been established. The article gives new data confirmed that the diacritics were written with two different kinds of ink, which belong to the lower and upper layers, and proves that the original main text in Codex H was accentuated. Therefore, an accepted dating of Codex H to the 6th to 7th cc. has to be changed to the period from the end of 8th to 9th c.
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Research Interests:
in: Manuscript Research and Restoration: Procedings-2019, M. V. Korogodina (ed.), St. Petersburg, 2020, p. 28–38 [=Исследование и реставрация рукописей: Материалы конференции – 2019 [Санкт-Петербург, 17-18 сентября, 2019 г.] / отв. ред.... more
in: Manuscript Research and Restoration: Procedings-2019, M. V. Korogodina (ed.), St. Petersburg, 2020, p. 28–38 [=Исследование и реставрация рукописей: Материалы конференции – 2019 [Санкт-Петербург, 17-18 сентября, 2019 г.] / отв. ред. М.В. Корогодина. СПб., 2020. С. 28–38]
Old Russian Gospel Aprakos (Siysky Gospel) is the earliest dated illuminated manuscript originated from Moscow. Since 2017 it undergoes restoration at the Department for Scientific Research and Restoration of Parchment Manuscripts of the Grabar Art Conservation Centre.Regardless of this a separate miniature ‘The Adoration of the Magi’ housed at the State Russian Museum, is now under the conservation process (restorer Eugenia Shchukina). According to Olga Popova assumption outspoken in 1975, this miniature originally belonged to the Siysky Gospel. A team of authors from different institutions banded together for more detailed investigation of the paint layer, painting techniques and artistic style both the miniature and the codex. Physical and chemical methods of analysis were undertaken for this purpose. The paper will focuses on the results of the study.
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The material provided by Greek illuminated manuscripts of the 9th to 10th cc. prompts us to view the evolution of Byzantine book decoration in several distinct stages: from irregular decoration it passed through a transitional period,... more
The material provided by Greek illuminated manuscripts of the 9th to 10th cc. prompts us to view the evolution of Byzantine book decoration in several distinct stages: from irregular decoration it passed through a transitional period, before the formation of a regular decorative system. One of the determining features of irregular decoration (together with the absence of any hierarchy of artistic elements) is the presence of colophons that repeat the heading (end-titles), moreover with decorative emphasis on the end of the text as compared to the beginning of the following text.
An analogous function is also carried out here by the decorative element as coronis. This term was borrowed from papyrology, where it is used to signify special figures marking the paragraphs. The article focuses on the typology of this element in the uncial Biblical codices and on its reflection in the Greek manuscripts of the 9th to 10th cc. Unknown cases of the coronis in minuscule manuscripts in the Russian collections, such as the Ladder, dated 899, State Historical Museum, Synod. gr. 145 (Vlad. 184) and John Chrysostom, Synod. gr. 110 (Vlad.160) are described.
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The article denotes the phenomenon of spolia as a new filed of medieval manuscripts studies. The term spolia used to refer to any artifact incorporated into a manuscript culturally or chronologically different from that of its creation.... more
The article denotes the phenomenon of spolia as a new filed of medieval manuscripts studies. The term spolia used to refer to any artifact incorporated into a manuscript culturally or chronologically different from that of its creation. An author focuses on the fragments of illuminated manuscripts in reuse. The cases of the Latin Acts of 6th Ecumenical Council of the second quarter of the 9th c. (London, Cotton MS Claudius B V) and of the Greek Acts of the Apostles of the late 10th – early 11th cc. (Paris, BnF, Coisl. 224) are described from this point of view. 
John Rhosos is a well-known Greek scribe who was at the disposal of Cardinal Bessarion for a long time. His repair method of the illuminated Greek Lectionary around the turn of the 11th c. (Venezia, Marc. gr. Z. 12 (348) is studied in great detail. The Lectionary shows an artistic complex of heterogeneous details and demonstrates a new conception of a manuscript as antiquarian artifact.
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A pdf file of the paper is available by request. This paper focuses on just a few aspects and terms that were introduced for the comprehensive description of illuminated manuscripts published in the first volume of the Corpus of... more
A pdf file of the paper is available by request.

This paper focuses on just a few aspects and terms that were introduced for the comprehensive description of illuminated manuscripts published in the first volume of
the Corpus of Greek illuminate Manuscripts in Russian Collections (2013).
So-called ‘colophons’ may denote not only the scribes' inscriptions and the ἐξεδόθη-Notizen, but also colophons of a third type: a repeat of the title at the end of the text. When embellished they are examined as an element in the overall decoration of the book.
Description of the running titles and consecutive numbers side by side with the titles, headings and marginalia amplifies the characteristics of the codex.
Such terms as ‘decoration of an irregular type’, ‘decoration of a transitional type’ and ‘decorative system of a regular type’ used for the description and characteristics of manuscript illumination. The material provided by illuminated manuscripts of the 9th to 10th cc. prompts us to view the evolution of book decoration in several distinct stages: from irregular decoration it passed through a transitional period, before the formation of a regular decorative system. The period of transformation lasted about a century, from the mid-9th c. to mid-10th c., with the gradual introduction of new features to the structure of the codex. The main tendency in manuscript design of the transitional phase was a gradual shift of the reader’s attention from the end of the text to the beginning.
Research Interests:
in: The Greek Illuminated Praxapostolos dated 1072 in the Scientific Library of Moscow State University, Collected articles (Research on and Conservation of a Masterpiece. Vol. 4), ed. by E. Dobrynina, Moscow 2004, pp. 44–70 [=Деяния и... more
in: The Greek Illuminated Praxapostolos dated 1072 in the Scientific Library of Moscow State University, Collected articles (Research on and Conservation of a Masterpiece. Vol. 4), ed. by E. Dobrynina, Moscow 2004, pp. 44–70 [=Деяния и Послания апостолов: греческая иллюминированная рукопись 1072 г. из собрания Научной библиотеки Московского университета. Сборник статей (Исследования и реставрация одного памятника. Вып. 4) / ред.-сост. Э.Н. Добрынина. М., 2004. С. 44–70] (in Russian and English)
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The published version is commercially available at: http://booksandjournals.brillonline.com/content/books/b9789004346239_024
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The present work examines five Greek manuscripts which contain the identical keeper’s notes. In all of them Neophytos, a hieromonk of the Konstamonitou monastery, named as owner. The notes were written by different hands in the end of... more
The present work examines five Greek manuscripts which contain the identical keeper’s notes. In all of them Neophytos, a hieromonk of the Konstamonitou monastery, named as owner. The notes were written by different hands in the end of 15th or in the beginning of the 16th century.
In the middle of the nineteenth century a famous Russian traveler and collector Petr Ivanovitch Sevastyanov (1811–1867) brought to Russia from one of his trips to Mount Athos two fourteenth century fragments of the “Λόγος πρὸς τὸν ποιμένα” by Joannes Climacus. Now they are kept at the Russian State library (f. 270/Iа, № 72.10; f. 270/Iа, № 74.23). During the process of restoration at the Grabar Art Conservation Center in 2016 these fragments were identified as early belonged to the same codex. I directly established their origin from the Konstamonitou monastery on the base of deciphered ownership note: «αὑτη αἱ βήβλος ὑπάρχι της μον(ης) τοῦ Κωνσταντ(ος) κ(αὶ) ἥτης ἀποξενώσι αυ(την) ἐχέτο τὴν ἁραν, τὸν· τ·ι·η·ʹ Νεόφυτ(ος) ἱερομόναχ(ος)». 
Paleographical and lexical analysis of the notes in other gathered manuscripts gives an indication of the books which were preserved in the monastery in this period and later were carried around the world. Now they are kept at the Biblothèque nationale de France, Coislin 341, at the British library, Add. 5116 (+ Add. 5115) and in the Oxford’s Christ Church College, gr. 15 and gr. 33.
The richly illuminated Imperial Menologion for February and March of the first part of the eleventh century from the State Historical Museum in Moscow (Syn. gr. 189) adjoins to this group of manuscripts. It contains a very close keeper’s note in the same formula but without name of hieromonk Neophytos.
On the base of collected keeper’s notes we can provide more concrete overview of the books in the library of the Konstamonitou monastery as well as the use of these books by its inhabitants.
This paper focuses on just a few aspects and terms that were introduced for the comprehensive description of illuminated manuscripts published in the Corpus of Greek Illuminated Manuscripts in Russian Collections, vol. I: Manuscripts of... more
This paper focuses on just a few aspects and terms that were introduced for the comprehensive description of illuminated manuscripts published in the Corpus of Greek Illuminated Manuscripts in Russian Collections, vol. I: Manuscripts of the 9th – 10th cc. at the State Historical Museum, part 1 (n° 1–23), Moscow 2013.
So-called ‘colophons’ may denote not only the scribes' inscriptions and the ἐξεδόθη-Notizen, but also colophons of a third type: a repeat of the title at the end of the text. When embellished they are examined as an element in the overall decoration of the book.
Description of the running titles and consecutive numbers side by side with the titles, headings and marginalia amplifies the characteristics of the codex.
Such terms as ‘decoration of an irregular type’, ‘decoration of a transitional type’ and ‘decorative system of a regular type’ used for the description and characteristics of manuscript illumination. The material provided by illuminated manuscripts of the 9th to 10th cc. prompts us to view the evolution of book decoration in several distinct stages: from irregular decoration it passed through a transitional period, before the formation of a regular decorative system. The period of transformation lasted about a century, from the mid-9th c. to mid-10th c., with the gradual introduction of new features to the structure of the codex. The main tendency in manuscript design of the transitional phase was a gradual shift of the reader’s attention from the end of the text to the beginning.
The department for Scientific Research and Conservation of Parchment Manuscripts at the Grabar Art Conservation Center specializes in treatment of medieval manuscripts in Russian collections. Many of these manuscripts require conservation... more
The department for Scientific Research and Conservation of Parchment Manuscripts at the Grabar Art Conservation Center specializes in treatment of medieval manuscripts in Russian collections. Many of these manuscripts require conservation by special methods based on analysis of their codicology and history. That is why we consider the pre-conservation research to be highly important. Approximately one third of the complete cycle of conservation works are usually devoted to it. Among other factors, the results of examination of the manuscript are crucial for conservation or reconstruction of bindings. The conservation history of such manuscripts as Gospel Book of Simeon the Proud (RSL, F. 304/III, No 1), Morozov Gospel Book (Kremlin Armoury, No. 11056), etc. confirms this thesis. In this article the importance of pre-conservation research is illustrated by the example of two Old Russian codices: August Menaion, late 11th – early 12th c. (RSAAA, F. 381, No 125) and Kormchaia Book (Russian Nomocanon), 1280–1282 (SHM, Syn. 132).
Pre-conservation examination of the August Menaion proved that the ruined sewing of the book block is authentic. In other words, the manuscript has never been rebound. So that the original outline of the spine, fragments of the sewing threads and mise-en-page are conserved. This fact determined the choice of the method for conservation of parchment leaves and significantly influenced the binding project. During the conservation we have succeeded to save the original outline of the spine in each quire and in the book block as a whole. Uncoated wooden boards were attached to the book block to make the spine available for further research. We did not reconstruct the headbands because such reconstruction would be an unnecessary intervention in the authentic structure of the object. To protect the parchment book block from deformations and mechanical damage a removable exo-binding with leather coat and two metal clasps was designed.
A study of the Kormchaia Book (1280–1282) conducted in 2013 at the Grabar Art Conservation Center had to provide grounds for the conservation project of the secondary binding, which was in critical condition. First of all, it was necessary to determine the phases in the development of the manuscript and the history of repairs and later interventions on the basis of the codicological evidence. This data would make it possible to choose the method of conservation; in particular, to solve the problem of dismantling of the sewing and the book block.  Examination of the quires revealed four phases in the development of the manuscript. The date of the secondary binding was corrected to late 14th – early 15th c. The corrected date of the binding and the high value of all its components (including sewing) should have led to minimization of conservation activities, which had to be limited to removing joiner's glue of the book spine and carefully completing the ruined sewing without dismantling the book block. We also proposed to omit any additions (imitations), such as headbands, metal furniture and clasps, because they would spoil the authentic look of the binding. The functions of metal furniture had to be performed by the exo-binding. However, this conservation project had never been implemented. It was the Conservation Department of the State Historical Museum that was finally entrusted with conservation of the manuscript. Conservation works according to another project were completed in 2014–2015.
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The article is concerned with certain aspects of three Greek manuscripts from the collection of the National Archive of Albania: Tirana, ANA, Korcë 93, late 9th -- early 10th c.; ANA, Br. 35, dated 1312, and ANA, Br. 38 of the second half... more
The article is concerned with certain aspects of three Greek manuscripts from the collection of the National Archive of Albania: Tirana, ANA, Korcë 93, late 9th -- early 10th c.; ANA, Br. 35, dated 1312, and ANA, Br. 38 of the second half of the 14th c. The subjects discussed are aspects of ornamentation, script and miniature painting in Korcë 93; iconography of the Evangelists inspired by the personification of Sophia in Br. 35; lesser-known miniatures with 'watecolor' painting in Br. 38. The preliminary circle of manuscripts containing epigrams on Evangelists in the miniature field is defind. In this codex a reverse method can be seen when paper was primed in the same way as ‘Hodegon type’ parchment. The character of primer application and the external appearance of both sides of the folio are similar with parchment covered by white lead.
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A LITTLE KNOWN GREEK ILLUMINATED MARTYROLOGIUM ORIGINATED FROM THE REGION OF OTRANTO (TIRANA, ANA, BR. 41). The Greek Synaxar (Martyrologium) on the whole year is preserved at the Albanian National Archives in Tirana (ANA, Br. 41). The... more
A LITTLE KNOWN GREEK ILLUMINATED MARTYROLOGIUM ORIGINATED FROM THE REGION OF OTRANTO (TIRANA, ANA, BR. 41). The Greek Synaxar (Martyrologium) on the whole year is preserved at the Albanian National Archives in Tirana (ANA, Br. 41). The handwriting in this paper manuscript belongs to the style ‘minuscola barocca’ and dates to the middle or third quarter of the 14th century. The rich decoration with red-and-black ornament based on the ‘in negative’ principle consists of the several types of initials (heads, figures, zoomorphic and ornithomorphic) which have analogies in the Italo-Greek book painting. Paleography and stylistic traits of the illumination give reason to assume that the manuscript was produced in the South Italy with possible localization in the region Otranto.
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Материалы Международной научной конференции в честь 75-летия доктора исторических наук, члена-корреспондента Афинской Академии Б.Л. Фонкича. Москва, 27–28 февраля 2013 г.
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The article observes the dating of the Four Gospels at the Russian State Library, Gr. 210 as the second half of the 10th century, ascribes the fragment RNL, Gr. 776 to this codex due to the paleography. and determines the locations of the... more
The article observes the dating of the Four Gospels at the Russian State Library, Gr. 210 as the second half
of the 10th century, ascribes the fragment RNL, Gr. 776 to this codex due to the paleography.
and determines the locations of the late repainting on the miniatures.
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A pdf file of the paper is available by request. Compilation of the Catalogue of Greek Illuminated Manuscripts in Russian Collections has been ongoing for over a decade. The two volumes so far completed describe more than one hundred... more
A pdf file of the paper is available by request.

Compilation of the Catalogue of Greek Illuminated Manuscripts in Russian Collections has been ongoing for over a decade. The two volumes so far completed describe more than one hundred 9th-10th century manuscripts at various libraries and archives in Moscow and St-Petersburg. Research conducted in the course of this work on the manuscript contents, codicology, palaeography and decoration has revealed new information that allows us to reconsider the earlier accepted date and localisation of many manuscripts, some already well known from previous publications . This paper clarifies a number of problems presented by three illuminated manuscripts included in the catalogue.
1. Collection of the Homilies of Basil the Great at the State Historical Museum in Moscow, Syn. gr. 20 / Vlad. 125;
2. A separate vellum folio (Q 577, 170 х 140 mm) with miniatures on both sides is preserved at the Library of the Russian Academy of Sciences in St Petersburg;
3. A fragment of a Menaion for December 1st-10th is preserved in the National Library of Russia in St-Petersburg, Gr. 89.
Research Interests:
in Хризограф. Вып. 3: Средневековые книжные центры: местные традиции и межрегиональные связи. Труды международной конференции, Москва, 5–7 сентября 2005 г. М., 2009. С. 42–61 (=Chrysograph, vol. 3: Proceedings of the International... more
in Хризограф. Вып. 3: Средневековые книжные центры: местные традиции и межрегиональные связи. Труды международной конференции, Москва, 5–7 сентября 2005 г. М., 2009. С. 42–61 (=Chrysograph, vol. 3: Proceedings of the International Symposium ‘Mediaeval book centres: local traditions and inter-regional connections’, Moscow, 5–7 September 2005, Moscow 2005, pp. 42–61)
Research Interests:
Research Interests:
The parchment Greek manuscript of the Four Gospels with commentaries dated third quarter of the 12th century (RGADA, f. 1607, оp. 1, No 3) is being under conservation in the Manuscript Department of the State Research Institute for... more
The parchment Greek manuscript of the Four Gospels with commentaries dated third quarter of the 12th century (RGADA, f. 1607, оp. 1, No 3) is being under conservation in the Manuscript Department of the State Research Institute for Restoration. Two miniatures of the manuscript – St Luke and St John dictating to Prochorus – have been restored and thoroughly studied by the key restorer Valeria Mefodieva who proposed an original method of investigation of the miniatures appeared to be imprinted to the facing pages. The aim of the method is reconstruction of the original painting surface based on the computer technologies.
The stylistic traits of the miniature with St Luke make it reasonable to assume its earlier dating compared to the rest of the codex and the miniature with St John and Prochoros in particular (as well as to miniature with St Mark the Evangelist from the first part of the Four Gospels held in The State Historical Museum in Moscow, Syn. gr. 44 (Vlad. 91)). Manner of painting, style and ornamental decoration of the miniature correspond with the principles of Byzantine painting of the second half of 11th century.
Valeria Mefodieva’s computer restoration of the most heavily destroyed areas of illumination made it possible to analyze thoroughly the inscriptions on the miniature and especially on the upper margin of the folio. Besides, the entire decoration of the frame had been reconstructed. In addition to more precise dating, it allowed to define the origin of the miniature from a Lectionary manuscript.
The hypothesis had been proved as it was found that the folio with St Luke the Evangelist miniature comes from the second half of 11th Lectionary held in the State Historical Museum, Syn. gr. 225 (Vlad. 12), where it originally was placed between ff. 151 and 152 and opened a corresponding part of the Gospels Readings. Except codicological data  the original position of the miniature in the Lectionary SHM, Syn. gr. 225  is proved by the liturgical inscription on f. 152 that coincides with the imprints on the upper field of the miniature.
Certain stylistic traits of the examined miniature with St Luke the Evangelist bring it close to the image of St Mathew the Evangelist in Lectionary from the State Historical Museum (f. 45 v). Current study introduces one more Byzantine miniature to the circle of the second half of the 11th century artworks and also reconstructs the original structure of the Lectionary SHM, Syn. gr. 225.
Research Interests:
Research Interests:
Abstracts of the Free Communications, Thematic Sessions, Round Tables and Posters, 24th International Congress of Byzantine Studies Byzantium (Venice and Padua, 22–27 August 2022), Proceedings, 2.2, ed. A. Rigo, Venezia 2022, p. 67
Research Interests:
This conference (hybrid) hosted by the State Research Institute for Restoration and will live on Zoom. Please register to receive the Zoom link via e-mail: seminar.gosniir@yandex.ru Глубокоуважаемые коллеги! Государственный... more
This conference (hybrid) hosted by the State Research Institute for Restoration and will live on Zoom. Please register to receive the Zoom link via e-mail: seminar.gosniir@yandex.ru

Глубокоуважаемые коллеги!
Государственный научно-исследовательский институт реставрации приглашает Вас
19 – 20 ноября 2021 года
на Международную научную конференцию
«Libro Manuscrito Inspirata: Памяти Инны Павловны Мокрецовой (1935 – 2020)».

Заседания будут проходить в комбинированном очно-заочном формате 19 и 20 ноября 2021 г. в Государственном научно-исследовательском институте реставрации в конференц-зале на 3-м этаже по адресу: Москва, ул. Гастелло, 44

Ссылку для подключения к конференции Zoom можно получить по заявке, направленной на электронный адрес: seminar.gosniir@yandex.ru
Manuscripta Medievalia: От истории бытования к современной реставрации. К 90-летию Г.З. Быковой (1928–2017): конф. с междунар. участием, Москва, 9–10 июля 2018 г.: тез. докл. / Сост. и отв. ред. Э.Н.Добрынина. М., 2018 (на русск. и... more
Manuscripta Medievalia: От истории бытования к современной реставрации. К 90-летию Г.З. Быковой (1928–2017):  конф. с междунар. участием, Москва, 9–10 июля 2018 г.:  тез. докл. / Сост. и отв. ред. Э.Н.Добрынина. М., 2018 (на русск. и англ. яз.)
Research Interests:
in: ESRARC 2018 – 10th European Symposium on Religious Art, Restoration & Conservation, Prague, 31st May – 1st June 2018 : Proceedings book, Eds. S. Magál et al. Torino: Kermes, 2018. P. 103–105. Figs. 1–2. The paper focuses on the... more
in: ESRARC 2018 – 10th European Symposium on Religious Art, Restoration & Conservation, Prague, 31st May – 1st June 2018 : Proceedings book, Eds. S. Magál et al. Torino: Kermes, 2018. P. 103–105. Figs. 1–2. 

The paper focuses on the cases of iron-gall ink modification in the Byzantine patristic manuscripts. As a result of multidisciplinary researches it has been possible to submit a strategy for intervention and conservation of the reused fragments of parchment manuscripts.
Research Interests:
in: ESRARC 2016 – 8th European Symposium on Religious Art Restoration & Conservation (Viterbo, Italy, 26th–28th May 2016) / Eds. C. Pelosi et al. Firenze: Nardini, 2016. P. 82–84. At the Grabar Art Conservation Centre, the medieval... more
in: ESRARC 2016 – 8th European Symposium on Religious Art Restoration & Conservation (Viterbo, Italy, 26th–28th May 2016) / Eds. C. Pelosi et al. Firenze: Nardini, 2016. P. 82–84.

At the Grabar Art Conservation Centre, the medieval manuscript books are restored according to unique projects specially devised for each individual case at the result of preliminary multidisciplinary research. This article describes the combined analysis of an Old Russian liturgical Menaion of the late 11th to early 12th c., on which the restoration project is based.
Abstract of the paper presented on the Round Table 'Centres et ateliers de copie balkaniques : scribes, ornemanistes, miniaturistes' at the 23 rd International Congress of Byzantine Studies, Belgrade, 22-27 August 2016
Research Interests:
Реставрация средневекового пергамена и переплета: Тезисы докладов междунар. конфер., 26–28 сентября 2007 г., Москва / сост. и отв. ред. Э.Н. Добрынина. М., 2007 (на русск. и англ.)
Research Interests: