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The article presents the major English and Polish terminology related to selected aspects of judicial and police cooperation between the EU Member States in criminal matters. The author discusses the following institutions: Eurojust, the... more
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      Translation StudiesTerminologyLSP TranslationLegal and Economic Translation
Mi l i t a r y Ex e m p t i o n s - So l d i e r ’s Im m u n i t y i n Po l i s h -Li t h u a n i a n Co m m o n w e a l t h o f XVI-XVII Ce n t u r y Summary Military exemptions have not been described in the hitherto literature whereas... more
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      Military HistoryMilitary LawPolish HistoryCourt history
The present book is a part of the research project in legilinguistic translatology, entitled: ‘Parametrisation of legilinguistic translatology in the scope of civil law and civil procedure’. Financial support was provided by the National... more
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      LSP TranslationLSPLegal TerminologyLegal translation studies
In Portugal, three terms are used to define the final phase of an intervention of conservation and restoration: reintegration or integration, pictorial or chromatic, and retouching. This article is a survey of some bibliographic reference... more
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      ConservationTerminologyTerminologia Polskiego PrawaRetouching
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      Translation StudiesTerminologyLEXICOLOGIETranslation
The article discusses the terminology, phraseology and stylistics of Polish and UK contracts of employment and selected accompanying documents. The analysis is based on a contrastive study of parallel texts, as well as two existing... more
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      Employment LawTerminologyLegal and Economic TranslationLegal Terminology
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      Business AdministrationLawPolice SciencePublic Administration
The article discusses fundamental terminology and phraseology connected with company representation in Polish law and has two objectives. The first objective is to conduct a detailed analysis of the most salient terms, prokurent,... more
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      Legal and Economic TranslationLegal translation studiesCorpus-Based Translation Studies; Legal Translation, Legal LanguageLegal Terms
The article analyses the names of business entities formed under Polish, English and US law. Polish organizations are formed under commercial or civil law and are grouped in one semantic field spółka. English and US law makes a sharp... more
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      LSP TranslationLegal and Economic TranslationTerminologia Polskiego PrawaTerminologia Prawa Spółek
The article investigates the process of translating inheritance law terminology on the basis of the Polish and Ukrainian languages. In order to discuss the nature of translation and the peculiarities of legal translation the approaches... more
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      Legal TerminologyLegal TranslationTerminologia Polskiego Prawaukraińska terminologia
W artykule przedstawiono wyniki szczegółowej cząstkowej analizy terminograficznej słowników specjalistycznych z terminologią angielską i polską wydanych w Polsce w latach 1945-2013. Analiza została przeprowadzona pod kątem wybranych... more
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      TerminologyLSP TranslationLexicography (in English)Lexicography
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      TerminologyLSP TranslationLanguage and the LawPolysemy
Contrastive methods have long been employed in lexicography, in particular in bi-and multilingual dictionary projects. The main rationale for this is the necessity to comprehensively study, i.e. compare and contrast, two or more... more
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      LexicologyVocabularyTerminologyConceptual Modelling
The article presents considerations and multifaceted analyses of the conditions and motives of judicial decisions taken after the judgment of the TSUE 19 November 2019, in the context of how Poland’s judiciary system functions.
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      ManagementConstitutional LawDecision MakingHuman Rights Law
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      Legal and Economic TranslationLegal TerminologyAlternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)Tłumaczenia prawnicze
The paper discusses major terminology connected with governing bodies in Polish, UK and US companies. The analysis is based on the Polish Code of Commercial Partnerships and Companies, the UK’s Companies Act 2006, and the US Revised Model... more
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      Corporate LawLSP TranslationLegal and Economic TranslationLegal translation studies
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      Corpus LinguisticsContrastive AnalysisCorpus Linguistics and Translation StudiesPhraseology
The paper discusses areas of similarity and difference in the phraseology of key terms in UK and Polish company law. The analysis is based on two comparable corpora of company law legislation. Similarities are motivated by the shared... more
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      Corpus LinguisticsContrastive AnalysisCorpus Linguistics and Translation StudiesPhraseology
„Wyrażenia przyimkowe w krajowych i unijnych aktach prawnych - analiza korpusowa funkcji przyimków w polskim języku prawnym” [Prepositional phrases in national and EU legal acts: a corpus-based analysis of functions of prepositions in... more
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      European StudiesCorpus LinguisticsLegal LanguageJęzyk Prawny
LEGAL TEXT AS A HYPERTEXT: INTERTEXTUALITY OF TRANSLATED INTERNATIONAL LAW RELATED TO TRAFFICKING IN HUMAN BEINGS Abstract: The paper examines the intertextuality of translated legislation with a case study of international legal... more
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      Translation StudiesHuman TraffickingLegal and Economic TranslationTranslation and Interpretation
The financial support granted by the National Science Centre of the Republic of Poland (Sonata Bis program — research grant no. DEC-2012/07/E/HS2/00678, entitled: Parametrisation of legilinguistic translatology in the scope of civil law... more
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      Political ScienceLSP TranslationLSPLegal Terminology
Łucja Biel (2017) „Wyrażenie tak zwany (tzw.) jako leksykalny wykładnik modalności epistemicznej w języku prawniczym: analiza korpusowa orzecznictwa Sądu Najwyższego.” W: Dorota Kondratczyk-Przybylska, Adam Niewiadomski, Ewa Walewska... more
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      Judgment and decision makingTerminologyApplied LinguisticsCorpus Linguistics
This article presents an approximation to specialized neology. The work reviews the main r esources used by speakers to create terms. Criteria that motivate a specialist to choose a particular type of formation within a given area of... more
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      Translation StudiesLexicologyScience CommunicationSemantics
... prawa spolek przedstawiona. na lamach Lin-gua Legis nr 15 i 16 (Biel 2007, 2008), gdzie omowilam nazwy spolek oraz proces ich rejestracji, w niniejszym arlykule zajmc sic tcrminologia. zwiazana. z organami pol-skich, angielskich i... more
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      Corporate LawLSP TranslationLegal and Economic TranslationLegal translation studies
The article analyses the names of business entities formed under Polish, English and US law. Polish organizations are formed under commercial or civil law and are grouped in one semantic field spółka. English and US law makes a sharp...... more
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      LSP TranslationLegal and Economic TranslationTerminologia Polskiego PrawaTerminologia Prawa Spółek