Human Factors In Design
Recent papers in Human Factors In Design
Traditional system engineering (SE) is technology driven. In the design of interactive systems we typically assume that the human operator traces the changes in the system states and operates the system correctly. However, the human... more
This thesis endeavors to map the current levels of automation (LoA) in the creative (design) process of New Media Design by investigating technological automation and the increasing presence of A.I. in new creative support tools, methods,... more
Risk assessment, by itself, does nothing to reduce risk or improve safety. It can only change outcomes by informing the design and management of effective risk control interventions. But current practice in healthcare risk management... more
BACKGROUND: Fishbone diagrams have been widely promoted as a systems-focused hazard analysis tool for use in root cause analysis, but they suffer from a number of structural weaknesses, including a unidirectional structure that only takes... more
Using a case study approach, this article explores the benefits of leveraging human readiness levels (HRLs) in conjunction with Human Systems Integra-tion (HSI). The U.S. Army’s HSI program emphasizes front-end planning and emphasizes the... more
Margery J. Doyle retains all Intellectual Property and Copyrights © 2014 for any or all of these works. ABSTRACT: In order to properly simulate behavior based representations of real red and/or blue force operators through the use of... more
This paper discusses the predicted increase in the occurrence and severity of motion sickness in self-driving cars. Self-driving cars have the potential to lead to significant benefits. From the driver's perspective, the direct benefits... more
This article explains basic design elements that are necessary to optimise cockpits on high-speed boats for safety, vision, control and comfort are established and explained. Recommendations for best practice are based on medical... more
Tradicionalmente, la práctica del diseño ha consistido en gestionar el contacto entre dos instancias de naturalezas fundamentalmente diferentes: el ser humano y el ambiente que lo rodea. Para hacer esto el diseño crea dispositivos. Es... more
O presente artigo tem por intuito demonstrar a aplicabilidade do metodo AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process) como auxilio ao processo de avaliacao de usabilidade de sistema. Para tanto apresenta um framework capaz de subsidiar especialistas... more
O presente estudo investiga a ergonomia de estiletes utilizados em graficas rapidas para a producao de cartoes de visita. A coleta de dados utilizou um formulario proprio e o metodo RULA. Como resultado este trabalho apresenta orientacoes... more
Risk assessment is widely used to improve patient safety, but healthcare workers are not trained to design robust solutions to the risks they uncover. This leads to an overreliance on the weakest category of risk control recommendations:... more
Traditional system engineering (SE) is technology driven. In the design of interactive systems we typically assume that the human operator traces the changes in the system states and operates the system correctly. However, the human... more
This paper presents an integrative agent model for adaptive human-aware information presentation. Within the agent model, meant to support humans in demanding tasks, a domain model is integrated which consists of a dynamical model for... more
People with visual impairment (PVI) are a group that have some sort of visual loss, including individuals with low vision and blindness. As colour is one of the most important elements in transmitting visual information, its lack of... more
El argumento propuesto en este artículo es que los archivistas y especialistas en medios de comunicación necesitan adoptar nuevas prácticas, como la organización de hackatones o maratones, para facilitar la reutilización creativa de... more