Recent papers in Lebensraum
This article addresses the grand narratives that have historically manifested themselves through the so-called pan-movements such as pan-Germanism or pan-Slavism, or resurfaced under the names of ‘Greater Germany’, ‘Greater Serbia’ and... more
Les Artamans sont un mouvement de jeunesse fondée en Allemagne en 1923. Cette organisation völkisch et opposée à l’urbanité prône le retour à la terre et le « réenracinement » du peuple allemand, et leur objectif n’est rien d’autre que de... more
President Vladimir Putin's vision of general history and Russia (and Ukraine)'s part in it is a subject matter for historical discourse analysis, based in the article on questionning source referentiality, strategies of generalizing,... more
This article examines the role of two German air force security battalions in the enforcement of Nazi resettlement and occupation security in the primeval Polish forest of Białowieźa. Using the battalion’s documentation, from 1942 to... more
Überarbeitete neue Ausgabe von 2018 mit neuen Erkenntnissen und Wissen über Eigenschaften von energetisierten Wasser. Zu kostenfreien Nutzung, Energetisierung und Heilung. Wichtige Informationen über Wasser und vieles mehr, was damit... more
• Die Welt ist << >> das Geld und die Herrschaft darüber. ( Geld regiert die Welt, dies geschieht und existiert nur in den Köpfen der einzelnen Menschen durch Medienmanipulation ) • Das Paradies auf der Erde entsteht in dem sich... more
Wer unterschreibt denn noch Verträge und bezahlt noch Rechnungen? Der energetisch lebende Mensch trägt keinen Namen und ist unendlich wertvoll. Man erkennt sich am Gesicht, am klang der Stimme und am Gang. Der fiktive, energielose... more
Resena de: Mi Lucha. Historia del libro que marcó el siglo XX, de Sven F Kellerhoff. Buenos Aires, Crítica, 2016 [orig. alemán 2015].
In this paper, I reflect on the theme of Neo-Lamarckian possibilism, which was grafted from the school of regional geography. I examine the proposed bilateral relationship between human societies and their natural environments that were... more
Orders of global power: political and geopolitical reception of the spatial theory of the works of Friedrich Ratzel in twentieth and twenty-first-century Europe (II) Ordnungen globaler Macht. Die geo-und biopolitische Rezeption der... more
This paper addresses the issue of human spatiality as existential givenness, taking as its fundamental orientation relationality, namely the natural tendency towards the other as my co-man (Mitmensch) in order of instituting the basic... more
Vorwort von Frederic Vester: Im herkömmlichen Unterricht erleben wir zurzeit auf erschreckende Weise, wie jenes realitätsfremde, ja fast tabellarische Eintrichtern von Wissensstoff eine jegliche Weiterver-arbeitung des Stoffes... more
Estudio sobre la influencia de la propaganda durante el regimen nazi, con análizis de teorías geopolíticas.
At the German Settlement Exhibition, which was organized by Nazi officials in Munich in 1934, simplified regionalist forms dominated the model neighborhood that was built in Ramersdorf, on the outskirts of the Bavarian capital. However,... more
In “The Tragedy of the Commons,” Garret Hardin outlines a number of social and ecological problems associated with the common usage of resources. As he argues, the implications of eventual resource exhaustion leads to social ruin. In... more
Ο άλλοτε «απαγορευμένος» όρος της «γεωπολιτικής» έχει πλέον, τις τελευταίες δεκαετίες και ιδιαίτερα μετά το πέρας του Ψυχρού Πολέμου, επιστρέψει από την «εξορία», στην οποία είχε υποχρεωθεί να καταφύγει μετά το τέλος του Δευτέρου... more
The conventional view within scholarship of the history is that solely Adolf Hitler conceptualized National Socialism. I challenge this historical perceptive, as I contend that the political-philosophical principals which Nazism espoused... more
So wie ein Großteil der Menschen mit geistiger Behinderung leben auch diejenigen, die zusätzlich als ,dement' bezeichnet werden, nach wie vor hauptsächlich in stationären Wohneinrichtungen (vgl. Theunissen , Kulig 2016, 12 f.). Dadurch... more
Saggio sul sapone Ce n'era sempre un pezzo lì vicino, seguiva le sue proprie fasi, diminuedo come fa quasi ogni cosa per poi riapparire pieno, di un bianco luminescente nella sua vaschetta. Pesava come una pietra nel pugno, schiumava,... more
Zentraler Begriff der Gestalttheoretischen Psychotherapie. Der Begriff Lebensraum geht auf Kurt Lewin zurück, der ihn synonym zu „psychologischer Raum“ und „psychologisches Feld“ verwendet. Lewin faßte Verhalten und Entwicklung des... more
Saggio neo-marxista e neo-repubblicano sugli UFO come religione sostitutiva, il decisionismo di Carl Schmitt, l'iperdecisionismo di Walter Benjamin, lo stato di eccezione, il concetto di Lebensraum e il repubblicanesimo geopolitico, di... more
NOTA DI PRESENTAZIONE Attraverso il presente file possono vengono presentati due paper depositati presso academia edu. (agli indirizzi https://www.academia.edu/9531122/8-_rep%C3%BAblica_republicanismo e... more
This article addresses the grand narratives that have historically manifested themselves through the so-called pan-movements such as pan-Germanism or pan-Slavism, or resurfaced under the names of ‘Greater Germany’, ‘Greater Serbia’ and... more
Per una futura (e si spera non lontana) sintesi politico-culturale Ravenna, 6 maggio 2015 Su “Conflitti e Strategie” (all’indirizzo del blog http://www.conflittiestrategie.it/un-assaggio-di-glg-2-maggio oppure attraverso il... more
‘Teoria della Distruzione del Valore’: teoria elaborata da Massimo Morigi afferente al ‘Repubblicanesimo Geopolitico’, al ‘Repubblicanesimo’, al ‘Neo-repubblicanesimo’, al ‘Marxismo’ e al ‘Neo-marxismo’. Pur condividendo la critica di... more
Il presente file, titolo: Republicanismvs Geopoliticvs Fontes Origines et Via, contiene testi e link di Massimo Morigi sull’estetizzazione della politica e sul ‘Repubblicanesimo geopolitico’. Il ‘Repubblicanesimo Geopolitico’ è una... more
NOTA DI PRESENTAZIONE Attraverso il presente file possono vengono presentati due paper depositati presso academia edu. (agli indirizzi https://www.academia.edu/9531122/8-_rep%C3%BAblica_republicanismo e... more
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PROPEDEVTICVS PRO REPVBLICANISMO GEOPOLITICO Propedevticvs Pro Repvblicanismo Geopolitico è un file contenente link attraverso i quali si possono scaricare due documenti scritti da Massimo Morigi (Itália,... more
Il presente file, titolo: Republicanismvs Geopoliticvs Fontes Origines et Via, contiene testi e link di Massimo Morigi sull’estetizzazione della politica e sul ‘Repubblicanesimo geopolitico’. Il ‘Repubblicanesimo Geopolitico’ è una... more