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      Art HistorySocial HistoryWomen ArtistsCultural History of Habsburg Empire 1800-1918
Kata Krasznahorkai`s interview with Julia Klaniczay and Gabriella Schuller.
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      Art HistoryContemporary ArtPerformance ArtArchiving
A szegedi dóm építéstörténetéről szóló kiadványok közül Zombori István történész tollából ismert a legtöbb, amelyet Varga József adalékai tesznek teljessé. Foerk Ernő munkásságával Hadik András művészettörténész foglalkozott... more
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      ArchitectureSzegedHungarian Art History
The paper (The Dissertation of Béla Kondor - Scenes from the time of György Dózsa) is a revised version of my defended MA these in 2017. The topic of it is the early event of the form of the myth around Béla Kondor itself and his art and... more
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      Socialist RealismHungarian Art (19-20th century)Hungarian Art History1956 In Hungary
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      Eastern European StudiesArt HistoryContemporary ArtVisual Culture
The study tries to take enumeration of what paintings and drawings have become the property of Endre Ady over time. - in Hungarian
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      Art HistoryModernism (Art History)20th century Avant-GardeFine Arts
Who exactly was Emil Szittya, this figure of the Hungarian and international avant-garde? Writer, poet, sociologist, art critic, art historian, painter? Anarchist, social democrat, liberal, fascist, antifascist, communist? Fraudster,... more
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      PaintingFuturismNational IdentityDada
Study on the sculptor Sándor Bánszky, who joined the Hungarian cubists in Paris in 1912. During the First World War, like many other Hungarian artist, he was interned in France and died there in November 1918. His cubist sculptures are... more
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      Art HistoryModern ArtSculptureWorld War I
In Volume 6 of our textual edition series we present four new portions of Matthias Bel’s large-scale encyclopedia of Hungary. The descriptions of Abaúj, Gömör, Torna and Borsod counties were hitherto available in manuscript form only;... more
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      Historical GeographyHistory of HungaryEarly Modern Hungarian HistoryHungarian Archaeology
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      Art HistorySocial HistoryWomen ArtistsCultural History of Habsburg Empire 1800-1918
ELTE BTK Művészettörténet mester szak
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      Theatre HistoryJapanese TheatreJapanese ArtJaponisme
Апстракт: Миленијумском прославом 1896. године читава Угарска је обележавала хиљадугодишњицу досељавања Мађара на просто-ре Панонске низије. Тим поводом је организована велика национална изложба у Будимпешти, у оквиру које су изложена... more
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      Art HistoryNational IdentityHungarian StudiesArt and nationalism
Between 1908 and 1945 Béla Bartók's personal (and musical) influence can be shown on various modern Hungarian artist groups, such as the hungarian Fauves, The Eights, cubists, Kassák and his activist circle, or on the “Szentendre program”... more
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      Art HistoryModern ArtModernism (Art History)20th Century European Modernism
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      HistoryArt HistoryFascismArchitectural History
In the first decade of the 20th century, the various avant-garde tendencies exerted their influence in Hungary, too. In reaction to these, János Vaszary, an accomplished painter by 1910, decided to create a new style of painting. He... more
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      CubismPrimitivism (Art History)20th Century European ModernismExpressionism
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      Vienna School of Art HistoryRomanian Art HistoryArt History of TransylvaniaHungarian Art History
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      Eastern European StudiesIconographyPrint CultureArt History
A „Barokk. Történelem-Irodalom-Művészet” interdiszciplináris, nemzetközi hatókörű folyóirat, mely 1994 óta félévente jelentkezik új számokkal. A különleges periodika elsősorban kulturtörténeti, irodalomtörténeti, művészeti, zenei és... more
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      HistoryCultural HistoryMusic HistoryArt History
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      Art HistoryArt and PoliticsHungaryChurch Arts Patronage
Időpont: 2022. május 31. Helyszín: Közép-Európai Művészettörténeti Kutatóintézet (KEMKI), Budapest Jelentkezési határidő: 2022. március 1. Melyek voltak az 1980-as évek magyarországi művészetének domináns és periférikus tendenciái, és... more
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      Arts and CultureHungarian Art HistoryArt In the 1980s
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      Eastern European StudiesArt HistoryContemporary ArtVisual Culture
Ottoman Muslim holy places in Central Europe went through a tumultuous history during and after the periods of conquest and re-conquest. Some of them were little more than converted churches with small numbers of Muslims praying in them... more
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      Religious ConversionBaroque Art and LiteratureIntellectual History of EnlightenmentIslamic' Architecture
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      Cultural HistoryArt HistorySocial History of ArtHungarian Art History
Az interjú A nagy könyvlopás. Francia könyvkiállítás a vasfüggöny mögött című kiállítást előkészítő kutatás keretében készült. (Szentendrei Képtár, 2019. 09. 20. – 2020. 03. 01., kurátorok: Árvai Mária, Véri Dániel) Ennek alkalmából... more
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      Cold War and CultureCultural Cold WarCultural DiplomacySoft Power
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      20th Century European ModernismFine ArtsFauvismHungarian Art (19-20th century)
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      20th Century European ModernismBela BartokInterart studiesHungarian Art (19-20th century)
A VI. és VII. fejezet a könyvből. Az utolsó békeév (1913) és az I. világháború kezdetének időszaka (1914-1916): a Nyolcak végnapjai, a párizsi magyar kubista-kör formálódása; miként változtatta meg a magyar modernizmus lehetőségeit az a... more
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      Art HistoryCubismModernism (Art History)First World War
Hansi Staël, artista húngara com formação realizada nas Academias de Viena e Budapeste, radica-se em Portugal no período após a II Guerra Mundial, transformando significativamente o panorama da indústria cerâmica nacional, ao estabelecer... more
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      Modernism (Art History)Decorative ArtsCeramics (Art History)Ceramics
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      Installation ArtContemporary ArtVideo ArtArt History, Exhibition History, Museum and Curating Studies
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      ArchaeologyEthnographyHungarian Art HistoryArnold Ipolyi
In Beggar's Way of Cross. Analysis of Dezső Váli's Cross-series.
Hungarian language.
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      PhotographyContemporary ArtChristian ArtChristianity and the Arts
A nagy könyvlopás. Francia könyvkiállítás a vasfüggöny mögött
The Great Book Theft. French Book Exhibition Behind the Iron Curtain
2019. 09. 20 – 2020. 03. 01.
Szentendrei Képtár / Szentendre Gallery
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      Cold War and CultureCultural Cold WarCold WarArt and Aesthetics of the Cold War
The paper deals with the Calvinist rectory of Kolozsvár / Cluj / Klausenburg, built in the middle of the 17th Century. The construction-works of the rectory are related with the rehabilitation of the nearby franciscan church as a... more
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      Renaissance ArtEarly Modern History/Central European History/ TransilvaniaEarly Modern Hungarian HistoryRenaissance architecture
The tabernacle altar from Vojnany, today in the collections of the Slovak National Gallery in Bratislava, belongs to a small group of altarpieces preserved from the 13th Century. Mostly, they have survived only in fragments (dominantely... more
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      Art HistoryMedieval StudiesMedieval ScandinaviaCentral and Eastern Europe
“Social origin and positions are left in the changing room with the clothes” – so it was said at Lake Balaton. This especially concerned Lake Balaton in the 1960s, where visitors from a wide range of social levels could relax together in... more
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      Modern ArchitectureUrban And Regional PlanningModenismArchitecture and Tourism
Essay for the catalogue of the Fiedler-exhibition in the Műcsarnok, 2019. - Hungarian and English. - (François FIEDLER (1921 – 2001) is a member of the same generation of Hungarian-born artists as Victor Vasarely, Nicolas Schöffer, Simon... more
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      Contemporary ArtAbstract ArtModern ArtPainting
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      Visual StudiesArt HistoryArtArt Theory
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      Medieval StudiesMedieval EuropeHistory of ArtCentral European Studies
Az interjú A nagy könyvlopás. Francia könyvkiállítás a vasfüggöny mögött című kiállítást előkészítő kutatás keretében készült. (Szentendrei Képtár, 2019. 09. 20. – 2020. 03. 01., kurátorok: Árvai Mária, Véri Dániel) Ennek alkalmából... more
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      Cold War and CultureCultural Cold WarCultural DiplomacySoft Power
This paper seeks to give a comprehensive summary of the state of contemporary Hungarian and international Renaissance research into the activities of Giovanni Dalmata / Ivan Duknovic in the Hungarian Kingdom, as "Hofkünstler" of Matthias... more
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      Italian Renaissance ArtHungarian Art History
A Magyar Művelődési Intézet és Képzőművészeti Lektorátus 2009-ben meghirdetett "A mi kis falunk" című public art projetktjének keretében megvalósult művek (Szabó Ildikó - Tesch Katalin: Re-habilitáció, Takács Szilvia: Marcal, Németh... more
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      Public ArtAnthropology Of ArtSociology of ArtHungarian Art History
This article draws on the findings of research that was aimed at a critical reconsideration of the alleged absences and presences of feminist art in Hungary from the late 1960s to the mid-1980s. I started out from the recognition that (a)... more
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      Art HistoryWomen ArtistsHungarian Art History
In the 19th century, one of the most important national events in Hungary was the 1896 millennial celebration of the Hungarian conquest of the Carpathian Basin. A central act of the festivity’s symbolical episodes was the erection of the... more
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      19th-Century architecture19th Century SculptureHungarian Art HistoryMonuments and Memorials
The present study is based on excerpts from the book A magyar szimbolizmus ["Hungarian Symbolism"] (Budapest: Corvina, 2016), and has been expanded by new research findings.
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      DeathSymbolismDanse MacabreOphelia
Az interjú A nagy könyvlopás. Francia könyvkiállítás a vasfüggöny mögött című kiállítást előkészítő kutatás keretében készült. (Szentendrei Képtár, 2019. 09. 20. – 2020. 03. 01., kurátorok: Árvai Mária, Véri Dániel) Ennek alkalmából... more
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      Cold War and CultureCultural Cold WarCultural DiplomacySoft Power
Az ismeretterjesztő írásom Pancsováról (szerb nevén Pančevo, középkori magyar nevén Pancsal), a hajdani Torontál vármegye legdélebbi városáról szól. Az írás a 2015. szeptember 15-én tett kutatóutamon alapszik. Igyekeztem a tisztelt olvasó... more
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      HistoryDemographyEarly Modern Hungarian HistoryMedieval Hungary
Az interjú "A nagy könyvlopás. Francia könyvkiállítás a vasfüggöny mögött" című kiállítást előkészítő kutatás keretében készült. (Szentendrei Képtár, 2019. 09. 20. – 2020. 03. 01., kurátorok: Árvai Mária, Véri Dániel) Ennek alkalmából... more
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      Cold War and CultureCultural Cold WarCultural DiplomacySoft Power
The Hungarian Memorial in Mauthausen had been the first state-funded fine arts project related to the memory of the Holocaust in Communist Hungary. Two more such endeavours took place in the 1960s: they share the common characteristic of... more
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      Holocaust StudiesHolocaust and Genocide StudiesHolocaust ArtHistory of former Mauthausen-Gusen concentration camp complex
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      Cultural HistoryPortraitsArt HistorySocial Representations
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      Hungarian StudiesModern Hungarian HistoryArt and Architecture of the Austro-Hungarian EmpireHungarian Art History