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This paper analyses the role of educational interest groups in the context of current educational policy in Spain. The paper focuses on the historical and structural factors that are the basis for understanding the constitution of educa-... more
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      Education PolicyInterest Groups (Political Science)Spain
The question of who wins or loses in the policy process lies at the heart of recent research into both interest groups and public policy. However, one of the most difficult challenges when empirically analysing interest groups consists in... more
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      Social Research Methods and MethodologyItalian PoliticsInterest Groups (Political Science)Concept Formation
Planung und Evaluation im Public-Affairs-Management (PA) erfordern eine strategische Vorstellung von Ziel-Mittel-Relationen sowie Verlaufs- und Ergebnisinformationen über Veränderungen. Der Beitrag gibt in drei Teilen einen Überblick über... more
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      Interest Groups (American Politics)Measurement and EvaluationPerformance MeasurementPolitical communication
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    • Interest Groups (Political Science)
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      Campaign FinanceInterest Groups (Political Science)
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      SociologyResearch EthicsAffect (Cultural Theory)Shame
L’actualité illustre régulièrement la pression exercée sur les décideurs par des entre- prises dont le chiffre d’affaires dépend de la norme juridique. Nombre d’industries extractives, des entreprises du secteur de la chimie ou des... more
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      Interest Groups (Political Science)Lobbying
This article analysis Governments and interest group’s intermediation of employment interest under neo-corporatism to understand young third-country immigrants’ transition to work in Czech Republic, Hungary, and Poland. Existing research... more
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      Comparative PoliticsRegulatory ComplianceTrustRegulation And Governance
tCanada is the only Universal Health Insurance country in the OECD without universal insurance for outpa-tient prescription drugs, a situation generally perceived as unfair and inefficient. In June 2018, the federalgovernment launched an... more
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      Public Health PolicyInterest Groups (Political Science)PharmaceuticalsCanadian Public Policy
This paper focuses on the reasons that Italian interest groups decide to lobby together with like-minded groups ('friends'), or engage in networking activity with groups that have conflicting interests ('foes'), in order to influence... more
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      Italian PoliticsNetworkingInterest Groups (Political Science)Lobbying
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      Political EconomyInternational Political EconomyChinaPolitical Economy of Development
There is an increasing involvement of interest groups in Nigeria's housing processes. Prior research has examined their contribution but focusing on the cooperative sector. This study bridge the gap by examining the housing activities of... more
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      Interest Groups (Political Science)Housing Provision
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      Italian PoliticsInterest Groups (Political Science)
Depuis plus de vingt ans, l’Institut de Locarn anime une réflexion sur la place de la Bretagne dans un monde globalisé. Entre fascination et rejet, l’association ne laisse pas indifférent. Enquête sur ce “coeur de réseau”.
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      Social MovementsPolitical EconomyNationalismRegionalism
This paper analyses internet blocking regulations in established liberal democracies. We present evidence about the varying extent to which such regulations have been implemented across 21 countries, differentiate between types of... more
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      Comparative PoliticsCensorshipInternet GovernanceDemocracy
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    • Interest Groups (Political Science)
Germany likely employs Europe’s largest national lobby labor force. This article presents a comprehensive study of German lobbyists’ workplaces and employer expectations of competencies. It provides insights into emerging requirements for... more
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      Professional Career TrendsPolitical communicationVoluntary AssociationsProfessional Development
After decades of public aid, FIAT went into the 2000s without help from the state. While this initially threatened to lead to bankruptcy, it subsequently proved a key factor in the company's transformation from a national into a global... more
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      GovernmentPolitical ScienceAutomotive IndustryInterest Groups (Political Science)
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      European UnionInterest Groups (Political Science)Lobbying
Regulations and practices of lobbying and interest representation in Portugal. It includes recommendations for reform.
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      Interest Groups (Political Science)LobbyingConflicts of interestState Capture
With a very few exceptions, scholars have devoted little attention to the analysis of the Italian interest system so far. This paper aims to address exactly this lacuna. Following a diachronic perspective, the combination of a population... more
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      Italian PoliticsInterest Groups (Political Science)LobbyingRepresentation
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      Critical TheoryAmerican HistoryCultural StudiesPolitical Sociology
Chi sono le più influenti lobby italiane? Come e quanto riescono a incidere sulle decisioni pubbliche? E tutto questo che effetti ha sul funzionamento e la qualità della nostra democrazia? Nel rispondere a tali importanti interrogativi,... more
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      Italian PoliticsInterest Groups (Political Science)LobbyingAdvocacy
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      State Politics (American Politics)Higher EducationPolitics Of EducationHigher Education Policy
Lobbying regulation refers to the set of rules, norms, and practical frameworks that aim to shape how lobbying is done in a specific political system. Rules include pieces of legislation and regulatory provisions such as laws or... more
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      AccountabilityInterest Groups (Political Science)Open GovernmentLobbying
In den letzten Jahren ist Lobbyismus von der EU gefördert worden. Dies geschah durch die steigende Zahl von Genehmigungen und die Schaffung des Transparency Registers, in dem alle am Policy-Making Prozess teilnehmende Interessengruppen... more
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      European StudiesEuropean UnionEnergy and EnvironmentEuropean Union Politics
The present period of economic globalization originated following World War II. Given the strongly protectionist tendencies prevailing at the time, how did this happen? Structural economic and military causes, along with intervening... more
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      Japanese StudiesPolitical EconomyFrench HistoryPeace and Conflict Studies
Pluralism, in its many ramifications, represents a particularly broad line of political and social thought as well as an approach to empirical analysis. The intellectual roots of the concept can be traced back over centuries.... more
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      Corporatism and DemocracyPluralismJohannes AlthusiusInterest Groups (Political Science)
As political authority shifts to the global level, non-governmental organisations (NGOs) increasingly attempt to influence policy-making within international organisations (IOs). This article examines the nature and sources of NGOs'... more
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      United NationsInterest Groups (Political Science)AdvocacyAdvocacy and Lobbying
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      British PoliticsPolitical ScienceInterest Groups (Political Science)Lobbying
Nonostante un processo decisionale sempre più frammentato e mutevole, che sembrerebbe vincolare i governi a rispondere velocemente (e, spesso, unilateralmente) alle sfide poste dalla quotidianità, la maggior parte delle politiche... more
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      Interest Groups (Political Science)LobbyingAdvocacyAdvocacy and Lobbying
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      Public AdministrationInterest Groups (Political Science)BureaucracyPublic Policy
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      European PoliticsEuropean UnionInterest Groups (Political Science)
In this essay we will discuss the question of whether interest groups enhance or undermine democracy. We will begin by defining what interest groups are; thereafter we will present a short definition of democracy, followed by an... more
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      Political ScienceDemocracyInterest Groups (Political Science)
В статье проанализировано лоббирование корпорациями и некоммерческими организациями общественных и частных интересов в Европейском Союзе. НКО (некоммерческие организации) в сфере частных интересов чаще всего лоббируют потребительские... more
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      European StudiesInternational RelationsPublic AdministrationEuropean integration
While there is broad consensus that non-governmental organizations (NGOs) sometimes succeed in influencing policy-making within international organizations (IOs), there is much less agreement on the factors that make NGO lobbying... more
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      International organizationsGlobal GovernanceUnited NationsNon-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)
American Policy Process: Agenda Setting & the Role of Interest Groups " The flaw in the pluralist heave is that the heavenly chorus sings with a strong upper-class accent ". –E.E. Schattschneider (1960) The narrative of American... more
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      American PoliticsInterest Groups (Political Science)Agenda SettingPolitical Processes
Za kluczową instytucję amerykańskiego systemu polityczno-prawnego można uznać partie polityczne. Nie są one wymienione w Konstytucji, ojcowie-założyciele nie ufali bowiem partiom politycznym, obawiając się głębokich podziałów między nimi.... more
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      American StudiesAmerican PoliticsPolitical PartiesInterest Groups (Political Science)
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      SociologySocial MovementsPolitical ParticipationPolitical Science
Come è noto, il più o meno stretto rapporto che intercorre, nelle democrazie occidentali capitaliste, tra le maggiori organizzazioni d’interesse e i partiti politici è già stato variamente analizzato ed interpretato nella letteratura... more
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      GovernmentItalian PoliticsInterest Groups (Political Science)
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      ProfessionalismProfessional CommunicationPolitical communicationProfessional Ethics
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      Interest Groups (Political Science)LobbyingPolíticas PúblicasInteresse Público
This thesis explores the advocacy strategies and influence of interest groups in EU foreign policy. It examines in particular the impact of institutional factors on the strategies and lobbying outcomes. Conceptually, it contributes to the... more
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      International RelationsNon-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)European Foreign PolicyEuropean Neighbourhood Policy
Se trata de un estudio sobre el tema de referencia realizado con una muestra de 150 sujetos, cuyos datos han sido aportados por la UNED. Este ejercicio es una práctica de la asignatura de Psicología de los Grupos. El análisis de los... more
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      Social TheorySocial PsychologySocial Research Methods and MethodologySocial Sciences
The issue of gun control has come into sharp focus in recent years, prompted primarily by tragedies such as the Sandy Hook school shooting in the U.S., the Dunblane Massacre in the UK and the École Polytechnique Massacre in Canada. In all... more
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      British PoliticsCanadian PoliticsPublic Opinion (Political Science)Gun Control
This study examines the construction of a new political identity category in the USA during the 1990s, transgender, focusing on three political processes: (1) conflict over meanings associated with the identity category; (2) backlash in... more
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      Social MovementsSocial IdentityTransgender StudiesPolitical Coalitions
The goal of the book is to present the latest research on the new challenges of data technologies. It will offer an overview of the social, ethical and legal problems posed by group profiling, big data and predictive analysis and of the... more
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      PhilosophyPolitical PhilosophyFree Will, Moral ResponsibilityDigital Divide
The article investigates how interest groups influence the Parliament's work. These are directly interested in the legislative process since is the last " stronghold " where can intervene to change legislation in line with the interests... more
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    • Interest Groups (Political Science)
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      Comparative PoliticsPolitical ScienceDemocracyInterest Groups (Political Science)
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    • Interest Groups (Political Science)