Recent papers in Ilinden
In the proposed scientific work, we present the circumstances and analyse the causes determining the artificial imposing of the political myth of a “Macedonian minority”, purposefully incited in Bulgaria by the authorities of Belgrade and... more
In the present first author’s monographic work the IMRO supporting organization is the main object of research and scientific analysis. This original Bulgarian public institution is the only active political factor in the Pirin region... more
Humanitarian intervention is a relatively new concept in international relations. Although the origins of interventionism can be traced back well in history, its humanitarian aspect had been gradually formulated during the course of the... more
This article aims to map and periodize memory regimes in North Macedonia, with the divergent set of Ilinden commemorations epitomizing the developments and critical changes in the period from 2001 to 2018. Ilinden is still by and large... more
1877-78 Osmanlı-Rus Harbinden sonra yaşanan siyasi gelişmeler, Balkanlar özelinde, Osmanlı Devleti’ni oldukça zor duruma düşürmüştür. Özellikle Berlin Antlaşmasının bazı maddeleri Anadolu'dan Ermenileri, Balkanlar'da ise milliyetçi... more
1903 yılının Ağustos ayında başlayan İlinden İsyanı Osmanlı Devleti’nin Rumeli topraklarında büyük bir karışıklığa sebep olmuştur. Bu isyan dâhilinde Bulgaristan’dan da çeşitli destekler gören Bulgar komitaları Osmanlı Devleti’nin Bulgar... more
Предмет на истражување во овој труд ќе бидат меѓусебните судири на христијанското население и судирите на христијанското со муслиманското население во Битолскиот вилает 1905-1908. Започнувајќи две години по Илиндеското востание па... more
The development of Macedonian revolutionary movement in area of Kostur begins in second half of 1885. Since Macedonian revolutionary organization (MRO) had not enough capacity in its first stage of development, as well as the domination... more
This paper presents two Western narratives of the Ilinden uprising (1903) in late Ottoman Macedonia, arguing that our present understanding of the uprising is a representation based on a political ideology, distorting our picture of the... more