Law and philosophy
Recent papers in Law and philosophy
The concept of right stands at the very center of our legal universe. An imaginary alternative legal universe might have similar legal norms to ours, except that they are centered on the concept of duty. Is there any significant... more
Resumo: Objetivando realizar uma análise lítero-jurídica da obra O mercador de Veneza, de William Shakespeare, no sentido de aproximar Direito e Literatura, parte-se de uma revisão crítica no que diz respeito à genericidade teatral do... more
More than a century ago, a great revolution occurred in Iran, the fundamental aim of which was to establish a rule of law system. Accordingly, the concept of law has been one of the most essential though challenging concepts of the... more
Hart and Honoré’s work on causation in the law – first published in 1959 – represented a major turn in contemporary reflection on causation. Causation in the law defended an original contextualist view of causation, which claims for the... more
Proponendo un'analisi dell'evoluzione storico-filosofica delle concezioni di proprietà, l'obiettivo che mi pongo in questa tesi è di cogliere la logica del rapporto fra una teoria individuale ed una sociale che, a turno, hanno... more
Paternalism is widely viewed as presumptively justifiable for children but morally problematic for adults. The standard explanation for this distinction is that children lack capacities relevant to the justifiability of paternalism. I... more
Jurisprudence is thus the study and theory of law. Scholars of jurisprudence, or legal theorists (including legal philosophers and social theorists of law), try to assign a deeper understanding of the nature of law, of legal reasoning,... more
Thèse de doctorat transdisciplinaire, mention "philosophie et sciences sociales" (LIER-FYT (ex-CENJ-Centre Yan Thomas) - EHESS (Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales), soutenue le 22 mai 2019. French and English abstract included... more
J. Doomen, Freedom and Equality in a Liberal Democratic State. Brussels: Bruylant (Larcier), 2014
The aim of this article is to analyse a short period in the life of Karl Marx when he was a student at the Law Faculty at the University of Bonn, and then at the Law Faculty at the University of Berlin. During the period of these,... more
Adam Smith closes the first chapter to Theory of Moral Sentiments, 'Of Sympathy', with a harmless enough assertion: 'We sympathize even with the dead'. Death is not a topic that much interests Smith in Theory of Moral Sentiments. With... more
Study of Logic and Philosophy for Law Students
This legal research based on effects from Constitution Number 12 Year 2012 About Higher Eduaction on Indonesia education systems includings autonomy on academic and non academic aspects for University. Universitas Gadjah Mada is one of... more
Since the end of the American Civil War, scholars have debated the efficacy of various models of community economic development, or CED. Historically, this debate has tracked one of two approaches: place-based models of CED, seeking to... more
Ronald Dworkin’s contributions to legal philosophy have been subject to severe criticism in recent years. Other legal philosophers call his arguments “deflected or discredited,” laced with “philosophical confusions,” and “deeply embedded”... more
Since Andrew Carnegie penned his famous Gospel of Wealth in 1889, corporate philanthropists have championed considerable public good around the world, investing in a wide range of social programs addressing a diversity of public issues,... more
J. Doomen and M. van Schaik (eds.), Religious Ideas in Liberal Democratic States. Lanham, MD/Boulder, CO/New York, NY/London: Lexington Books (Rowman & Littlefield), 2021. Editor (with Mirjam van Schaik). I wrote a chapter (pp. 85-104)... more
Courts and lawmakers trust psychiatric expertise when making judicial and public policy decisions concerning mental health, but is this trust well placed? This paper adopts a philosophy of science approach informed by medical research to... more
This essay on choice of law (private international law) appears in the second edition of the Blackwell Companion to Philosophy of Law and Legal Theory, edited by Dennis Patterson. It is a revision of an entry on the same topic in the... more
Marciani, B., Sotomayor, E. & Cornejo, L. (2020). Justicia Derecho y mercado. Una investigación sobre el Análisis Económico del Derecho en el Perú. Lima-Puno: Cicaj PUCP | Zela El presente capítulo tiene como propósito discutir, desde la... more
With numerous shared aspects, philosophy and law are two distinct but closely interrelated disciplines. With that said, the present paper aims to address the impact of Lockean philosophical inclinations on the process of the US... more
I giudizi di imputabilità devono basarsi sulla valutazione delle capacità generali dell’imputato al momento dell’azione e non della sua “libertà metafisica” rispetto al compimento della particolare azione incriminata. Questo fatto pare... more
Public interest is one of the fundamental concepts of politics, law and moralitiy. However, due to various uses of the concept and theoretical controversies arising from the said uses, meaning of the concept is not clear. In this paper,... more
Visa Kurki’s A Theory of Legal Personhood is an exciting new volume in the Oxford Legal Philosophy series that successfully undertakes the ambitious project its title promises. It offers a workable and unifying account of legal personhood... more
as the front cover says, here Haack offers a sparkling collection of her essays on philosophy, science, religion, law, literature, and life.
Law involves institutions rooted in the history of a society that evolve in relation to surrounding social, psychological, cultural, economic, political, technological, and ecological influences. Law must be understood naturalistically,... more
One who aspires to become a public servant should respect the law and shall not circumvent it in any way. I am with Justice Chico-Nazaria in her dissenting opinion. The questions involve in this case are: 1. is the petitioner a "... more
Resumo: “O círculo de giz caucasiano”, peça do dramaturgo alemão Bertolt Brecht (1898-1956), é aqui analisada sob a ótica do conflito entre ética e política no que diz respeito à justiça. Trabalha-se a ambiguidade conceitual e objetiva da... more
The debate over the merits of originalism has advanced considerably in recent years, both in terms of its intellectual sophistication and its practical significance. In the process, some prominent originalists — Lawrence Solum and Jeffrey... more
The "non-identity argument" has been applied to reject the validity of claims for historic justice, often generating highly unintuitive conclusions. George Sher has suggested a solution to this problem, explaining the harm to descendants... more
“Trauma, lei e literatura: o olhar crítico de Shoshana Felman sobre o Direito” [Prefácio] in: Shoshana Felman, O inconsciente jurídico: julgamentos e traumas no século XX, tradução Ariani Sudatti, revisão técnica Bruno Mendes dos Santos,... more