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İngilizce "separation of powers", Fransızca "séparation des pouvoirs" olarak bilinen anayasal ilke Türkçeye "kuvvetler ayrılığı" şeklinde tercüme edilmiş ve öylece yerleşmiştir. İlke, çokları tarafından anayasacılığın temeli olarak kabul... more
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      Constitutional LawLegal TheoryLegal TerminologyTurkish Law
The article presents the major English and Polish terminology related to selected aspects of judicial and police cooperation between the EU Member States in criminal matters. The author discusses the following institutions: Eurojust, the... more
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      Translation StudiesTerminologyLSP TranslationLegal and Economic Translation
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      English for Specific PurposesTranslation StudiesTerminologyLSP Translation
The main topic touched upon is the structural and semantic peculiarities of water terminology in English and Romanian. We elaborate a theoretical and practical support of structural and semantic peculiarities of water terminology in... more
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      TerminologyLegal TerminologyCercetare Terminologica
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      TerminologyLegal Terminology
The article discusses the basic terminology connected with formation and incorporation of companies limited by shares in the United Kingdom. The main focus is placed on the Memorandum of Association and changes in its prescribed content... more
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      LSP TranslationLegal and Economic TranslationLegal TerminologyLegal translation studies
The present book is a part of the research project in legilinguistic translatology, entitled: ‘Parametrisation of legilinguistic translatology in the scope of civil law and civil procedure’. Financial support was provided by the National... more
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      LSP TranslationLSPLegal TerminologyLegal translation studies
The article discusses the terminology, phraseology and stylistics of Polish and UK contracts of employment and selected accompanying documents. The analysis is based on a contrastive study of parallel texts, as well as two existing... more
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      Employment LawTerminologyLegal and Economic TranslationLegal Terminology
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      TerminologyLegal TerminologyEquivalence in Translation
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      TerminologyLegal TerminologyCorpus-Based Translation Studies; Legal Translation, Legal Languageterminology in translation, LSP translation, legal translation
Шлепнев Д. Н. Французский язык для юристов: толковый словарь. Ростов н/Д.: Феникс, 2006. 288 с. (Высшее образование) Название книги, на мой взгляд, неудачное. Но таково было решение издательства. Я сам предпочитал точное название:... more
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      Comparative LawDictionaryLegal TerminologyLegal Translation
The monograph presents an interdisciplinary special-purpose dictionary (ISPD) as a specific product of terminographic work. Its purpose is to show the methodology of constructing ISPDs and to propose a typology and models of the subject... more
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      TerminologyLegal TerminologyTaxation LawTerminology Translation
The importance of legal terminology in jurisprudence can't be overstated. The correct using of the term can influence on the application of law and the rule of justice. As Joseph Sobran said: " Constitutional jurisprudence has become a... more
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      Legal EducationLegal HistoryLegal TheoryLegal Philosophy
The article investigates the process of translating inheritance law terminology on the basis of the Polish and Ukrainian languages. In order to discuss the nature of translation and the peculiarities of legal translation the approaches... more
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      Legal TerminologyLegal TranslationTerminologia Polskiego Prawaukraińska terminologia
This paper analyses some key issues related to legal-institutional translation, a specialized and fascinating area, which plays a significant role as a means of communication between legal systems. In an attempt to provide an integrated... more
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      LawTranslation StudiesLanguages and LinguisticsTranslation theory
Один из преследующих меня ужасов - это задания в некоторых пособиях или методических материалах по юридическому переводу: «найдите в словаре перевод термина» или (с тем же смыслом) «переведите термины такие-то»… Так ли всё просто? Увы.... more
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      Comparative LawTranslation StudiesTranslationLegal Terminology
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      Comparative LawConceptual MetaphorTerminologyCognitive Linguistics
Folder ini memuat himpunan bahan pembelajaran mata kuliah Terminologi Hukum Asing (Foreign Legal Terms) di Fakultas Hukum Universitas Sriwijaya
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      Legal TerminologyLegal TermsTerminologi Hukum
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      CroatianEnglishCollocationLegal Terminology
In stating that ether is not a security, the SEC has suggested that the 'decentralization' of a blockchain system may have legal consequences. This paper examines the common ways 'decentralization' is used in blockchain discourse, arguing... more
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      Securities LawCorporate GovernanceGovernanceTerminology
Статья старая. И предмет ее (словарь) уже не существует в продаже. Цель статьи - представить французско-русский толковый юридический словарь: Шлепнев Д. Н. Французский язык для юристов: толковый словарь. Ростов н/Д.: Феникс, 2006. 288 с.... more
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      Comparative LawLegal TerminologyLegal TranslationLegal Terms
This research aims at studying binomial expressions in common law agreements in the light of Corpus Linguistics in an attempt to provide translators with the necessary linguistic elements that will enable them to render a natural... more
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      ContractsCorpus LinguisticsLexicography and Corpus StudiesCorpus Linguistics and Translation Studies
This doctoral thesis tries to outline the characteristics of legal concepts in general and their impact on terminography. It focuses on the specific features of legal concepts which justify a "Special Theory of Terminology" as proposed... more
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      Conceptual MetaphorTerminologyCognitive LinguisticsContrastive Analysis
The MA dissertation has investigated the effectiveness of translation tools for translating into Tshivenda from English.
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      Research MethodologyLanguage Planning and PolicyLexicographyTranslation
Call for Papers
FORUM HISTORIAE _ Journal and Portal for History
and Related Disciplines
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      HistoryEuropean HistoryMedieval HistoryEarly Modern History
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      Armenian GenocideLegal TerminologyDet armenske folkedrab
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    • Legal Terminology
L’objectif de cet article est d’analyser les relations sémantiques de synonymie, polysémie, homonymie et paronymie dans le cadre de la langue du droit qui insiste sur la monoréférence du texte du départ et sur sa traduction précise.... more
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      SemanticsTerminologyPolysemyLegal Terminology
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      Law and SocietySocio-legal studiesLSP TranslationCorpus Linguistics and Discourse Analysis
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      Translation StudiesTerminologyLSP TranslationLegal and Economic Translation
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      Legal TerminologyLegal translation studiesLegal Language
Tłumacz na tropie terminów, czyli w poszukiwaniu uparciuchów, patrzydeł i czynów przestępnych Streszczenie Jednym z największych wyzwań w tłumaczeniu tekstów specjalistycznych jest terminologia z danej dziedziny. W rozdziale omówiono... more
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      TerminologyLexicographyLegal TerminologyTerm Extraction
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      Legal TerminologyMultilingual TerminologyTerminological VariationTerminological Knowledge Base
The present paper investigates three terms that were all used to refer to acts of writing in the early imperial administration: shu 書 , xie 寫 , and shu 署. Based on an analysis of their usage in administrative and legal texts, it... more
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      Chinese StudiesSinologyTerminologyManuscript Studies
In this thesis we describe and evaluate a tool for automatic generation of translations for multiword English terms into Spanish from a monolingual specialized Spanish corpus, compiled by means of web crawling. The resulting translations... more
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      Machine TranslationTerminologyLexical SemanticsLexicography
The focus of this paper lies on Aramaic legal terminology mainly preserved within Pahlavi legal sources.
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      Legal History: Ancient Near EastAramaicSasanian HistoryPahlavi / Middle Persian (Religion)
Türkiye’de farklı uzmanlık alanlarında yapılan çevirilerde terimler konusunda karşılaşılan hatalarla ilgili çevirmenler ve çeviribilim öğrencileri ya da dil ile uğraşan her kesimde farkındalık yaratmak, bu hataların nasıl önlenebileceğine... more
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      Translation StudiesJargonTerminologyConcepts
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      Legal TerminologyTerminology Management
The article discusses terminology mining on a small scale as used by legal freelance translators in practice, and recent developments in this area. Major properties of legal terms are discussed from the Cognitive Linguistics perspective... more
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      Translation StudiesForensic LinguisticsLSP TranslationLegal Terminology
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      Comparative LawSocio-legal studiesLSP TranslationCorpus Linguistics
Die vorliegende Masterarbeit beruht auf einem Kooperationsprojekt zwischen dem Laboratorio di Terminologia des Forlì – Campus und der Terminology Coordination Unit des Europäischen Parlaments, in dessen Rahmen ein einmonatiger... more
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      Asylum LawTerminologyConcept MapLegal Terminology
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      SociologyLexicographyLegal TerminologyLegal translation studies
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      Comparative LawConceptual MetaphorTerminologyCognitive Linguistics
International Journal of Legal Discourse / Special Issue: Law in Transfer and Translation / Volume 2, Issue 2 (Dec 2017)
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      Legal CultureLegal interpretationLegal TerminologyLegal translation studies
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      Legal DiscourseLegal TerminologyLegal TranslationLegal Spanish
In der Autonomen Provinz Bozen-Südtirol leben drei Sprachgruppen, Deutsch, Italienisch und Ladinisch, eng zusammen. Um die Gleichberechtigung aller drei Gruppen in kultureller, sprachlicher und wirtschaftlicher Hinsicht zu gewährleisten,... more
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      TerminologyLinguistics, Translation, TerminologyLegal TerminologyTerminologia
Toplumdaki adaletin ve düzenin sağlanması açısından büyük katkıya sahip olan, adaleti dağıtan, uygulayan ve gerçekleştiren hakimlerin bu görevlerini yerine getirebilmeleri, toplumsal adalete, huzura ve barışa, bireylerin hak ve... more
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      Dispute ResolutionLabour LawIntellectual Property LawMedia Law
Die vorliegende Studie untersucht die Verwendung juristischer Fachsprache bei Studienanfänger*innen der Rechtswissenschaften an der Universität Wien anhand persiflierter Erpressungsbriefe. Ziel ist es, zu erkennen welche fachsprachlichen... more
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      Legal EducationWriting StudiesEmpirical Legal ResearchLegal Terminology