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qarTlisa (aRmosavleT saqarTvelo) da afxazeTis (dasavleT saqarTvelo) kaTolikosebi da maTi titulatura (XV-XVIII ss.) (Sedareba-analizi) Tea qarTveliSvili, Tamar qoriZe IX s-is 80-90-ian wlebSi, afxazeTis sakaTalikosos Camoyali-bebis Semdeg,... more
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      Georgian ManuscriptsLate Medieval and Early Modern Church HistoryHistory of the Georgian Church
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      Georgian ManuscriptsGeorgian CultureGeorgian AlphabetMedieval Georgian Book art
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      LiteratureGeorgian LanguageLanguages of the CaucasusCaucasus
ჟურნალი "აღმოსავლეთმცოდნეობა", #6, 2017
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      Georgian LanguageGeorgian ManuscriptsGeorgian literatureGeorgian Studies
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      Cultural HeritageByzantine StudiesGeorgian ManuscriptsGeorgian Studies
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      LiturgyGeorgian ManuscriptsLate Antique LiturgyEarly Christian Liturgy
Convivium, Supplementum 2016
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      Art HistoryArmenian StudiesCaucasusHistory of Art
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      LiteratureGeorgian LanguageLiterary TheoryGeorgia
LOS IBEROS primeros fundadores de Europa es un extracto del libro Karuo el secreto ibero, por el cual Enrique Cabrejas o Enric Cabrejas nos relata de modo llano su experiencia personal con lo extraordinario de un descubrimiento. El 21 de... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryGeographyCultural Geography
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      Byzantine LiturgyGeorgian Manuscripts
The key importance of the location of the Caucasus was picturesquely stated already by Pliny the Elder (Plinius Magnus), in the first century, namely that the Caucasian Gates divides the world in two parts (NH, VI, XII, 30).... more
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      Caucasus PoliticsGeorgian ManuscriptsGeorgian foreign policyEurasian Geopolitics
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      PatristicsHistorical TheologyAramaic DialectologyAramaic
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      Manuscript StudiesGeorgian ManuscriptsCollection of Old Books and Manuscripts
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      Armenian StudiesArmenian CultureGeorgian ManuscriptsCaucasian Studies
This book, comprising the proceedings of the 2014 Symposium “The Georgian Kingdom and Georgian Art” of symposium series on “Cultural Encounters in Anatolia during the Middle Ages” organized at Koç University's Vehbi Koç Ankara Studies... more
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      Medieval StudiesAnatolian ArchaeologyMonastic StudiesByzantine Studies
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      LiturgyByzantine StudiesLate AntiquityByzantine Liturgy
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      Georgian LanguageBible TranslationBible TranslationsMorphology and Syntax of the Georgian Language
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      SeptuagintClassical ArmenianGeorgian ManuscriptsOld Testament Textual Criticism
The article summarises the new linguistic ma terial of the Khanmeti period that has come to light in the edition of the Old Georgian palimpsest Cod. Vind. georg. 2 of the Austrian National Library, Vienna. On the basis of the analysis... more
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      Georgian LanguageMorphology and Syntax of the Georgian LanguageGeorgian ManuscriptsOld Georgian
The article focuses on the inscription found during the archaelogical excavations on Gracliani Hill, Georgia, in 2015. The inscription is executed on the altar of a pagan temple. In the author’s view the signs on the alter represent the... more
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      Georgian LanguageArchaeology of CaucasusGeorgiaGeorgian Manuscripts
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      Reception StudiesLiturgical StudiesGeorgian ManuscriptsGeorgian Studies
ეს არის ბიბლიოგრაფიული გზამკვლევის შავი / დაუსრულებელი ვარიანტი. დოკუმენტში მითითებული ლინკები არ მუშაობს, რადგან მონაცემთა ბაზები ამ ფორმატისთვის გათვალისწინებული არ არის. ისე ლინკებით თითეული ძეგლის დეტალურ საანკეტო მონაცემებზე ხდება... more
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      Georgian LanguageGeorgian ManuscriptsGeorgian literatureGeorgian Studies
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      Byzantine LiturgyGeorgian ManuscriptsGeorgian StudiesLiturgie de Jérusalem (époque byzantine)
Ramaz Khalvashi APOSTLE ST. ANDREW IN GEORGIA Summary The oldest sources on St Andrew’s missionary activities are preserved in apocryphal literature in which two different traditions have been formed on the above mentioned issue. One part... more
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      Medieval PhilosophyDigital HumanitiesMedieval LiteratureMedieval History
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      Medieval PhilosophyMedieval StudiesByzantine LiteratureGeorgian Language
This article deals with two aspects of the secondary ‘life’ of Old Georgian manuscripts, namely a) their ‘wandering’ between the (autochthonous and allochthonous) centres of manuscript production and storage, and b) their reutilisation... more
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      Georgian LanguageManuscript StudiesGospelsCodicology
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      GeorgiaGeorgian ManuscriptsGeorgian literatureGeorgian Studies
At the beginning of the 20th century, K. Kekelidze disclosed to the public a piece of correspondence between Euthymius of Mount Athos and an un-known presbyter, Theodoros of St. Saba. According to this source, the Liturgy of... more
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      Liturgical StudiesLiturgyGeorgian ManuscriptsMedieval Liturgy
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      Byzantine LiteratureGeorgian LanguageGeorgian ManuscriptsGeorgian Studies
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      Georgian LanguageGeorgian ManuscriptsSt Catherine's MonasteryOld Greek and Georgian manuscripts
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      Georgian LanguageMorphology and Syntax of the Georgian LanguageGeorgian ManuscriptsGeorgian literature
Jewish culture played a significant role in the development of literacy among the Georgians. Curiously enough, this is even true for the Christianization of the country, which provided the background for the emergence of autochthonous... more
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      Apocrypha/PseudepigraphaGeorgian ManuscriptsWisdom of SolomonGeorgian Studies
This paper gives emphasis to the fact that Shota Rustaveli in one stanza of his prologue to The Knight in the Panther`s Skin (12-13 cc.) announces that he cannot dare to glorify David Soslan, Queen Tamar’s husband who is represented in... more
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      Georgian ManuscriptsGeorgian literatureGeorgian Studies
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      Georgian ManuscriptsArmenian manuscripts
Outline of Georgian manuscripts in the Iviron Monastery on Mt Athos.
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      Georgian LanguageCodicologyMount Athos StudiesCodicology of medieval manuscripts
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      CodicologyGeorgian ManuscriptsMount Athos
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The five-year COMSt project funded by a European Science Foundation grant has terminated its research and issued its handbook: Comparative Oriental Manuscript Studies: An Introduction, both online and in print. The following is the... more
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      Armenian StudiesManuscripts and Early Printed BooksMedieval StudiesRare Books and Manuscripts
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      Georgian ManuscriptsGeorgian literatureGeorgian StudiesHistory of Georgia
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      GeorgiaAzerbaijanArmeniaGeorgian Manuscripts
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      Byzantine StudiesByzantine LiturgyGeorgian ManuscriptsGeorgian Studies
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      HagiographyManuscript StudiesGeorgian ManuscriptsSyriac literature
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      Early ChurchCoptic StudiesByzantine LiturgyGeorgian Manuscripts
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      PhilologyLiturgical StudiesHagiographyLiturgy
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      Russian StudiesMiddle East StudiesIndian studiesUkrainian Studies
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      Georgian LanguageGeorgian ManuscriptsGeorgian StudiesHistory of Georgia
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      Early ChurchEarly ChristianityGeorgian ManuscriptsCaucasian Studies
The opening ceremony of Shota Rustaveli Cabinet 17.00 Welcome speech by the Ambassador of Georgia to the Czech Republic H.E. Mariam Rakviashvili 17.15 Welcome speeches by the representatives of Masaryk University 17.30 Lecture by Prof.... more
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      HistoryCultural HistoryCultural StudiesMedieval History
The term mravaltavi has for long been used in Georgian to denote a special type of manuscripts. In his 1975 book on the ‘Oldest Georgian Homiliaries’, the most extensive investigation on the topic so far, Michel van Esbroeck argued that... more
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      Georgian LanguageManuscript StudiesManuscripts (Medieval Studies)Georgian Manuscripts
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      Georgian LanguageManuscript StudiesManuscripts (Medieval Studies)Georgian Manuscripts