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This paper aims to address the importance of the Mediterranean setting for the study of the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament. A region’s climatic pattern and geological conditions are important in the formation of its religion and history of... more
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      Mediterranean StudiesEarthquakeLand of IsraelHebrew Bible/Old Testament
The file contains my Biblical Litographs from years 2007-2015. They include: Hagar, Jacob, Moses, Elijah, The Great Father Jesse, Gabriel, Mary Meets Elisabeth, Joseph Shares His Dream, The Baptism of Jesus, A Journey towards the Mountain... more
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      New TestamentTheology and the ArtsBible and ArtTeologie
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      ELIJAHThe Elijah-Elisha CycleHebrew Bible/Old TestamentProphet Elijah
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      PreachingHomileticsSeventh-day adventist theologyProphet Elijah
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      Old TestamentBiblical Exegesis1 Kings 17-19Prophet Elijah
Il culto del profeta Elia ha incontrato una grandissima espansione in Oriente, ove tuttora la sua figura è oggetto di devozione, ma non in Occidente. Nella Chiesa Cattolica pare infatti che questo personaggio dell’Antico Testamento sia... more
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      IconographyJewish StudiesHistory of ChristianityJames Joyce
Le raffigurazioni che vedono protagonista il profeta Elia riguardano, generalmente, gli episodi più noti della sua vita: il sacrifico sul Monte Carmelo, la comparsa della nube che annuncia la fine della siccità, l’incontro con l’angelo... more
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      IconographyEschatology and ApocalypticismThe Apocalypse of JohnManichaeism
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      Abrahamic ReligionsChristianityTheologyHistory of Christianity
The primary purpose of 1 Kings 18:41-46 is to demonstrate how the Lord is faithful to fulfill his covenant promises. Despite the fact that the Lord had just demonstrated his incredible and overwhelming power over Baal by bringing down... more
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      Covenant TheologyBiblical Hebrew1 Kings 17-19Prophet Elijah
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      Hebrew Bible and Ancient Near EastBiblical Hebrew (Languages And Linguistics)Ancient IsraelBiblical Studies, Theology, Narrative & Rhetorical Criticism
Blending innovative art historical analysis with archaeology, epigraphy, history, liturgy, theology, and landscape and memory studies, The Medieval Monastery of Saint Elijah: A History in Paint and Stone is the first comprehensive... more
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      Art HistoryMedieval StudiesMedievalismMedieval Theology
The ancient sages of the Talmud used stories as a method to teach people how to behave ethically. Elijah stories remain extremely popular today and he becomes an important figure in Jewish folklore and Chassidic tales. Elijah is supposed... more
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      Midrash, Talmud, Comparative study of Rabbinic LiteratureRabbinical literature (The Mishnah, Babylonian and Palestinian Talmudim, aggadic midrashim)Prophet ElijahTalmud and Rabbinics
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      Jewish HistoryEschatologyBibleQuran
Nonostante il suo ruolo nell’Antico e nel Nuovo Testamento, il profeta Elia non è oggetto di un culto particolarmente diffuso in occidente. Poiché, ad eccezione delle chiese carmelitane, i casi nei quali il profeta viene offerto alla... more
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      IconographyJewish StudiesOld TestamentJewish History
From Preface Prophets were and still remain an echo of God’s voice. The aim of the international biblical conference Intrabiblical Interpretation of the Former Prophets, 13 – 15 December in Badín is to help gain a more acute hearing to... more
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      New TestamentBiblical StudiesBiblical TheologyHistory of Biblical Interpretation
In recent research a distinction has been made between the healing miracles of Jesus and his socalled nature miracles. Whereas the former are considered as possible (be it as real miracles or as psycho-somatic phenomena), the latter are... more
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      MiraclesMiracles of JesusELIJAHThe Elijah-Elisha Cycle
If you want to talk about one of the greatest heroes to ever walk the earth. If you want to talk about someone who God really did incredible miracles through, if you want to talk about someone who walked hand in hand with the living God,... more
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      TheologyOld Testament ExegesisELIJAHProphet Elijah
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      ELIJAHThe Elijah-Elisha Cycle1 Kings 17-19Prophet Elijah
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      The Book of KingsProphet ElijahReligious Life
The paper (in German) is taking a closer look at Elija and Elisha from the  point of view of didactics.
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      Hebrew BibleOld Testament ProphecyMiraclesOld Testament Exegesis
Most Christians believe that Enoch and Elijah ascended to heaven as mortal men without ever dying. This essay will explore the theological and exegetical problems with this interpretation.
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      MortalityOld Testament ExegesisBiblical Hermeneutics1 Enoch
The Last Judgement in the narthex of the Church of St George in Banjani,near Skopje, was painted in 1846 by the famous painter Dičo Zograf. He created an impressive and complex composition enriched with numerous scenes, episodes and... more
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      Byzantine StudiesByzantine artWall PaintingsByzantine and Postbyzantine Murals
ELIAS _An Epic of the Ages_ by Latter Day Saint ORSON FERGUSON WHITNEY Turn-of-the-century Teddy Roosevelt days. _Progress eterne! thou goest hand in hand With Life eterne, and naught but death e'er dies_. Possibly inspired writ.... more
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      BiographyMormon studiesProphet ElijahEpic Poems
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    • Prophet Elijah
Scholars present themes of faith and prayer that are linked with Elijah and with the Land of Israel. The publication of these essays provides a context for re-issuing my study of “Elijah the Peacemaker- Jewish and Early Christian... more
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    • Prophet Elijah
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      FolkloreYiddishMagicYiddish Studies
This paper explores the development of the Elijah stories in the biblical tradition.
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      Old Testament StudiesProphet ElijahElijah the prophet
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      Jewish StudiesApocalypticismEschatology and ApocalypticismApocalypticism In Literature
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      MosesAncient biblical interpretationProphet ElijahThe Book of Malachi
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      Late Antique and Byzantine StudiesByzantine IconographyWoman StudiesProphet Elijah
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      Book of KingsProphet ElijahAncient Israelite and Ancient Near Eastern Religion
Lists 15 examples of the Ascension of the prophet Elijah in frontal view in Byzantine and post-Byzantine painting (10th-19th cs.). Argues that this particular iconographic type is not derived from images of Alexander the Great's aerial... more
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      Alexander the GreatChristian IconographyPortraits of Alexander the GreatELIJAH
The literary concept of prophetic leadership in the Books of Kings is formed
mainly by the two most prominent prophetic characters: Elijah and Elisha. The paper investigates these two figures in their context of 1&2Kings.
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      Hebrew BibleOld Testament ProphecyOld TestamentProphets of the Hebrew Bible/"Old Testament"
This article focuses on the relation between two scenes from the complex of Elijah-narratives in 1Kgs 17–18, known as the “story of the draught”: 1Kgs 17,17-24, which refers to the resurrection of a widow’s boy, performed by the prophet,... more
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      Biblical ExegesisThe Elijah-Elisha CycleProphet ElijahRessurection
Conference “Judaism in the 7th and 8th Centuries”, Princeton University, 12-13 November 2017.
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      Hebrew LiteratureEthicsJewish StudiesMiddle East Studies
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      Jewish StudiesRabbinicsRabbinic LiteratureProphet Elijah
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      Old Testament TheologyOld TestamentHistory of Ancient IsraelHebrew Bible/Old Testament
Scholars of Christian monasticism are familiar with the importance of the prophet Elijah to the desert fathers, with the development of his cult in the Greek- and Syriac-speaking churches of the eastern Mediterranean, and with his role in... more
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      Medieval StudiesMedieval TheologyMonastic StudiesItalian art
From the King’s Jug to the Prophet’s. Exploring the Motif of “Jug” צַפַּחַת in the Masoretic Text . The subject of the study is the word צַפַּחַת “jug” in its seven occurrences in the Masoretic text. The appearance of the “water jug”... more
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      Iron Age potteryKing DavidThe Elijah-Elisha CycleKing Saul (Hebrew Bible)
Recensión (en español) de dicho libro (en inglés estadounidense).
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      Deuteronomistic HistoryProphetsBiblical ArchaeologyBiblical Interpretation
Article published in Teologia Brasileira, no. 53.
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      Old TestamentBiblical ExegesisBiblical HermeneuticsThe Elijah-Elisha Cycle
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      Jewish StudiesRabbinicsRabbinic LiteratureMessianism
review article about the cycle of Elijah and his struggle against Acab and Jezebel against the background of literary criticism and the character of the villain in the Bible
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      Problem of EvilBook of KingsProphet ElijahVillains
M. Lass, Grafische Überlegungen zur Struktur von 1 Kön 17,17–24 und Apg 20,7–12, in: Protokolle zur Bibel 26 (2017) 105–114, https://www.protokollezurbibel.at/index.php/pzb/article/download/1917/1766. This article deals with the text of... more
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    • Prophet Elijah
The picture of Elijah in Luke-Acts is complex. Elijah appears once as an independent story character (in Luke 9:30) in a scene together with Jesus. So Jesus cannot be an appearance of Elijah, as some people of the crowd suppose (9:8,19).... more
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      New TestamentLuke-ActsJohn the BaptistGospel of Luke
This paper has some interesting comparisons between Elijah and Enoch that did not make it into my book: Elijah and the Rabbis. “Non-Rabbinic Sources for Elijah Legends in Rabbinic Literature.” Society of Biblical Literature 1994 Seminar... more
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      Enoch literatureHermes Trismegistus and HermeticaRabbinic LiteratureApocrypha/Pseudepigrapha
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      Christian IconographyGreek manuscriptsLatin manuscriptsByzantine art
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      Ancient biblical interpretationProphet ElijahThe Book of Malachi