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This article argues that Freud's account of binary sexual difference, articulated in the Oedipus complex, is conditioned by a history of racial capitalism. Turning to the foundational work of Hortense Spillers on gender and Atlantic race... more
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      Gender StudiesGender HistoryHistory of SlaveryColonialism
This essay takes the notion of “flesh” as the point of departure for exploring the viability and contemporary relevance of what Maurice Merleau-Ponty has called an “ontological psychoanalysis”. Primary interlocutors will be Octavia... more
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      PsychoanalysisJacques LacanMaurice Merleau-PontyFlesh
The article explores claims of resistance and ambivalence in discourses of feminisms. By contemplating these two terms as they are positioned in different feminist articulations (as well as in black critical theory, psychoanalysis, and... more
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      PsychoanalysisBlack Studies Or African American StudiesPhilosophy Of LanguageFeminist Theory
The environments built by racial regimes are not only hostile they are liable, Cedric Robinson teaches us, to “collapse under the weight of their own artifices”. This chapter draws on Robinson’s insight to reconsider the recent interest... more
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      Cultural StudiesArchitectureHortense SpillersRacial capitalism
There is much in Hortense Spillers's work to celebrate—from black feminism to literary criticism. One of her crucial contributions, however, has received little, if any, scholarly attention. Calvin Warren calls this a black discourse... more
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      PsychoanalysisBlack Studies Or African American StudiesJurgen HabermasCritical Discourse Analysis
This article aims to be what Jasbir Puar referred to as 'an unfolding archive'. It makes a critical intervention at a historical crisis point as it is unfolding. It sets out to examine the logic that writes the relations between bodies,... more
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      Border StudiesMigrationCentral and Eastern EuropeHortense Spillers
Afropessimism incites controversy within and without the academy for the provocation that modernity's ethical life, including its purportedly progressive facets, is entirely undergirded by a rejection of blackness. On this basis it... more
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      Critical TheoryBlack Studies Or African American StudiesTheodor AdornoLewis R. Gordon
This meditation is an experimentation with Hortense Spiller’s concept of 'psychoanalytics.' It considers the hieroglyph a repetitive and enacted (but unrepresentable) force of historical trauma marking black bodies and... more
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      PsychoanalysisBlack Studies Or African American StudiesTrauma StudiesJacques Lacan
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      SociologyPhilosophyFeminist TheoryNonsense
A long-standing effort has been made by critical race theorists to bring awareness to the reciprocal operations of culture and racism. In Toward the African Revolution, Frantz Fanon interrogates racism as the “most visible” and “crudest... more
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      Cultural StudiesAestheticsPhilosophy of TechnologyPolitics
In "Mama's Baby, Papa's Maybe: An American Grammar Book, " Hortense Spillers draws a parallel between the discursive and material field of violence that assisted in the production of the captive body. She asks: "We might well ask if this... more
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      Space and Time (Philosophy)BlacknessAfropessimismHortense Spillers
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      SociologyBlack Studies Or African American StudiesAestheticsPerforming Arts
This article meditates on black unbelonging as the haunting impasse reached when attempting to wrest a phenomenological account of black life amid perpetual black death. It seeks to expose the calculated dislocation of black modes of... more
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      Black Studies Or African American StudiesQueer StudiesFilm StudiesNecropolitics
In this essay I read Requiem as an anxious and regressive rewriting of the historical contradictions contained under what Hortense Spillers calls “the sign of race” previously worked through in Faulkner’s earlier and more critically... more
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      Southern LiteratureBlack Studies Or African American StudiesSouthern Studies (U.S. South)William Faulkner
In this conversation, Andrew Cutrone and Marquis Bey discuss Bey's recent monograph, Black Trans Feminism (2022) in the context of citation practices, black and trans feminist practice and theory, “radical‐radical thinking,” and fugitivity.
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      Black Studies Or African American StudiesTransgender StudiesConversation AnalysisBlack feminism
Este artigo demonstrará o potencial indisciplinar do que definiremos como escritas insubmissas da história. Isso será feito em dois momentos: inicialmente através da procura de Hortense Spillers por uma "nova gramática", capaz de... more
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      HistoriografiaHortense SpillersSaidiya HartmanAfropessimismo
Este artigo demonstrará o potencial indisciplinar do que definiremos como escritas insubmissas da história. Isso será feito em dois momentos: inicialmente através da procura de Hortense Spillers por uma "nova gramática", capaz de... more
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      HistoriografiaTeoria da HistóriaAfropessimismHortense Spillers
A particular epistemology of trauma now wields an outsized hold over psychoanalysis. Trauma, we are trained to think, has destructive effects whose ghostly lingerings can, nevertheless, be durably turned into ancestors. But what if we got... more
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      PsychoanalysisRace and RacismSexualityGender and Sexuality
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      Friedrich NietzscheNihilismAfropessimismHortense Spillers
En 1983, Cedric J. Robinson introduit sous le titre d’une « tradition radicale noire », l’idée d’une généalogie spécifiquement africaine de la lutte contre l’esclavagisme, le capitalisme et l’impérialisme, distincte du marxisme européen.... more
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      Black Studies Or African American StudiesBlack radicalismAfropessimismHortense Spillers
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      SociologyAestheticsArtRace and Racism
I suggest that transposing Euripides's myth into modern black contexts often endows ancient Greek drama with epistemological primacy, whether seeking the "universal" redemption it has long exemplified, or resisting that primacy through... more
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      Dramatic LiteratureDrama TheoryBlack DeathBlack Studies
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      Film TheoryScience FictionBlack Feminist Theory/ThoughtHorror
As part of his 1975 solo debut album, Água do céu-pássaro, Ney Matogrosso recorded a cover of "Barco negro," a Portuguese fado made famous by Amália Rodrigues and based on an earlier Brazilian song, "Mãe-preta,"... more
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      Gender StudiesPopular MusicTransgender StudiesThe Lusophone World
Using film, television, archival materials, and new media art, this dissertation asks how politically enforced constraints on Black being--especially the origination of racial blackness in slavery and the ongoing availability of Black... more
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      Black Studies Or African American StudiesArtRace and RacismPolitical Ontology
In this article, we ask: "how does race matter when working with intersectional feminism in a postcolonial Nordic context?" We take our cue from feminist and postcolonial scholars who have pointed out that minoritisation and... more
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      Intersectionality TheoryGender and RaceFeminist PosthumanismNORA: Nordic Journal of Feminist and Gender Research
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      SociologyAnthropologyCultural Anthropology
Many slaveholders attempted to justify the institution of slavery in the United States by claiming that the practice of slavery was actually in the interests of the slaves themselves. Not only are these arguments invalid because they... more
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      MedicineCritical RhetoricLauren BerlantAntiblackness
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    • Medicine
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      AnthropologyRacializationFeminist AnthropologyAfrican Ancestry
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      Film StudiesMultidisciplinaryAfrofuturismCritical Carceral Studies
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    • Black Political Thought
In this paper, I read Derrida's “The Animal That Therefore I Am” through the theoretical framework that Hortense Spillers offers in her 1987 canonical essay “Mama's Baby, Papa's Maybe: An American Grammar Book” and through the black... more
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      Critical Animal StudiesJacques DerridaBlack feminismBlack Feminist Theory/Thought
The interlocking pattern of ownership of the means of ideological production and the means of carceral labor extraction in effect assures cinema will be loyal to the same institutions and power structures that support the prison... more
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      Visual CultureCarceral stateAfropessimism
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In this article, we mobilize a theoretical and political critique to the aesthetic and affect that informs ‘white innocence’ and its attempts at witnessing the pain of the Other. Engaging with the work of critical race theorists we put... more
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      Race and RacismCritical Race TheoryLacanWhiteness Studies
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1. Las particularidades de la contabilidad administrativa • Definición: Su técnica está basada en la utilidad que proporciona de información interna y externa. Está más interesada en los detalles, dirigiéndose a reportar las actividades... more
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In the wake of the murder of George Floyd on the 25th of May 2020 in the city of Minneapolis, a global anti-racist rupture in the fabric of racial capitalism has occurred. Floyd was murdered by police officer Derek Chauvin, who knelt on... more
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      Social MovementsRace and RacismCritical Race TheoryPolitics
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This essay explores the method of close reading as a critical strategy for feminist classrooms, especially when focused on the foundational violence of anti-Blackness and coloniality. Through a personal reflection on my own efforts to... more
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      PsychoanalysisFeminist TheoryFeminist Pedagogy (Women s Studies)Feminist Pedagogy
This essay aspires to put in contact two contemporary movements in radical political thought. The first is Afro-pessimism, coined by political theorist Frank B. Wilderson III, to name a set of thinkers who theorize racial slavery as... more
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      Black Studies Or African American StudiesPolitical TheoryApocalypticismContinental Philosophy
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Violence is a global structural ordering and sorting mechanism in world politics. In producing the subjects the world order needs for its regeneration-i.e., those who are rulers and those who are ruled-as an innovative, zoning machine, it... more
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      Feminist TheoryFleshPrimitive AccumulationBodies
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As part of his 1975 solo debut album, Água do céu-pássaro, Ney Matogrosso recorded a cover of "Barco negro," a Portuguese fado made famous by Amália Rodrigues and based on an earlier Brazilian song, "Mãe-preta," written by Caco Velho and... more
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      Popular MusicTransgender StudiesThe Lusophone WorldVoice (Music)