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This is my positive review of David Mayall's book
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      Romani StudiesPeripateticsCharles Sanders PeirceGypsies & Travellers
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      First World WarInternment CampsGypsies & TravellersAlsace
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      EducationGypsies & Travellers
A furcsa cím mögött érdekes könyv rejtőzik: Tanulmányok a cigánygyerekek oktatásáról. Összeállítója és szerkesztője dr. Farkas Endre, az Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem Tanárképző Főiskolai Kara Neveléstudományi Tanszékének oktatója. Bár... more
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      Gypsies & TravellersGypsiesCulture and Education of Roma (Gypsy)Oktatás
Manuel CAPES/Agreg
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      GeographyHuman GeographyPopulation GeographyPopulation Dynamics
The perception of Romani people in “western” European states has been predominantly linked with forms of migration that emerged from post-communist countries, especially since the two latest EU enlargements. Still, these migrations are... more
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      Gender StudiesSex and GenderWomen's StudiesMigration
This article will briefly trace the travellers’ legal position in Britain from their sixteenth century emergence as a tangible (although imprecise) identity until now. It will be argued that although the position of the law has changed... more
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      Legal HistoryMichel FoucaultBiopoliticsGypsies & Travellers
Los Angeles is the second most populous and twelfth largest city in the US. There are countless Top Beautiful places to visit in Los Angeles, it's matter.
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      Academic LibrariesAcademic WritingTravel BehaviourTravel & Tourism
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      MigrationInternational MigrationRomani StudiesMigration Studies
This article critically evaluates the recent developments in Dutch policy formation regarding Roma minorities from the perspective of the increased attention paid to their position at European level. First, the author discusses the... more
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      European StudiesSocial PolicyPolitical ParticipationRace and Ethnicity
Het Europese Hof voor de Rechten van de Mens heeft in 2013 geoordeeld dat de woonwagencultuur en identiteit beschermd en gefaciliteerd dient te worden. De laatste jaren zijn veel kritische geluiden te horen ten aanzien van het... more
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      Human RightsGypsies & TravellersPublic Policy
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      Gypsy AnthropologyIrish Travellers, GypsiesGypsies & TravellersGypsy Studies
The work, first published in 2005, deals with the Nazi period in Hitler's birth region. The focus is on the topics of resistance and persecution. It examines which groups of people in this rural region, on the border with Bavaria, were... more
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      FascismHolocaust StudiesEuthanasiaNational Socialism
This pilot study, undertaken between December 2019 and July 2020 set out to establish a preliminary evidence base for the significant anecdotal evidence that highlights the ‘ripple effect’ of experiencing hate crime on mental health,... more
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      Mental HealthStereotypes Of Roma As Tigani/Cigany/Zingari/GypsiesSocial MediaPolice and Policing
Roma, Travelers, and Gypsies have been persecuted for millennia for their nomadic tribal traditional lifestyle. Many like this author’s maternal grandmother were forced to settle. Many were killed throughout several waves of attempted... more
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      Art HistoryFeminist TheoryPaintingPortraiture
The article analyses the contexts, arguments and paradoxes of thinking about cultural heritage in Sweden of the 2000s when the topic achieved broad societal relevance in traditional media, internet fora, political communication and... more
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      Cultural HeritageNational IdentityMemory StudiesSweden
Chisinau, 2020
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      Romani StudiesGypsies & TravellersGypsiesGypsy Studies
Tradicionalmente, las investigaciones no han tenido en cuenta la voz del pueblo gitano. Al no incluir a las personas gitanas en los procesos de investigación se han llegado a conclusiones que han provocado la reproducción de la situación... more
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      Gender StudiesEducationEstudios de GéneroGypsies & Travellers
In Eastern Europe and in the Balkans there is an ongoing ethnic turnover due to very low birth rates of the natives and the very high birth rates of Roma people and by 2050 Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary, Slovakia and Serbia could be... more
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      DemographyEastern European StudiesEthnographyGypsy Anthropology
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      Mythology And FolkloreAnthropologyFolkloreEthnography
Fosztó László: Incursiune în lumea comunităților locale: studii de comunitate, In Horváth István (ed.) Raport de cercetare SocioRoMap. O cartografiere a comunităților de romi din România. p. 215- 231. Institutul pentru Studierea... more
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      PovertyRomani StudiesGypsies & Travellers
Council of Europe Thematic Report, Zagreb 8-10 May 2019
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      Gypsy AnthropologyRomani StudiesGypsies & TravellersGypsies
The paper draws on the speaker’s 25-year history of busking in UK city centres, and notes the increasing importance of playful loitering in the urban space. It notes the changing attitudes of the general public to costumed performance in... more
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      Cultural StudiesQueer StudiesFeminist TheoryPerformance Studies
De groep woonwagenbewoners in Nederland is van origine divers. Het begrip woonwagenbewoners is te herleiden tot het sinds de tweede helft van de 19 e eeuw ontstaan van de woonwagen. Daarvoor trokken mensen rond en verbleven in tenten of... more
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      HousingGypsies & TravellersHuisvestingswet
Conferencia basada en el paper presentado al Forum for Romani Histories, que se desarrollará en septiembre en Czech Academy of Sciences, Villa Lanna, Prague. Cuyo título original es "Outcast or classless? The art of resistance in the... more
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      Gypsy AnthropologyStereotypes Of Roma As Tigani/Cigany/Zingari/GypsiesGypsies Romani Nationalism Identity Alterity Romania ImaginaryGypsies & Travellers
Het recht op huisvesting kan worden geëffectueerd via de burgerlijke en politieke grondrechten Mr. Vital E.H. Moors Huisvesting is een basale levensbehoefte, maar is ook medebepalend voor de identiteit en het welbevinden van de persoon.1... more
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      Human RightsHousingAsylum seekersRoma and Sinti in Europe
Türkiye farklı din, dil ve etnik gruplardan çeşitli toplulukları bünyesinde barındırmaktadır. Bu etnik gruplardan biri de Romanlardır. Kökenleri Kuzey Hindistan’a dayanan Romanlar günümüzde Romanya, Bulgaristan, İspanya, Macaristan ve... more
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      TurkeyGypsies & TravellersGypsiesGypsy Studies
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      HistoryFolkloreLinguisticsGypsies & Travellers
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      AnthropologyFolkloreItalian dialectsGypsies & Travellers
This article discusses the role of fairground performance and presentation of the self in the development of early cinema on travelling sideshows. It draws upon oral histories and ethnographies among Scottish travelling showpeople... more
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      Early CinemaTravelling artistsGypsy and TravellersGypsies & Travellers
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      French HistoryPostcolonial StudiesRomany StudiesRomani Studies
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      MigrationStereotypes Of Roma As Tigani/Cigany/Zingari/GypsiesEuropean UnionMigration Studies
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      Equality and DiversityEducation PolicyRoma RightsGypsies & Travellers
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      Human RightsHousingGypsies & TravellersModern travellers
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      EducationSociology of Children and ChildhoodRomaGypsies & Travellers
Within UK public health initiatives researchers and policymakers constantly attempt to define and understand different patient profiles based on the ways in which eligible users engage with available services or do not; some of the most... more
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      HomelessnessHealth InequalitiesAddiction and RecoveryCancer Research
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      SociologySocial TheorySociology of CultureGender Studies
This is a Euro-centric timeline of the assorted acts, laws and other means of excluding the GRT (gypsy-Roma-Traveller) from larger society. This exhibit intends to show that San Francisco is merely one more municipality in a long series... more
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      Gypsy AnthropologyGypsies & TravellersSocial mobility and education. Social class. Ethnicity/'race' and minority studies. Roma/Gypsy/Travellers. Mixed methods researchRoma/Gypsy/Travellers
This book is dedicated to the gypsy-like groups of India, gypsies of North Africa and Middle East and Irish Travellers.
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      Eurasian NomadsStereotypes Of Roma As Tigani/Cigany/Zingari/GypsiesRomani StudiesNomadic Peoples
This article aims to demonstrate that folk tales can be understood as socionarratives or as meaningful narratives within a social framework; therefore, I will carry out an analysis focused on fundamental social parameters from the... more
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      FolkloreFolktalesFolklore (Literature)Gypsies & Travellers
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      Romani StudiesGypsies & Travellers
Over many years the multi-ethnic Gypsy and Traveller communities of Britain have been successfully constructed in Parliament and the press as being ‘anti-social’ and ‘folk devils.’ This chapter examines why Gypsy and Traveller communities... more
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      Victorian StudiesEthnic and Racial StudiesRomani StudiesNomadism
Fişe de informare pentru cadre didactice-profesori si elevi-studenti despre istoria romilor editate in cadrul Proiectului Romani al Universităţii din Graz (Austria), în strânsă colaborare cu proiectul „Educaţia copiilor romi în Europa” al... more
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      Gypsy AnthropologyRomani StudiesGypsies & TravellersGypsies
* DUMINICA, I. Deportarea şi exterminarea ţiganilor din România în Transnistria (1942-1944). In: 65 de ani ai verdictului Tribunalului de la Nurnberg: Învățăminte pentru Europa contemporană. Conferința științifică internațională, 19... more
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      Gypsy AnthropologyRomani StudiesGypsies & TravellersGypsies
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      EducationGypsies & Travellers
In the Bengali speaking regions of Bangladesh and India, the Bengali term "bede" today often evokes stereotypical imaginations of itinerant people. Of highly contested origin, the term has in the last two hundred years become the pivotal... more
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      Indian studiesSouth Asian StudiesStereotypesStereotypes and Prejudice
This edited volume offers an interdisciplinary perspective on the history of Irish Travellers. Scholars from anthropology, history, literary studies and socio-linguistics explore the methodological problems that arise when a marginalised... more
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      IrelandGypsies & Travellers
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      Mobility/MobilitiesReformation StudiesIdentity (Culture)Cosmopolitanism
The book contains a study about the terms that call the Holocaust in Romani language: Porrajmos, Pharrajimos, Samudaripen, Kali Trash. Contains ten testimonies of Roma survivors of the Deportation in Transnistria. Archive documents and a... more
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      Romani StudiesHolocaust StudiesGypsies Romani Nationalism Identity Alterity Romania ImaginaryGypsies & Travellers
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      Gypsy AnthropologyEstudos ciganosGypsies & TravellersGitanos