Personal assistant using a human operator need some time to process single request such as ticket booking, ordering something, and get services. One request can contain many queries for some information provided on the internet. Business... more
Personal assistant using a human operator need some time to process single request such as ticket booking, ordering something, and get services. One request can contain many queries for some information provided on the internet. Business performance values time efficiency so must be considered an alternative way to take request. Chatbot can give 24 hours service which can become an advantage besides using a human personal assistant. Chatbot acts like routing agent that can classify user context in conversation. Chatbot helped with natural language processing (NLP) to analyze the request and extract some keyword information. One important process in NLP is morphological analysis and part of speech (POS) tagging. POS help to parse the meaning of chat text based on a set of rules. The rule base is specific to some language and designed to capture all the keyword relies on chat text. Keyword in booking conversation term is like departure and destination city and also the date of flight. There is a variation from a user determining city and date. NLP in booking confirmation has a task to analyze various pattern describing ordering requests like city and date. Messenger bot would be an example of assistance that can help user connected to many services some like ticketing service through conversation interaction. The contribution of this research is to conduct some scenario that happening in ordering tickets. This research conduct that chatbot can help acts as customer service, based on the conducted scenario and show an F-measure score of 89.65%.
Il lavoro esposto in questo elaborato si è focalizzato sull’analisi di sicurezza di cinque instant messaging app (Signal, WhatsApp, Telegram, Viber e LINE) ed è frutto dell’attività svolta durante il tirocinio interno all'Università degli... more
Il lavoro esposto in questo elaborato si è focalizzato sull’analisi di sicurezza di cinque instant messaging app (Signal, WhatsApp, Telegram, Viber e LINE) ed è frutto dell’attività svolta durante il tirocinio interno all'Università degli Studi di Milano supervisionato dal Prof. Stelvio Cimato. Le applicazioni sono state selezionate secondo questi tre criteri: reputazione e popolarità, registrazione al servizio tramite numero telefonico e pubblicazione di documenti ufficiali sulla crittografia implementata. Il testo vuole svelare al lettore la capacità degli applicativi di proteggere le proprietà della sicurezza informatica indagandoli da quattro prospettive: il protocollo crittografico implementato, le dichiarazioni sui metadati raccolti, le informazioni estraibili da un’intercettazione passiva e la solidità contro un’intercettazione attiva.
We investigate emoji as graphic discourse markers in German WhatsApp® messages. As comparably novel devices in the rapidly evolving domain of digital messenging, emoji provide an interesting example to observe change in progress. We... more
We investigate emoji as graphic discourse markers in German WhatsApp® messages. As comparably novel devices in the rapidly evolving domain of digital messenging, emoji provide an interesting example to observe change in progress. We present a corpus study and an experimental study. Main results are (i) an overall salience of subjective and intersubjective discourse meanings for emoji, with (ii) a general advantage for the former, especially for emoji that iconically include more active elements, while (iii) dominance relations can be modulated by left-vs. right-peripheral positions in favor of subjective vs. intersubjective meanings, respectively. By approaching emoji as discourse markers, the studies contribute to our understanding of their pragmatic contribution and provide novel evidence on positional-functional associations for pragmatic markers.
Personal assistant using a human operator need some time to process single request such as ticket booking, ordering something, and get services. One request can contain many queries for some information provided on the internet. Business... more
Personal assistant using a human operator need some time to process single request such as ticket booking, ordering something, and get services. One request can contain many queries for some information provided on the internet. Business performance values time efficiency so must be considered an alternative way to take request. Chatbot can give 24 hours service which can become an advantage besides using a human personal assistant. Chatbot acts like routing agent that can classify user context in conversation. Chatbot helped with natural language processing (NLP) to analyze the request and extract some keyword information. One important process in NLP is morphological analysis and part of speech (POS) tagging. POS help to parse the meaning of chat text based on a set of rules. The rule base is specific to some language and designed to capture all the keyword relies on chat text. Keyword in booking conversation term is like departure and destination city and also the date of flight. There is a variation from a user determining city and date. NLP in booking confirmation has a task to analyze various pattern describing ordering requests like city and date. Messenger bot would be an example of assistance that can help user connected to many services some like ticketing service through conversation interaction. The contribution of this research is to conduct some scenario that happening in ordering tickets. This research conduct that chatbot can help acts as customer service, based on the conducted scenario and show an F-measure score of 89.65%.
viii CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION 1 Overview 1 Theoretical Framework 3 Constructivism 3 Sociocultural Theory 4 Interaction and Computer-Mediated Communication 5 Community of Inquiry (CoI) 6 Statement of the Problem 10 Purpose 18 Research... more
viii CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION 1 Overview 1 Theoretical Framework 3 Constructivism 3 Sociocultural Theory 4 Interaction and Computer-Mediated Communication 5 Community of Inquiry (CoI) 6 Statement of the Problem 10 Purpose 18 Research Questions 18 Significance of the Study 19 Delimitations and Limitations 21 Delimitations 21 Limitations 22 Operational Definitions of Terms 23 CHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW 26 Overview 26 The Theoretical Framework 27 Social Learning and Sociocultural Theory 27 Sociocultural Theory 28 Sociocultural Theory and Distance Education 33 Community 36 Online Learning Community 40 Community of Inquiry (CoI) 43 Social Presence 44 Cognitive Presence 47 Teaching Presence 52 Design and Organization 53 Facilitating Discourse 54 Direct Instruction 56 Distance Education 58 ii History of Distance Education 59 Distance Education for Teacher Education 71 Distance Education and Second Language Teacher Education 76 Interaction (CMC) as a Core Element in Distance Education ...
Abstrak Di era globalisasi seperti saat ini ilmu teknologi informasi selalu berkembang dan semakin maju. Seperti saat ini, internet of things atau biasa kita sebut (IoT) merupakan tren dunia masa depan yg perlu di bangun dari sekarang.... more
Abstrak Di era globalisasi seperti saat ini ilmu teknologi informasi selalu berkembang dan semakin maju. Seperti saat ini, internet of things atau biasa kita sebut (IoT) merupakan tren dunia masa depan yg perlu di bangun dari sekarang. Segala sesuatunya di buat mudah dan ekonomis dengan " Internet". Kini banyak perusahaan yang menyediakan berbagai macam program untuk membantu pengembang dalam mengembangkan produk berbasis IoT. Internet of Things merupakan istilah masa depan dimana semua device tersambung ke internet sehingga tercipta sebuah sistem yang memiliki kecerdasan sendiri yang sangat berguna dalam perkembangan teknologi khususnya bila kita proyeksikan pada rumah cerdas. Bayangkan bila peralatan elektronik pada sebuah rumah bisa kita monitoring bahkan dikendalikan secara jarak jauh melalui internet, maka dapat dirasakan kepraktisan, kemudahan serta keamanannya. Terwujudnya konsep rumah cerdas tentu membutuhkan koneksi antar perangkat agar dapat mengontrol dari jauh. Dalam penelitian ini, koneksi yang dimaksudkan ialah menggunakan device smart phone yang didalamnya terdapat aplikasi IM (internet messaging) yang saat ini semua orang memilikinya dan hampir setiap saat kita menggunakannya. Dalam penelitian ini akan membuat sebuah miniatur rumah cerdas berupa simulasi yang nantinya terdapat rangkaian elekronika untuk dapat mengontol output melalui aplikasi instant messaging. Projek rumah cerdas ini tidak menggunakan mikrokontroler, melainkan mengunakan Single Board Computer (SBC) yang sedang tren saat ini yaitu Raspberry Pi. Raspberry Pi seperti layaknya sebuah komputer desktop yang bisa diinstalkan Sistem Operasi, Aplikasi, bahkan terdapat port LAN untuk dikoneksikan dengan internet. Perangkat Raspberry Pi memungkinkan untuk dapat diterapkan dalam sistem rumah cerdas seperti halnya mikrokontroler yang terdapat port GPIO (General-Purpose Input/Output). Agar sistem pada perangkat Raspberry Pi ini dapat bekerja dengan semestinya, dalam projek rumah cerdas ini menggunakan bahasa pemrograman Python. Kata Kunci : Sistem rumah cerdas, Raspberry Pi, Internet Messaging, API, Internet of Think.
This paper examines conversational data of German everyday narratives in audiovisual footage of face-to-face encounters and in log files of Facebook’s instant messenger. The qualitative analysis is focused on the interjection boah as a... more
This paper examines conversational data of German everyday narratives in audiovisual footage of face-to-face encounters and in log files of Facebook’s instant messenger. The qualitative analysis is focused on the interjection boah as a means of narrative activity, paying special attention to its multimodal form and its media dependent functionality. The preliminary findings show that boah is used to signal to the communication partner the utterer’s noticing of something unexpected: be it an observed object or event, a communicative action, or a recalled memory. On a phonetical level, it is possible to distinguish two forms of boah: a marked form and an unmarked form. Which of these two forms is instantiated in interaction depends on the intensity of unexpectedness (or the enactment of unexpectedness). In everyday narratives, the marked form is often found to be expressed by the recipient. In contrast to the face-to-face data, our instant messenger data shows that, here, almost without exception boah is only used by the storyteller. This conspicuous finding can be explained by the specific temporality of instant messaging which results from the structural media conditions that instant messengers or e. g. internet relay chats similarly impose on the use of communicative means like interjections. We finally discuss how this dialectic relation between communicative function and mediality prompts further analyses of other communicative means, for example, the pattern of everyday narratives itself.
ABSTRACT This paper examines the pivotal role of digital communication technologies in the provision of transnational caregiving among geographically separated family members. Particularly, it examines the consequences of mobile device... more
ABSTRACT This paper examines the pivotal role of digital communication technologies in the provision of transnational caregiving among geographically separated family members. Particularly, it examines the consequences of mobile device use in facilitating the circulation and consumption of money and consumer goods among 21 Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) in Melbourne, Australia, and their left-behind family members in the Philippines. By deploying a mediated mobilities lens (Keightley & Reading, 2014) in analysing the data drawn upon in-depth interviews, photo elicitation, and field notetaking, I coin the term ‘elastic carework’ to articulate the contradictory outcomes of mobile caregiving at a distance as shaped by the entanglement of social structures and technological infrastructures. On the one hand, caregiving at a distance enable transnational family members to enact affective exchanges, fulfil obligations and cement intimate ties. On the other hand, it can also become a source of frustration and unsettling feelings, which are often dealt with personalised tactics. Ultimately, this paper provides a vantage point in re-thinking the performance, embodiment and negotiation of a family-based and networked caregiving at a distance in the age of global migration.
Educators need a way to encourage youth in the school sys- tems to discuss problems and issues relevant to their lives. Vignettes are short stories that are designed to model, in a less complex manner, real life issues. The purpose of a... more
Educators need a way to encourage youth in the school sys- tems to discuss problems and issues relevant to their lives. Vignettes are short stories that are designed to model, in a less complex manner, real life issues. The purpose of a vi- gnette is to encourage discussion. Currently, teachers and students have to write up vignettes and send them
1. National Undersea Research Center, University of Connecticut, 1080 Shennecossett Rd. Groton, CT 06340 2. Department of Research at the National Technical Institute for the Deaf (NTID), 96 Lomb Memorial Drive, Rochester, NY 14623 3.... more
1. National Undersea Research Center, University of Connecticut, 1080 Shennecossett Rd. Groton, CT 06340 2. Department of Research at the National Technical Institute for the Deaf (NTID), 96 Lomb Memorial Drive, Rochester, NY 14623 3. Neag School of Education, ...
Perkembangan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi sudah semakin cepat. Hal itu bisa menjadi dampak positif yang luar biasa yang juga sejalan dengan tujuan utama dari terciptanya teknologi itu sendiri. Perkembangan teknologi khususnya di... more
Perkembangan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi sudah semakin cepat. Hal itu bisa menjadi dampak positif yang luar biasa yang juga sejalan dengan tujuan utama dari terciptanya teknologi itu sendiri. Perkembangan teknologi khususnya di bidang komunikasi nirkabel telah menjadikan komunikasi semakin efektif dan efisien (Wardi et al., 2020). Akses yang cepat dan cakupan jaringan yang luas juga sangat dibutuhkan untuk mengakses berbagai macam infromasi yang ada di internet. Cakupan jaringan yang luas tentunya memerlukan sumber daya perangkat jaringan yang banyak juga. Dengan banyaknya perangkat jaringan yang diperlukan, tentunya memerlukan pengawasan agar seluruh perangkat jaringan dapat beroperasi dengan baik (Wiharta et al., 2020). Dikarenakan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi sudah menyebar secara pesat dikalangan masyarakat, tidak hanya hal positif saja yang mulai dirasakan, dampak negatif dari teknologi informasi dan komunikasi juga sudah mulai dirasakan sejalan dengan berkembangnya kemajuan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi. Di era teknologi informasi saat ini, hampir seluruh informasi yang penting bagi suatu institusi dapat diakses oleh para penggunanya dari mana dan kapan saja. Keterbukaan akses tersebut memunculkan berbagai masalah baru antara lain adalah pemeliharaan validitas dan integritas data atau informasi tersebut, jaminan ketersediaan informasi bagi pengguna yang berhak, pencegahan akses informasi dari yang tidak berhak serta pencegahan akses sistem dari yang tidak berhak (Sudradjat, 2017). Oleh sebab itu, diperlukan sebuah perancangan yang tepat dan handal dalam mengelola dan mengatur keamanan jaringan. Salah satu solusi praktis yang dapat diterapkan untuk mengatasi permasalahan tersebut adalah dengan melakukan monitoring keamanan jaringan. Keamanan jaringan pada server merupakan faktor penting dalam jaringan. Keamanan
Messenger services have over the recent decade been the most dominant, ubiquitous, and widespread form of communication globally. While the service has evolved to enable reliable real-time communication between people across different... more
Messenger services have over the recent decade been the most dominant, ubiquitous, and widespread form of communication globally. While the service has evolved to enable reliable real-time communication between people across different technologies, there have been privacy and security concerns that were initially remediated by implementing TLS/SSL and E2E Encryption as a standard. However, new privacy challenges and security gaps have been identified and exploited through the capture and analysis of communication traffic metadata. These methods exploit the use of readily available advanced machine learning and data mining algorithms to identify users' communication networks and patterns without reading the actual messages sent between end-users just by analyzing readily available metadata such as the sender and receiver IDs, time sent, and communication frequency. To close these gaps the need to anonymize users' communications while maintaining reliable contact with each other is necessary. Randomized anonymization of metadata parameters can ensure it becomes nearly impossible for current analytics algorithms to identify user patterns from communication traffic over time. Also, to guarantee seamless communication between users with changing identities there needs to be a real-time contact exchange protocol enabling users to randomly change their IDs and secretly inform other users in their contacts without the physical intervention or involvement of the human user. This research paper proposes a solution through the use of a randomized contact reassignment and exchange protocol by using the PKI encryption protocol to share its new identity with its existing contacts defeating the creation of traceable logs over time.
This paper presents a characterization of broadband user behavior from a Internet service provider. Users are broken into two major categories: residential and Small-Office/Home-Office (SOHO). For each user category, the characterization... more
This paper presents a characterization of broadband user behavior from a Internet service provider. Users are broken into two major categories: residential and Small-Office/Home-Office (SOHO). For each user category, the characterization is performed along four criteria:(i) session arrival process,(ii) session duration,(iii) number of bytes transferred within a session and (iv) user request patterns.