John Polkinghorne
Recent papers in John Polkinghorne
When popular physicist Stephen Hawking dreams at the end of his best-selling Brief History of Time of a Great Unifying Theory (GUT) which would be able to merge the major physical theories describing the laws of nature, he goes on to say:... more
N.T. Wright has offered a proposal to Christian philosophers where it is apparently possible to hold the belief in the intermediate state-resurrection of the body and an ontological holism in the same sense at the same time. I argue that... more
Die Wissenschaft schreitet voran. Mit der Kartographierung der kosmischen Hintergrundstrahlung wurden Signale aus der ganz frühen Zeit des Universums sichtbar gemacht. Die Entdeckung des Higgs-Bosons im Jahr 2012 hat unsere Kenntnis der... more
"Michel Weber & Anderson Weekes (eds.), Process Approaches to Consciousness in Psychology, Neuroscience, and Philosophy of Mind, Albany, New York, State University of New York Press, 2009. (484 p. ; ISBN 978-1-4384-2941-0 ; 65,32 €) (Jan... more
This contribution is a translated, edited and much abbreviated version of chapter 2 in Andreas Losch, Jenseits der Konflikte. I thank the publisher Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht for the permission to make use of the material.
I examine John Polkinghorne's account of how God acts in the world, focusing on how his ideas developed with the consideration of the notion of kenosis, and how this development was not a rejection of his previous ideas, but on the... more
Der Aufsatz analysiert Karl Poppers und John Eccles gemeinsamen Ansatz der Wechselwirkung von Geist und Materie und vergleicht ihren Gebrauch des Konzeptes der abwärts gerichteten Kausalität mit jüngeren diesbezüglichen Ansätzen,... more
W artykule pokazuję, w jaki sposób John C. Polkinghorne stara się dokonać połączenia teizmu z naturalizmem. Polkinghorne jest jednym z czołowych przedstawicieli współczesnego teizmu naturalistycznego. Jednocześnie jego propozycje niekiedy... more
"Many innovative proposals regarding for God’s activity in the created universe were given within the Scientific Perspectives on Divine Action Project. The most important one was what Robert Russell called ‘non-interventionist, objective... more
I approach this venture of figuring out the correct terminology to understand reality through the prism of two distinctive Russian Orthodox theologians, Pavel Florensky (1882–1937) and Sergius Bulgakov (1871–1944). The lens I apply mainly... more
This essay investigates John Polkinghorne’s concept of divine action. I argue that one of Polkinghorne’s key innovations was to introduce the paradigm of ‘information-input causation’ into the theory of divine action. However, despite... more
This essay investigates John Polkinghorne’s concept of divine action. I argue that one of Polkinghorne’s key innovations was to introduce the paradigm of ‘information-input causation’ into the theory of divine action. However, despite... more
Currently under review in an Academic Journal. Abstract: According to Karol Wojtyla, the defining characteristic of betrothed love is self-donation. Picking up on Wojtyla’s characterization of betrothed love as self-donation, the bible... more
Celem artykułu jest interpretacja relacji między wiarą a nauką w myśli Johna Polkinghorne'a.
Il seguente testo è complementare al volume "Ontologie relazionali e Metafisica trinitaria" (ed. Morcelliana 2022), ed è tratto dalla tesi di dottorato, regolarmente depositata.
Tekst podejmuje kwestię relacji (dialogu) teologii z naukami z punktu widzenia filozofującego teologa. Opierając się na założeniach realności naukowej teologii, jedności rzeczywistości i akceptacji granic ludzkiego poznania, a także... more
Thomas Jay Oord presents a view of God's providence which is deeply problematic from a logical and hermeneutical perspective. This appraisal points out three logical fallacies and some hermeneutical issues, and offers an alternative... more
Hans-Georg Gadamer, renowned for his monumental hermeneutic contribution, refers somewhere to "the dialog which we are". It implies that ontology builds on dialogue and on a dialectical reciprocity. While admitting that it is... more
John Polkinghorne is greatly admired among Christians. He once had a reputation as a scientist but became a clergyman. Now he writes tendentious reviews pretending to be a scientist. He reviewed a couple of books in The Times Literary... more
his paper assumes a pansacramental spirituality which maintains that God can be experienced in all things, including the often disturbing experience of suffering. Here spirituality refers to the lived religious experience of a particular... more
Dialogue, an Ontological and Epistemological Framework Hans-Georg Gadamer, renowned for his monumental hermeneutic contribution, 1 refers somewhere to "the dialog which we are". 2 It implies that ontology builds on dialogue and on a... more
‘Critical realism’ is to some extent an equivocal term, although its ambiguity has rarely been noticed. The reason for this ambiguity is that the term has constantly been reinvented. Nevertheless, the identity of the label and many family... more
“Critical realism” is one of the most important positions in the current science and theology debate. An analysis of its origin and meaning leads to the question if this position mostly propagated by physicist-theologians could miss an... more
Der Kritische Realismus („Critical Realism“) ist seit Ian G. Barbours grundlegenden Issues in Science and Religion (1966) erkenntnistheoretisches Paradigma zentraler Ansätze im angelsächsischen Gespräch zwischen Theologie und... more
Der im internationalen Gespräch zwischen Theologie und Naturwissenschaften äußerst versierte Heidelberger Theologe Michael Welker hat seinen jüngsten Beitrag zu diesem Diskurs in englischer Sprache vorgelegt. Das Heft basiert auf... more