Islamic Studies
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Berfilsafat adalah berpikir secara mendalam dan sungguh-sungguh. Sedangkan Pancasila sebagai sistem filsafat adalah suatu kesatuan bagian-bagian yang saling berhubungan, saling bekerjasama antara sila yang satu dengan sila yang lain untuk... more
Halal dan Haram dalam Islam terjemah dari Al-Halal wal Haram fil Islam oleh Dr. Syaikh Yusuf Qardhawi
Pengetahuan tentang ayat-ayat Makkah dan Madinah merupakan bagian yang terpenting dalam‘Ulum Qur’an. Hal ini bukan saja merupakan kepentingan kesejarahan melainkan juga untuk memahami dan menafsirkan ayat-ayat yang bersangkutan. Sebagaian... more
Sam Harris, in his book The Moral Landscape, argues that “science can determine human values.” Against this view, I argue that while secular moral philosophy can certainly help us to determine our values, science—at least as that word is... more
Terjemah Mustholah Hadits ilmu hadits
It is sometimes argued that the non-therapeutic, non-consensual alteration of children’s genitals should be discussed in two separate ethical discourses: one for girls (in which such alterations should be termed ‘female genital... more
Over nearly 1,500 years of history, Islam has produced extraordinary intellectual innovation, characterised by limitless curiosity and creativity. It has inspired profound theological and philosophical debate, a rich artistic legacy, and... more
A summary of what we know about Old (pre-Islamic) Arabic, its classification, and a sketch of its phonology, morphology, a few notes on syntax. Old Arabic here is defined by documentary sources like epigraphy and papyri, and excludes... more
Sepenimggalnya khalifah Ali bin Abi Thalib, kekhalifahan Islam dipegang oleh Muawiyah bin Abu Sufyan. Seorang tokoh yang kecewa atas kebijaksanaan yang diambil oleh Ali bin Abi Thalib dalam mengambil keputusan terhadap kasus pembunuhan... more
Bernd Heinrich dan rekan-rekannya pernah menghabiskan satu musim panas melakukan penelitian rinci dan sistematis pada singa semut (ant lions), serangga kecil itu menjebak semut di lubang yang telah mereka gali. Heinrich terkejut bahwa... more
One highly prominent aspect of ISIS’s program of destruction in Syria and Iraq that has come to the media attention recently is their program of cultural heritage destruction that took the form of smashing artifacts in archaeological... more
THIS IS YOUR CUE: TIME TO TAKE ACTION Call upon the community or general public, parents and youths, mental health professionals, physicians and nurses, educators, Facebook and other internet social media, religious groups, athletes,... more
Bismillaahirrahmaanirrohiim, Buku ini mencoba memaparkan secara rinci akan bagaimana pemikiran-pemikiran modern di dunia islam dengan titik berat pembahasan di wilayah Nusantara (Indonesia). seperti khalayak umum ketahui bahwa awal mula... more
This report reviews and categorizes the enormous corpus of knowledge produced by American academic and policy institutions about U.S. relations with the Middle East and other Islamic actors in the international arena. The report... more
Sample (Contents, Foreword & Introductions) from Dr Sohaib Saeed's translation of the first volume from Razi's Tafsir (published September 2018). The Great Exegesis by Fakhr al-Dīn al-Razi (d. 1210), also known as Mafatih al-Ghayb, is... more
A detailed analysis of each verse of Chapter 36 of the Holy Quran
Terjemah Matan Taqrib Abu Syujak PENDAHULUAN Terjemah: Bismillahirrohmanirrahim. Segala puji bagi Allah. Shalawat salam atas Nabi Muhammad, keluarganya dan para Sahaabat. Qadhi Abu Syujak Ahmad bin Al-Husain bin Ahmad Al-Asfahani berkata:... more
1. Ulumul Hadits adalah ilmu-ilmu yang membahas atau berkaitan dengan Hadits Nabi SAW. 2. Ilmu Hadits Riwayah adalah ilmu yang mempelajari tentang tata cara periwayatan, pemeliharaan, dan penulisan atau pembukuan Hadits Nabi SAW. Objek... more
Terjemah Nazham Maqshud ilmu sharaf gramatika bahasa Arab Segala puji bagi Alloh SWT, Tuhan semesta alam, Dialah dzat Yang Maha Pengasih tak pilih kasih Maha Penyayang yang sayangNya tiada terbilang, setinggi arti sholawat dan sedalam... more
Quote as: Salvatore, Armando, 2016. The Sociology of Islam: Knowledge, Power and Civility, Oxford: Wiley Blackwell. The Sociology of Islam provides an accessible introduction to this emerging field of inquiry, teaching and debate. The... more
Muhammadiyah merupakan salah satu organisasi modern Islam di Indonesia yang terbesar. Dalam buku ini dikaji tentang sejarah perkembangan Muhammadiyah yang dikontekskan dengan sejarah Islam klasik. Eksistensi Muhammadiyah di Indonesia... more
SCHOLARSHIP ON THE VISUAL CULTURES of ancient and early medieval Eurasia has recently benefited from art history’s renewed interest in questions that transcend political and cultural boundaries.1 Issues of cross-cultural interaction,... more
What is your view after reading this paper? Email your views to THE HEART OF THE MATTER: The idea that every conceived human being is naturally evil, guilty, a sinner, or sinful, is itself child abuse and a... more
How does Christianity explain the existence of the two rival Abrahamic faiths, Judaism and Islam? What place does it allow in Christian society for Jews and Muslims? The responses to these questions are many; this brief article... more
Terjemah Jawaahirul Kalaamiyyah Karangan : Syaikh Thahir bin Shalih Aljazairi
While the author cannot speak for churches of Christ, common among them are unique ways of understanding sacred scripture, believed to have been written by apostles and prophets of the Lord before the destruction of Jerusalem (70 A.D.)... more
Bab 1
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Bab 2
Konsep hukum dalam islam
Sumber hukum islam
Tujuan hukum islam
Menumbuhkan kesadaran taat hukum
Kontribusi umat islam dalam perumusan hukum
Bab 3
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Bab 2
Konsep hukum dalam islam
Sumber hukum islam
Tujuan hukum islam
Menumbuhkan kesadaran taat hukum
Kontribusi umat islam dalam perumusan hukum
Bab 3
Terjemah Fiqih Sirah oleh Ramadhan Al-Buthi jilid 1
This article provides an annotated translation of a treatise written by the famous scholar Jalal al-Din al-Suyuti (d. 911/1505) in defense of the hadiths condemning sodomy (liwāṭ). The article situates such a defense within the current... more
Terjemah Nazham Imrithi ilmu nahwu dan shorof gramatika bahasa Arab