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The present book is a part of the research project in legilinguistic translatology, entitled: ‘Parametrisation of legilinguistic translatology in the scope of civil law and civil procedure’. Financial support was provided by the National... more
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      LSP TranslationLSPLegal TerminologyLegal translation studies
Шлепнев Д. Н. Французский язык для юристов: толковый словарь. Ростов н/Д.: Феникс, 2006. 288 с. (Высшее образование) Название книги, на мой взгляд, неудачное. Но таково было решение издательства. Я сам предпочитал точное название:... more
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      Comparative LawDictionaryLegal TerminologyLegal Translation
The article discusses fundamental terminology and phraseology connected with company representation in Polish law and has two objectives. The first objective is to conduct a detailed analysis of the most salient terms, prokurent,... more
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      Legal and Economic TranslationLegal translation studiesCorpus-Based Translation Studies; Legal Translation, Legal LanguageLegal Terms
This paper analyses some key issues related to legal-institutional translation, a specialized and fascinating area, which plays a significant role as a means of communication between legal systems. In an attempt to provide an integrated... more
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      LawTranslation StudiesLanguages and LinguisticsTranslation theory
A brief dictionary of Arabic-Spanish family law.
Un diccionario breve de derecho de familia árabe-español.
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      Legal TermsArabic-Spanish Translation
Folder ini memuat himpunan bahan pembelajaran mata kuliah Terminologi Hukum Asing (Foreign Legal Terms) di Fakultas Hukum Universitas Sriwijaya
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      Legal TerminologyLegal TermsTerminologi Hukum
Статья старая. И предмет ее (словарь) уже не существует в продаже. Цель статьи - представить французско-русский толковый юридический словарь: Шлепнев Д. Н. Французский язык для юристов: толковый словарь. Ростов н/Д.: Феникс, 2006. 288 с.... more
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      Comparative LawLegal TerminologyLegal TranslationLegal Terms
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      Legal EducationSocio-legal studiesLegal and Economic TranslationLegal English
The article discusses terminology mining on a small scale as used by legal freelance translators in practice, and recent developments in this area. Major properties of legal terms are discussed from the Cognitive Linguistics perspective... more
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      Translation StudiesForensic LinguisticsLSP TranslationLegal Terminology
Contrastive methods have long been employed in lexicography, in particular in bi-and multilingual dictionary projects. The main rationale for this is the necessity to comprehensively study, i.e. compare and contrast, two or more... more
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      LexicologyVocabularyTerminologyConceptual Modelling
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      Translation StudiesForensic LinguisticsLSP TranslationLegal Terminology
Folder ini menghimpun berbagai informasi/instruksi perkuliahan & bahan ajar berkenaan dengan penyelenggaraan perkuliahan jarak jauh di lingkungan FH UNSRI (mulai pengajaran Semester Genap 2019/2020), khususnya untuk beberapa mata kuliah... more
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      Constitutional LawLegislative DraftingDemocracyCultural Anthropology
The approach to legal terms of art (or technical legal terms) form rhetorical perspectives is based on their place in legal discourse depending on the genre of the text. The division of legal texts by genres, proposed in the article, is... more
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      Linguistics, Translation, TerminologyLegal TerminologyLegal Termsterminology in translation, LSP translation, legal translation
Abstract. The author intends to present evolutionary and revolutionary changes in legal terminology. Legal terminology changes as a result of language usage, technological development, political and social changes and even economy... more
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      Legal TerminologyLegal translation studiesLegal TranslationLegal Language
The paper analyses the history and the usage of the legal term prioritas termini. It was used from the 1320’s and till the of the XIVth century all the major judges (judge royal, palatine, Slavonian ban etc.) postponed lawsuits because of... more
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      Medieval HistoryLegal Terms
I. Introducción. II. Impacto tecnológico. III. Datos y procesos. IV. Modelo clásico. V. Modelos potenciados por IA. VI. Legal operations. VII. Legal technologies. VIII. Transformación. IX. Conclusiones.
Cita on line: AR/DOC/1422/2021
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      InnovaciónDerechoLegal TermsInteligencia artificial
Abstract. The aim of the article is to discuss the legal language transformations from a diachronic perspective taking into account the following factors: (i) spatial and temporal, (ii) linguistic norm changes, (iii) political, (iv)... more
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      Legal TerminologyLegal LanguageLegal Termsterminology in translation, LSP translation, legal translation
Through the instrumentality of the translation allusions strategies proposed by Leppihalme (1997) and the Skopos-plus-loyalty approach developed by Nord (1997), the present study scrutinizes the English translation of six Islamic-legal... more
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      SociologyTranslation StudiesGender and religion (Women s Studies)Metaphors
The financial support granted by the National Science Centre of the Republic of Poland (Sonata Bis program — research grant no. DEC-2012/07/E/HS2/00678, entitled: Parametrisation of legilinguistic translatology in the scope of civil law... more
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      Political ScienceLSP TranslationLSPLegal Terminology
Стаття присвячена дослідженню положень чинного законодавства України та положень Директиви Ради № 87/540/ЄЕС з метою визначення умов її імпле-ментації та реалізації її положень в Україні. Визначено місце Директиви у системі законодавства... more
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      AdoptionStandardsEU LawLegal Terms
Through the instrumentality of the translation allusions strategies proposed by Leppihalme (1997) and the Skopos-plus-loyalty approach developed by Nord (1997), the present study scrutinizes the English translation of six Islamic-legal... more
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      Translation StudiesGender and religion (Women s Studies)MetaphorsLegal Terms
The article is dedicated to research of terms in a civil law as right-depriving jural facts. The types of terms and forms of their influence on the legal occurrences are analysed. The mechanisms of deprivation of rights, duties and legal... more
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      Theory of LawLegal TermsPure Theory of LawGeneral Theory of Law
У статті досліджується термінологія, як один із засобів юридичної техніки, що має дуже важливе значення при формулюванні текстів нормативно-правових актів. У статті проаналізовано основні проблеми термінологічних колізій у нормотворчій... more
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      Legal interpretationLegal TerminologyLegal TermsCollisions
The approach to legal terms of art (or technical legal terms) form rhetorical perspectives is based on their place in legal discourse depending on the genre of the text. The division of legal texts by genres, proposed in the article, is... more
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      Political ScienceLegal TerminologyLegal Terms
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    • Legal Terms
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      Translation StudiesForensic LinguisticsLSP TranslationLegal Terminology