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Il y a dix ans, Olivier Neveux publiait Théâtres en luttes : le théâtre militant en France des années 1960 à aujourd’hui. Depuis lors, il n’a eu cesse de scruter les rapports intimes qu’entretiennent théâtre et politique, sans jamais... more
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      TheatreJean Genet
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      Shame TheoryAutobiographyJean-Jacques RousseauJean Genet
What does the French playwright Jean Genet accomplish by rewriting the lengthy preface that he had prepared for his play Les Nègres? After discussing how the preface contextualizes the play, we consider for the first time the significance... more
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      French LiteratureDramaUSAJean Genet
İki hizmetçi kız kardeş; Claire ve Solange. Bir hanımefendi. Bir cinayet. Birden çok prova. Gerçekleşmesi için ortadan kaldırılması gereken fanteziler, birbirine girmiş kimlikler. Ve tabii ki Jean Genet.
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      Jean GenetTiyatroHizmetçiler
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      SexologyAldous HuxleyModernist Literature (Literary Modernism)Jean Genet
This paper builds on Jean Genet's funeral rites and on psychoanalytic theory to construct a model for a psycho-political technique. The paper then confronts the model with contemporary political struggles in the contexts of the... more
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      PsychoanalysisQueer TheoryIsrael/PalestineResistance (Social)
"Les fameux essais que Sartre, Bataille ou Derrida consacrèrent à Genet eurent pour effet d’éclipser assez durablement la réception critique immédiate de son œuvre. Jean Genet et son lecteur offre un recueil d’articles de presse inédits,... more
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      Jean GenetRéception Critique
The paper critically comments on the Bishop in Genet's 'The Balcony', while analyzing other characters and themes in the text.
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    • Jean Genet
En este breve texto realizaremos una reflexión en torno a la apuesta estética de uno de los escritores de la segunda mitad del siglo XX que se caracterizó por abismarse en la transgresión de la estructura moral y política de su época, no... more
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    • Jean Genet
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      Fieldwork in AnthropologyIsrael/PalestinePalestineJean Genet
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      French LiteratureSelf and Identity20th Century French LiteratureJean Genet
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      Homosexuality and LiteratureDesireBody Image20th Century French Literature
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      Jean GenetMétaphore
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      French LiteratureSociology of Crime and DeviancePoetryJean Genet
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      Jean GenetStylistique
Livre paru aux Presses du réel, 2016: http://www.lespressesdureel.com/ouvrage.php?id=4528&menu= Le XXe siècle a vu s'affirmer une mise en crise profonde des figures de l'humain, menant à un paradigme post-anthropocentrique dont nous... more
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      Theatre StudiesHeiner MüllerSamuel BeckettGilles Deleuze
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      Comparative LiteratureSexual ViolenceDesire20th Century French Literature
“Reflective practice is the process of exploring a pattern of action, making adjustments during the action, or thinking about past action. In an elemental sense, most of us preform some form of reflective practice virtually every day. To... more
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      Critical TheoryEmotionGender StudiesPhilosophy
In this book chapter, I explore the materiality of time as a thread in Genet’s texts. As strings, threads, wires, ropes and other motifs of ligature are woven throughout his writing, I contend that Genet configures 'le fil' as a time of... more
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      Henri BergsonJacques DerridaPhilosophy of TimeJean Genet
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      Sacrifice (Philosophy)EroticismGeorges BatailleJean Genet
In this paper, it will be focused on Jean Genet's play The Maids (1947) from the aspect of the identity problem with the help of mirror scenes to support my thesis. It will also be discussed some terms such as " whirligig " ,... more
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      Theatre StudiesDramaJean GenetExistentialism and Literature
Ce mémoire propose de suivre les traces de deux auteurs subversifs qui ont tenté, par leur œuvre, de renverser les codes littéraires et sociaux de leur époque. Imaginez deux cyniques modernes en vadrouille ; imaginez qu’ils se promènent... more
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      Louis-Ferdinand CélineSubversionJean GenetStylistique
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      PsychoanalysisContemporary ArtRace and RacismCritical Race Theory
This paper unearths the relation between French philosopher Michel Foucault and the US Black Panther Party (BPP). I argue that Foucault’s shift from archaeological inquiry to genealogical critique is fundamentally motivated by his... more
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      Critical TheoryBlack Studies Or African American StudiesMetaphilosophyMarxism
... élaborée. Fini peint comme on peignait sous la Renaissance italienne des scènes surréalistes et Genet décrit le bagne avec des phrases dont le rythme, la musique sont ceux du Grand Siècle. Ils ont déjà souvent travaillé ensemble. ...
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      Jean-Paul SartreJean Paul SartreJean Genet
Après avoir défini l'ontologie du regard machinique et exploré la polysémie du terme « machine » par la confrontation des écrits de Jean-François Lyotard, Gilles Deleuze et Paul Virilio, ce travail s'intéressera aux interactions... more
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      AnthropologyVisual AnthropologyDigital MediaSurveillance Studies
C’est grâce à une Décade de Pontigny, que Curtius, en 1922, a pu faire la connaissance de l’écrivain français Charles Du Bos. Les deux écrivains vont alors entamer une correspondance appelée à durer jusqu’en 1935. Pourquoi Curtius... more
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      Literary JournalismReligionComparative ReligionIntellectual History
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      PsychoanalysisContemporary ArtRace and RacismCritical Race Theory
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      Continental PhilosophyIsrael/PalestinePopulismGilles Deleuze
Published in Poiesis, eds. Nathan Brown & Petar Milat (Zagreb: Multimedijalni institut, 2017). The essay will also be part of my book, How To Research Like a Dog: Kafka's New Science, dedicated to the story "Investigations of a Dog." The... more
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      Comparative LiteraturePhilosophyDeathContinental Philosophy
The Blacks: A Clown Show by Jean Genet is a play written as a postwar and post-colonial satire in 1958. The play discusses ideas such as race, the black and white binary, racial prejudice and stereotypes as well as the reification of... more
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      HistorySelf and IdentityRace and RacismIdentity (Culture)
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      Jean GenetHistoria
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      French LiteratureJean GenetSaint Genet, comédien et Martyrজাঁ জেনে
En en Cuadernos del hipogrifo. Revista Semestral de Literatura Hispanoamericana y Comparada. Roma. No. 1. Marzo 2014. ISSN: 2282-4030.
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      Jean GenetMetateatroVirgilio PiñeraTeatro De La Crueldad
JEan Genet'in başyapıtlarından...
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      Jean GenetBalkonTiyatro Oyunu
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      Occupation and Resistance in WW2NovelAutofictionJean Genet
This chapter introduces my research on proprioception and explains how the faculty allows us to develop a new approach to poetics.

It begins by following up on a manifesto "Proprioception" by Charles Olson.
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      NeuropsychologyFeminist TheoryPoeticsPostmodernism
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      Theatre StudiesTheatre of the AbsurdDrama and TheaterJean Genet
Graduate seminar at Cornell University on Kafka and Genet
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      Comparative LiteratureContinental PhilosophyFranz KafkaPsychoanalysis And Literature
Table of Contents and Introduction for the forthcoming book (Trios Series, University of Chicago Press, December 2019).
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      PsychoanalysisPhilosophyPolitical TheoryMarxism
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      French LiteratureTheatre StudiesFrench StudiesRace and Ethnicity
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      Jean GenetHyperbate
ORPHEUS'UN PARÇALANIŞI: Postmodern Bir Edebiyata Doğru Hece Yayınlarından çıktı Orpheus’un Parçalanışı’nda Ihab Hassan, modernizmden postmodernizme ilerleyen süreci biçim değişimi üzerinden ele alıyor ve eserde yer alan... more
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      Literary CriticismLiterary TheorySamuel BeckettFranz Kafka
De 1926 à 1944, Jean Genet (1910-1986) séjourna plus ou moins régulièrement dans différentes prisons. Il y connaîtra ses toutes premières expériences homosexuelles et fera du bagne son milieu privilégié pour la « mise en scène » de ses... more
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      Jean GenetSublimationVoyeurismErotic Literature
The event will begin with a screening of an essay film by Jean-Luc Godard. Denise Ferreira da Silva will respond to the trans-disciplinary series of contributions of the day by Yasmine Eid-Sabbagh, Hadrien Laroche, Paulo Tavares, and... more
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      ArchitectureViolenceContemporary ArtPoetry
Il lavoro oscilla tra i due poli dell’analisi linguistico-stilistica e di quella tematica (la morte è un macrotema attorno al quale ruotano quelli – decisivi e qui presi in esame – della perdita, della mancanza, del male). D’altra parte... more
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      Death StudiesLiterary StylisticsItalian LiteratureMourning