Book Binding
Recent papers in Book Binding
The French version of an exploration of Armenian manuscript art for a vast exhibition catalogue on the occasion the 500th anniversary of Armenian printing, 1512-2012. The exhibit was held in the famous Correr Museum in the Piazzo San... more
Throughout history the artisans of the book have always wanted to push its boundaries. The present research will take a closer look at a contemporary applied artist who redefined and reshaped the physical book. For nearly three decades... more
In XVIII th century, traditional decorative arts were also affected by the changing art movements. It was seen that compositions with herbal and semi-stylized motifs had begun to be used in the same manuscript with Baroque and Rococo... more
The 27 silver bindings described with their inscriptions date from 1254 to 1899: 7 of them before 1800. The 140-page “Catalogue of the Liturgical Metalwork,” describes, illustrates, and presents all inscriptions on each of some 100 of the... more
The MA ‘Manuscript Cultures’ is a one-year course at Universität Hamburg that combines humanities and sciences. The study programme covers a broad spectrum of manuscript cultures, especially in Asia, Africa and Europe. Scholarships are... more
Özet: İslam devletlerinin süsleme sanatlarında görülen ortak bir özellik, bezemelerde kullanılan ve desenleri oluşturan motiflerin genel anlamda birbirine benzemesidir. Türk-İslam kültür çevresinde, mimariden tekstile; kitap sanatlarından... more
RESUMO O presente estudo estabelece uma evolução detalhada dos suportes de informação, assim como a historiografia do objeto livro, seus materiais e métodos de confecção através das diferentes culturas até a atualidade. Descreve... more
The complete list of all my works. Last update: June 2nd, 2024.
Even though the printing of books in Armenian began in Venice in 1511/12, just six decades after Gutenberg’s invention, the hand copying of texts continued into the nineteenth century. This traditional method of creating books was carried... more
An enigmatic portolan chart by Baldasaro da Maiolo Visconte (1589) A chart signed by Baldasaro da Maiolo Visconte, and dated 1589, is kept in the archives of Alpes-Maritimes, France, where it was used as bookbinding for notarial... more
Traditional Armenian bindings were fashioned well into the eighteenth century and even occasionally in the early nineteenth century, even in distant Armenian diaspora communities. Even though the physical technique of traditional Armenian... more
The overview on the construction of Armenian manuscripts discusses the following topics: Du rouleau au codex, Dimensions des manuscrits, Parchemin ou papier?, Les reliures des manuscrits arméniens à inscriptions, l’Illustration, La... more
The top officials who led Venice, including the doge as head of state, and the many rettori, or rulers of Venetian territories abroad, were elected from a hereditary class of patricians. For some of these elected positions, a manuscript... more
This article explores the valences of monastic wastepaper and binding waste in post-Reformation England. It argues that wastepaper and parchment is palimpsestic, capable of telling stories (to those who care to look) through its traces... more
Forgotten Heritage: Mustafa bin 'Umar al-Miistari, a Calligrapher from the 18th Century Summary Mustafa bin 'Umar al-Mustari finished his 23rd transcript of the Holy Qur'an in 1173. AH (1759/60 AD). This transcript is kept today in The... more
ÖZET Amasya II. Bayezid İl Halk Kütüphanesinde bulunan 15. yüzyıl ciltleri, şehrin her bakımdan gelişme gösterdiği Şehzade şehri olduğu dönemi kapsamaktadır. 15. yüzyılda bir taraftan, yüzyılın özelliklerini yansıtan ciltler yapılırken... more
Semi-precious stones are frequently depicted in Roman and early Christian works of art, such as wall mosaics, paintings and textiles. These depictions present them as either parts of jewelled frames, or as decora- tions in... more
ABSTRACT The Library of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences was established by historian Count József Teleki, the first President of the Academy in 1826. It, growing with help from various sources, was opened in 1844 for scholars after the... more
This is the fourth of a number of articles on various aspects of the Armenian manuscript tradition from the massive catalogue of the 2007 exhibition organized by Claude Mutafian, Arménie : la magie de l’écrit, held in Marseille during the... more
Abstract (ITA): Nella sua semplicità formale e tematica questo manoscritto sulla legatura libraria condensa in sé i molteplici aspetti tipici del secolo in cui è stato redatto, il XVIII, storiograficamente noto ai più come il “secolo dei... more
The arrival of printing in South Africa occasioned a great many social changes: it facilitated governance, participated in the production and propagation of anthropological and scientific ‘knowledge’ about the place and its peoples,... more
La colección de libros a la que referiremos en este artículo se compone de alrededor de 1200 ejemplares que forman parte de la biblioteca personal del escritor alemán Werner Hoffmann; en su mayoría son ediciones europeas sobre literatura... more
El Grupo de Trabajo de Patrimonio Bibliográfico de la Red de Bibliotecas Universitarias Españolas (REBIUN) se crea en 1998 con el fin de afrontar los problemas comunes, tanto en aspectos de gestión y conservación como de difusión, que... more
The paper summarizes the results of the development of application of scientific methods to the study of manuscripts at the Laboratory for Codicological Research and Scientific Expertise of Documents at the Manuscript Department of the... more