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Scientific and Technical Translation (STT) is a highly complex and knowledge-intensive field of translation and cognitive linguistics is a usage-based linguistic framework which provides powerful theoretical tools for modelling knowledge... more
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      Cognitive SemanticsLSP TranslationCognitive LinguisticsCorpus-Based Translation Studies
W artykule podjęto problem wynagradzania tłumaczy przysięgłych przez polskie organy ścigania i wymiaru sprawiedliwości w świetle obowiązujących aktów prawnych, przede wszystkim w świetle rozporządzenia Ministra Sprawiedliwości z dnia 24... more
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      LSP TranslationSWORN TRANSLATIONSworn/Official translation
The article presents the major English and Polish terminology related to selected aspects of judicial and police cooperation between the EU Member States in criminal matters. The author discusses the following institutions: Eurojust, the... more
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      Translation StudiesTerminologyLSP TranslationLegal and Economic Translation
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      English for Specific PurposesTranslation StudiesTerminologyLSP Translation
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      Translation StudiesLSP TranslationTranslationLiterary translation
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      LSP TranslationLegal and Economic TranslationLegal translation studiesLegal Translation
Niniejsza publikacja zawiera ponad 20.000 haseł obejmujących: • polską klasyfikację działalności, • polską klasyfikację wyrobów i usług, • polską klasyfikację zawodów i specjalności wraz z tłumaczeniem na język niemiecki. Jej adresatem są... more
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      LSP TranslationTranslationLegal translation studiesLexikography
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      LSP TranslationSpecialised Translation
The article discusses the basic terminology connected with formation and incorporation of companies limited by shares in the United Kingdom. The main focus is placed on the Memorandum of Association and changes in its prescribed content... more
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      LSP TranslationLegal and Economic TranslationLegal TerminologyLegal translation studies
The present book is a part of the research project in legilinguistic translatology, entitled: ‘Parametrisation of legilinguistic translatology in the scope of civil law and civil procedure’. Financial support was provided by the National... more
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      LSP TranslationLSPLegal TerminologyLegal translation studies
Cet article vise à interroger et illustrer les apports de larges corpus oraux authentiques pour l'étude de la terminologie d'un domaine « flou », celui de l'oenologie, dans une approche contrastive français-allemand. D'un point de vue... more
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      Discourse AnalysisSemanticsCognitive SemanticsTerminology
English-Ukrainian Terminological Parallels in the Sphere of Taxation The issues of normalization, standardization, and unification of the terminology of any specialized sphere is closely connected with the problem of lexical parallels... more
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      Translation StudiesLexicologyTerminologyLSP Translation
The article reviews the latest typological models created in the context of the LSP concept, which can be used for solving problems in scientific and technical translation.
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      Translation StudiesEnglish languageLSP TranslationRussian Language
Il presente volume – parte di un più ampio progetto editoriale – intende fornire un’introduzione generale agli studi di lingua e linguistica nonché allo studio della teoria e della pratica della traduzione, al fine di permettere ai... more
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      Translation StudiesLanguages and LinguisticsPragmaticsSociolinguistics
A majority of African student translators manifest weakness at two major levels: the conceptual and productive. From different perspectives, this is either termed 'language' or 'cognitive' problem. This dual view is a pointer to the tacit... more
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      Cognitive PsychologyCognitive ScienceAfrican StudiesEnglish Literature
La Linguistica applicata nasce nella seconda metà del Novecento, a testimonianza di un interesse sempre maggiore verso la pragmatica da parte delle ricerche sul linguaggio. La disciplina, che si articola in una costante mediazione fra... more
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      Second Language AcquisitionTranslation StudiesLanguages and LinguisticsPragmatics
The paper discusses the degree to which the terminological dictionary, considered here a type of specialist text, may become an optimal tool of cognitive and linguistic transfer. It is suggested that various constituents of the macro-,... more
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      MicrostructureLSP TranslationLSP LexicographyTerminological Lexicography
English abstract This book is the first worldwide handbook of Portuguese Technical Translation. It covers theoretical texts on writing, translating and creating terminological neologisms; it also covers practical subjects in technical... more
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      Translation StudiesPortuguesePortuguese StudiesTranslation theory
Chinese traditional wedding is a marriage ceremony established with a pre-arrangement between families involving a ritual procession. In this respect, this study deals with the semiotics translation of Chinese traditional wedding signs in... more
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      Translation StudiesIndonesian LanguageChinese StudiesTranslation and Ideology
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      Translation StudiesLSP Translation
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      Translation StudiesLSP TranslationTranslationLegilinguistics
Over the past three decades Process-oriented Descriptive Translation Studies has developed noticeably. Think-aloud protocols (TAPs), as a verbal report, are still the most applied empirical method to investigate the complex and conscious... more
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      English LiteratureTeaching English as a Second LanguageTranslation StudiesMachine Translation
As a crucial communication material, the brand name exhibits its growing importance in the worldwide communication. It is a special text with a strong function and a clear persuasive purpose. This paper aims to explore the translation... more
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      English LiteratureTeaching English as a Second LanguageTranslation StudiesLanguages and Linguistics
The article analyses the names of business entities formed under Polish, English and US law. Polish organizations are formed under commercial or civil law and are grouped in one semantic field spółka. English and US law makes a sharp... more
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      LSP TranslationLegal and Economic TranslationTerminologia Polskiego PrawaTerminologia Prawa Spółek
Publikacja powstała z okazji dziesięciolecia Koła Naukowego BAJT, działającego przy Instytucie Komunikacji Specjalistycznej i Interkulturowej Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego. Składają się na nią artykuły 38 naukowców z ośrodków badawczych w... more
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      Translation StudiesTranslation theoryTerminologyLSP Translation
The manual contains theoretical material and assignments envisaged by the course "Essentials of technical translation" for university students of linguistics and translation departments. Structurally, the manual consists of seven sections... more
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      English for Specific PurposesTranslation StudiesContact LinguisticsLexicology
What is the impact of the new spelling rules in the spelling of LSP translations? The requirements for language competence assume that translation service providers have a high level of knowledge of both the source language and the target... more
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    • LSP Translation
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      Translation StudiesLSP TranslationLegal and Economic TranslationTranslator Training
We live in a world which is globalized and where international relations are much more active than ever. As people do not speak common language, need for translation and interpreting is more crucial in this regard. We cannot think of... more
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      Translation StudiesTranslation and IdeologyMachine TranslationTranslation theory
The collective power of Japanese popular culture permeating the rest of the world through manga and anime is a recent issue of interest for scholars. Studying the scanlation and translation of the manga, which are multimodal texts that... more
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      Discourse AnalysisEnglish LiteratureTeaching English as a Second LanguageSecond Language Acquisition
Contrastive analysis of English and Polish surveying terminology examines how surveying terms and concepts differ in English and Polish. The purpose of the book is three-fold: (1) to investigate how surveying terms are created and how... more
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      SemanticsTerminologyLSP TranslationMorphology
The study aimed to correlate the reading comprehension and translation performance of English linguistic students, then inform some pedagogical implications for the teaching of reading comprehension in translation classes in order to... more
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      English LiteratureTeaching and LearningTeaching English as a Second LanguageTranslation Studies
W przedstawianym tomie opublikowano 27 artykułów ujętych w ramach 5 rozdziałów, omawiających zagadnienia pragmatyki językowej, translatoryki, terminoogii, inżynierii języka, kulturologii a także glottodydaktyki. W poszczególnych... more
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      Applied LinguisticsLSP TranslationLSP LexicographyLanguage and Media Discourses
Negli ultimi decenni gli studi sulla traduzione tecnica hanno prestato sempre maggiore attenzione al contesto dell’attività traduttiva, tentando di sviluppare metodi di ricerca che considerino gli aspetti culturali, testuali,... more
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      LSP TranslationTechnical translationScientific and Technical CommunicationScientific and Technical Translation
Niniejsza publikacja zawiera: • 100 dokumentów wydanych przez różne instytucje i firmy w Austrii, w tym m.in. dokumenty metrykalne, szkolne, notarialne, policyjne, sądowe, bankowe, ubezpieczeniowe, księgowo-podatkowe, medyczne, •... more
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      LSP TranslationLegal translation studiesLegal TranslationLegal Translation in Comparative Law
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      Translation StudiesMachine TranslationLSP TranslationTeaching Translation
Entgegen der verbreiteten Ansicht, dass Kollokationen insbesondere bei der Übersetzung in die Nicht-Muttersprache Probleme bereiten, ihre Rezeption dagegen ungehindert erfolgt, wird im vorliegenden Beitrag davon ausgegangen, dass dies bei... more
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    • LSP Translation
This chapter is divided into two parts: the initial part is devoted to the historical background and major trends concerning the interaction of LSP and translation; a second part deals with practical issues At the outset... more
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      LSP TranslationLSP GermanLanguage and the LawSpecialized translation
Artykuł poświęcony przeglądowi podstawowych funkcji oprogramowania korpusowego, przydatnych podczas pracy specjalistów z zakresu terminologii, terminografii oraz tłumaczy. W części pierwszej: ujednoznaczenia terminologiczne, funkcje... more
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      Translation StudiesTerminologyApplied LinguisticsLSP Translation
This research attempted to evaluate the quality of Persian translation of drug leaflets. The researchers randomly selected a set of 30 pharmaceutical leaflets collected between March-August, 2015. The leaflets were analyzed based on... more
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      English LiteratureTranslation StudiesLanguages and LinguisticsQuality Management
The present paper studies diverse procedures related to Venuti " s strategies of domestication and foreignisation in Farsi dubbing and subtitling of the English movie, Warcraft directed by Duncan Jones. The procedures of both... more
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      Teaching English as a Second LanguageTranslation StudiesLanguages and LinguisticsFilm Studies
Written text production can be studied as a problem-solving process regardless of the communicative situation in which it occurs. In the field of Translation Studies (TS), most cognitive-oriented research focuses on the problems that... more
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      Translation StudiesLanguages and LinguisticsCognitionLSP Translation
Due to the important role of figures of speech in prose, the present research tried to investigate the figures of speech in the novel, Harry Potter Series, and their Persian translations. The main goal of this research was to investigate... more
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      Translation StudiesTranslation and IdeologyMachine TranslationTranslation theory
Publikacja jest pokłosiem współpracy Laboratorium Nowoczesnych Metod Lingwistyki Stosowanej Akademii Pomorskiej w Słupsku z polską delegacją Komisji Terminologicznej Międzynarodowego Komitetu Slawistów (MKS). W ramach współpracy... more
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      Translation StudiesLexicologyDigital MediaVocabulary
The paper discusses potential applications of corpus-based methodologies to legal language studies, the focus being placed on their implications for translation research and translator training. Corpus-based studies have been applied to... more
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      EducationIntercultural CommunicationTranslation StudiesForensic Linguistics
Translation quality assessment is at the heart of any theory of translation. It is used in the academic or teaching contexts to judge translations, to discuss their merits and demerits and to suggest solutions. However, literary... more
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      English LiteratureEnglish for Specific PurposesEnglish for Academic PurposesTeaching English as a Second Language
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      Translation StudiesTranslation theoryGerman (Translation Studies)Translation Competence
W monografii zaproponowano model analizy terminograficznej jako odpowiedzi na postulowane w literaturze przedmiotu systematyczne badania metaleksykograficzne. Na dalszych stronach podsumowano wyniki badań ponad 600 słowników... more
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      Translation StudiesTerminologyLSP TranslationCorpus Linguistics
Subtitles are a transcription or translation of a film, video and television presentations displayed as text on the lower part of the screen. An emotion is basically defined as a mental and physiological state associated with thoughts,... more
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      African StudiesComparative LiteratureFrench LiteratureEnglish Literature
This descriptive, library research considers the effects of globalization on the cultural acceptability of words and expressions transmitted to different linguistic-cultural communities via audiovisual materials through mass media such as... more
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      Teaching English as a Second LanguageTranslation StudiesLanguages and LinguisticsTranslation and Ideology