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Terminology is the way to understand scientific knowledge so as all the techniques of sciences, arts and professions. The paper analyzes the importance of the diachronic approach for terminology studies, thanks to which it is possible to... more
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      TerminologyLinguistics, Translation, Terminology
This paper presents some linguistic features of manipulation and deception by analyizing examples from pseudo-scientific texts. There are several contents on the internet that source and credibility is doubtful, and these contents are... more
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      PseudoscienceDigital CommunicationFallaciesLinguistics, Translation, Terminology
The manual contains theoretical material and assignments envisaged by the course "Essentials of technical translation" for university students of linguistics and translation departments. Structurally, the manual consists of seven sections... more
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      English for Specific PurposesTranslation StudiesContact LinguisticsLexicology
Si mettono a confronto il volgarizzamento della «Poetica» di Lodovico Castelvetro (Vienna, 1570) e i «Petri Victorii Commentarii in primum librum Arsitotelis De Arte Poetarum», un'opera di riferimento per chi traduceva o commentava il... more
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      Critical TheoryPhilologyTranslation StudiesGreek translation
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      CybercrimesTerminologyCyber crimeTerminography
Multiaspectuality of the Notion of Conceptualization in Ronald Langacker’s Grammar. From the Perspective of a User of Cognitive Terminology Summary The paper presents the scope of understanding of the notion of conceptualization, a notion... more
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      Lexical SemanticsLinguisticsCognitive GrammarRonald Langacker
The aim of the paper is to analyze the scope of the following terms: język specjalistyczny, język specjalny, język fachowy, język profesjonalny, język zawodowy, profesjolekt, technolekt (language for special purposes, specialist language,... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsSociolinguisticsPolish LiteratureLinguistics
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      TerminologyLinguistics, Translation, TerminologyTerminologia
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      Interior DesignTerminologyMetaphor, Translation, TerminologyLinguistics, Translation, Terminology
In my thesis, I deal both with theoretical and practical questions of terminology and terminography. The purpose of the paper was to provide a brief introduction to the theoretical principles of both disciplines, and following this... more
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      Corpus LinguisticsLinguistics, Translation, Terminology
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      TerminologyLinguistics, Translation, TerminologyHungarian languageSlovak language
The presence of initialisms and acronyms in the most diverse areas of knowledge reflects the evolution of contemporary society, which incessantly appeals to the economy and speed in oral and written communication. The interest in studying... more
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      PortuguesePortuguese StudiesTerminologyLinguistics
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      TranslationLinguistics, Translation, TerminologyLanguage policy and planningEnglish corpus planning
From its earliest days up to the hayday of the Industrial Revolution, the process of smelting iron from ores has seen continuous improvements, while, at its core, remaining the very same craft it was throughout history. The Industrial... more
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      TerminologyMetallurgySteel MakingMetalworking
[«Il latino e i volgari italiani negli scritti di architettura dal Medioevo al Rinascimento»] In the Italian Renaissance there was a great variety of the architectural texts and besides the treatises of the architects (for exemple, Leon... more
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      Art HistoryLanguages and LinguisticsLexicologyLate Middle Ages
The term ‘Ladino’ has been used by some scholars in reference to the language spoken by the Sephardic Jews. Sometimes it has been used in reference to the language spoken by the Jews in Medieval Spain while at other times scholars have... more
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      PhilologySpanishDiaspora StudiesSephardic Studies
In virtù dell'analisi dei testi linguistici di Benedetto Varchi, rimasti manoscritti fino all'Otto e al Novecento, si individuano le tappe in cui, in concomitanza con gli studi di testi aristotelici (la logica al primo posto), nell'autore... more
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      Critical TheoryHistory of LinguisticsCultural HistoryDiachronic Linguistics (Or Historical Linguistics)
In der Autonomen Provinz Bozen-Südtirol leben drei Sprachgruppen, Deutsch, Italienisch und Ladinisch, eng zusammen. Um die Gleichberechtigung aller drei Gruppen in kultureller, sprachlicher und wirtschaftlicher Hinsicht zu gewährleisten,... more
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      TerminologyLinguistics, Translation, TerminologyLegal TerminologyTerminologia
This M.A. thesis (written in German) describes the importance of “neo-Indic” elements in the process of coining Thai technical terms and thereby deals with linguistic features, the historical context and the linguo-political background of... more
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      Southeast Asian StudiesLanguages and LinguisticsLexicologyThai Studies
Terminology, as a system of specific terms is an integral part of every field of knowledge, science, and production activity, but linguistics deals with the identification, procession and the codification of relevant terms within a... more
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      Teaching and LearningEducationLanguages and LinguisticsTeacher Education
Compte rendu d'une extraction terminologique à l'aide du logiciel TAL TermoStat Web 2.0
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      TerminologyCorpus LinguisticsLexicography and Corpus StudiesCorpus Linguistics and Translation Studies
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      Standard EnglishLanguages and LinguisticsPhoneticsPhonetics
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      EducationTechnologyEducational TechnologyTerminology
W artykule omawiane jest wykorzystanie terminologii językoznawczej w ba-zie iSybislaw, która prezentuje nowoczesny system informacyjno-wyszukiwawczy językoznawstwa slawistycznego. W języku tego systemu terminy językoznawcze peł-nią... more
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      Information RetrievalSlavic LinguisticsLinguistics, Translation, TerminologyBibliographic Databases
Nelle indagini di storia della lingua italiana del Cinquecento si osserva che lo storico processo del lento ma deciso affermarsi di un modello linguistico unitario s’intreccia con il volgarizzamento e la riscrittura della letteratura... more
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      Intellectual HistoryCultural StudiesPhilosophyClassics
A dolgozat a latin nyelvű régi magyar grammatikák, korai finn és lapp grammatikák és korai nyelvhasonlító művek terminológiájával foglalkozik. A következő témákkal foglalkoztam: a birtokos személyjelezés kérdése, a magyar főnévi... more
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      History of LinguisticsTerminologyFinno-Ugric languagesLinguistics, Translation, Terminology
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      Translation StudiesTerminologyLiterary translationLinguistics, Translation, Terminology
Il volume raccoglie le osservazioni sul lessico tecnico della musica e del teatro del Cinquecento, attestato dalle traduzioni manoscritte di alcuni trattati greci: «Onomasticon» di Polluce, i «Problemi musicali» («Probl. XIX»), attribuiti... more
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      Intellectual HistoryMusic HistoryMusic TheoryMusicology
The efficient and effective use of specialised language is a prerequisite for successful communication in industry, education and scientific communities. But specialised communication is not only prerequisite for basic functions in the... more
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      TerminologyLinguistics, Translation, TerminologyLegal Terminology
The approach to legal terms of art (or technical legal terms) form rhetorical perspectives is based on their place in legal discourse depending on the genre of the text. The division of legal texts by genres, proposed in the article, is... more
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      Linguistics, Translation, TerminologyLegal TerminologyLegal Termsterminology in translation, LSP translation, legal translation
Drawing on a small corpus of news items referring to the Ukraine crisis, translated from English into Romanian, this article aims to sketch a typology of the main term categories and terminologies present in the discourse of international... more
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      Translation StudiesCorpus Linguistics and Translation StudiesLinguistics, Translation, TerminologyTransediting
El objetivo de esta contribución es ofrecer un primer acercamiento a las distintas clasificaciones del verbo que aparecen en las gramáticas vascas publicadas durante el llamado «Renacimiento Vasco», es decir, desde la abolición de los... more
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      History of LinguisticsBasque StudiesBasque linguisticsHistory of Linguistic Thought
Synonymy and hyponymy are two semantic relations that have a different status within a linguistically based description of terminology. While the presence of hyponymy indicates a well-structured semantically and... more
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      TerminologyLinguistics, Translation, TerminologyLexicography , Computational Linguistics , Terminology
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      Translation StudiesTerminologyTeaching TranslationTranslation and Interpretation
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      Translation StudiesDigital HumanitiesSpanishMachine Translation
The article presents a comparative terminological analysis of several key terms from the field of land use planning and cadastre. The English terms are compared to their translation equivalents in Russian, French, and Italian in the light... more
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      English languageLand managementTerminologyFrench language
Hier nur die Titelseite. Gesamter Aufsatz online: https://www.univie.ac.at/an/publ/publ3085.pdf
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      Cultural HistoryLanguages and LinguisticsTerminologyOld Norse Language
In Terminology, it is usually acknowledged that experts are essential to terminologists whether as a primary source of knowledge or as an element that validates terminological information. Depending on different situations the expert is... more
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      TerminologyMediationLinguistics, Translation, TerminologyTerm Paper
Nesta comunicação procurou-se identificar, através da observação do vocabulário da Nanotecnologia em Português Europeu (PE), os processos envolvidos nas mudanças que sofrem os termos científicos e técnicos (TC&T) ao entrarem na língua... more
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      Linguistics, Translation, TerminologyLinguistics. Word-formation. Morphology. Lexicology. Semantics.Portuguese Linguistics
El presente trabajo tiene como finalidad el proponer la elaboración de un trabajo terminográfico (diccionario) a partir de la identificación y el análisis de las necesidades terminológicas de los participantes de los Seminarios de... more
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      Portuguese and Brazilian LiteratureTerminologyPortuguese as a Foreign LanguageLinguistics, Translation, Terminology
In 2007, I examined some tools that could potentially prove useful in translator training. This article stated that in today's society, in which dizzying technological advances are taking place, new technologies have become essential... more
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      Translation StudiesMachine TranslationLearning StylesPedagogy
This chapter will seek to address some questions about collocations in specialized discourse. These questions are: do specialized collocations exist? Are specialized collocations different from general collocations? How is a specialized... more
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      TerminologyLinguistics, Translation, TerminologyCollocationsCollocation Dictionary
English relies heavily on suffixation in deriving new words. The suffix-ism is used to form nouns in both general and specialised languages. In linguistics terminology,-ism is used to denote a range of technical concepts. The technical... more
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      Linguistics, Translation, TerminologyTerminology TranslationEnglish Word formationContrastive word formation
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      Wind EnergyTerminologyCorpus Linguistics and Translation StudiesTechnical translation
This article provides an overview of Serbian linguistic terms for naming lexemes borrowed from Slavic languages. The terms were extracted from the reference linguistic sources in which they are mentioned, such as encyclopedic dictionaries... more
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      BorrowingSlavic LanguagesLinguistics, Translation, TerminologySerbian Language
Base de datos terminológica sobre un trastorno del lenguaje: la afasia Elaborada en el marco del proyecto Erasmus+ EC+: número de referencia 2015-1- ES01-KA203-015625, “Enhancing communication: research to improve communication for... more
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      Translation StudiesSpeech-Language Pathology/ Communication DisordersTerminologyTranslation and Interpretation
The purpose of this presentation is twofold: firstly, to explain some terms used in some early Basque grammars and, secondly, to alert to the benefits brought by accurately understanding the right meaning of those old linguistic terms, if... more
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      History of LinguisticsBasque StudiesBasque linguisticsHistoriography of Linguistics
In this paper the term term means "term or name" covering both general and individual concepts. According to the number of words in a term, it may be one-word (monolectic) or multi-word (polylectic). This paper examines N-lecticity of... more
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      TerminologyTerminographyLinguistics, Translation, TerminologyScientific terminology
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    • Linguistics, Translation, Terminology