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      GeographyDialectologySociolinguisticsSerbian Language
(= Slavonic names for mosque with special regard to Polish, Silesian, Czech and Slovak data). -- Abstract: Even though mosques are a typical element of the Islamic culture the channels through which their designations came into Slavonic... more
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      LanguagesDiachronic Linguistics (Or Historical Linguistics)Languages and LinguisticsSlavic Languages
У овом тексту разматраћемо могућности за осмишљавање лексичких вежби у раду на сложеницама. Полазећи од природе проматраног језичког садржаја, покушаћемо да расветлимо одређене граматичке, али и методичке критеријуме за одабир примера.... more
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      Teaching MethodologyCompound wordsLinguistics. Word-formation. Morphology. Lexicology. Semantics.Child Speech and Language Development
САЖЕТАК: У оквиру проучавања морфосемантичких односа, у складу са темељним параметрима контрастивне лексикологије, овде је дато упоредно сагледавање прилога у грчком и у српском језику. У раду се анализирају грчки прилози за место и... more
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      Modern Greek LanguageContrastive LinguisticsSerbian Language
Rad se bavi rečima stranog porekla u klasičnom arapskom jeziku, koji se koristio pre pojave islama i u prvim vekovima po njegovom nastanku, a koji je intenzivno preuzimao reči iz persijskog, grčkog, sirskog, latinskog, hebrejskog i drugih... more
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      PhonologyLatin languagesGreek LanguageHebrew Language
In this talk the author discusses the Extended Projection Principle in (a) clauses with overt subjects, (b) clauses with pro subjects and (c) clauses with fronted locatives in Serbian language from the perspective of Minimalist Program... more
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      Slavic LanguagesSyntaxMorphologyMinimalism
Rad se bavi dvostrukim govorom u reklamama za pomoćna medicinska sredstva i kozmetičke proizvode na engleskom i srpskom jeziku. Analizirane su tvrdnje o superiornosti koje oglašivači koriste za manipulaciju. Cilj je da sе pokažu sličnosti... more
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      MarketingLanguages and LinguisticsPragmaticsAdvertising
Statistički pristupi obradi prirodnih jezika tipično zahtevaju značajne količine anotiranih podataka, a često i različite pomoćne jezičke alate, što ograničava njihovu primenu u resursno ograničenim situacijama. U ovoj disertaciji... more
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      Natural Language ProcessingMachine LearningResearch MethodologySemantics
"Fleeting or Simply not There?: A Generative Analysis of the „Fleeting a“ Alternations in Serbo-Croatian In this contribution, the Serbo-Croatian vowel:zero alternation, traditionally termed Fleeting/Wobbly a (nepostojano a) is... more
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      PhonologyMorphologySerbo-Croatian LanguageLexical Conservatism
Aunty Ljuba's cookbook. A contribution to the private history of Serbs in Magyarcsanad/Čanad, Hungary
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      Anthropology of FoodMinority StudiesHistory of Private LifeWomen and Gender Studies
Uninflectedness or indeclinability are a puzzling phenomenon in inflectional laguages. In this thesis the theoretical prerequisites for speaking of uninflectedness/indeclinability are first explored and then the regularities and... more
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      Slavic LanguagesRussian LanguageInflectionMorphology (Languages And Linguistics)
The purpose of this article is to study the linguistic evidence of Slavic-Albanian language contact in the kinship terminology of the Mrkovići, a Muslim Slavic-speaking group in southern Montenegro, and to demonstrate how it refers to the... more
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      Albanian StudiesBalkan StudiesBilingualism and MultilingualismBilingualism
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      European HistoryEastern European StudiesLanguages and LinguisticsSerbian
The subject of this work is word-formation elements which are essentially prefixes, but which are not recognized as such in the structure of the word. They can be isolated only by word-formation-etymological analysis. The literature... more
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      EtymologyVerbsSlavic EtymologyVerbal Prefixes
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      Serbian Language and LiteratureSerbian LanguageHistory of Serbian Language
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      EtymologyLexicographySlavic EtymologySerbian Language
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      SociologySociology of EducationSerbianDrama
Зборник Савремена српска фолклористика II настао је као резултат међународног научног скупа који је, у организацији Удружења фолклориста Србије, Института за књижевност и уметност, Универзитетске библиотеке „Светозар Марковић” и Вукове... more
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      EthnolinguisticsEthnomusicologyEthnographyJapanese Literature
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      Serbian historySerbian linguisticsSrpski JezikSerbian Language and Literature
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      MythologyEthnologySerbian historySerbian Language and Literature
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      Serbian linguisticsSerbian StudiesSerbian Language and LiteratureSerbian Language
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      Russian LanguageSerbian LanguageSpatial Adverbs
A unique illustrated multi-language collection of Serbian/Bosnian/Croatian proverbs and sayings. Included:- Serbian/Bosnian/Croatian proverbs and sayings with their English, French and Russian equivalents. - Close to 1200 proverbs and... more
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      ProverbsLinguisticsBosnian/Croatian/Serbian literatureSerbian linguistics
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      HistorySanskrit language and literatureAyurveda (Sanskrit language and literature)Vedic Sanskrit
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      Srpski JezikSerbian Language
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      HandbookCroatian LanguageSerbian Language
У раду се посматра статус присвојних придева пасји и псећи у савременом српском језику. У првом делу рад се испитује појава суфиксне синонимије у придевским изведеницама пасји и псећи кроз творбену анализу. Како би била извршена творбена... more
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      SemanticsCorpus LinguisticsGenerative AnalysisAdjectives
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      Russian LanguageSerbian LanguageSpatial Adverbs
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      LexicologyEtymologySlavic EtymologySerbian Language
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      Kontrastive SprachwissenschaftSerbian Language
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    • Serbian Language
The paper is about misuse of many words from English language. Although there are plenty of words to be used in Serbian language, people tend to use foreign word to impress others. This thing is widespread among teenagers because they... more
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      Serbian LanguageForeign Words
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      Russian LanguageSerbian LanguageSpatial Adverbs
This short essay - which had to be written in a simplistic and journalistic manner - deals with the "Declaration on the common language", which was signed by more than 200 intellectuals from the Yugoslav space. Presented in Sarajevo at... more
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      Language Policy and Politics of Identity20th CenturyBalkansBosnia and Herzegovina
Резюме Несмотря на бесспорные трудности для абсолютно прецизионного и общепринятого определения уменьшительных морфем, чрезвычайно динамическая частота которых представляет словообразовательный процесс их межъязыковой суффиксаций, она,... more
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      Greek LanguageRussian LanguageDiminutivesContrastive Linguistics
Article available at: http://ahea.pitt.edu/ojs/index.php/ahea/article/download/278/556 In this study Ferdinand and Komlosi analyze the use of Hungarian and Serbian in the city of Szabadka/Subotica, which is located in the Serbian... more
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      LanguagesLanguages and LinguisticsSociolinguisticsYugoslavia
The aim of the paper is to analyze the lexical fields of adjectives FAT and THIN in English and Serbian using the method of contrastive linguistic analysis. The analysis is limited to 22 English adjectives which are compared and... more
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      LexicologySlavic LanguagesEnglish languageContrastive Analysis
Comparative phraseology
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      Ukrainian LanguageSerbian LanguageComparative Phraseology
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      EtymologySlavic EtymologySerbian Language
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      Historical LinguisticsEthnographySlavic LanguagesEtymology
Predmet ovog rada je konceptualizacija vremena pomoću ontoloških metafora u srpskom i španskom jeziku. Kognitivnolingvističke analize konceptualizacije vremena najčešće se usredsređuju na izvorne domene prostora i kretanja. Naš cilj je da... more
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      Conceptual MetaphorConceptual Metaphor TheoryMetaphorSpanish Linguistics
У раду је посматран процес десинонимизације међу именичким деминутивима изведеним од једне основе. Циљ истраживања је да се, у оквиру аналитичког корпуса, укаже на оне примере у којима се од синонимног односа одступа. Према постављеном... more
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      Corpus LinguisticsNounsSynonymySerbian Language
The origins of surname Vekich.
Порекло презимена Векић.
Poreklo prezimena Vekić.
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      HistoryBalkan HistoryMigrationSerbian
Applying Bošković's (2008) generalizations about the typological differences between languages with and without articles (with conclusion that the latter do not project a DP) to the three southeastern Serbian dialects... more
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      SyntaxDP structureNP structureMacedonian language
GRECISMS IN SERBIAN (a review of previous and prospects for future studies) The paper deals with Grecisms which are one of the most widely studied class of loanwords in Serbian. After defining its scope as limited to lexical Grecisms... more
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      Serbo-Croatian LanguageSerbian LanguageGreek Loanwords
The metaphorical correlation in our conceptual system between emotions and fire can first and foremost be traced back to our experiences regarding our own bodies: Certain emotions induce specific somatic reactions that result in a rise of... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsCognitive SemanticsEmbodied CognitionEmbodied Mind and Cognition
Aleksandra A. Janić LEXICALIZATION OF DIMINUTIVES IN THE SERBIAN LANGUAGE Summary The subject of this paper is the lexicalization of diminutives. Lexicalized diminutives are divided into three groups. The following nouns, which... more
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      LexicalizationDiminutivesSerbian Language
Етнолингвистичка истраживања српских говора Косова и Метохије, У: Резултати досадашњих и правци будућих истраживања српских народних говора Косова и Метохије (П. Пипер, Р. Младеновић, ур.), Београд - Косовска Митровица: САНУ, Институт за... more
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      EthnolinguisticsKosovoFieldwork in linguisticsSerbian Language
Међународна научна конференција Лексикографија и лексикологија у светлу актуелних проблема, 28–30. октобра 2020. године, Институт за српски језик САНУ, Београд.
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      LexicologySerbian Languageмиконим
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      Slavic LanguagesMorphosyntaxRole and Reference GrammarRussian Language