Magic Squares
Recent papers in Magic Squares
In this work the magic squares of order n are addressed from the perspective of linear algebra, vector space, "Magic Space" and some of its basis is presented. The case of sparse systems of equations that having more than one... more
This paper brings numbers in such a way that both sides of the expressions are with same digits. One side is numbers with power, while other side just with numbers, such as, a^b+c^d +.. =ab +cd+..., etc. The the expressions studies are... more
A magic square is an n × n matrix of the integers from 1 to n2 such that the sum of every row, column, and diagonal is the same. There are several ways for generating certain types of magic squares, which results different magic squares... more
Quali sono le aspettative ed opinioni degli studenti di cultura cinese sulla scuola e sulla matematica? Quali le concezioni di scuola e di studio che ereditano delle famiglie? In questo volume si tenta di offrire risposte a questi... more
Una obra inspirada en los misteriosos y enigmáticos cuadrados Mágicos y los números de la magnificencia a los que hacía referencia Nikola Tesla.
This paper will conduct a detail analyze on Freemasonry's symbolism codified to The Great Seal of the United States obverse and reverse sides, The Apotheosis of George Washington, The Centennial Great Seal of 1882, The Capitol Building... more
Taking the view that all true spirituality is inherently Anarchist at it's core, this pdf book is a comprehensive examination of the many links between Anarchism, the Occult and Mysticism. It is presented within the broad framework of a... more
This essay shows all the most important numbers associated with the 7 magick squares of Cornelius Agrippa, along with others, can be found on an extended ordinal counting sequence version of the Tetractys of Pythagoras. That is by... more
In the earliest concrete examples of magic squares from Chinese, Indian, and Arabic literature, the squares are valued not simply as mathematical curiosities but as objects of wondrous powers. Recent research on early Arabic awfāq (magic... more
This essay shows all the most important numbers associated with the 7 magick squares of Cornelius Agrippa, along with others, can be found on an extended ordinal counting sequence version of the Tetractys of Pythagoras. That is by... more
Si tratta dell'analisi di un crittogramma dalla probabile ascendenza cristiana o giudaico-cristiana, che viene descritto come “Quadrato SATOR” o “Quadrato ROTAS”, o ancora “Quadrato magico pompeiano”, in quanto le sue più antiche... more
The Beinecke Rare Books Reading Room at Yale University houses an important collection of Arabic papyri and paper documents. Among them are at least two printed texts: RCtYBR inv. 2016 and RCtYBR inv. 2367. The latter is a small fragment... more
Este documento demuestra el descubrimiento de patrones ocultos en los cuadrados mágicos, estos forman figuras geométricas sorprendentes Cuando reducimos los valores de un cuadrado mágico a los 9 principales dígitos, este forma 3 patrones.... more
Quaderno n. 1 –– Conferenze Primaverili 1995, stampato per conto del Circolo da De Bastiani ed., Vittorio Veneto, settembre 1995 –– Sommario: (1) IMPERIO Loredana, Federico II, tra Mito e Storia pp. 3-20; (2) GUSSO Massimo, Il Quadrato... more
Un "nuova" testimonianza del Palindromo del Sator, rinvenuta nella chiesa parrocchiale di Paluzza, piccolo e suggestivo paese in provincia di Udine.
楊輝(約1238-1298)為南宋末年的數學家,其著作《續古摘奇算法》(1275)中以「縱橫圖」一詞,稱呼吾人今日所知的幻方,自此之後,縱橫圖開始出現在中國歷代的算書中。數學史家Schuyler Cammann(1912-1991)認為楊輝乃是受到阿拉伯幻方的影響,但當真如此嗎?是故,本文之主旨乃是探究楊輝 之縱橫圖是否隱含著阿拉伯數學的影響。 縱橫圖是否隱含著阿拉伯數學的影響。 縱橫圖是否隱含著阿拉伯數學的影響。 縱橫圖是否隱含著阿拉伯數學的影響。... more
Schuyler CAMMANN
History of Religions, vol. 8, No. 3,(1969), pp. 181- 209.
History of Religions, vol. 8, No. 3,(1969), pp. 181- 209.
Resumen: Este documento demuestra el descubrimiento de patrones ocultos en los cuadrados mágicos, estos forman figuras geométricas sorprendentes Cuando reducimos los valores de un cuadrado mágico a los 9 principales dígitos, este forma 3... more
Esotericism is an extremely oblique opaque hidden science scribed into the texts of the Torah (Old and New Testaments). Most people believe that the Torah represents the five books of Moses; however, Judaism declares that any commentary... more
In this paper, we present an identity which generalizes Vajda's and D'ocagne's identities involving Fibonacci sequence. Vajda's and D'ocagne's identities are known to contain 3 and 2 variables respectively, but the identity to be... more
We make a brief comment on the magic aspects of the magic squares focusing on the creative process of the general methods of building them.
Unity and Disunity in Mathematical Magic Squares across Cultures and Languages, European Society for the History of Science & British Society for the History of Science, University College of London, UK. 15-17 Sept. 2018.
In line with the international efforts for communication with extraterrestrial civilizations, this article shows how to use the architectonic magic codes in order to communicate with the extraterrestrials that might have different... more
Representations of SO (4, 2) are constructed using 4×4 and 2×2 matrices with elements in ℍ' ⊗ ℂ and the known isomorphism between the conformal group and SO (4, 2) is written explicitly in terms of the 4×4 representation. The Clifford... more
from: «Rewriting Recent Music History: the Development of Early Serialism. 1947–1957», ed. by Mark Delaere, Peeters, Leuven-Walpole, MA, 2011. Largely based on the study of... more
Order in psychosocial space -- and strategic design implications Values: Cannon-balls? Wealth symbols? Ball-games? Strange attractors? Use of distinctive geometries as mapping surfaces for value-goals Polyhedral mapping reconciling... more
An magic square is N*N matrix containing integers and addition result of each row, column and diagonally get the same value. The commonly used methods of constructing magic squares are the cross diagonals method for doubly even. But these... more
Para Siglind Bruhn, o conceito de ekphrasis, usado nas artes plásticas e na literatura, pode ser aplicado também a certas obras musicais. Partindo dessa concepção, desenvolvida pela autora na obra "Musical Ekphrasis: composeres responding... more
Para Siglind Bruhn, o conceito de ekphrasis, usado nas artes plásticas e na literatura, pode ser aplicado também para certas obras musicais. Partindo dessa concepção, desenvolvida pela autora na obra Musical Ekphrasis: composeres... more
Butterfly dream: "inside-outside"? Psychosocial implications of indeterminacy: wave versus particle? Cognitive shapeshifting? Betwixt and between: the liminal art? Being a particle versus Being a wave-and the alternation between... more
We have established new general methods of building doubly even magic squares and from these methods we naturally obtain Dürer's magic square. This allows us to define Dürer's magic squares for orders greater than four.
In this communication the square microstrip antenna consisting of dual open stubs is presented for quad band operation. The antenna operates between 2.88 to 8.55 GHz. The antenna is constructed with its structure of dimension 8 X 5 X 0.16... more