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Medici patronage in quattrocento Florence plays a pivotal role in the aesthetic articu-lation of the analogy between horticulture and culture. As an acorn fortunately planted may grow to an oak tree, a seed of an idea properly cultivated... more
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      Renaissance HumanismBook ArtsItalian Renaissance ArtGarden History
One of the most important archaeological discoveries in the field of Italian maiolica studies between the late Middle Ages and the early Renaissance is undoubtedly the unearthing of the workshop of the potter Tugio di Giunta and his... more
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      Medieval StudiesMedieval ArchaeologyHistory of FlorenceMedieval Pottery
This book explores the role of glazed terracotta sculpture in Renaissance Italy, from c. 1450 to the mid-1530s. In its brightness and intense colour glazed terracotta strongly attracted the viewer’s gaze. Its pure and radiant surfaces... more
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      Italian Renaissance ArtMaterial CultureTerracotta FigurinesItalian late medieval and Renaissance devotional art, ritual, and patronage
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      Michelangelo BuonarrotiDonatelloJacopo della QuerciaLuca Della Robbia
This essay addresses the renewed controversy regarding Raphael Santi's initial training and introduces substantive evidence in support of the hypothesis that he received his first training from his father Giovanni Santi in Urbino. In... more
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      Leonardo da VinciImitationGiorgio VasariPerugino
On Raphael's first training by his father Giovanni Santi, and the young artist's return to the Quattrocento Florentine sculptural sources of interest to his father.
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      Italian Renaissance sculptureRaphaelGiovanni Santi (Italian Painter)Scultura Quattrocento
A previously unpublished pax of remarkable beauty. This paper discusses a Virgin-Child motif with origins in the early-to-mid 15th century and its association with a copper relief applique known by independent examples and those featured... more
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      Art HistoryNielloItalian Renaissance sculptureRenaissance, Relief sculpture, Donatello
Seit der Wiedereröffnung des Bode-Museums im Jahr 2006 ist der von Wilhelm von Bode 1885 in Florenz angekaufte Madonnen-Altar von Andrea della Robbia wieder in der »Basilika« des Bode-Museums aufgestellt; das Werk zählt unzweifelhaft zu... more
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      Italian Renaissance ArtFlorentine ArtFlorenceRenaissance in Tuscany
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      Contemporary ArtHistory of SculptureSculpturePablo Picasso
In Biblioteca Marciana and Bibliothèque Nationale de France there are two manuscripts which thanks to the fifteenth-century inscriptions can be identified as once belonging to Luca della Robbia. We know very little about the artist’s... more
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      Italian Renaissance ArtTerracotta SculptureLuca Della Robbia
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      Museum StudiesHistory of MuseumsHistoriography (in Art History)Art Market
Luca della Robbia entwickelte Ende der 1430er Jahre aus bekannten Glasurverfahren eine neuartige, für plastische Werke großen Maßstabs geeignete Technik, die seinen Terrakotta-Plastiken eine bis dahin in der Bildhauerkunst unbekannte... more
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      Italian Renaissance ArtArt and technologyFlorentine ArtQuattrocento
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      Italian philologyMarsilio FicinoLuca Della RobbiaDante Convivio
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      Material Culture StudiesItalian Renaissance ArtLuca Della Robbia
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      DonatelloItalian Renaissance sculptureSanta Maria del FioreItalian Renaissance art, Renaissance sculpture
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      Italian Renaissance ArtTerracotta (Art History)Terracotta FigurinesMaterial Culture & Materiality
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      Iconografiamito di OrfeoIconografia musicaleLuca Della Robbia
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      SculptureItalian Renaissance ArtHistory of The Marches (Italy)Luca Della Robbia
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      Italian Renaissance sculptureRenaissance SculptureLuca Della RobbiaDella Robbia Ceramics
Despite the troubled economy of Modern Greece, every effective form of persuasion owes its success to Ancient Greece and the Aristotelian appeals of ethos, pathos and logos.
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      Art HistoryMedia StudiesMedia and Cultural StudiesRenaissance Studies
In Biblioteca Marciana and Bibliotheque Nationale de France there are two manuscripts which thanks to the fifteenth-century inscriptions can be identified as once belonging to Luca della Robbia. We know very little about the artist’s... more
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      ArtItalian Renaissance ArtItalian Renaissance sculptureRenaissance Sculpture
La scultura nel secondo trentennio del 400 ✓ Nei primi decenni del 400 l'arte più sperimentale è la scultura (Donatello e Ghiberti). ✓ La generazione successiva ai grandi maestri conciliò il loro esempio aggiungendovi eleganza e... more
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      Luca Della RobbiaDesiderio Da Settignano
This dissertation presents a new history of fifteenth- and sixteenth-century Italian glazed terracotta sculpture. Invented by Luca della Robbia in 1430s Florence, the medium even today remains synonymous with the Della Robbia name. Luca... more
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      Renaissance ArtSculptureItalian Renaissance ArtItaly
In standard art history, the term “workshop” is mostly used in a pejorative sense, and in a vague way at best. Typically, it either indicates an indistinct team of anonymous, allegedly less gifted collaborators, mostly viewed in... more
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      Art HistoryRenaissance StudiesRenaissancePainting
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      SculptureDrawingsItalian Renaissance sculptureRenaissance Sculpture
An open-access digital repository of high-resolution photographs of and information about over 350 objects. The photographs are freely available for teaching, research, and publication. The resource also includes an interactive digital... more
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      Renaissance StudiesItalian Renaissance ArtEarly Modern ItalyMadonna
An article for the Minton Archive's online 'In Depth' project. September 2017. At first glance, it is easy to dismiss the ostentatious design of Minton’s Ceramic Staircase (1865-7) at the Victoria and Albert Museum as something beyond... more
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      Victorian StudiesSculptureVictorian ArtItalian Renaissance Art
My doctoral research contributed to the AHRC-funded Displaying Victorian Sculpture project at the Universities of York and Warwick and the Yale Centre for British Art. The project culminated in the 'Sculpture Victorious' exhibition of... more
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      Victorian StudiesMuseum StudiesNineteenth Century StudiesMuseum Education
In Britain, over the course of the nineteenth century, Luca della Robbia arose from the forgotten realms of early Italian sculpture to become known, in the words of John Pope-Hennessy, ‘the most popular sculptor of the fifteenth century’.... more
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      Reception StudiesVictorian StudiesMuseum StudiesItalian Studies