I Ching
Recent papers in I Ching
Let me sketch out here my vision of the cloistered cornucopia of AD 2100: Management of Planet Earth is entirely rationalized. Nature still nurtures. Artificial intelligence is history. The Machine has met its Master. The rich are... more
Print publication, translation: Nina Kettiger // In the twentieth century, chance is a discursive tool, a field operator, and a vector of knowledge and power relationships. A number of recent analyses of artistic chance have considered... more
Previous 3D experiments with representations of symbols in 2D Alternative hexagram representation-as a resonance hybrid? Configuring the set of hexagrams as a toroidal Ouroboros Experimental interactive animations of the Ouroboros-Yi Jing... more
中国宋元時代の『周易』研究に見られる一種の「古易」思潮を紹介しつつ、日本江戸時代における「古易」現象を対照的に考察した。「復古」と呼ばれる宋元中国の「古易」運動が、「経を経とし、伝を伝とす」という刊行形式の問題から始まり、経と伝の関係へと派生し、さらに『易経』解釈の革新に及んだことを指摘した上で、江戸時代の『易経』に関する作品に見られる「古易」思潮を、宋元中国の復古運動の延長と位置づけることを試み、その流れを整理した。また、伊藤仁斎・太宰春台・新井白蛾・中井履軒などの儒者の作... more
The project presents an investigation on Yi Jing, The Book of Changes, in the field of interactive design. Its scope results in an interactive installation where the user, through its presence and movements, makes an interactive journey,... more
SOURCE; Pp. 112-42 from Warren D. TenHouten and Charles D. Kaplan, Science and Its Mirror Image, 1972. New York: Harper & Row. This chapter elaborates a fourfold model of scientific rationality, then shows that synthetic inquiries are... more
The 45 data-tables produced from the model of Paul Martyn-Smith's 'HoTu to LoShu' procedure culminate in the 'Nine-Stack Mountain' as discussed in his work, "Sum of Things."
I have been asked to comment on the feng shui qualities of Toledo. In simple terms, feng shui recommends that virtuous people seeking improvements to their human condition strive to put themselves in the right place, at the right time.... more
Analysis of the hexagram #24, Fu "Return" with the historical reminiscences from medieval China, Italy, and Georgia.
Presentazione e catalogo della mostra presso LO STUDIO di Maria Beatrice Petriccioni di Vada, Milano, 15 maggio 2014.
Charla con la viuda del célebre escritor argentino Jorge Luis Borges, donde se nos informa acerca del origen de la inscripción que aparece grabada sobre su tumba, su perfeccionismo kafkiano, y algunos otros temas.
Kamila Ženatá is a Czech contemporary multi-media artist with international reputation, drawing up on her extensive experience with art therapy. Her exhibition at Beverley Art Gallery was a tribute to the ‘Book of Changes’, an ancient... more
How can phonetic patterns assist the 周易 zhōuyì reader, in organizing and connecting the raw material such an “open interpretive space with a principle of multiplicity” seems to offer ? In between the framework of contemporary... more
Spreadsheet model of the mathematics described by Paul Martyn-Smith in his work, "Sum of Things." This document is a static rendering of the actual spreadsheet model. As such, it comprises 45 screenshots of the model in five groups of... more
"Living the Personal Myth was written by Zardoa Silverstar of the Silver Elves. It is a unique narrative about a psychological study of the magic of living one’s personal myth, in effect, making one’s dream and vision of one’s self come... more
The ubiquitous stone carvings on Cheju are inert reminders of some of the most dynamic ideas of Far Eastern high antiquity. For example, the cosmography of Neo-Confucian society is embodied in the distribution of stone images on Cheju... more
preview graphic for my 3rd book ... details on the websites listed in the graphic, ... will have to wait to read the book for full explanation ...
‘Is there a Cuojian in Zagua?’ The dispute over this topic is one of the main issues of I-Ching studies. There has been a sharp confrontation between the ‘Revisionist’ faction that argues people should recognize Cuojian and should... more
John Cage's experimental approach, which is fed by both a precise practice and an intentional use of chance, is examined in this paper. The Where R = Ryoanji drawings are intended pieces of chance that are also images of precision. This... more
RENOLD, Juan Mauricio (Comp.). 2012. Miradas antropológicas sobre la vida religiosa III. Religiones mágicas: breves observaciones antropológicas, y otros ensayos.
Buenos Aires: CICCUS .
Buenos Aires: CICCUS .
Sixty-Four Chance Pieces is a novel of sorts that puts the I Ching 易經, or Chinese Book of Changes, to work as a literature machine to generate new stories and new possibilities. Each of the sixty-four chapters of the book draws on a... more
Similarities of two philosophies, I Ching and Theory of Positive Disintegration, will be presented. I Ching (Book of Changes)is the oldest and greatest Chinese classic. It became the foundation of the Taoist and Confucian philosophies.... more
shaRQ-tank began as a place to get the visions and ideas out of my head into a space where others might encounter, review, and give feedback; as a place to measure progress towards a goal with no clear direction or end.
Integrated view of the 54 data tables produced from a model of Paul Martyn-Smith's work, "Sum of Things."
"Extreme human geography is a critique that celebrates odd juxtapositions; it is not to be confused with extreme physical geography, which has its own distinct cabinet of remarkable curiosities. Extreme geography as a recurring subversive... more
Zheng Xuan and Wang Bi were the most important commentators on the Yijing in the Six Dynasties period. Li Dingzuo has said that Zheng Xuan preferred the principles of Heaven while Wang Bi focused on human affairs. However, this judgment... more
Chinese ideographs have an inner meaning related to the awakening of the original spirit in a person. Chinese ideographs were created by Chinese sages. Their symbolical meanings are universal.
The Nine-Stack construct has already demonstrated support for the 32 major characteristics and 80 minor characteristics of the Buddha. The 32 pair of Yijing hexagrams on the 8x8 appear to be a candidate for the major marks. In the... more
Palestra sobre a relação entre o Yijing (I Ching) e o pensamento chinês, apresentado na Faculdade EBRAMEC no dia 05 de julho de 2019. Veja o vídeo:
This text explores the interfacing of philosophy and poetry as encounter with alterity—language engaging theme and rupture.
Yijing prediction is experiencing a popular revival in the contemporary PRC, ongoing since the beginning of the Reform era. At the same time, state and popular discourse continue to valorize “science” (kexue 科學) as modern, accurate, and... more
Value and Values: The Tenth East West Philosophers' Conference, University of Hawai’i. May 16-24, 2011.
The I Ching (Book of Changes) classic reports that a farmer, having tethered his cow by the roadside, returned later to discover it missing. A wanderer had taken it. On the broad, deep, significance of the theft, the classic advises only... more
El rescate de las viñetas originales de 1963 de “La feria” de Arreola ante la versión de 1971 de Joaquín Mortiz y las de la Editorial Planeta Mexicana. RESUMEN: Y aquí estoy yo, rescatando a las viñetas originales de “La feria” de Arreola... more
This work purposes to indicate the significance of the "single, double, and triple;" and to show the symmetry laws governing Yijing two-line symbols (xiang). This is useful insofar that the work with integrating Yijing with RNA and... more
Questa è la prima edizione del primo testo del progetto scritturale, in itinere, per una scritturalità poetica e filosofica che oltrepassi il cosiddetto genere d'appartenenza, una scritturalità erme(neu)tica. Primo lavoro iniziato ai... more
Diamond Body is an implementation of a mathematical model derived from the Chinese Book of Changes (I Ching), and used to produce several published papers. It is offered here for download and investigation as a spreadsheet. A Python... more
A method of composing and analyzing stories, here in the form of dramas, is given which combines elements of chinese five-phase and feng shui theory and the enneagram. While feng shui is thought of in terms of interior design, it also... more
I had to do a research paper on a health issue, so I choose Depression. This was because I discovered that the teacher who would be grading my paper suffered form severe depression, and when she had tried to treat herself naturally she... more
The Mayan prophecy, Timewave Zero and 2012: The great debate. The Ecology, Cosmos and Consciousness Salon, The Institute of Ecotechnics, October Gallery, Bloomsbury, London, 27th November, 2012. (Host, curator and compère) With:... more
At the bottom link you can find excerpts from this great 1715 manuscript: 李光地. 御纂周易折中 :二十二卷, 卷首. [北京] : 武英殿, 清康熙54年 [1715] Excerpts are focused on the so-called ‘received text’ of Yi Jing / Zhou Yi. For the ease of the work, I’ve... more
In this paper I compare a close reading of HD's "Oread" to a hexagram from the I Ching, noting the similarity in form and compositional logic.